Apparently Boris Johnson is going to make an announcement in the UK next Monday. Anyone know anything about this?

It's to do with those bloody vaccine certificates or passports. Looks like they are going to create a two tier society.

Guys, when is this help the C's talk about going to arrive? This situation is getting out of hand over here. The PTB won't stop.
Apparently Boris Johnson is going to make an announcement in the UK next Monday. Anyone know anything about this?

It's to do with those bloody vaccine certificates or passports. Looks like they are going to create a two tier society.

Guys, when is this help the C's talk about going to arrive? This situation is getting out of hand over here. The PTB won't stop.
That would be Apartheid. Should any legislation be passed to that effect, GB or The UK will become de facto an Appartheid state, therefore UN sanctions should apply.


Self harm
Eating Disorder
Injecting parent's medication
Illegal narcotics
Cutting themselves
Attempting suicide
Anxiety Depression

Maybe you have some tips on the current situation.

Last week, our employer informed us that all employees must now take a PCR-test once a week and show the results.

The German government is already openly threatening all companies in Germany with consequences if every company does not ask employees to get tested. This pressure is now being passed on to employees. Next week, we already have to show a test result.

How do we deal with this situation?

I don't want anyone shoving a stick up my nose. I have considerable doubts that the personnel who perform the tests in the pharmacies or in the testing centers are competent to perform this procedure without causing any harm. In fact, there have been some reports that there are not enough medically trained personnel to perform these tests. This increases the likelihood of injury to the nasal cavity, especially potentially the olfactory nerves.

Do you know if it is possible to insist that a mouth or throat swab be done instead of a swab through the nose?

For now, we want to avoid confrontation with the employer by refusing the test and demanding a legal basis or, in the last resort, having us terminated.

We want to navigate through this time as long as we can without going into confrontation.
Maybe you guys have tips on what we can say when we get tested at a pharmacy.
What are our options regarding the employer's requirement that we get tested weekly?
How do you guys handle this?
You need legal representation, or to find the people who are resisting this tyranny.
I think there's clearly a differentiator inside people that make some run towards the vaccine but others away from it. The battleground seems to be for those in the middle, those who don't yet know which side they want to align with - the safety of the ptb and their well funded legions or the side of the rebels, outnumbered and outgunned.
Plus they use fear and ignorance as a motivator. If a person can remove the fear and the ignorance, these tragedies (vaccine reactions) wouldn't happen.
Queensland had been under another 3 day lockdown and mandatory masking, it might be extended because more 'cases' are being discovered. Kind of timely considering the Easter long weekend is coming up and that talk about the vaccines are being rolled out is intensifying. Nothing like timing in applying pressure! I noticed this week that my account in the government portal I use for tax, medicare, social security etc now has a tab called 'vaccination record'.

Here's a good one to put on the list of Freudian slips - from Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeanette Young:

How do you get a copy of this (before they delete it)?
The League for Human Rights has sued the Belgian state for its decisions during the pandemic - they lack a legal basis. Now the strict corona rules have to be reversed. Otherwise there is a risk of a fine. Following a court ruling, Belgium has to withdraw all measures to contain the coronavirus within 30 days due to insufficient legal basis. This was decided by a court in the capital of Brussels in the first instance after a lawsuit by the League for Human Rights, several media reported on Wednesday. A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry confirmed the verdict. The League for Human Rights sued the Belgian state a few weeks ago because the decisions made during the corona pandemic had no legal basis. The ruling now provides for a fine of 5,000 euros a day - but a maximum of 200,000 euros - if it is not implemented. According to the Flemish newspaper De Standaard, the Belgian state can appeal. However, this would have no suspensive effect.

Another explosive court ruling from Austria that also describes the PCR test and "infected" as faulty.

The problem is that these judgments have no impact. It does not change the actions of politicians, neither do they stop the PCR testings. In general my opinion to all that lockdown and masquerade is - which I say to nearly to all the people whomI talk to - : When something does show no effect one has to stop it and try another way. So: Away with lockdown, away with the masquerade.This is something people can understand and my hope is that the spreading of this very simple message may change something in peoples mind . .. . hm .....:knitting:
I am not a subscriber, nor a member of her group but enjoy listening to other perspectives on our world, today, not just in the news media, but also from a spiritual perspective, I found this video from Gigi Young interesting, she states she is an intuitive and is psychic, this video was posted on March 14th, just a few days after the the declaration of a world wide pandemic, It could have been presented yesterday IMO. It's over and hour long. The information she discloses, to my mind could be prescient, for one that is attuned to the energies our world, people, and places. You decide.

Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, and Catherine Austin Fitts both talk about Gigi Young so I thought I'd look at her work. I just did a search here and found you, @Joan, had posted this comment along with one of her videos. After listening to her all afternoon I agree she seems very "attuned," and brings a slightly different perspective to things, albeit one that overlaps in some ways with the "C material" as well. Has anyone else here listened to Young?

1.4. at round 7:00, the police arrived in the apartment of the doctor and president of the "Zivim za Srbiju" ("I Live for Serbia") movement, dr. Jovana Stojkovic, along with a search warrant. She was then arrested on charges of "causing fear and panic by posting against vaccination on social networks." reports that there is currently an action against what they call "anti-vaccines" in Serbia. Also according to the outlet, 5 other people, also anti-vaxxers, were detained. Stojkovic was later released and now waits on a trial.

If you tough that this is crazy, the same article above at also says that:

This is not the first time that Stojković had a "problem" because of her attitude. She was previously accused, as epidemiologists determined, for causing an epidemic of smallpox broke out in October 2017, which took 15 lives during that and the following year.

In 2018, a procedure was initiated against her before the Court of the Regional Medical Chamber of Belgrade for revoking the work license, due to the spread of anti-vaccination ideas and discouraging parents from vaccinating their children. However, the same procedure was soon discontinued.

I've been thinking about this a lot since I asked this question.... And came to the conclusion that it's absolutely not okay if someone didn't ask it. Because everything is lessons and I don't want to be the one to interfere with other people's lessons and then blame them for not being allowed to live through them. If praying would do any good at all in this case. I think you only support the "other" side.

Since I was very agitated that day, I still turned to the divine cosmic spirit before I went to sleep and "chatted" a bit about how I was doing with it and in the end thanked him for "offering" my husband and I these lessons and allowing us to learn from them. And sometimes we don't even know in advance what one situation or another is important for, at first it may seem scary or bad. But in the end, something completely different comes out of it.

I was really worried for two days whether everything will go well after his vaccination, but he had only a slight fever and was simply exhausted. Even if something had happened, I couldn't have helped it. I could only have given my best. As I had done in advance. I think that's all we can do. What is important IMO is that we act no matter what when asked. That was a good lesson... Thanks ... :flowers:

And no, I have never met anyone who has made such a 180 degree turn.... :-/
Thanks for this, it solidifies my belief on this type of prayers. All the best you and your husband.
On March 30th, al-Shabaab terrorists issued a statement rejecting the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for Somalia.
They cited its ‘ineffective and adverse’ side effects.
A statement released by the group warned Somalis against administering the AstraZeneca vaccine saying it is “deadly and unsafe.”
Apparently Boris Johnson is going to make an announcement in the UK next Monday. Anyone know anything about this?

It's to do with those bloody vaccine certificates or passports. Looks like they are going to create a two tier society.

Guys, when is this help the C's talk about going to arrive? This situation is getting out of hand over here. The PTB won't stop.
I think the broadcast will be primarily about vaccine passport trials. I understand the government wants to test the idea at certain sports and social venues across the country. I heard tonight that Liverpool will be one of the cities participating in these trials. Already there are a number of pro-libertarian MPs (including Sir Ian Duncan Smith a former Conservative Party leader) who have said they will oppose the idea of vaccine certificates on the basis that they are discriminatory. I also understand that Bojo will announce which countries will be deemed safe for English tourists to visit this summer. By the look of things, it is going to be certain Gulf states and the USA with most of Europe still being subject to quarantine restrictions for those who want to visit. LOL This is based apparently on the slow vaccine roll out in most of Europe, making European destinations unsafe for English tourists.

It strikes me that as this scamdemic continues, the UK is being used more and more as a test case for others to follow, as we seem to be more advanced in vaccine roll out and punitive lockdown restrictions than most. It seems that we are now also going to be used as a case study for trialling vaccine passports/certificates.

"This situation is getting out of hand over here. The PTB won't stop".

I guess that ties in with the UK being viewed by the C's, along with the USA, as being two of the main centres of PTB evil in the world. In the case of the UK, that centre of evil is here Waddesdon Manor - Wikipedia, in case anyone wondered.
Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, and Catherine Austin Fitts both talk about Gigi Young so I thought I'd look at her work. I just did a search here and found you, @Joan, had posted this comment along with one of her videos. After listening to her all afternoon I agree she seems very "attuned," and brings a slightly different perspective to things, albeit one that overlaps in some ways with the "C material" as well. Has anyone else here listened to Young?
I've listened to quite a lot of Gigi's stuff and think she's quite good. Some things resonate with me, some not so much. She has some esoteric background, but perhaps not a scholar, and can get out there (for me) on some of the new age stuff. Still, the concepts that I don't buy into can make for some interesting and thought-provoking stories. OTOH, she has some working knowledge of Blavatsky and other eastern wisdom.

Gigi seems to be sincere and intent on being of service to others. When she digs into the "conspiracy" stuff, we're almost exactly on the same page, at least IIRC. I haven't seen her latest, which is DNA Modification, ESP & Psychic Battles.
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