One surprising thing that has happened in NZ since the first batch of vaccines arrived and people started celebrating. Suddenly, just like that, there is no further mention of the 'pandemic" overseas. No coverage of new case numbers, no coverage of death tolls. NZ used to have a daily diet of breathless reporting of this data, particularly from the US and the UK. Now it is just gone. Fascinating
Interesting links:

"100,000 Euros for giving evidence that measles are a viral disease – this sum awarded in 2014 after more than 200 years of discussions of viruses and after 100 years of research that gave positive evidence." ~Simons

"Well, I would love to rechannel the money Mr. Lanka has made with his publications against vaccinations into new vaccination programs." ~Bardens

Add the graphs showing how vaccines all but ended measles. And the "Interactive map of The Council for Foreign Relations showing the reported measles outbreaks of 2015" emphasizing a large outbreak in Germany, apparently due to the "quacks" who refuse the vaccine. E.g "follow Lanka's theory".

It seems like damage control/ "get your vaxx today"/ don't believe this "quack". To me anyway. (I'm very much NOT into vaccines as well)

I posted those links to explain what happened with Lanka's court case(s). He won them, but he is completely misleading his followers by claiming that his legal victory means there is 'no measles virus'.

Your other source, Africa Check: "Anti-vaccination movements and vaccine hesitancy are linked to increased outbreaks of measles in both wealthier countries, and poorer countries such as South Africa." E.g "get your poison coctail now!"

"Africa Check is a partner in Facebook’s third-party fact-checking programme to help stop the spread of false information on social media.". Really?

And here: "According to independent pharmaceutical journal DAZonline...". "Independent"? Can a "pharmaceutical journal" be trusted to give an "anti-vaxxer" a fair shake?

Again, seems a bit like damage control and/or a mild jab at "vaccine hesitancy". Fact-checkers in general are questionable depending on where there funding comes from. Big Pharma/facebook in this case? Why are there really "outbreaks"?

From your wayback link:

"Disappointing outcome of Bardens vs. Lanka: measles proven to exist, but anti-vaxxer Lanka keeps his money".​

Back to the "anti-vaxxer" bs. You don't think this source might be a little biased? "Proven to exist"? Yeah?
Of course 'the other side' will portray him as an 'anti-vaxxer'. He probably is one, but that's irrelevant to the reason why I posted those links.

Do you understand what I'm trying to point out here, what Lanka is claiming? He claims viruses do not exist!!!
I'm in no position whatsoever to agree with Dr. Lanka. I may or may not look into it further but I do see a lot of energy put into attacking his ideas. And apologies Niall but your sources are questionable. To me anyway.

Also, after reading some of his papers, it does not seem like he is a "virus denier" which is a common mode of attack. Rather that virus, alone, is not responsible for disease.
He is a virus denier. See Pierre's most recent post.
I posted those links to explain what happened with Lanka's court case(s). He won them, but he is completely misleading his followers by claiming that his legal victory means there is 'no measles virus'.

Of course 'the other side' will portray him as an 'anti-vaxxer'. He probably is one, but that's irrelevant to the reason why I posted those links.

Do you understand what I'm trying to point out here, what Lanka is claiming? He claims viruses do not exist!!!

He is a virus denier. See Pierre's most recent post.

Indeed is sounds like he is not at all fond of vaccines and the msm does take advantage of that to discredit him.

Which is odd because he should be easily proven wrong.

In the Dr. Barden's story [The Bardens vs. Lanka Case | an Interview with David Bardens – Positivism], the comment section is interesting. From what I gather the end result of Lanka winning was neither on a technicality nor did the court agree with his assessment.

It sounds like his offer was "if you can provide a single source that proves measles is caused by a virus". Barden provided six different sources which, when added up, may prove Lanka wrong but that is not what he asked for.

Therefore he was not obliged to pay out.

I hadn't read some of the Lanka quotes you provided before Pierre so much appreciated. I've only read a couple papers and maybe an interview or two. From what I understand he is not an English-speaker, usually anyway?

So could there be a lost-in-translation issue? (as far as virus-denier goes)

Not a biggie, I'll move on. The local forum didn't nail me after all and science....I'll leave to others much more educated.
On another thought: I did a search here for Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

Not much came up but no red flags from what I read.

His information is quite explosive and from what I was reading today certainly focused on "controlled opposition".

Dr. Mercola came up quite a bit in this regard. And many others...

Any thoughts as to his agenda? I only read a bit and may not read more but wow, there is a whole lot there. Especially if it is valid.

(I've read a lot of Mercola's pose as well as read/listened to many of his interviews)
Any Spanish speakers... What are they saying here?

The woman received the vaccine, and when she fell into a convulsive state, no doctor from the hospital showed up to treat her. That's what people are saying, demanding that medical personnel show up to treat her. Only two police officers showed up to treat her. Only after more than 15 minutes in that state did a nurse arrive with a stretcher to admit her.

Translated: Google Translate

Biden and the G7 join the Covax Facility, under the control of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO and large laboratories​

By Red Voltaire

The new president of the United States, Joe Biden, participated for the first time in a summit conference, on the occasion of the videoconference of G7 heads of state and / or government, held on February 19, 2021.

The final communiqué of the G7 , with an ultravoluntary tone, only contains 2 specific announcements:

-The G7 participate in what the paper called the " COVAX facility 'to ensure equitable global distribution of vaccines Covid-19.
-The G7 reactive globalization ... but" improve it "as it says it will also be "Equitable".

Next news:

Translated: Google Translate

Carla Vizzotti: from the Guest Foundation and WHO to the Ministry. A crusade of vaccines and the favorite of large laboratories​

The new head of the Ministry of Health in Argentina is Dr. Carla Vizzotti, a crusade for mass vaccination. The former number two of Ginés González García is an honorary member of the “Fundación Vacunar” , she was founder and President of the Argentine Society of Vaccination and Epidemiology (SAVE), she has been director of the study center for the prevention and control of communicable diseases (CEPyCET) at the Isalud University (a private entity linked to Ginés González García), is a Member of the Vaccine Commission of the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases (SADI) and has also worked as a Consultant for the Analysis of Health Strategies at the Fundación Host, the entity run by Dr. Pedro Cahn, between 2007 and 2016 was in charge of the "strategy for the control of immunopreventable diseases" of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, a position from which he was responsible for expanding the vaccination schedule mandatory to include 20 vaccines (it should be remembered here that in Europe in many countries vaccination is not mandatory and in those where the amount is usually less than 10), he was the Argentine representative in the advisory committee on immunization practices of the World Organization Of the health.

Some context on this latest news item. Outgoing minister Gines Garcia has been embroiled in a scandal over "vip vaccination" where members of the national government and other areas had vaccines administered outside the agreed schedule. In other words, they did it in an exclusive and almost private way. It was a journalist with liberal/left-wing leanings who had the cheek to say on his radio show that he had been vaccinated on the advice and suggestion of Gines Gracia, the latter being the one who gave him the date and place for the vip vaccination. The scandal also seems to be associated with what is understood to be a manoeuvre by the laboratory Pfizer to displace this minister, since, as published in previous articles, Pfizer is Blackrock and Argentina is one of its debtors. Pfizer (Blackrock) suggested to the national government that natural resources such as glaciers be included as part of the payment. This was neither accepted nor tolerated by Gines Garcia, and was completely unconscionable. However, his "mistake" in benefiting his friends cost him his job. The new minister on the other hand obeys the interests of pfizer and other laboratories.
Has anyone seen this site ? (COVID-19 Studies)

What looks like a highly interesting (and detailed) site revolving Covid-19 studies on following:

• Ivermectin
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin C
• Zinc

• PVP-I (Povidone Iodine Mouthwash, Gargle, and Nasal Spray to Reduce Nasopharyngeal Viral Load in Patients With COVID-19)
• FLV (fluoxamine, anti-depressant)
• REGN (is an artificial "antibody cocktail")
• LY-CoV (Lilly's neutralizing antibody bamlanivimab "vaccine", LY-CoV555 and LY-CoV016 are two SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies)
• Remdesivir (Gilead's toxic anti-viral)



Swiss Policy Research / Covid-19

is also a very comprehensive site with a lots of information about serious studies, analysis, summaries and references / links. The links are all in english (and usually also the most updated of languages)

Articles on Covid-19 (2020/2021)

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My interest in GNM is based on the theory that The Divine Cosmic Mind IS in charge and perfect.
Natures laws, and all the living beings on this planet, are not full of flaws.

The concept that viruses and other microorganisms are pathogenic to humans & other life-forms, and the concept that the DCM is "in charge and perfect" are not mutually exclusive from one another. They are consistent.

What makes you think that the "intention" of the DCM is to manifest a situation on earth where every living being exists in perfect health and harmony with the environment? This is an idealistic position which is wrought with its own flaws. It would help not to make any assumptions about what the DCM does, or does not, "think" is the most suitable learning environment for different life-forms. The conditions of any environment naturally fluctuate between more chaotic/entropic, and more ordered/harmonious for reasons that I don't profess to understand, but that the C's have alluded to on many occasions.

It would seem that the chaos which we are witnessing is not only reflected in physiological illness/dysfunction, but also in the collective psychology and behavior of humans, the environment and plant/animal kingdoms, and weather phenomena. If the DCM encompasses all existence, then these changes must be happening for very specific and functional reasons.

Genetic errors, mutations, devolution, susceptibility to pathogenic infection, toxicity... all of these things exist as a natural consequence of 3D-STS life on earth, and likely serve their purpose at this particular time as a necessary condition and stepping stone for growth and development. To think otherwise is foolish and is based on the assumption that humans "know what is best" in the big scheme of things.

That the DCM is "perfect" in the ultimate highest sense, categorically does NOT mean that life on 3D earth will be "perfect". Equating the two is similar to applying the New Age concept of Oneness to 3D life forms. Higher truths are not always practically relevant at different levels of density.

Why were humans "catching" these diseases and illnesses?
Illnesses that mysteriously happen, or in med speak "Cause unknown" that can only be controlled but usually not cured by drugs and surgery.

It is not just humans who catch disease. Animals in the wild have been susceptible to outbreaks and this has been well-documented for at least hundreds of years.

That humans are also susceptible to pathogenic invasion has also been known for probably thousands (if not many more) years. Traditional healers who were indeed much more in touch with nature (think South American shamanic traditions) regularly used anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic botanical medicines to treat their tribe members.

The concept of infectious disease is not an artifact of western medical thinking, but is present among ALL natural medicinal traditions dating far back. When humans become toxic, as we generally are now, then we have an increased susceptibility for this. But being toxic is not the only cause of these manifestations. Rather, it is an antecedent.
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