From the referenced 2015 Dr. Lanka pdf:
A different approach to the virus phenomenon is possible and necessary: any layman with some background knowledge reading scientific papers about pathogenic viruses can realize that such viruses do not exist and what is being described are only typical components and characteristics of cells. This background knowledge will be provided in this article.
IOW, what's been identified as viruses (invading pathogens that cause illness/disease) do exist except they are in reality something else - "typical components and characteristics of cells".

[Proceeding to read more . . . ]

This virus debate is seeming more and more like the Darwinism vs Intelligent Design debate. I guess they are somewhat the same.
From the referenced 2015 Dr. Lanka pdf:

IOW, what's been identified as viruses (invading pathogens that cause illness/disease) do exist except they are in reality something else - "typical components and characteristics of cells".

[Proceeding to read more . . . ]

This virus debate is seeming more and more like the Darwinism vs Intelligent Design debate. I guess they are somewhat the same.
Thanks JEEP. I'm likely to get nailed-to-the-cross for bringing it up on a local forum. I need to get educated asap :grad:

Speaking of which: "A never-before-seen COVID-19 variant has been identified in xxxx County". This is the news-of-the-day back home.

“Genomic sequencing of the samples was conducted by Chan Zuckerberg Biohub (CZ Biohub), a nonprofit medical research organization that has been responsible for about 45% of the genomic surveillance in California"

So now ole Mark owns a lab that does genomic sequencing to "find" new variants? And with a backing from Stanford amongst others. I am assuming that they are the lab where samples are sent to be "tested" with the wholly accurate rtPCR test?

He and Bill sure like the medical field as of late.
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Dr. Lanka continued:
It is important to note that the theories of fight and infection were accepted and highly praised by a majority of the specialists only if and when the countries or regions where they lived were also suffering from war and adversity. In times of peace, other concepts dominated the world of science.2 It is very important to note that the theory of infection – starting from Germany – has only been globalized through the third Reich, when the Jewish researchers, most of which had opposed and refuted the politically exploited theories of infection, were removed from their positions.3
The globalists milk the Coronacrisis for all they can. The WHO is not necessarily all aboard with the globalists. Hence the re-evaluating of positions taken. Elections are the crowbar into ending the sovereignty of countries. Therefore the C-Crisis demand mail-in-voting to stop the spread, leading the 'right party' to win. Intelligence takes total control of the narrative. Some color revolution troops fabricate resistance to crush, and for reasons to subvert opposition.
The anti-racist riots brake open the cities to build-back-better to accommodate the farmers that will lose everything by the climate change, and maybe the zoonotical risks. And, the fake meat factories can be build there.

I guess this playbook will show in different places in the future.
Is this real, happening, just a rumor, did not the Cs say somebody can specifically be targeted?
i feel a bit conspirational-crazy when bringing this up outside the forum.
I know an elderly woman whose husband passed away last week. He had a long standing respiratory problem and in years past had been hospitalized a few times for breathing difficulty. It happened again so he was in the hospital the last few weeks. He seemed to be doing fine and then suddenly he was gone. A nurse had told her that he kept trying to take off his mask, and why wouldn't he since he had breathing difficulties. The elderly woman says he didn't die of COVID, but the officials put COVID on the death certificate, probably for the money. She doesn't know if they gave him the vaccine, and speculates if they did then that's what killed him.

The elderly woman and their daughter wanted an open casket viewing for the funeral ceremony, but the funeral homes won't allow it because of COVID on the death certificate. They're forced to cremate the body, but even that has a month long waiting list due to COVID bureaucracy.
I know an elderly woman whose husband passed away last week. He had a long standing respiratory problem and in years past had been hospitalized a few times for breathing difficulty. It happened again so he was in the hospital the last few weeks. He seemed to be doing fine and then suddenly he was gone. A nurse had told her that he kept trying to take off his mask, and why wouldn't he since he had breathing difficulties. The elderly woman says he didn't die of COVID, but the officials put COVID on the death certificate, probably for the money. She doesn't know if they gave him the vaccine, and speculates if they did then that's what killed him.

The elderly woman and their daughter wanted an open casket viewing for the funeral ceremony, but the funeral homes won't allow it because of COVID on the death certificate. They're forced to cremate the body, but even that has a month long waiting list due to COVID bureaucracy.
This is criminal but is happening consistently all over the world. The covifld fear campAign appears to have made us stupid and willing to accept anything no matter how ridiculous it is.
Two different ladies in their '70's have each told me recently that their respective doctors have urged them not to take a coronavirus vaccine until at least a significant amount of the population have been exposed to see how things will unfold. So it seems that even though not all doctors that disagree with the vaccine can speak out publicly, they're still putting a message out quietly in their own way.
Any strategy that successfully manipulates public opinion is bound to be repeated, and we can now clearly see how the tobacco industry’s playbook is being used to shape the public narrative about COVID-19 and the projected post-COVID era.
This is the introductory paragraph to Dr. Mercola's article, Mercola: The Web Of Censors Behind The Censors.

After investigating the strategies used by Monsanto and Bayer, we can now see that the same playbook is being used by Big Tech and Big Pharma to shape the public narratives about COVID-19 and the Great Reset. Again, a central facet of these campaigns is to silence critics, in particular those with large online followings, including yours truly.

I have been publicly labeled a “national security threat” to the U.K. by Imran Ahmed, a member of the Steering Committee on Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force under the British government’s Commission for Countering Extremism and the chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

According to Ahmed, I and others who question the safety and necessity of a COVID-19 vaccine may be prone to violent extremism. This defamatory statement clearly has no basis in reality whatsoever. Rather, it’s part of the propaganda aimed at destroying the opposition — in this case the opposition to the technocrats driving the Great Reset agenda, which spans across social, economic and health related sectors.

As reported by the National Vaccine Information Center, which was also on the CCDH list of national security threats:3

“The anonymously funded CCDH also has an office in Washington, D.C. and the defamatory publicity campaign created in December 2020 was designed to not only discredit NVIC’s four-decade public record of working within the U.S. democratic system to secure vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws, but to destroy our small charity.”

Publicis Is an Organizing Force in the Great Reset Deception​

Public deception is now being carried out at a mass scale, and the whole thing appears to be led and organized by another major PR firm, this time the Publicis Groupe, self-described as “one of the world’s largest communications groups,”4 which represents major companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries.

Publicis is also a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.


The Covid Pandemic Is the Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment

Why are authorities enforcing ineffective measures while ignoring proven successful measures that greatly reduce the Covid threat and perhaps eliminate it altogether? Is it because the proven measures are inexpensive and offer no opportunity for large profits from vaccines? Is it because the “Covid pandemic” is useful for mandating control measures that curtail civil liberties? Is it because the lockdowns decimate family businesses and enable further economic concentration? The answer is “yes” to all three questions.
I asked a distinguished virologist if the Oxford professor was correct, and was told: “Yes, Covid vaccination does and will cause more mutations.” There already are a number of variants, and the South African government has reported that the vaccine it has purchased is not effective against the Covid strain in South Africa.
The failure of governments and health authorities to employ these proven means amounts to premeditated mass murder.
The massive disinformation campaign waged against effective prevention and treatment does not come from ignorance and incompetence of public authorities. It comes from the agendas that Covid is being used to advance, agendas whose toll in human life and suffering is unimportant to those whose agendas are being served.
Report into the death of 12 elderly patients in Ireland following vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech experimental gene editing injection vaccine. Relax, they all had underlying health issues and, even though the one thing all the victims had in common was death within a few days of the Pfizer dose, there is absolutely no evidence that they died of the vaccine. So says slighter smarter than the world's most incompetent detective, Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) of Ireland:
Special International Meeting
Investigative Corona Committee Berlin
“The Great Recall - International”

4+ hours (mixed languages)
With many lawers around the world, including Robert F Kennedy Jr first out

Who already in the beginning is telling us that Gates does not find 2 shots to be sufficient (despite the vast lack of good data regarding efficiency of the “vaccines”), so Gates recommend 3 shots of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna vaccines, as well followed by several “boosters” later on


(here I have to put in something from earlier meetings. The mix of two different mRNA vaccines; 1 jab with one, second with a different mRNA) is a really very bad idea with even more unforeseen consequences, which are harder to track down in detail, and more difficult to investigate medically, but apparently - two different mRNA types of jabs combined/mixed, is how it is often practiced in the US).

So. There we go.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the most wicked of them all ? Gates for sure makes a good candidate. Wicked and wrinkly. One of many in the Game.

The psycho puppet is once again changing the recipe a little “for what is best for our breakfast”. Now we see what we already have been discussing here in the forum; the suspected increase of mRNA jabs. Followed by regularly given “boosters” enabling an indefinite evil spiral.

Boosters sound so... ‘healthy’, don’t they ? :barf:

I have not come any further in the video, as I have to checkup trains for the next mornings departure out of the depot.
XPan, thank you for posting this conversation between lawyers, from several different countries, contributing a facinating breakdown of our current health situation and possibilities to legal action to counteract these crimes against humanity. I was surprised that I particularly enjoyed hearing each speak in their own language and then have it translated. It felt like parts of my brain were trying to make new neural and emotional connections to make some understanding before being given the answer.

It also gave me hope that these intelligent, caring people are putting their heads and resources and collecting experiences together in the hope of planning and executing positive global change for humanity. Personally, I think that legal resistance is the the best course of action. We have seen what happens when judicial proceedings are corrupt ( allowing no investigation of obvious voting fraud ) in contrast to winning in court when we have been so silenced ( Trumps’ acquittal ). I look forward to following them and pray for their protection.
The hypocrisy of politicians: Dutch politician Hoekstra tweeted "Exercise is great fun and also very healthy. Especially in these times it is important that we keep moving. Together with @SvenKramer86 I skated in beautiful #Thialf [an ice rink] #Together StrongerbySport #CDA [name of the political party]"

He tweeted it along with a picture of him skating on an ice rink that's been closed to the public for two months:

I should also mention that he voted against opening up the gyms, yet he tweets that it's important to exercise. The tweet angered many people and now he says it was a mistake and that he shouln't have skated. :rolleyes:
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