Interesting thing that arises from this choice of alignment or arrangement is that the angle φ3 becomes sort of so called free parameter in the whole story. Using again light as a guiding principle, this free parameter might perhaps be expressed as φ3=ωt, where ω would be frequency of light as an EM wave, in our realm represented through the photon as a quantum of EM energy with relation E=ℏω, where ℏ=h/2π is so called reduced Planck's constant.
Although the φ
3 free parameter might be related to Planck's constant, i.e. ℏ, it's probably not related to time as briefly contemplated is the quoted passage, but more likely to elusive spin or helicity or "enigmatic" chirality.
Leaving everybody to choose their own ways to arrange the axes and directions of their reference systems, let's turn our attention to complex scalar part of the biquaternion as perhaps it's time to breathe some life into our almost static picture and, instead of circling the bowl with hot just cooked soft chicken meat like my ex's cat, tackle with the real time in more appropriate manner.
In the general form of biquaternion q = r
iφ0 +
qRe + i
qIm, we explicitly wrote its complex scalar part in the polar notation, (a
0 + ib
0) = r
0) = r
iφ0. This allows us, by following the C's suggestion that "information recorded equals time", to introduce time into our picture in sort of natural way. Time in this context can be put in relation to the speed of rotation in complex scalar plane, that is the speed with which angle φ
0 changes, which can be represented in mathematical terms as Δφ
0 ~ elapsed time or Δt, for which we could use symbol Δt
0 or maybe τ as the "proper time" or "own time" as it is sometimes called in relativity for instance. Factor of proportionality is usually referred to as angular frequency or velocity, or in some contexts speed of rotation, ω
0 = Δφ
0, but these contexts as a general rule consider time to be independent variable, a dimension of its own, outside of possible influences from the let's say consciousness units, which is not the case here as our time as recording of information, presumably by consciousness, is variable and selective.
So, instead of using frequency ω
0, which we still might come back to in the context of frequency of light or knowledge, we might define time in the same units as Δφ
0 or perhaps simply say that one unit of time corresponds to one complete round in the complex scalar plane, that is
Δτ = Δφ0/(2π), so we have a dimensionless value that won't mess up the mathematical apparatus when using and applying it. So, for complex scalar part of biquaternion we now have, (a
0 + ib
0) = r
2πiτ = r
0(cos(2π τ)+isin(2π τ)), that is we got let's say imaginary part of our time in the story.
To have also the real part of the time explicitly visible on the stage, we might express the so called distance from the center of the complex scalar plane, r
0, also as a function of angle φ
0, that is (2πτ). In principle, here again we come to the choice, as the functional form r
0(2πτ) is a matter of personal preference and free will, hopefully based on knowledge. If we choose the simplest form, i.e. r
0=constant, we'll end up running in circles, all the time circling at the same distance from the origin of the complex scalar plane, no matter how many rounds we make there. In that sense, it's perhaps nice to note that nature, on the one hand, and also the C's mentioned it a few times, on the other, shows us so called property or quality of self-similarity (
Wikipedia link). If we would include that attribute into our now moving picture or maybe already a movie, we would also account for so called fractality or the fractal nature of the world and most probably reality. In that sense we might recollect our exercise with spirals few days ago.
We could go directly after the gold in the form of Fibonacci spiral, but guided by all the beauty there is in Creation, we might also realize that the golden spiral is just a special case of more general class of spiraling curves called logarithmic spirals, or in singular, spira mirabilis, which all exhibit the property of self-similarity. Of course, we are perfectly welcome to choose any relation r
0) we wish for and are inclined to, it's just that if our choice is informed by self-similarity quality then the relationship would probably look like r
kφ0, where
A is distance from the center of the complex scalar plane at φ
0=0, or in our time notation when τ=0, and coefficient
k=tanα with
α being so called pitch angle (
Wikipedia link).
Written all together we get for the complex scalar plane or part of a biquaternion
r0eiφ0 = Ae2π(k+i)τ.
By applying series expansion of the exponential function, playful use of different pitches and perhaps rhythmic swinging or spinning sometimes to the left and other times to the right, we can almost do marvels on this plane or miraculous things as the attribute mirabilis might suggest. In conclusion, we found out what the time very likely actually is, got ourselves acquainted with its real and imaginary parts, and hopefully brought some new information, knowledge, light and life into our everyday lives in the process.
Happy learning or have fun until the next time.