Almost everyone, including my family; husband and 2 daughters seem to believe the mainstream narrative, although I have had some influence, sometimes I have to leave the room.

:-( But you're not alone in this, cassandra. Hang in there and keep your calm. Many of us are seeing a huge split, even with people we thought could think a bit. Just do what you can, and remember that we are here.
I sympathize with what you have just written and I can understand that you might be angry and tired. If we take a step up, this "pandemic" reveals the true nature of the people we deal with on a daily basis, our friends, our family, our colleagues and whom we thought we knew sincerely ! One could say that this is the negative part of awareness.

If we reverse the situation, on the contrary, it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to see the invisible, it will allow you to reshape your perceptions, to be more vigilant, to have more objectivity about people and to help you see more clearly within yourself. This is the positive part of awareness. Glass half empty or half full, I bet you'll do wonderfully well, at least that's my wish !

I had my son on the phone last night and that's exactly what he told me, I was happy to hear him say that.
This is such an incredible situation we're living right now. It looks to me like a global MK Ultra experiment and it's hard to see all the ramifications but it looks like an intended economic collapse might occur.
I keep wondering what the C's meant when they said "More to come!"

I'm so glad to have you guys to give some balance to all that craziness. Thank you for the information shared.

Where will it all lead us?
So basically by this shift of not even testing people for Corona and just labeling everything under the sun as possibly Cornona related, the PTB can now essentially extend the artificial crisis in any way they want in terms of "severity" and time duration of the crisis, by shuffling numbers around (especially death numbers) and assign them to Cornona. By the way, I wouldn't put it past the PTB to actually encourage/fuel deaths (elderly come to mind here) which they can assign to the Corona "crisis". At some point I wouldn't put it past them either to actually kill people in some way to make their crisis story more believable and stick better in the population. This will further muddy the waters, increase the hysteria and make it harder to suss out the real numbers.

My thoughts exactly.

I think I was still somewhat shocked when Gaby told me how they are manipulating the whole thing with "international codes" and about everything being filed under COVID. Meanwhile, sick people who need treatments of other kinds are told to stay home because "it's a pandemic, doncha know?"

This thing and the way it is being handled is the damnedest thing I've ever seen.

And the public just swallowing it whole? Insane.
This crazy idea came to me yesterday before sleep:

What if all this measures are taken really for us to not to catch this virus? But not because it is dangerous, but because catching this virus could be beneficial for many people in some way?

Does it make any sense?

I actually thought of that myself a day or so ago but brushed it aside.
Someone asked me if this coronavirus was a threat to people. Sorry, I lost the quote.

Well yes and no. The majority will be okay, just like with the regular flu. A VERY small percentage of healthy people are coming down with a fulminant myocarditis which can be deadly. Keep in mind that fulminant myocarditis, as rare as they are, have been with us from times immemorial. Colleagues and myself remember someone young who ended up needing a heart transplant after coming down with a banal common cold. And this, before even the normal flu madness even began (a decade or so ago). There is published research by the Chinese on cases like these for the coronavirus. Actually, the one published case I read, the patient recovered.

Everyday events that have been with us since the beginning of history are with us here today, regardless of CoronavirusMadnessTM.

C'est la vie. Or as one of the subtitles in the Wave go: Being on 3D STS is hazardous to your health (or words to that effect).
The 'something' inside the virus would have been spread silently with the only signs being people getting the normal influenza symptoms.
'They' feed on fear and are probably gorging right now. Whoever created this virus or any other is no doubt already programmed for entropic deeds, consciously or not. The rest of the programmed are taking it and running with it.
True. I talked to 2 friends that live in the Peninsula and the first thing they told me without even listening to me was: old people are dying in the residences of old people! I told them that surely they are dying because they are very very old and with health complications and that every year old people die by flu. They were incapable to listen to me. Told me (as if I didn't know jeje) that in Italy bla bla bla). Again I told them the same thing but it was impossible to make them listening to me. They listen TV all day so they are brain-washed. They just repeated to me: old people are dying like flies, etc. etc. Used the word Peste, and really they were very very scared. Impossible to stop their fear, to calm them. Like in the movie "They Live!" by Carpenter, this little masterpiece, TV is the ideal tool to control the mind of the population. Also rumors are another very efficace tool. Rumors are another way to control the mind and the feelings of people
The same with my family. It's impossible to reason with them. My eldest sister is an authoritarian type. I stopped talking to her altogether.
On the other hand, this whole situation seems to get me and my partner closer. He never believed the pandemia scenario and looked for facts. Last night, after our son went to sleep I even told him about Laura's work and about this forum. He seemed to be looking for answers. We haven't talk about it this morning... Maybe this whole thing was not so bad afterall..
I cant keep up with this thread :lol: 8 new pages since I was last here yesterday.

This is fresh "from the mint"
The really interesting part regarding cv starts at 4:13 minutes. Another telling piece in this growing puzzle.

Comet ATLAS Coming, Plasma Universe, Interference (coronavirus)

Be safe all!

And throw any fear out the window!
This entire coronavirus came up with lot of govt. pledged money. It means it will become another Ponzy scheme with every body orderly following orders and spread the myth of pandemic.

This month, a chief minister of a south Indian state (Telangana) mocked the hysteria in his characteristic style saying "Coronavirus can't survive Indian temperatures ( + 30C) , we will handle it with so and so measures" etc. His speech Video went viral on Social media. By theevening, he imposed school,business closures and the whole 9 yards. Since he is leader of regional party and opposed federal govt. on number of issues, there is no pressure from above. Why he changed? Federal Govt. pledge 5 billion rupees for this. He wants the money.

There are many issues with the digitization of medical computer systems - Doctor to Insurance companies to pharma companies, Labs, to Govt. ( medicare, medicaid etc.). Digital systems needs standard codes for smooth functioning. They are diagnostic codes, procedure codes. These codes are used for payments, contracts between the payers and providers( doctors, hospitals) and so on. So, What it needs is putting right code, that's it. It will flow on to payments systems, online dashboards and the hysteria so on. That's why i used to think there is limit to which computer systems can improve human health until, humans themselves are cleaner.
Thank you everyone for sharing so much of what you are seeing, reading and experiencing in this situation.:flowers::hug2:
As of today in our federal state meetings of more than five people outside of families living together are forbidden. Good thing we started our day with a larger group of fellow hunters to organise some work that needs to done. This snippet of normality was very welcome.
I find myself talking a lot more to family and friends on the phone. Many are quite reasonable and sceptic with regard to the levels of hysteria. And more often than not I found my worries mirrored that what ever is put into place now under the mantle of damage control will be hard to get rid off. When I talk to people who are frightened I make sure to acknowledge that uncertainty and I try not to add to their burden or if possible give some other perspective on aspects. And those who are happily living out their capo personality I try to avoid when possible.

I think many of us will experience this as a time where the wheat seperates from chaff. That is not always easy and more often than not we will be considered to be the chaff from a mainstream perspective. But I happily accept that verdict in such fine company such as yours.
In the past I used to be much more frightened. Especially as a freelancer with no big safety net to fall back on but somehow desperation is not an option. At the moment I see the situation as a test, a lesson that there is to be learned. And I think despite all that is still to come we have some amazing tools in our kits to get through this.

To sume up these chaotic thoughts: Thank you everyone!
I think I was still somewhat shocked when Gaby told me how they are manipulating the whole thing with "international codes" and about everything being filed under COVID. Meanwhile, sick people who need treatments of other kinds are told to stay home because "it's a pandemic, doncha know?"
I actually expected it to be that way. It's all I have seen the past few years surrounding me while dealing with my health, financial & legal issues. Damn lies and double-edged protocols everywhere to benefit them.
I'm genuinely wondering. How many here prefer the theory that this is a "boogeyman virus"?
Warning. Unsettling images.

Yeah the virus induce pneumonia on some people and they have to stay for a long time in ICU and it's a very bad situation. But the the trick is that the PTB do all what it can be done to AMPLIFIED the epidemic. But of course it's not what they say you and it's done in a more or less subtle way :

- In France people were repatriated from Whuan. Some were confined for 14 days and it made big titles. But another group came and was NOT. They have gone everywhere! Not a word in the press. And take note that even the 14 days quarantine is NOT effective. The viral charge remain 20 days in the body.

- There is around 20 virus/bacterias always present in the population, which give similar symptoms at the start of the contamination. Modern biological tests can determine rapidly if it's the Cov virus or not. Tests have been suppressed, so now everyone is putted under the Cov banner. Stats explode and contamination too because all patients are put together.

- A treatment have been demonstrated effective exist but instead of saying "Wonderful! Let's use it right now", they nitpick about it, discredit the teams who show the effectiveness (no matter their international status) and even remove it from hospital to be sure.

- In France there is no masks. So you have no excuse to go out. I suspect it was done at purpose because I noticed long ago (4 months) that FFP2 masks disapeared form hardware shops.

And it's only a part of the points.

And, in the video, the doctor is so stressed that it's ok to have no protection?

Italia doctor.jpg
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about Trump sounding like he had been crying before a public address (a hitch in his voice) whilst aides in the background looked terrified.
Maybe it is all theater. Politicians, all and their pals, are comedians. They can put tears on their faces, they can seem tired, they can play terror on their faces. For me all of these man and women that appear on tv, specially from the government, are all comedians. They are not real. They play a character in front of us, and I see them as part of the Comedia dell'arte:

Commedia is a form of theatre characterized by masked "types" which began in Italy in the 16th century . (...) The characters of the commedia usually represent fixed social types and stock characters, such as foolish old men, devious servants, or military officers full of false bravado.[6][11] The characters are exaggerated "real characters", such as a know-it-all doctor called Il Dottore, a greedy old man called Pantalone, or a perfect relationship like the Innamorati.[5]

What is real and tragic are the stores closed, the looses of jobs, the misery, the fall of this system and also the fear. But also love, also compassion.

So when I see the president of the country where I am living look tired and pale, I know almost 98% that he has been make-up to look tired, extenuated and pale.
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