It is the case that 'flu cases' are 'way down'.

But as we've seen from reporting on what is and is not a 'Covid-19 case', what is and is not a 'flu case' is also unclear. They never did mass testing for 'flu'. In the past, it was largely down to self-reporting and/or doctors putting 'flu' (and/or related Influenza-like illnesses, 'ILIs', like pneumonia or other respiratory illnesses) down on patients' reports or death certificates. That's why, at the beginning of this madness, we initially said, 'Hang on, the numbers (of reported Covid-19 cases) are actually close to - or even lower than - past (even recent past) numbers of flu cases during the winter season'.

Then we realized that the 'flu baseline' against which everyone was comparing Covid-19 was weak (specifically, unreliable), so we instead looked 'beyond' that to see whether or not overall deaths ('all-cause mortality') increased during the 'Covid-19 pandemic'. They did, slightly, in countries that had the strictest lockdowns, but what that 'signal' in the data means is questionable because the case can be made that the initial 2-month lockdown last spring killed off - a little earlier than they might otherwise have gone ('dry tinder', epidemiologists call it) - a cohort of the elderly/chronically infirm by stupidly reorienting healthcare systems - in the worst possible way, as far as the most vulnerable to Covid-19 were concerned, and other larger cohorts because regular screening and primary healthcare went to hell.

One consequence of that reorientation is that we can't tell to what extent 'flu cases all but disappearing off the face of the Earth' is down to the fact that healthcare systems are under political-administrative orders to 'see only Covid-19', how much of that is due to actual biological factors whereby the SARS-CoV-2 variants are 'occupying the pathways' through which seasonal flu viruses normally enter and interact with their hosts, and how much of that is 'a happy and surprising by-product of successful public health measures' like social distancing.

We think the first explanation most likely accounts for most of the 'disappearance of flu'; it 'disappeared' into the 'Covid column' on Excel spreadsheets because of overwhelming tunnel-vision focus on SARS-CoV-2. Governments, on the other hand, would love for people to believe the latter explanation, which they can of course endlessly leverage to make the case for more lockdowns.

And that is what's chiefly farcical about this situation: if they're keeping everyone under lockdown and/or 'limited social bubbles', they're theoretically keeping Covid-19 herd immunity at bay, and regular seasonal flu herd immunity at bay, worsening the impact of each when things 'return to normal'... Unless, we never return to normal because Big Brother Govt will be there every step of the way to 'save us from suffering' by endlessly putting off the inevitable.

Here's a recent UK Telegraph report warning about 'the flu rebound':

If it's the case that "social distancing measures cut the [Covid] virus to levels not seen for a century," then - by implication - why not maintain such measures indefinitely to also 'prevent the flu from returning'?

In the very same article, further down, it is acknowledged why this was never attempted before The Covid came along:

Flu is ordinarily 'allowed' to circulate because IT'S NECESSARY FOR HUMAN IMMUNITY!

But not Covid-19. No, we must keep people from developing natural immunity to that virus - at the cost of collapsing civilization if necessary.

Clearly, from what I witnessed at work on myself and on others colleagues and from what is reported during informal discussions, everyone was endlessly less sick this winter. Usually during winter their was 2 or 3 waves of illness. Flu or cold or gastroenteritis. This year there was nothing.

I think there is nothing mysterious as habits dramatically changed. Especially in a country a France where I live. Usually we shaked hands or say farewell with a kiss on the cheek every day. Now it's finished, and more than that, everyone wash his hands when arriving at work and do not touch others.

So vectors of contaminations have been greatly diminished. I'm not sure it's good because, in the end, immune system is less used and weakened.

The other point is the competition with virus. Perhaps the coronavirus compete with others virus so others virus are less active. I don't know.

I'm sure the trick to put flu in the coronavirus column is also used, but clearly, there are less infections in a general sense. At least from what I can witness.
Clearly, from what I witnessed at work on myself and on others colleagues and from what is reported during informal discussions, everyone was endlessly less sick this winter. Usually during winter their was 2 or 3 waves of illness. Flu or cold or gastroenteritis. This year there was nothing.

I think there is nothing mysterious as habits dramatically changed. Especially in a country a France where I live. Usually we shaked hands or say farewell with a kiss on the cheek every day. Now it's finished, and more than that, everyone wash his hands when arriving at work and do not touch others.

So vectors of contaminations have been greatly diminished. I'm not sure it's good because, in the end, immune system is less used and weakened.

The other point is the competition with virus. Perhaps the coronavirus compete with others virus so others virus are less active. I don't know.

It may also be that frequent exposure to the coronavirus in its varying mutations keeps immune more vigilant and active, therefore increasing its ability to defend "traditional" viruses.
So if people have antibodies naturally then they can't force them to be vaccinated which kind of defeats the purpose for the vaccine passports i.e. perpetual income and control.

So I don't think these vaccine passports are as easy to implement as they lead us to believe. Another challenge... What about when the pandemic ends? Can they legally enforce a vaccine passport?

I think there's too many hurdles for them to overcome by summer - at least for them to enforce these things legally. So I think they are setting the foundation and framework for the future i.e. next pandemic. That's just my take.
You are using logic and common sense. These have been thrown out the window awhile back, if you haven’t noticed. None of these seem to be particularly large hurdles in a world devoid of people with critical thinking skills.

Translated: Google Translate

"Covid fines" in Spain: from 1000 to 600,000 euros for those who refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in Galicia​

The Galician Parliament approved this Tuesday a legal reform to include heavy fines for those who refuse to be vaccinated and / or do not comply with government measures for Covid-19. Those who resist vaccination may receive fines of between 1,000 and 600,000 euros, depending on whether the offense is considered "slight", "serious" or "very serious" by the authorities.

The reform, promoted by the Galician government and presented in parliament by the Popular Party of Galicia, raises a system of fines that penalize misdemeanors ranging from minor to very serious, from non-compliance with the obligation to wear the mask, the " lack of voluntary compliance with the isolation measure ”, the“ quarantine obligation ”, considering as aggravating if the fault occurs“ repeatedly or repeatedly ”. Among the offenses, the "unjustified refusal to submit to preventive measures, consisting of vaccination or immunization prescribed by the health authorities, in accordance with established in this law" will also be considered.

According to the new legal reform, minor offenses will entail a penalty of between 1,000 to 3,000 euros. Serious offenses would range between 3,000 and 60,000 euros and will be applied "when there is a risk or serious damage to the health of the population." "Very serious" offenses can carry fines of up to 600,000 euros.
So the NZ government seems to have lost the plot. A couple of weeks ago, a new "cluster was discovered centred around a family where the parents worked on "the border". They tested positive as did one of their children. And - gasp, shock, horror - the strain proved to be the supposedly virulent UK strain. As a consequence they locked Auckland down at L3 for 3 days and the rest of the country at L2. They also implemented testing at the local high school, all 1400 students and family members. More positives were discovered, all apparently linked to the school.

Surprisingly, despite more of these community cases, they lowered the levels after the 3 days, saying that they knew where the cases had come from (the school). In the meantime, anybody in the school bubble was supposed to self isolate and get 2 tests. Unsurprisingly a number of the kids did not get tested nor did they self isolate. So suddenly lots of places were locations of interest - shopping centres, fast food outlets, supermarkets so anybody attending these places were also supposed to self isolate and get tested.

Suddenly last might, another case was discovered, one they claimed not to be able to link to the school cluster, even though the guy was related to that cluster. Boom. Immediate L3 lockdown for Auckland for 7 days and L2 for the rest of the country. Major sporting events ion Auckland cancelled, church services prohibited etc. The whole thing is a complete cluster#$@k. For anybody who buys into the "we must isolate and quarantine" philosophy, and that is a large part of the population, it looks like they are clowns who have no idea what they are doing.

I've been pondering this whole debacle and wondering what is going on. I might have found a clue in something our Dear Leader said. She said that this was all very frustrating, we all hate having to do this, but there is a bright new world coming as they roll out the blessed sacrament (oops, I mean the vaccine). So I am wondering whether they have decided there might be more resistance to the vaccine than they hoped and this is a sly little exercise to piss people off even more and then offer them salvation through the vaccine as a way out of this nonsense and disruption. Call me cynical.
So the NZ government seems to have lost the plot. A couple of weeks ago, a new "cluster was discovered centred around a family where the parents worked on "the border". They tested positive as did one of their children. And - gasp, shock, horror - the strain proved to be the supposedly virulent UK strain. As a consequence they locked Auckland down at L3 for 3 days and the rest of the country at L2. They also implemented testing at the local high school, all 1400 students and family members. More positives were discovered, all apparently linked to the school.

Surprisingly, despite more of these community cases, they lowered the levels after the 3 days, saying that they knew where the cases had come from (the school). In the meantime, anybody in the school bubble was supposed to self isolate and get 2 tests. Unsurprisingly a number of the kids did not get tested nor did they self isolate. So suddenly lots of places were locations of interest - shopping centres, fast food outlets, supermarkets so anybody attending these places were also supposed to self isolate and get tested.

Suddenly last might, another case was discovered, one they claimed not to be able to link to the school cluster, even though the guy was related to that cluster. Boom. Immediate L3 lockdown for Auckland for 7 days and L2 for the rest of the country. Major sporting events ion Auckland cancelled, church services prohibited etc. The whole thing is a complete cluster#$@k. For anybody who buys into the "we must isolate and quarantine" philosophy, and that is a large part of the population, it looks like they are clowns who have no idea what they are doing.

I've been pondering this whole debacle and wondering what is going on. I might have found a clue in something our Dear Leader said. She said that this was all very frustrating, we all hate having to do this, but there is a bright new world coming as they roll out the blessed sacrament (oops, I mean the vaccine). So I am wondering whether they have decided there might be more resistance to the vaccine than they hoped and this is a sly little exercise to piss people off even more and then offer them salvation through the vaccine as a way out of this nonsense and disruption. Call me cynical.

I forgot to mention that although we have all these community cases (a whole 13) plus heaps in managed isolation, and this variety is meant to be far more virulent, there has not been one case hospitalised, or placed in an ICU and as a consequence no deaths. Pretty powerful virus this one

Translated: Google Translate

"Covid fines" in Spain: from 1000 to 600,000 euros for those who refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in Galicia​

I hope people challenge this. In late January the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) passed Resolution 2361, which, although largely adhering to standard Covid propaganda and Big Pharma's wishes, included this recommendation:

Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations​

7. The Assembly [...] urges member States and the European Union to:

with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:
7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;

7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;
This resolution is not binding on its member-state governments, but unless they have the gumption to pass legislation making Covid vaccination expressly mandatory, then such 'law' as made by the above regional authority in Spain is unlikely to survive when challenged in court.

Here's a sit-rep on mandatory vaccinations in the UK, where a lawyer explains that unless the UK parliament expressly writes it into a new piece of legislation, then current UK law expressly prohibits mandatory vaccinations:

Everything you're hearing from the media, or even from officials' mouths, about how you 'must' take the vaccine is bluff. However, they are using extra-legal means to induce you into believing that what they're doing is legal. It's not.
A Beyond Intimate Affair: WHO, Bill Gates/NAVI

NGO “NAVI” also known under the name “The Vaccine Alliance” - has its seat in Switzerland. Albeit being an NGO, they have managed in agreement with the Swiss Gov to act totally without paying any taxes what so ever. On top of that, it enjoys diplomatic immunity, and Bill Gates total immunity at all levels.

At the same time, in 2017 Bill Gates with NAVI tried to vote in Gates into the inner circle of the WHO to receive the same mandate like that of a STATE (!) but this was apparently voted down - albeit nobody has seen the document with the votings. Nevertheless inofficially Bill Gates & NAVI do enjoy exactly the position That of a sovereign nation !

With criminal immunity !

it has come to light that Bill Gates/NAVI, the WHO and the swiss national health authority SWISS MEDIC made a contract on what vaccines or be used, what covid rules to implement and to mandate.

An assumption was made (at the 41th meeting of the Investigative Corona committee in Berlin) that Gates/NAVI has negotiated with most countries individually - through contrasts legally binding the member states regarding vaccines and lockdown measurements etc. Which explains the spooky parallels of similar actions in most nations - acting with one breath, one chorus, same message - and ALL about pandemic emergency response. Nothing else. Never anything else.

As Gates does not hold officially the status that of a nation at the WHO, it is believed that he did contracts individually with every nation.

When terrorists rule the world

There is another major problem. The WHO, especially terrorist leader TEDROS also enjoys total criminal immunity - there is a legal binding agreement between the member-states to implement exactly that, which is mandated by the WHO (Tedros) and the private interests behind) Which of course is done with double speak on the outside to the public - but ruled internally - and expedited in a 100% non democratic way because the member states obey (only Iran and the US have some reservations). No wonder Trump wanted to get the US out of the WHO !!

EVERYTHING in these agreements between WHO, NAVI/GATES and Nations, in this Covid Plandemic is focussed on EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROTOCOLS It means that deliberately all democratic rules, rights, laws, et are in practice sidelined (ignored) Which is exactly what we see and have seen in most countries: democratic and human rights being totally ignored no matter the science.

The many agreements between private and public alliances together with WHO have resulted in a total overtake of private interests, pretending and acting as “the law” (forgery) in planned manner, through and under the umbrella of the WHO - who in itself acts as if it is a sovereign One World entity. Which it is not. But it pretends to be, and is supported by all its member states.

Trojan War against humanity

Apparently the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) located in Switzerland also plays a major roll in this Trojan war against humanity.

An odd statement at the investigative Corona committee was made; the claim that the European Central Bank (in Frankfurt) is in realty bankrupt. But also note: it too has total immunity, including criminal immunity !!!

Of course, no wonder that the UN and the church have been oddly silent in the whole Plandemic... quite noteworthy, yes ?

Another implication

is that in countries, which do not hold the necessary institutions to verify/validate/approve for example new vaccines, or don’t have the appropriate laws for it - the WHO acts as an entity to bring the vaccines to those countries “like a sovereign entity” so to speak.

So, if WHO Tedros says it is fine to ship a new unapproved vaccine to Ghana (which is the case), the. It is the. Considered to be an “approval” which overrides Ghanas own national law regulations.

The juridical space in which the WHO with Bill Gates, NAVI, and member states have created and acts within - lies totally BEYOND ALL democratic frameworks, national laws and international laws.

It is a tabula rasa - an empty room - and in truth - juridically not even really valid.

But it is played out as if the WHO, Bill Gates and vaccine companies have the international authority to do so - and whatever they want to see accomplished. ( with help of snuck in changes in the past 15-20 years) The various nations Gov’s as well the immunity of the private WHO - helps the whole, to keep up the scam, and spread successfully immense destruction upon humanity - while looking so damn legal, glossy and “in your best interest”.

The 41th meeting of the Investigative Corona Committee was spoken in both english and german revolving these subjects.

Honestly, there were many words (juridical/institutional) which I was not able to fully understand in german - and therefore I had difficulties to bring it down into an english context. So, see this as a clumsy attempt to write it down in my own words.

However what they spoke about (at the 41th meeting) and the info that came to light there - was really most intriguing,

Add on

James Corbett’s interview with Whitney Webb podcast about the Oxford/AstraZeneca Eugenics links - really make everything come to full circles. I mean in the light of what was revealed at the Corona Committee in Berlin, about WHO, Gates/Navi, BigPharma, Gov/Nations.
Remember HERA ?

The EU made the proposal on 11 Nov 2020 to the comission to centralize all member states health authority into one centralized unit. (Under the disguise of “emergency” of course) but what it really means is an authoritarian centralized foundation - where the EU acts, steers and decides as One For All.

In matters revolving “health”, vaccines, measurements, emergency responses, lockdowns (?), health & vaccine passports, medical protocols, laws, how many “boosters” to take - and everything else...

All EU nations thereby would gradually loose their sovereign powers over national health matters and emergencies, as well the national laws and regulations.

One to rule them all. Or - “Why stop there. when u’re just about to have fun ?”

HERA = European Health Emergency Response Authority

It is The Trojan Horse for Europe !

Are we surprised, why most EU gov’s now speak pretty unison about health & vaccine passports.... ?
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So the NZ government seems to have lost the plot. A couple of weeks ago, a new "cluster was discovered centred around a family where the parents worked on "the border". They tested positive as did one of their children. And - gasp, shock, horror - the strain proved to be the supposedly virulent UK strain. As a consequence they locked Auckland down at L3 for 3 days and the rest of the country at L2. They also implemented testing at the local high school, all 1400 students and family members. More positives were discovered, all apparently linked to the school.

Surprisingly, despite more of these community cases, they lowered the levels after the 3 days, saying that they knew where the cases had come from (the school). In the meantime, anybody in the school bubble was supposed to self isolate and get 2 tests. Unsurprisingly a number of the kids did not get tested nor did they self isolate. So suddenly lots of places were locations of interest - shopping centres, fast food outlets, supermarkets so anybody attending these places were also supposed to self isolate and get tested.

Suddenly last might, another case was discovered, one they claimed not to be able to link to the school cluster, even though the guy was related to that cluster. Boom. Immediate L3 lockdown for Auckland for 7 days and L2 for the rest of the country. Major sporting events ion Auckland cancelled, church services prohibited etc. The whole thing is a complete cluster#$@k. For anybody who buys into the "we must isolate and quarantine" philosophy, and that is a large part of the population, it looks like they are clowns who have no idea what they are doing.

I've been pondering this whole debacle and wondering what is going on. I might have found a clue in something our Dear Leader said. She said that this was all very frustrating, we all hate having to do this, but there is a bright new world coming as they roll out the blessed sacrament (oops, I mean the vaccine). So I am wondering whether they have decided there might be more resistance to the vaccine than they hoped and this is a sly little exercise to piss people off even more and then offer them salvation through the vaccine as a way out of this nonsense and disruption. Call me cynical.

I imagine the government will have to create fear and panic to coincide with the arrival of the vaccine.
Sweden again (add ons)

From tomorrow and onwards, it will be forbidden for more than 1 person to visit/diner at cafes / restaurants which are located inside of malls and shopping centers. (You can however be in company of one child [oh boy, yay, thank you Gov], or being a helper to a handicapped person) I understand this as, that normal cafes along the streets are not affected. Yet.

What I find highly frustrating when I read Swedish Newspapers is, that you can't really determine what exactly is meant:

1 - Is it a law ?
2 - Is it a rule ? (What's the difference ?)
3 - Or a 'routine' (stupid, sliding word)
4 - A recommendation (personal free choice/responsibility)

The differences are getting very blurry. The emphasis nowadays is tilted towards "rule/law" e.g. "you have to" - even when only a recommendation is in place ! Same thing in the Stockholm subway...

A kind of Modulation

The Swedish Health Authority modulated their earlier statement regarding food - and added will be forbidden to consume food in any service place anywhere in Sweden, after 20:30. Also; last Wednesday, the Swedish Government gave the final Go the Swedish Health Authority, to create laws/rules to restrict opening hours and how many people allowed in a space (less people will be allowed)

Guys ? We are catching up !!!! Weheeeeee

Hello Finland

The panic making of a "third wave" goes very strong up here ! Speaking about that. Finland closes down the capital of Helsinki - plus a couple of communes. Also; they declare 3 weeks of "State Emergency", but starting 8 March 2021 for the whole country. With the motivation; to be able to close restaurants juridically, because no other Finnish law can otherwise permit closures.

So, they always find a 'funny' way around basic laws. It all just sounds like one-way traffic to me.
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