My interest in GNM is based on the theory that The Divine Cosmic Mind IS in charge and perfect.
Natures laws, and all the living beings on this planet, are not full of flaws.
The concept that viruses and other microorganisms are pathogenic to humans & other life-forms, and the concept that the DCM is "in charge and perfect" are not mutually exclusive from one another. They are consistent.
What makes you think that the "intention" of the DCM is to manifest a situation on earth where every living being exists in perfect health and harmony with the environment? This is an idealistic position which is wrought with its own flaws. It would help not to make any assumptions about what the DCM does, or does not, "think" is the most suitable learning environment for different life-forms. The conditions of any environment naturally fluctuate between more chaotic/entropic, and more ordered/harmonious for reasons that I don't profess to understand, but that the C's have alluded to on many occasions.
It would seem that the chaos which we are witnessing is not only reflected in physiological illness/dysfunction, but also in the collective psychology and behavior of humans, the environment and plant/animal kingdoms, and weather phenomena. If the DCM encompasses all existence, then these changes must be happening for very specific and functional reasons.
Genetic errors, mutations, devolution, susceptibility to pathogenic infection, toxicity... all of these things exist as a natural consequence of 3D-STS life on earth, and likely serve their purpose at this particular time as a necessary condition and stepping stone for growth and development. To think otherwise is foolish and is based on the assumption that humans "know what is best" in the big scheme of things.
That the DCM is "perfect" in the ultimate highest sense, categorically does NOT mean that life on 3D earth will be "perfect". Equating the two is similar to applying the New Age concept of Oneness to 3D life forms. Higher truths are not always practically relevant at different levels of density.
Why were humans "catching" these diseases and illnesses?
Illnesses that mysteriously happen, or in med speak "Cause unknown" that can only be controlled but usually not cured by drugs and surgery.
It is not just humans who catch disease. Animals in the wild have been susceptible to outbreaks and this has been well-documented for at least hundreds of years.
That humans are also susceptible to pathogenic invasion has also been known for probably thousands (if not many more) years. Traditional healers who were indeed much more in touch with nature (think South American shamanic traditions) regularly used anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic botanical medicines to treat their tribe members.
The concept of infectious disease is
not an artifact of western medical thinking, but is present among ALL natural medicinal traditions dating far back. When humans become toxic, as we generally are now, then we have an increased susceptibility for this. But being toxic is not the only
cause of these manifestations. Rather, it is an antecedent.