I feel for you Ageeva, and i would sadly say Portugal is also a contender here. Our lockdown (everything closed except supermarkets and shops for construction, including a complete ban on going out of one's municipality from Fridays 8 pm till Mondays 5 am) has just been extended (we are already six weeks in) until after Easter. Never mind that hospitals are closing due to lack of patients, normal medical procedures have resumed and the level of 'infections' by their own count has been the lowest since November 2020.

Way back in the thread, there was talk of the C's predictions that eventually they want to shut down international travel. I guess they want to make the most of this process until everything and everyone has been milked dry. Interesting to see how they put the first steps in motion with summer approaching. Many Europeans will want to go on holiday, especially those coming out of harsh lockdowns. Well, it seems they are in a rush now to get some sort of vaccine certificate ready (testing still be allowed) 'to avoid having to quarantine' (how thoughtful they are right??). Merkel already stated that they will use the coming 3 months to get the digital vaccine certificates out while UK and Greece are on a sneeky bilateral roll according to this excerpt from GlobalResearch:

With summer rapidly approaching, and millions suffering under repressive lockdown measures, the governments have already engineered an artificial supply (freedom) and demand (holiday travel) for this new policy which they are in completely control of. The British government’s convenient excuse for falling into this seemingly ‘unavoidable’ situation is that a vaccine passport is “going to come on the international stage whatever” for foreign travel as “other countries would insist on it.” In other words, ‘there is no alternative.’ This is patently untrue, but by employing this policy by stealth and laundering via ‘other countries’ politicians can safely push the illegal vaccine passport regime without ever having to take a legal or ethical position on it – in effect, creating a de facto standard by fiat.

By pushing ahead in a bilateral fashion, the UK and Greek governments have created a political juggernaut – an artificial accelerator designed to pressure Brussels to ‘move quicker on the issue’ and thus bypass due process and legal considerations on this issue. The headlines are proving that this is exactly what the UK and Greece have done, with the Financial Times already reporting, “Greece presses EU to ‘move more quickly’ on vaccine passports.”

Behind closed doors, participating governments are attempting to make this highly coercive policy the ‘New Normal’ in perpetuity for international travel.
And this morning our Chief Clown had a meeting with European leaders, and it seems one spin will be that such certificate will be issued 'in order to protect the people from the variants'. Again, so thoughtful :pinocchio: whilst big pharma can continue to rake in the big bucks for years to come:
The objective, said the PM, is to “allow greater capacity for circulation” and to “resort less to (measures of) quarantine”.

At a point where news on new variants is “concerning investigators” – particularly in the United States, where the Californian mutation has been described as ‘the devil’ that can evade antibodies, whether gained through infection or from a vaccine – Europe “wants to avoid surprises”, explains Expresso.

“It’s fundamental that mechanisms are put in place to anticipate the detection of new variants”, said Mr Costa, stressing a plan is being formulated for “an articulated effort of cooperation between institutes of investigation and the various health authorities of Member States”.
While citizens who want to travel will require sanitary certificates showing their ‘current situation’, the wider plan is to create a kind of European ‘incubator’ to ‘respond to new realities’ as they come clear – ensuring pharmaceutical companies are in a position to ‘adapt vaccines that are on the market’.
UKColumn did a show on youtube on this on wednesday, they talk about this in the first 7 or so minutes.
Im a bit sad/sorry of not being in measure to follow this thread, work work work ...
But i continue at least to get some information mainly from twitter and some articles, when I have time.
And here, a funny fact, regading the actress Victoria Abril, during a movie press review, she start a good and long 6 minutes speech in regard to covid, even the journalist told her (around 2m00) but she don't care and continues, well done Victoria ! :clap:
It's in Spanish and sub-titles are in french, if it exists with english sub-title, please post it, this should please a lot of people here. It's on bitchute :

The UK is gearing up for a 2021/2022 winter season that is going to be particularly bad for young people. This is a carefully calculated thing.

The UK made it such that 3 months have to pass between the 2 experimental injections. Work it out! That means young people will be getting their second injection around September 2021 - under 40s will be getting offered their first injection in May and June.

Work something else out!

The UK is planning on fully "opening" the country up on 21June. Festivals are already selling tickets for August and September... E.g. Camp Bestival 2021 amongst others.

Basically July, August and September I believe will be a big blow out in the UK. Young people will be ENCOURAGED to mix like never before, of course adhering to testing etc. At the same time most will have taken their first injections... We're talking 20 yrs old to 40 yrs old!


November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 young people start dropping like flies...

Guess what gets blamed? The UK variant from a year ago has mutated to be particularly deadly!

Now it makes sense to me why the UK government is being somewhat weird and why they are now so confident to talk about irreversibly ending lockdown! The next time the public will be forcing them to lockdown because it might actually be a REAL pandemic!

That's my theory anyways.
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And so...

the narretive just changed another notch, exactly according schedule, yes ? Well yeah. We know this already here. We have seen the signs in the works; the dark forces plan to make people take jabs on a regular schedule. I mean why be stingy, right ? The consequences and casualties would be immense and devastating for humanity.

In any case; what we see now - is in essence the confirmation of that it has been a plan all along.

It has never ever been about health or saving human lives from disease. Even the Investigate Corona Committee in Berlin has come to that very conclusion after the vast amount of evidence collected - since July 2020 - come to light behind the Corona Crisis.

they’re all under the carpet

Actually, quite awful findings have emerged on their latest 41th meeting today with the title “Troy everywhere” with highly intriguing findings under the carpet in secrecy - about the UN, WHO, Bill Gates and GAVI as well the upcoming EU “health” project HERA. I have not yet written about it here - because the connections and whereabouts were a bit too complex for me to keep track of the exact details.

So, I am listening to the 5 hour session anew in order to understand it better.

The UK is gearing up for a 2021/2022 winter season that is going to be particularly bad for young people. This is a carefully calculated thing.

The UK made it such that 3 months have to pass between the 2 experimental injections. Work it out! That means young people will be getting their second injection around September 2021 - under 40s will be getting offered their first injection in May and June.

Work something else out!

The UK is planning on fully "opening" the country up on 21June. Festivals are already selling tickets for August and September... E.g. Camp Bestival 2021 amongst others.

Basically July, August and September I believe will be a big blow out in the UK. Young people will be ENCOURAGED to mix like never before, of course adhering to testing etc. At the same time most will have taken their first injections... We're talking 20 yrs old to 40 yrs old!


November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 young people start dropping like flies...

Guess what gets blamed? The UK variant from a year ago has mutated to be particularly deadly!

Now it makes sense to me why the UK government is being somewhat weird and why they are now so confident to talk about irreversibly ending lockdown! The next time the public will be forcing them to lockdown because it might actually be a REAL pandemic!

That's my theory anyways.

Thinking about it, it looks to me that the whole vaccine passport thing is smoke and mirrors, at least for 2021.

Not enough people will have been vaccinated in the US, UK and Europe to make vaccine passports viable by the summer! This also applies to Australia and New Zealand.

So to me that now seems like smoke and mirrors. What it is though is setting the foundations for the future!

Another thing also... I wonder if they know that combining 2 separate types of gene based vaccines may have some interesting consequences. In the UK, that's precisely what they plan on doing. I don't think I've heard of any other countries taking this tactic.

So to me this looks to be the recipe

- Create a pent up demand for a summer blow out which will then be used as the reason for the event to come.
- Create a vaccine schedule that ends just before autumn which will be the actual main driver of the event.
- Create a need to mix 2 different types of vaccines from 2 separate manufacturers which like the above will be the main driver of the event.
- Create the framework for a biosecurity state but not the implementation as of yet given the lack of outright public support.

That to me is the plan. The fireworks begin end of this year and truly move up a notch next year a.k.a real pandemic.
On ZeroHedge:

Treatment That Can Prevent 'Cytokine Storm' In Severe Patients

A team of scientists from Israel and Iceland has published a new report showing that an extraction of spirulina algae has the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 in advanced cases.

The research, first published in a peer-reviewed journal called Marine Biotechnology, found that an extract of photosynthetically manipulated Spirulina is 70% effective in inhibiting the release of the cytokine TNF-a, a small signaling protein used by the immune system.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the research was conducted in a MIGAL laboratory in northern Israel with algae grown and cultivated in Iceland by the Israeli company VAXA. VAXA received funding from the European Union to explore and develop "natural" treatments for coronavirus.

In a small percentage of patients, infection with the coronavirus causes the immune system to release an excessive number of TNF-a cytokines, resulting in what is known as a cytokine storm. The storm causes acute respiratory distress syndrome and damage to other organs, the leading cause of death in COVID-19 patients.

If you control or are able to mitigate the excessive release of TNF-a, you can eventually reduce mortality,” said Asaf Tzachor, a researcher from the IDC Herzliya School of Sustainability and the lead author of the study.

During cultivation, growth conditions were adjusted to control the algae’s metabolomic profile and bioactive molecules, something that Tzachor refers to as “enhanced” algae.

Meanwhile, in other Israel-related COVID news, PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly struck a deal with the Crown Prince of Bahrain for Israel to join a collective experiment for Middle Eastern states to develop their own vaccines.

Netanyahu, who is seeking re-election on March 23, said on Wednesday he was in talks with the heads of Pfizer and Moderna to open facilities in Israel as he seeks to get practically all of Israel's population vaccinated - effectively ending the crisis - before Election Day arrives.

The UK is gearing up for a 2021/2022 winter season that is going to be particularly bad for young people. This is a carefully calculated thing.

The UK made it such that 3 months have to pass between the 2 experimental injections. Work it out! That means young people will be getting their second injection around September 2021 - under 40s will be getting offered their first injection in May and June.

Work something else out!

The UK is planning on fully "opening" the country up on 21June. Festivals are already selling tickets for August and September... E.g. Camp Bestival 2021 amongst others.

Basically July, August and September I believe will be a big blow out in the UK. Young people will be ENCOURAGED to mix like never before, of course adhering to testing etc. At the same time most will have taken their first injections... We're talking 20 yrs old to 40 yrs old!


November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 young people start dropping like flies...

Guess what gets blamed? The UK variant from a year ago has mutated to be particularly deadly!

Now it makes sense to me why the UK government is being somewhat weird and why they are now so confident to talk about irreversibly ending lockdown! The next time the public will be forcing them to lockdown because it might actually be a REAL pandemic!

That's my theory anyways.

Reminds me of the meal vouchers stunt they pulled. Then blamed the uptick in positive cases on that.

Interesting theory and have been pondering such myself after what the C's said about the UK/USA getting the brunt of this. Either way I think the public are in for a nasty shock over this way.

In my town the majority of people have and are getting their shots. My parents and uncles part of that group too, many have already had their first. I walk my dog with my aunt and everyone she see's mentions something about getting it so public acceptance in this area seems high at the minute. I thought North Yorkshire was more rebellious than that!

I'm sitting back and enjoying the show as much as I can but it doesn't half tug on the heart strings when it's your family members involved. Thankfully nobody has had any complications yet.

Big thanks for everyone keeping this thread going with all the extra information and thoughts to process.

I keep reminding myself "Hope for the best, Plan for the worst and take what we get!"
As for the theory that flu cases are likely being counted as covid-19 cases, we don’t have covid-19. This could be true for other countries but not Taiwan. I’ve thought that the Gov could be hiding covid/“flu” cases but that would be incredibly difficult. We have a really affordable efficient healthcare system and the elderly will visit the doctor for any tiny issue because it’s so cheap, surely if they were dying of covid/“flu” it would have been reported. A reminder, we’ve only had 9 covid-19 deaths so far. Every case or death is a major deal so I can’t imagine how they’d cover it up.

There are still other respiratory viral infections, so the narrative that masks etc. has killed the flu is suspect. So where did the flu go? It’s a mystery 🤷‍♀️
That's interesting. I've heard from Dr Gaby that - independent of administrative and political blurring of Covid-19 symptoms with the flu - in her practice she is simply observing far less symptoms in people of a whole raft of 'normal ongoing illnesses' - like high temperature/fever from flu, stomach upset from gastroenteritis, asthma, allergies, etc.

Maybe such illnesses really are way down. I'd be interested in seeing reports and studies from other countries, especially ones that did not go 'full Covid' by 'finding millions of cases' and enforcing social distancing - in which hysterical climate, of course, they avoided, or were sent away from, doctors and hospitals.
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Maybe such illnesses really are way down. I'd be interested in seeing reports and studies from other countries, especially ones that did not go 'full Covid' by 'finding millions of cases' and enforcing social distancing.
Here's some data from Raoult's latest video. I'm not sure where he got the charts though:

Screenshot_2021-02-27 Peut-on contrôler l'épidémie de COVID-19 - YouTube(1).png
Screenshot_2021-02-27 Peut-on contrôler l'épidémie de COVID-19 - YouTube.png

Even accounting for the re-labeling of flu cases to fuel up the COVID-19 scandemic, I'm still pretty surprised that my COPD patients have had zero decompensations, even after the flu vaccine. Those with typical shivering from the flu are none to be found and the typical viral gastroenteritis that sometimes drives people to the ER thinking that they have an appendicitis or something, is pretty much non existent.


It's being pretty calm, except little waves of people with COVID syndromes that stand out here and there - they typically report fever with severe fatigue, lack of smell and taste and often getting complications with thrombotic events like deep vein thrombosis or other. From my job post there has being zero mortality from these cases, despite the fact that they often have persistent sensation of lack of breath, persistent fatigue and so forth. Most of them are recovering after 1 month or so. My worst COVID-19 patient from a year ago, who had the flu and COVID (she was positive for both influenza virus and SARS Cov2) has a long haul syndrome, and she just finished her sick leave time last month, despite lacking the energy levels that she had before.

Those who are getting vaccinated are having for the most part reactions, 1/3 or more of them have needed sick leave time for the vaccine reactions and I just derived a woman for allergy and asthma studies which started after she had her Pfizer vaccine. She had the weirdest rash I've ever seen, and she looked septic-like, despite having an overall good appearance. It sounds like a paradox, but there you have it.

I continue taking my old school antivirals and supplements (see Health Protocol thread). A few of my patients are battling their own fights with the system after discrimination for opting out of the vaccine. For the most part, I'm pretty busy battling the destructive effects of the lockdown on people and Primary Health Care protocols.

It's all very peculiar and decisively trying times.
I have a question to any medical professional. I'm in about a dozen covid vaccine effect groups across multiple platforms and in reading reactions from people one thing is starting to jump out.

Women seem to be impacted worse than men... I don't know if my observation is actually true though, hence posing this question.

The "convulsion" type reactions seem to be impacting mostly women. I'm reading about a lot of disruption to menstrual cycles. The Bell's palsy reactions I'm seeing thus far seem to be occuring predominantly in women.

On the men's side the main thing I'm seeing that isn't affecting women are heart failures. A few men thus far have died from sudden heart failure but not seeing the equivalent on the women's side.

I wonder if someone out there is mapping out these reactions.

In any case, from what I can see, women tend to be having a worse time from the vaccine than men.
Thinking about it, it looks to me that the whole vaccine passport thing is smoke and mirrors, at least for 2021.

Not enough people will have been vaccinated in the US, UK and Europe to make vaccine passports viable by the summer! This also applies to Australia and New Zealand.

So to me that now seems like smoke and mirrors. What it is though is setting the foundations for the future!

Another thing also... I wonder if they know that combining 2 separate types of gene based vaccines may have some interesting consequences. In the UK, that's precisely what they plan on doing. I don't think I've heard of any other countries taking this tactic.

So to me this looks to be the recipe

- Create a pent up demand for a summer blow out which will then be used as the reason for the event to come.
- Create a vaccine schedule that ends just before autumn which will be the actual main driver of the event.
- Create a need to mix 2 different types of vaccines from 2 separate manufacturers which like the above will be the main driver of the event.
- Create the framework for a biosecurity state but not the implementation as of yet given the lack of outright public support.

That to me is the plan. The fireworks begin end of this year and truly move up a notch next year a.k.a real pandemic.
There has been talks about this passport in France too and the idea is to create a "EU sanitary passport" that you have to show everywhere you go (it has infos about your state of health), but so far, you don't have to be vaccinated. Reason is, the vaccination is taking longer than expected, but the economy cannot hold much longer like this. At least that's the narrative. I know the UK is out of the EU, but the technocrats like money, so I don't think you guys will be deprived of going out of the country this summer.

I think the trap is to let people live again like in 2019, after months and months of restrictions, except they will have to accept to be tracked with this sanitary passport (which is already the case with our smartphones, so most people don't care). Then, to start taking that passport away if they refuse to be vaccinated. It will like saying " see? you can have a normal life again, isn't great? All you have to do is take the jab. You don't want to live like in 2020 again now do you?"
There has been talks about this passport in France too and the idea is to create a "EU sanitary passport" that you have to show everywhere you go (it has infos about your state of health), but so far, you don't have to be vaccinated. Reason is, the vaccination is taking longer than expected, but the economy cannot hold much longer like this. At least that's the narrative. I know the UK is out of the EU, but the technocrats like money, so I don't think you guys will be deprived of going out of the country this summer.

I think the trap is to let people live again like in 2019, after months and months of restrictions, except they will have to accept to be tracked with this sanitary passport (which is already the case with our smartphones, so most people don't care). Then, to start taking that passport away if they refuse to be vaccinated. It will like saying " see? you can have a normal life again, isn't great? All you have to do is take the jab. You don't want to live like in 2020 again now do you?"

Here's a question... What about people who have recovered from covid and have antibodies. How can they legally enforce these people getting vaccine? I mean what's the logic of the vaccine.. to get antibodies right?

So if people have antibodies naturally then they can't force them to be vaccinated which kind of defeats the purpose for the vaccine passports i.e. perpetual income and control.

So I don't think these vaccine passports are as easy to implement as they lead us to believe. Another challenge... What about when the pandemic ends? Can they legally enforce a vaccine passport?

I think there's too many hurdles for them to overcome by summer - at least for them to enforce these things legally. So I think they are setting the foundation and framework for the future i.e. next pandemic. That's just my take.
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