This whole situation clearly shows how people are gullible, naive and base their view of reality on what the media say. It is a sad thing to observe...

Paraphrasing what I heard from an acquaintance:

And something like this:


At least the kids have a little fun in this situation. I've heard some of them running out of school with joy and shouting: "Holidays! Holidays!!!"

I prepared an infographic about Sodium Bicarbonate. If you like it, please share it, so maybe it will help somebody.

View attachment 34187

Polish version:
View attachment 34188
Really useful infographic, Łukasz! :thup:
Just back from a reconnaissance to local supermarkets. Was met in our local Aldi by endless empty shelves. The same elsewhere.

Spoke to staff. Apparently the queues started around the block before the store open at 9.00am. They immediately had 6 lanes of tills opened that ran non stop (with queues down the shop) until 2.00pm when they slowly dropped off once the store was empty. Were they expecting a delivery as normal tomorrow? 'Oh yes, the Lorry will arrive full as per normal at 7.00am and we will work until 9.00am to restock when the doors will open again - we expect it to be much worse tomorrow though because the schools were only shut down lunchtime today. But there is another delivery first thing Saturday morning - a huge one. We tell people this but they don't listen.'

Loo roll all gone and used by tomorrow I assume...

I tried sharing a joke, openly laughing, muttering 'Madness, madness' with the few lonely shoppers considering whether to buy cat food or tampons as a stand by - and was surprised how many people wanted to join in or broke out laughing, muttering back, 'I can't believe I'm doing this either... everyone's gone mad!'

Girl at check out 'We've heard of fights breaking out at the next store down to us. The Police were called. Fights over loo roll I think...'

Left in quite good humour. Welcome to Ireland, March 2020.
Like Ken Wiber or not, this oft-repeated quote is worth considering: "Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time."

What does that mean? Everybody can be a little bit right at the same time.

The disease can be a low probability pandemic-causer, and yet develop into a nasty health crisis for complex reasons.
There can be a Consortium working towards globalization, and while the main drivers of mayhem are simply the accidental crashing about of psychopaths with divergent interests.
There can be a corrupt actors at the highest levels of powerful institutions, at the same time there are loads of sincere folks occupying adjacent offices.
The C's can be right to give warning about planetary disruptions at the same time they can be giving advice on how not to make a big deal out of it.
Not making a big deal out of it can mean just going about your business normal-flu-season style as well as encouraging wide-spread quarantines to prevent health system crash.

I"m still not seeing any nuance in these discussions. Everyone is entrenched. Why?

Because we can be both open-minded and biased at the same time.

What I find is the inner tension is a necessity for learning. Maybe those who've carved out their position have learned everything there is to learn. Faust thought so too, until he didn't, and by that atonement, "Gerettet!"
Amazon tells all employees to stay home amid coronavirus fears
  • Amazon told all 750,000 of its employees around the world to stay home if they can amid the coronavirus outbreak.
  • The company previously told employees in some of its offices, including Seattle, New York, New Jersey and the Bay Area, to work remotely.
Amazon said it’s encouraging all employees who can work from home to do so to enable greater social distancing and lessen the impacts on public transportation. The directive applies to all employees whose work requires them to be in an office, store, fulfillment center or in vehicles making deliveries.

Additionally, Amazon said it would continue to pay all of its hourly employees that support its office around the world. This includes food service employees, security guards and janitorial staff.

Unlike employees at Amazon’s corporate offices, many fulfillment center employees and delivery drivers cannot carry out their job duties while working from home. Amazon’s sprawling fulfillment network, which powers the one-day and two-day delivery customers have come to expect, employs more than 250,000 workers at more than 110 sites across the country. The company also relies, in part, on its own network of delivery service partners and Flex drivers to handle the last mile portion of the delivery process.

On Wednesday, Amazon moved to address the unique needs of fulfillment centers and delivery by launching a $25 million relief fund. The “Amazon Relief Fund” will allow these employees to apply for grants that are equal to or up to two weeks of pay if they’re diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.

The company also said it will provide up to two weeks of pay to all employees diagnosed with COVID-19 or placed into quarantine, effective immediately. This is in addition to unlimited unpaid time off for all hourly employees through the month of March
, which CNBC previously reported.

Earlier this week, Amazon told employees at its New York and New Jersey offices to work from home if they can until the end of the month. Last week, Amazon told employees at its offices in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Seattle area to work from home if they can until the end of the month. The announcement came after an employee in one of its Seattle offices tested positive for COVID-19.
It would seem a lot of these workers are going to be up a creek without a paddle if they don't test positive for CV-19 or get quarantined. How many live paycheck to paycheck?

Elon Musk says ‘the coronavirus panic is dumb’ as tech peers shift to remote work
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This book was published in 1981.
Book name: End of Days
Author: Sylvia Browne

Apparently it was published in 2008.

Sylvia Browne bibliography - Wikipedia

A few more of her (less accurate) predictions from a few pages before and after the image above:

"Sometime between 2008 and 2020 I see a sitting president dying in office of a heart attack. The vice president who assumes the presidency will stun the world by announcing his intention to declare war on North Korea in light of his accurate belief that they actually are in possession of weapons of mass destruction. His efforts to rally congressional and international support for this declaration of war will be resoundingly unsuccessful and the source of enormous alarm, and he’ll be assassinated before his term ends.

In about 2013 or 2014, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis (MS), and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) will be defeated through some highly specialized use of the human growth hormone.

Pope Benedict will be the last elected Pope. His reign will be succeeded by a new Catholic practice of selecting a college of cardinals, essentially a triumvirate of popes who will collectively share papal responsibilities.

The year 2020 will mark the end of the U.S. presidency and the executive branch of the government. Let’s just say the American public will finally be fed up by then and leave it at that."
Formula 1 in Melbourne australia cancelled due to corona 19, LOL what a plublicity stunt.

I know that nobody care about formula one but this is big elite sport, after Trudeau wife, tom hanks etc. they need those stunt to infuse more fear and chaos. By the way my wife work for the father of a formula one driver, that why I know. They are all playing along. knowingly or not.
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It is a real tragedy. I am very sad for all the people who will loose their job, many little stores that will close, Hotels that will go bankrupt, people who work in hotels will loose their jobs, etc etc. Wow. The tsunami will be as big as the Japanese one, so terrible that I don't want to think about it because it gives me dizziness.

Yeah it won't just be the hospitality industry either this is really really a time to be careful. Between the coronavirus shutdown and the oil war the recipe for a deflationary bust in the West is pretty much upon us. You then have a corporate debt crisis rippling into a sovereign debt crisis. If we start seeing world leaders taken down by it (unlikely if it's really "just a cold") or at least more major financial centers locked down then things start to unwind faster and faster, you have VIX hitting 100 and markets imploding basically. So yea even if the virus is a nothing-burger in the end we're close to at least a mini apocalypse anyway at this point unless they put the breaks on this thing really quick.
This whole situation clearly shows how people are gullible, naive and base their view of reality on what the media say. It is a sad thing to observe...

Paraphrasing what I heard from an acquaintance:

And something like this:


At least the kids have a little fun in this situation. I've heard some of them running out of school with joy and shouting: "Holidays! Holidays!!!"

I prepared an infographic about Sodium Bicarbonate. If you like it, please share it, so maybe it will help somebody.

Wonderful, well done !

I have a story to share, and a link.

First the link : I posted your infographie, I would suppose that you are fine with this ? (team working :-) )
Here's the link to : Bicarbonate-VSCorona
Do we say "share it ?" You decide Łukasz :)

Story is that yesterday, i thought about doing something more for all people, i wrote a text but did not post it, i'm used to go in details. But the main idea was the following : summarize to people WHY VitC, Bicarbonate, Elderberries and Zinc are proven to be useful, by bringing knowledge. And I wrote the idea to make PDF first, (then videos) which explain that rapidly, 1st page of the PDF would the summary, and all other pages are more details and proofs (studies, experiments, etc ...) are given for those who want to know more (yes they exist, all can change, and this virus is the right knock-on-the-head schock that they needed to decide to read the detail, and learn some pure and simple truth, and who will probably spread once convinced, let's start a virtuous circle, knowledge is the key)

And you did it, so short and so well summarized.

Now, think about all the different summaries and "long version" that could be created for the 4 ones : VitaminC, Bicarbonate, Zinc, Elderberries, in various languages, there's plenty of work to be done. Is it worth it ? Who could help to ?

I'll work to traduce your last infographi it in french.

I was wondering, why not inaugurate a team-work ? Community-work ? People here would send you traductions in various languages and you rapidly create a traduced version, if you have time to do it of course. As i'm used to play a little bit with 2D I work now no the french version, will post it here soon. We can create an independant post in another forum to summarize all the links to the document (that will be hosted somewhere, simply), anybody can then go on this page to copy a link when spreading the information to his family :)

I have good ideas at this moment, I'm working on solutions, it's my ... well, i feel this is what has to be done, dunno ^^
I am flabbergasted! the show is fantastic. One by one the actors make their appearance, like little robots. Maybe they are brain-washed by a superior force. And like parrots they talk and say the same discourse than the others. It is like a dance, very well synchronised. And they come in front of the theatre one by one, like little plastic soldiers. To see this is something! Thanks C's. You are right. We should enjoy the ride.
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