This book was published in 1981.
Book name: End of Days
Author: Sylvia Browne

View attachment 34182
The paragraph above the one outlined, reminds me of when I got bed bugs. In the process of ridding them, I took the extra measure of microwaving the clothing, bedding, ect. I burned a couple sheets until I got the settings right, but it worked.

And hospitals microwave bedding. So a microwave might be a handy addition to the mitigation measures.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: NewScientist has become a disgusting Leftist propaganda rag.

Just the subtitle alone "People who argue that covid-19 is no bigger a problem than flu ignore the fact that we lack natural immunity and have no vaccines in our armoury" :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands:

Today, the Dutch govt advised people to stay at home if they show flu symptoms, to work at home if possible, and that all events exceeding 100 people should be cancelled. Schools aren't closing, though. These regulations are put in place until at least the end of the month. Wonder what's next.
BTW, does anyone know how it turned out in China with those high dose Vit C treatments? Has there been any sort of conclusive article published? It surprised me that it actually got some media publicity initially but I guess they will quickly bury it.

Andrew Saul ( says he is working with Dr. Cheng in China who is reporting good results using Vitamin C. However, Facebook calls this fake news when Saul posts it (what a surprise). Saul has a video on his website in which he discusses these things (NEW VIDEO: Coronavirus, Vitamin C, and Censorship: Why are you seeing nothing in the mass media about China already using high-dose vitamin C to prevent and treat COVID-19 coronavirus? Or being falsely told that intravernous vitamin C therapy for coronavirus is "fake news"? )
The same goes for flu deaths. How many people do you know who have died of the flu? I personally don't know anybody. How about people who have been hospitalized. Again, nobody. Have you even ever heard of such a story from a friend or acquaintance of someone they knew of died or was at least hospitalized by the flu? Nope, because it's also incredibly rare. If the numbers of annual flu deaths was even remotely close to the published statistics (pick a number, but maybe 50k/year is ballpark for the official statistics), we would all know someone, sometime in our lives, who died of flu, and even more so we would know someone who was at least hospitalized. In my 51 years of life, that 50k/year number in the US alone would be 2.5M incidents of flu-death. Someone better informed of death-birth model statistics would be able to tell me if this next point is accurate: that means one percent of the average US population over that time period has died of flue. That's not to say that its one percent of every body, given the previously mentioned birth-death statistical models, but it's still a significant number and really calls into question the whole idea that run-of-the-mill flu is dangerous at all. If it were that dangerous, wouldn't we all know it by personal experience by now?

You only know of COVID-19 deaths because of the media. And nearly ALL of them are older people who had serious previous/underlying health problems. Same goes with 'flu deaths' each year. It's so 'normal', it's hardly reported. If you'd been paying attention in recent years though, you'd know that healthcare systems have been at breaking point for some time because of cutbacks and people becoming more sick more often from a whole host of things.

I'm falling off the fence now, and absent some large butterfly fanning me over the other way (it would have to be a Moth-man sized butterfly!), I'm about to land in Italy.
Enjoy the trip aboard the Coronavirus Cruise! 😷🌊🛳
I think we are at a turning point in our history. We have been preparing for this moment probably since 9-11 but certainly things ramped up since then and each time you think the big event may start it petered out and life returned to normal. This time this corona virus situation seems like the shits hitting the fan.

The ptb are are going to use this situation and for them I feel it’s like finishing the jigsaw. The final pieces are been put in place for complete control of the world population. I’m not sure what else will come but I’m sure the internet will be under their complete control very soon. What that will mean I’m not sure though I’d feel lost not been able to communicate here if that transpires.

I also feel that they may be aware of a threat on the way (celestial one) or there planning a show like the alien attack scenario and if things are in lock down it will be easier to deceive the masses. Anyway I feel quite calm though I could be in a better place physically, mentally my mind is calm and clear.

It seems after many years of knowledge shared by Laura, the C’s and the fellowship we are nearing the moment when the ptb are showing their hand and I suppose we aren’t completely clear yet what will transpire it seems like a major move on their part and certainly not in our best interests. As Laura mentioned the C’s said relax and enjoy the show. Let’s be as patient as possible to sit this madness out and see what happens. Madness is in the air at present probably amplified by the recent full moon.

I’m going to try to stock up with some supply’s and I don’t mean panic buy. Try not to get caught up in the insanity and hopefully we can all avoid any trouble. There will be some difficult days, months and maybe years ahead I will try to keep the faith and remember some of the things I have learned here. The C’s also said help is on the way if I remember that correctly. I’m also reminded that it only takes a small number of awakened people to tip the balance favourably whatever I mean by that. There are 7 billion people on earth so i can ask the divine cosmic mind for a few hundred Laura’s or other knowledgeable souls who share their wisdom and show compassion for people here.

I do have faith and that has developed and grown stronger over time. This I feel is what we have been waiting for and all we can do is watch and try not to anticipate. Do what you can in your own way and pray for the best outcome possible for the planet and it’s people. Hopefully I haven’t sounded over dramatic as recently I’ve had a bout of real emotional release it felt like I forgave myself for the many mistakes I made in the past. I apologise if I’ve rambled. Stay strong and stay safe maybe we are going to witness some amazing times.

4th and 5th cases COVID-19 confirmed - 53 yr old man in Stark County and a 55 yr old man in Trumbull County, both hospitalized.
After a fifth Ohioan has tested positive for the coronavirus Thursday, Gov. Mike DeWine announced the state will close schools for the next three weeks and ban gatherings of more than 100 people.

Schools will close at the end of the day Monday until April 3, an action that DeWine said he did not take lightly. The governor said the closure does not include child care facilities.
Acton signed an order today banning gatherings of more than 100 people, the governor said. The ban does not include grocery stores, forms of transit, athletics events that exclude spectators, weddings, funerals or religious gatherings, DeWine said.

“This will not last forever. This is temporary. Everything we’re doing is temporary. We will get back to normal in Ohio,” DeWine said.

At least the Gov. is not further inflaming the situation!
More Ohio and other news:
  • Ohio elections officials are rushing to recruit additional poll workers ahead of Tuesday primary as concerns about the spread of COVID-19 have led hundreds to drop out before Election Day. [Most poll workers are retirees/volunteers who are seniors] So far more than 500 additional people have volunteered to help out.
  • Extra crews called in to clean seats, hand rails and pull cords of Columbus city buses
  • NHL/MLS/NBA halt seasons (Pro hockey/soccer/basketball); MLB delays Opening Day, cancels spring training games (Pro baseball)
  • The NBA said Wednesday night it would pause its season after a Utah Jazz player tested positive for coronavirus. A second Utah player also has tested positive, a person with knowledge of the situation told USA TODAY Sports.
  • NASCAR said it will run races without fans in attendance over the next two weekends, in Atlanta and Homestead, Florida.
  • Broadway closed [the show will not go on!]. New York state will ban events of 500 people or more and impose restrictions on other gathering venues
  • Members of New York’s National Guard rolled into New Rochelle on Thursday to help deliver food and clean institutions in the coronavirus containment area, a 1-mile radius that includes the bulk of a cluster of more than 100 confirmed cases.
  • The only states without reported cases, according to USA TODAY data gathering: Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Montana and West Virginia.
  • President Donald Trump’s announcement of a 30-day ban on “all travel” to the U.S. from continental Europe – the U.K. is exempted – drew a sharp rebuttal from the European Union, which lashed out at the “unilateral” decision.
  • The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, told lawmakers Thursday that it was a “failing” of the American health care system that, unlike in some other countries, not everyone is able to get a coronavirus test if they want one. [Now we know what those missing trillions did not go for!]
  • VP Pence said Thursday that the coronavirus is more serious than the flu. But despite his own office’s recommendations, Pence said he plans to continue shaking hands.
  • The White House announced Thursday that it is suspending public tours for the time being in light of the coronavirus threat. State Department raises global health advisory, advises against travel abroad
  • Princess Cruises announced that it is suspending its global operations for 60 days after the coronavirus forced two of its ships’ passengers into quarantine. All operations will be suspended March 12-May 10.
  • Americans trying to get home from Europe on Thursday found that flight prices for major U.S. airlines had soared. [Several airlines had been running near empty 'ghost flights'as CV-19 hit passenger numbers]
  • Ireland Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who is in Washington for annual St. Patrick’s Day events, ordered a shutdown of schools, colleges and child care facilities in Ireland and said large gatherings of people should be canceled
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This whole situation clearly shows how people are gullible, naive and base their view of reality on what the media say. It is a sad thing to observe...

Paraphrasing what I heard from an acquaintance:
I'm old and I remember many illnesses.. there was this swine flu for example, but I don't remember there was ever something as dangerous as this new coronavirus.

And something like this:
I'm not afraid of the flu at all. I'm not gonna die from it, I'm vaccinated. But with the coronavirus, it's much different!

At least the kids have a little fun in this situation. I've heard some of them running out of school with joy and shouting: "Holidays! Holidays!!!"

I prepared an infographic about Sodium Bicarbonate. If you like it, please share it, so maybe it will help somebody.


Polish version:
Interesting metaphor for the corona virus that this guy uses.

'Tsunami has arrived': Coronavirus likened to natural disaster and even METEORITE HIT in Spain

It is a real tragedy. I am very sad for all the people who will loose their job, many little stores that will close, Hotels that will go bankrupt, people who work in hotels will loose their jobs, etc etc. Wow. The tsunami will be as big as the Japanese one, so terrible that I don't want to think about it because it gives me dizziness.
Another helpful tip...

I like the sodium bicarbonate tips, and tried it before. But I had to double check to see if what people were talking about was what I thought it was: baking soda. So, some people might think it is something exotic if they're unfamiliar, and if you put baking soda in parentheses, then they know right away what it is. And that it is very easy to find and not expensive.
I think somebody in this thread already started this but i can't find the post.
Comparison of countries' life expectancy with average coronavirus death age.
I could only find it for Italy and USA so far:
Country/Region  Life expectancy at birth (in years)  cv dead avg. age
                Overall    Female     Male           
Italy           83.4       85.4       81.1           81
United States   78.9       81.4       76.3           80
Men in the USA got older than average with the help of coronavirus.:-P


Life expectancy taken from: List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia


According to Italy’s national health institute, the average age of those who have died was 81


During today's White House press briefing, US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said:
“People over the age of 60 are much more likely to develop complications from the coronavirus and to be hospitalized. The average age of death is age 80
Source: US Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

This book was published in 1981.
Book name: End of Days
Author: Sylvia Browne

View attachment 34182

Oh wait, she was a psychic!

From the Amazon blurb:

Religious wars, global terrorism, pandemics, and genocide have all helped to usher in the Anxiety Age. Who better to lead the way out than popular psychic Sylvia Browne?

In End of Days, Browne tackles the most daunting of subjects with her trademark clarity, wisdom, and serenity, answering such difficult questions as: What's coming in the next fifty years? What do the great prophecies of Nostradamus and the Book of Revelation mean? If the world is really going to end, what will unfold in our final hours?

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