Swedish Craze

Our health authority and government went out with more stringent recommendations / mandates due to the “serious situation” and “third wave” (more injections = more PCR positive cases, anyone ??)

all pubs, restaurants and cafes must close at 20:30 regardless alcohol permission or not.

Decreased amount of people m2 in stores compared to the amount today.

• recommendation of only one person going to the food store

masks at all times in public traffic (recommendation, not law)

• recommendation not to meet any other people, bla bla bla

• distancing bla bla bla

DN.se (leading mainstream media in Sweden)

These are suggested measurements and if accepted, could already start this Monday. As i read the comments below the Swedish mainstream article - it was quite pleasant to notice that some people actually were critical. I have not seen that phenomena before.

Speaking about blowing... Mama Etna on Sicily - is blowing her 6th paroxysm eruption as we speak. What a lady - she ain’t taking covid s##t.
Just saw the following video on Twitter, the guy is being fined after boarding at a Canadian airport after refusing to take the pcr test and for not wearing a mask (if I got it right).

Also, recently I've joined a channel on telegram run by an Italian lawyer who gives legal advice to people and business owners who are "breaking the law", that is, the draconian pathological measures imposed by draconian pathological individuals. He gives advice to those bar and restaurant owners who just can't afford anymore to rely on income from deliveries since the bars and the restaurants are open only till 6 pm in Italy and most of them rely on deliveryservices available till 10 pm.

So basically according to this guy and other lawyers who are fighting for the rights of the little guys who are defying the system for the sake of survival, the government regulations against covid-1984 don't have any legal weight if not enforced by the mayor of a county.

If the government restrictive measures aren't published on the official city's hall website as a mayor's law order than the said government regulations don't have any legal weight.

For example, on the telegram channel it has been reported by many members that by checking on the city hall website of their county they've noticed that there are none or just a few insignificant mayor legal orders based on the regulations issued by the government.

So basically it seems that by acting this way they are covering their asses against possibile futures legal repercussions. People on the channel reported that they have been fined for not wearing masks outdoors, didn't pay the fine, waited for 3 months for a legal notice from mayor's office for not having paid the fine and nothing arrived in the end because there are no mayor legal orders issued on the said matter. Even if the mayor's office sends you a legal note for not having paid the fine you still can dispute it in court if there are no mayor legal orders issued on that matter.

I'll be honest, when I've found out I've been astounded but not surprised considering how the government scared everybody with this invisible enemy through heavy propaganda 24h a day for a year now. In my case, I prefer to avoid any possible encounters with the police when I'm going outside and not wearing a mask, I never wear it outdoors, though I must admit that in order to avoid any unpleasant circumstances with the police I'm going outside in the evening and only for specific purposes.

Since March of last year I'm not going outside anymore for a walk or in the Parc for working out as I used to do, it's my choice though, I prefer to stay home instead of feeling like a criminal every time I'm going outside and not wearing a mask.
Thanks Andrian, that's a great video.

We have Canadian friends here who are preparing to do the exact same thing when they return.
These govt. precautions...

Maybe it is conditioning to ready people to be herded to their designated destinations. So, curfews are instituted, but they are not enforced - but to the extent that they keep people home and off the streets - we are compliant because: we would normally be at home in many cases, and businesses comply making going anywhere pointless.
And then we have the immunization updates: like news stories of certain nations receiving x amount of inoculations, how inoculation production is coming along, ect. Like that is really a concern to the average person.
And then there's the growing number of health professionals dying or getting side effects from their inoculations...
And it is looming over us in a cavalier, insidious manner, that poses as a benefactor.
It's more conditioning than anything real, yet it could pave the way to becoming reality as it is a herding technique utilizing the sheepish traits of our nature.
So, as we talk herd immunity, we are in another context, herded. To what end? Maybe a depopulation agenda. Different shots for different people - therefore different brands.
Another answer to this is that we the product of genetic engendering by the Anunnaki to be their slave laborers. They were not interested in perfection, they were only interested in functioning slaves. They created many humanoids and we are the few that survived the trial by nature. We are riddled with genetic flaw because our creators really did not give a stick. To paraphrase the bible; the Anunnaki, after creating man, said: "It is good enough."
So nothing basically has changed. STS still up to their same old tricks, only they're using vaccines (and other things, for example fluoride) to keep us stupid. Still slaves.
Unmasked man involved in Canadian Tire brawl -
Police are investigating a brawl between Canadian Tire staff and a customer who allegedly refused to wear a mask.

Canadian Tire is a chain of hardware/automotive supply stores across Canada similar to Home Depot in the U.S. or B&Q in the U.K.

So, as I see it, the takeaway message here is "Not wearing a mask? Expect to get put in a headlock". This situation could have been diffused quickly if the store staff and security had used some sense. Instead they piled onto him and pinned him to the floor.
Source: Alarming increase in Dutch needing Red Cross food support

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 09:39

Alarming increase in Dutch needing Red Cross food support

The number of Netherlands residents who need help to buy food is increasing alarmingly, the Red Cross reported. In May last year, the aid organization issued abut 2,200 shopping cards and food parcels per week. In the coming weeks, that will be scaled up to 6 thousand cards and parcels, NOS reports.

The shopping card contains credit with which groceries can be bought at the supermarket. Single persons receive 15 euros per week. Families get more, depending on their composition.

According to the Red Cross, more and more people need help. In May it was mainly undocumented migrants, homeless people, and migrant workers who asked for aid. Now the organization is seeing more and more students, entrepreneurs and single parents who lost their jobs and income in the corona-virus pandemic.

The Red Cross encountered student mentors coming to ask for help because students can't afford anything other than bread. Flexible workers are facing high fixed costs and can hardly afford food. More and more entrepreneurs and self employed people are also knocking on the door, the aid organization said.

"They are people who previously had a good salary, but are in trouble due to high fixed costs and little income," Red Cross director Marieke van Schaik said to the broadcaster. "They often receive just too much support to qualify for regular food aid, but can't make ends meet due to the high fixed costs. They therefore need help buying food."
Stockholm Syndrome :whistle:

I just got an SMS from my employer,
the subway company in Stockholm I work for - (Chinese company), which drives the subway and commuter traffic here, demands now that all personnel have to wear masks (everywhere !) due to the recently changed recommendations by the Swedish Health Authorities - in the shadowy crosswinds of a claimed "Third Wave" in Sweden. :nuts:

I have this spinning "disco boll" :mad: with spikes rotating in my stomach - clearly my ego signature, from rising anger and defense reactions. Wondering if I should take the fight or not. But at second thought, there might be 'solution' to all this... clumsy yet elegantly, slipping through the web of insanity.

The company of course, states that wearing masks at all times is now law/mandatory - because - well, that is what company entities always do; the negative tilted signature in their actions, how to interpret state laws / recommendations and even trends; Always first out, this "best in test" competition nobody asked for, and then followed by showing off with a lot of propaganda on interal LCR displays, written articles, and external media. Look at us; We are sooo ISO & ECO certified.

A fake orgasmic, glossy make-belief show - that's what it really is.

I still can't quite determine if it is truly true, that wearing mask is mandatory. It is based on a strong recommendation by the Swedish Health authorities... so, it is not a law (and it can never be, because we do not have such laws being able to mandate mandatory mask wearing). But through companies, the whole thing slides easily into "rules/laws" on local level, and will be treated as such.

Unfortunately I have nobody in power at work, who has a more healthy common sense, with an open ear for the health issues affecting the dark side of mask wearing.

Safety and health issues, is an area usually very well, even over-protected by the local union. But they have utterly fallen under the spell of the covid narrative. They can not even think straight, that masks in itself are connected to potent health risks (especially while driving, I consider that to be insane due to the oxygen + carbon dioxide back breathing issue affecting concentration, safety and health) Gosh, some of the local Union representatives are all for masks and even privately go out sponsoring mRNA injections with slogans, like "hang on, jump on board, we get vaccinated". Yeah, save a horse, ride a cowboy.

I guess I just have to do like you guys, who have become used to trick-balancing the mask subject in real life (and for a long time)... I can avoid going into the lunch rooms (no problem), and my job is now different where I drive the last trains of the night (very few people, little staff) - and then I work mostly alone in the subway train depots, e.g. when I prepare/check up trains for next day's departure - I certainly do not wear a mask during those tasks, while being alone. Nor do I need to stay in the lunchrooms at the depots - i just sit in the driver cabin until it is time to drive out at 04.30

So, this might after all have a lesser impact for me personally (no pity!) But for all who work during daytime in Stockholm... It's a pretty awful change, I must say !
Well, I did step up... too much ?! :whistle:

Actually I wrote my first comment ever at our Stockholm Subway company's internal portal "OnTrack" - regarding the dangers of masks built around this brilliant study below

I also wrote to my local superior, as well one of the biggest ones in the company - as well to the union, including the safety representatives there - with a digital copy to each one + the attachment of a pdf file of the aforementioned mask study. But before I translate my wording into english here - I noticed after only 30 minutes - that my comment at the internal company's portal, had been erased by the "surveillance" staff !

Quite interesting phenomena, I must say. So quaint.

Dear S & F

I have just written my first post on "OnTrack" ever, regarding that all company staff must wear mask on the recommendation of the Swedish authorities. Because even though this is a recommendation from the authorities, I'm not sure it makes sense to make it a "law" within the company !

There are very serious health issues related to the wearing of masks. Nobody is served by ignoring these issues, or just throwing them into the wind, without knowledge of the matter. Such damages affect many processes within the human body, can not, must not be ignored, especially in the case of security-related services like subway driving duties.

We are talking about damage to the brain, kidneys, heart, and immune system!

Here, the company may also get into legal and moral trouble in the future, because now you are informed that it is a dangerous "protection" you force onto employees here.

I personally can not just stand there with closed my eyes, pretending that everything is ok. Since my involuntary Italian lockdown experience in Sicily in March 2020, I have spent thousands of hours learning deeper Corona related areas in microbiology, viruses, PCR tests, learning, reading / evaluating medical studies, including other important aspects of the Corona Crisis, both the official as well the hidden aspects driving it. Lately I also have become more familiar with the juridical aspects, as more serious oversteps are committed, crossed by illegal interventions, based on false/insufficient information, to excuse violations of the free human body and its integrity, with help of "laws" and "regulations".

(The letter continues with a copy of the text, I first had written/posted on the internal company site "OnTack" as follows)

Is there anyone within the company
who has the slightest idea of how dangerous it is for the human body to wear masks ?

That Swedish authorities now recommend face masks protection without at least informing about the serious consequences that mask wearing has on many functions inside the human body - is an insult - and I take this very seriously.

We are talking about brain cell death due to lack of oxygen, weakened immune system, exponentially increased bacterial pathogens in the lung, extremely elevated CO2 levels that lead to cellular acidification and increased difficulty of hemoglobin to bind oxygen for the transport to the cells. Mitochondria (our cells' power stations are damaged by this) - and this leads to blood diseases and cancer in the long run.

In addition, the masks also lead to difficulty concentrating and judging, thanks to a lack of oxygen in the brain (which is extremely sensitive to exactly that) and the result is at the same level as having alcohol in the blood - and driving trains.

Smart? Not at all !

The body has a good 'adaptability', but the dangers in wearing the masks lies in the fact that the damage continues without you becoming aware of what is happening. Experimenting with a lack of oxygen, which by the way starts already after 60-90 seconds mask wearing - at the same time as the carbon dioxide levels rush to harmful heights - also stimulates the development of carcinogenic cells (which love acidification in the body).

Using double or triple masks is immediately very life-threatening!

This is how we walk around, in the belief that common sense rule our minds, while drowning in information which keeps us in a sense of false safety - without even looking into the subject; to examine, review, criticize and understand what our health authorities actually recommend for us living people, while the company without straightforward just mandates the recommendations into a "law" for all staff.

This is very, very serious!

I will also contact for advice, with now the world's largest network of doctors, epidemiologists, microbiologists, judges, scientists, lawyers, etc. - in the EXTERNAL PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY CORONA COMMITTEE in Berlin - which probably does not take it lightly, what is happening in the way it now does.

If we, as we so often say, care about human health - then I give my support wholeheartedly in every way.

But I can not with open eyes see how through naivety and ignorance, people get seriously hurt with very unhealthy consequences wrapped into what is called "recommendations for protection". Especially in
safety and security related professions (like subway driving) - this is completely out of the question !

You may also not understand, that when you use masks for many hours, day after day, the load, through bacterial and fungal particles in the body increase steeply (including the lungs, with increased
prevalence of pneumonia) - to the extent that a PCR tests more often shows positive test results ! Because this Drosten RT-PCR Covid-19 test not only reacts to various Coronavirus particles, but also other particles through so-called "cross-reactivity".


Ralf (bla bla bla number)

Red flag ?

Now of course, a red flag is popping up inside of me, that I may have stretched my mandate as a subway driver beyond the normal scoop of what a subway could do as an employee. I am also aware of the vibrating sensation in my body, which is always a sensation of being "in between" (good/bad, no ego/yes ego, right/wrong, calm/worried). But I just can't phantom that with such real dangers through mask wearing - and just stand there, looking into the sky, going LaLa Land, pretending as if nothing happened

What drives me

The main driver of my decision to write my superiors (what a stupid word) - is that I needed to make a statement. A stand. Because if I would not do that, despite everything I have read about masks - but quietly just accept everything is ok - then that reminds me energetically of giving them a quiet permission; to do whatever they see fit / anything goes ?

I do not consent !

They need to be made aware - even if only symbolically or through a gesture of information - that there is indeed a serious danger involved, a human violation attached to their blindfolding mandate, a recommendation which has been transformed into an internal "law" (think punishment, if you do not obey) - forced on everyone having to wear mask at all times. (I almost want to say; for some f***ing virus, so minuscule, that it glides gracefully through any pore what so ever)

Now - they know the dangers.
They have been informed !

What experience, choices and decisions they choose, is theirs to make. Not my monkey.

My only way (this far in my personal development) - to break my own ice - is to become angry (which I did). And to wheel that power in a nice, yet decisive way.

But Honesty, I feel all "wobbly" right now. :lol:
Well, done is done.
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Propaganda on turbo drive.

Oh that is just quaint, Queen Elizabeth II

coming form an old lady, who most likely got a fake injection (if any) as well the rest of their golden bunch. A top Royal babyface telling human beings not to be 'so selfish' (by being too reluctant to the mRNA injections?) and instead animating people to get the jab in order to be more like "thinking of others". Which only happens to kill or damage human health in serious ways for the time to come... Makes you immediately feel "protected".

A truly ROYAL advice !

Well, I did step up... too much ?! :whistle:

Actually I wrote my first comment ever at our Stockholm Subway company's internal portal "OnTrack" - regarding the dangers of masks built around this brilliant study below

I also wrote to my local superior, as well one of the biggest ones in the company - as well to the union, including the safety representatives there - with a digital copy to each one + the attachment of a pdf file of the aforementioned mask study. But before I translate my wording into english here - I noticed after only 30 minutes - that my comment at the internal company's portal, had been erased by the "surveillance" staff !

Quite interesting phenomena, I must say. So quaint.

Dear S & F

I have just written my first post on "OnTrack" ever, regarding that all company staff must wear mask on the recommendation of the Swedish authorities. Because even though this is a recommendation from the authorities, I'm not sure it makes sense to make it a "law" within the company !

There are very serious health issues related to the wearing of masks. Nobody is served by ignoring these issues, or just throwing them into the wind, without knowledge of the matter. Such damages affect many processes within the human body, can not, must not be ignored, especially in the case of security-related services like subway driving duties.

We are talking about damage to the brain, kidneys, heart, and immune system!

Here, the company may also get into legal and moral trouble in the future, because now you are informed that it is a dangerous "protection" you force onto employees here.

I personally can not just stand there with closed my eyes, pretending that everything is ok. Since my involuntary Italian lockdown experience in Sicily in March 2020, I have spent thousands of hours learning deeper Corona related areas in microbiology, viruses, PCR tests, learning, reading / evaluating medical studies, including other important aspects of the Corona Crisis, both the official as well the hidden aspects driving it. Lately I also have become more familiar with the juridical aspects, as more serious oversteps are committed, crossed by illegal interventions, based on false/insufficient information, to excuse violations of the free human body and its integrity, with help of "laws" and "regulations".

(The letter continues with a copy of the text, I first had written/posted on the internal company site "OnTack" as follows)

Is there anyone within the company
who has the slightest idea of how dangerous it is for the human body to wear masks ?

That Swedish authorities now recommend face masks protection without at least informing about the serious consequences that mask wearing has on many functions inside the human body - is an insult - and I take this very seriously.

We are talking about brain cell death due to lack of oxygen, weakened immune system, exponentially increased bacterial pathogens in the lung, extremely elevated CO2 levels that lead to cellular acidification and increased difficulty of hemoglobin to bind oxygen for the transport to the cells. Mitochondria (our cells' power stations are damaged by this) - and this leads to blood diseases and cancer in the long run.

In addition, the masks also lead to difficulty concentrating and judging, thanks to a lack of oxygen in the brain (which is extremely sensitive to exactly that) and the result is at the same level as having alcohol in the blood - and driving trains.

Smart? Not at all !

The body has a good 'adaptability', but the dangers in wearing the masks lies in the fact that the damage continues without you becoming aware of what is happening. Experimenting with a lack of oxygen, which by the way starts already after 60-90 seconds mask wearing - at the same time as the carbon dioxide levels rush to harmful heights - also stimulates the development of carcinogenic cells (which love acidification in the body).

Using double or triple masks is immediately very life-threatening!

This is how we walk around, in the belief that common sense rule our minds, while drowning in information which keeps us in a sense of false safety - without even looking into the subject; to examine, review, criticize and understand what our health authorities actually recommend for us living people, while the company without straightforward just mandates the recommendations into a "law" for all staff.

This is very, very serious!

I will also contact for advice, with now the world's largest network of doctors, epidemiologists, microbiologists, judges, scientists, lawyers, etc. - in the EXTERNAL PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY CORONA COMMITTEE in Berlin - which probably does not take it lightly, what is happening in the way it now does.

If we, as we so often say, care about human health - then I give my support wholeheartedly in every way.

But I can not with open eyes see how through naivety and ignorance, people get seriously hurt with very unhealthy consequences wrapped into what is called "recommendations for protection". Especially in
safety and security related professions (like subway driving) - this is completely out of the question !

You may also not understand, that when you use masks for many hours, day after day, the load, through bacterial and fungal particles in the body increase steeply (including the lungs, with increased
prevalence of pneumonia) - to the extent that a PCR tests more often shows positive test results ! Because this Drosten RT-PCR Covid-19 test not only reacts to various Coronavirus particles, but also other particles through so-called "cross-reactivity".


Ralf (bla bla bla number)

Red flag ?

Now of course, a red flag is popping up inside of me, that I may have stretched my mandate as a subway driver beyond the normal scoop of what a subway could do as an employee. I am also aware of the vibrating sensation in my body, which is always a sensation of being "in between" (good/bad, no ego/yes ego, right/wrong, calm/worried). But I just can't phantom that with such real dangers through mask wearing - and just stand there, looking into the sky, going LaLa Land, pretending as if nothing happened

What drives me

The main driver of my decision to write my superiors (what a stupid word) - is that I needed to make a statement. A stand. Because if I would not do that, despite everything I have read about masks - but quietly just accept everything is ok - then that reminds me energetically of giving them a quiet permission; to do whatever they see fit / anything goes ?

I do not consent !

They need to be made aware - even if only symbolically or through a gesture of information - that there is indeed a serious danger involved, a human violation attached to their blindfolding mandate, a recommendation which has been transformed into an internal "law" (think punishment, if you do not obey) - forced on everyone having to wear mask at all times. (I almost want to say; for some f***ing virus, so minuscule, that it glides gracefully through any pore what so ever)

Now - they know the dangers.
They have been informed !

What experience, choices and decisions they choose, is theirs to make. Not my monkey.

My only way (this far in my personal development) - to break my own ice - is to become angry (which I did). And to wheel that power in a nice, yet decisive way.

But Honesty, I feel all "wobbly" right now. :lol:
Well, done is done.
You have offered them "truth".

As you say, they will decide what to do with that information.

That wobble you feel is the razor's edge.

As the C's say, that old law of free will is a real "bear" (I'm paraphrasing).

When they ask for help, some people give their all, but ...

How many times did we make mistakes and they didn't really ask for help.

I've had your "feel" countless times, so cheer up and keep your peace.:hug2:
Stockholm Syndrome :whistle:

I just got an SMS from my employer,
the subway company in Stockholm I work for - (Chinese company), which drives the subway and commuter traffic here, demands now that all personnel have to wear masks (everywhere !) due to the recently changed recommendations by the Swedish Health Authorities - in the shadowy crosswinds of a claimed "Third Wave" in Sweden. :nuts:

I have this spinning "disco boll" :mad: with spikes rotating in my stomach - clearly my ego signature, from rising anger and defense reactions. Wondering if I should take the fight or not. But at second thought, there might be 'solution' to all this... clumsy yet elegantly, slipping through the web of insanity.

The company of course, states that wearing masks at all times is now law/mandatory - because - well, that is what company entities always do; the negative tilted signature in their actions, how to interpret state laws / recommendations and even trends; Always first out, this "best in test" competition nobody asked for, and then followed by showing off with a lot of propaganda on interal LCR displays, written articles, and external media. Look at us; We are sooo ISO & ECO certified.

A fake orgasmic, glossy make-belief show - that's what it really is.

I still can't quite determine if it is truly true, that wearing mask is mandatory. It is based on a strong recommendation by the Swedish Health authorities... so, it is not a law (and it can never be, because we do not have such laws being able to mandate mandatory mask wearing). But through companies, the whole thing slides easily into "rules/laws" on local level, and will be treated as such.

Unfortunately I have nobody in power at work, who has a more healthy common sense, with an open ear for the health issues affecting the dark side of mask wearing.

Safety and health issues, is an area usually very well, even over-protected by the local union. But they have utterly fallen under the spell of the covid narrative. They can not even think straight, that masks in itself are connected to potent health risks (especially while driving, I consider that to be insane due to the oxygen + carbon dioxide back breathing issue affecting concentration, safety and health) Gosh, some of the local Union representatives are all for masks and even privately go out sponsoring mRNA injections with slogans, like "hang on, jump on board, we get vaccinated". Yeah, save a horse, ride a cowboy.

I guess I just have to do like you guys, who have become used to trick-balancing the mask subject in real life (and for a long time)... I can avoid going into the lunch rooms (no problem), and my job is now different where I drive the last trains of the night (very few people, little staff) - and then I work mostly alone in the subway train depots, e.g. when I prepare/check up trains for next day's departure - I certainly do not wear a mask during those tasks, while being alone. Nor do I need to stay in the lunchrooms at the depots - i just sit in the driver cabin until it is time to drive out at 04.30

So, this might after all have a lesser impact for me personally (no pity!) But for all who work during daytime in Stockholm... It's a pretty awful change, I must say !
I have been working for more than a year between 8 and 12 hours (it depends on the time of that day) with the mask on mandatory. I have to drive an emergency vehicle and maximum concentration to go fast and safely is essential.

Believe me, right away you will learn to lower the mask under the nose and "dodge" hateful glances.

You will not be able to avoid it in many moments, but your knowledge that makes you "seek" fresh air, will be enough to keep you well.

Cheer up.
Germany is pushing hard for people to take the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
while at the same time Angela Merkel refuses Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

Basically she can claim pretty much the same for every shot and get away with it. But for us other mortals, we will be asked for vaccine passport on every corner.

I don't know if she was urged to say this or she decided to say it herself but It's a big departure for the Queen of England and very 'unQueenlike', judging by the raised eyebrows from among even her fans. Maybe she's just fed up being stuck inside her rather big house and wants everyone to get the vaccine so she can travel a bit and go to Ascot:)

Meanwhile, across the water, an Oxford survey has found Ireland has the strictest lockdown in the Western World and third strictest in the world:

It's pretty grim, but not unexpected from the Irish elite. They're among the most determined to put the foot on the throat of the population until they gag for a vaccine and complete subjugation. Still, though, they are signs that people are at the end of their tether and are contemplating doing their own thing in defiance of Level 5 lockdown measures. The (yet another!) public address by the Prime Minister on Tuesday evening of an extension until at least April 5th was not met with any 'we're all in this together' comraderie, just stunned shock and even anger for some. Don't wish to anticipate anything but, with a growing sense of prisoner misery, perceived and real injustice and economic and financial desperation (not quite acute yet considering the generous 300+ euros per week state subsidy for those who lost their jobs), anything is possible, and may not be to the elite's liking.
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