Hi all, would like to share some updates from Italy. About 1-2 months ago the italian Prime Minister has been replaced and his place has been taken by Mario Draghi that has strong ties with the international financial cartel.

The interesting thing is that he has been appointed as PM without any kind of election, the excuse to such an outrageous precedent being that the country is finding itself in the middle of a pandemic so it won't be wise to let people to exercise their constitutional right to elect their representatives. In the meantime the italian secret services are "releasing/leaking" a secret document to the press where basically are stating that the previous PM handled well the pandemic crisis but still according to them he has been too soft on applying the draconian measures in order to contain the plandemic and that the current PM should at least handle the situation as his predecessor or going even further by increasing the draconian measures of control. I hope you've got the message from the above, that is, an utter, in your face, scare mongering and utter manipulation from the highest italian echelons in order to keep the italian people subjugated to their will as mere slaves. The reaction of the people? From what I've noticed, some people have been outraged, though most of them have ignored the news or accepted it as a matter of fact.

As for the lockdown, for about 3 weeks most of the italian regions have been under lockdown, a softer one in comparison to the last year's first lockdown but still you can't travel freely on the national territory, most businesses are closed or are working at the lowest capacity and many of these businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. The whole country will be kept under lockdown till 30th April and it seems that people are accepting the current situation without thinking to what they'll pay sooner or later for their own fecklessness.

And the cherry on the pie is that with the last government draconian legislation the vaccine will be mandatory for the Healthcare staff, those who will refuse are risking to not get paid or loose their job.

From where I sit I see the italian people in a pretty dangerous and possibly very chaotic future, it seems they've accepted to be at the mercy of the PTB and that I find really disheartening. Though one hopes that despite the darkness and helplessness I see ahead of us people will see eventually that by keeping going on the same track they'll bring only further suffering and destruction over their heads and eventually will choose to not participate any longer to this madness.
Well if they keep that up the PTB will cancel mother's day!
So apparently this thing didn't end at that park... These kids were determined to have a party no matter what.

Video below... Absolute anarchy and the cops held back this time round.

Is she suggesting all her knowledge is gained through her psychic abilities? How does she separate that from the sources she's gleaning within the New Age movement?
Gigi does claim that some material comes from trances, dreams, etc. Sometimes she cites those within a presentation, sometimes not. Some knowledge seems to be from studying esoteric literature. She seems fond of Steiner, but shows influences from Blavatsky, Gnosticism, Hindu classics, and others.

As to how new age sources are kept separate or blended in, I can't say. Much new age stuff seems to be adapted from older sources and concepts, but "new age" itself isn't something I study. I actually started watching Gigi partly to check the state of current new age thinking. It's also where I think Gigi can get into the weeds. E.g., in one talk she equated moving into the age of Aquarius as the end of the Kali Yuga, and that we're now in the Satya Yuga. I think she's off a bit on that, but what do I know. Gigi probably is far closer to the actual answer than classic sources that say (often indirectly) the Kali Yuga has ~431,995 years to go. Also to her credit, she got the sequence of the yugas correctly (AFAIK), which often seems not to be the case. [Hint: supposedly it's four ages, but in a sequence of seven for a full cycle.]
I get the feeling

(I wonder) if the PCR testing isn’t generating even more money to Big Pharma than the “vaccines” - given how extreme high the amount of testing is done in the world. It must already be in the billions of tests... ?
Business is guaranteed. Yesterday, I had to take an antigen test in order to board a plane. This cost me 80 CHF. Fortunately, I was not required like many others to do PCR which would have been close to 200 CHF. The antigen test is valid for 24 hours, but I still had to do two within 15 hours since a new antigen test was required at the airport of arrival. It was free, but the real cost would not be less than in Switzerland, because the organization was much, much more heavily staffed and not particularly busy. Then today I had to do a full PCR again because of travel. The testing is expensive and the lockdown measures are too.
Sunlight renders coronavirus inactive 8 TIMES faster than predicted, says new study
If even sunlight can shine the light of truth on the dark of this whole scamdemic farce, how long will their lockdown tyranny last?
Don't worry. Bill Gates has got the answer to that one.
Corona Update Germany
Viewed from a bird's eye view, our country is in state of complete madness . For the conscious and informed person it was visible in the last year in a relatively short time that we are slipping into a psychological warfare here. The manipulation by means of media, images, measures and public statements created a paradox, a psychological confusion and fear. Today, the concept of C "knowledge protects" takes on immense importance. Many of us found this forum because we personally suffered from multiple influences of narcissists and psychopaths. The technique of gaslighting is therefore familiar to most. I asked myself, why should we accumulate knowledge that serves us all weapon. Today I can answer it for myself. The knowledge about psychopaths and their tools as manipulation gives you today the possibility to judge the reality exactly and to estimate it in the right sense. Gaslighting can only be recognized by someone who has been exposed to this technique for years. It does not matter if this is implemented person to person or by a government against the population. I myself sense Gaslighting immediately by what it triggers in me and I react immediately in my old familiar patterns. For months I have been struggling to find my inner stability, my grounding . There is no personal reason but it is permanently there. If I now look at the different population groups in Germany, I see the different levels of gaslighting and also how the individual reacts to it depending on his personality.

Man says what he feels and so you see the level of confusion.
>I no longer know what is right and what is wrong
>I don't do anything anymore, because somehow everything is always wrong.
>That makes no sense
>What was right today is wrong tomorrow
>Today the government says that you can travel to Mallorca - as soon as you are in Mallorca, the government says that it is wrong to be in Mallorca.
>Today the government says that Astrazenca is completely safe, tomorrow Astrazeneca is stopped. The day after tomorrow it is safe again.
> I can't plan anything anymore, on the one hand you make hope for a certain day and then exactly before this day the measures get worse and worse.

I saw this video last week and it confirmed to me personally that my feeling was not wrong. Unfortunately, I can only post the video in this form. It is explained here that the measures of the government are a copy of a torture method of the Chinese. The Americans have found this on prisoners of war from the Korean War. The descriptions are with gaslighting
very similar.

If you judge our government in terms of their statements, you would actually have to come to the conclusion that they have fallen prey to a kind of schizophrenic madness. If you judge it from a bird's eye view, everything actually makes sense.
Last week, Mrs. Merkel had to apologize for the first time in 16 years. The entire media world turned upside down: an event of the century. It was preceded by the proposal of an Easter rest (lockdowns are now called rest in Germany). She justified this with rising numbers and the vision that 5 days of "rest" would push the numbers back down. Quite naturally, she declared a normal working day as a day of rest in order to simultaneously leave Easter Saturday open as a shopping day. Due to the Infection Protection Act, Merkel and the Minister of Health have dictatorial rights here, which they exploit to the full extent. There was a lot of headwind and she had to take back the decision. In order not to lose face, she was forced to combine this with a public apology. If you know Mrs. Merkel, you know that she is a malignant narcissist. Narcissists will never apologize voluntarily. If they are forced to do so, they will retaliate with excessive hatred. Looking at the apology, you saw an ice-cold woman with a facial expression of a pitted lemon. You knew - she would strike back mercilessly. This then happened within a week in a television broadcast. There she threatened with disempowerment of the prime ministers and with the extension of the infection control law if not implemented what she says. This woman is the worst evil what was done to us Germans after Hitler.
If one regards the entire picture, it becomes clear very fast that all messages on the part of the government, experts and media are not to be evaluated no more contentwise or on the thing level. The only and most objective view is that from the point of view of the planned manipulation in the sense of gaslighting.

The media serves the government's strategy in any form with appropriate editorials. What is striking is the interspersing of headlines as background noise to carry the panic and hysteria into all areas. Today the pension is completely insecure, tomorrow the financial market collapses, the day after tomorrow the death mutation reaches us. Seen from the broad perspective, this is all about fueling the panic.But there is also light at the end of the tunnel. More and more, one sees critical reports in media that are usually loyal to the government. But here, too, I have the feeling that it is part of the game to give people the feeling that their critical perception is being confirmed. In the end, this kind of reporting leads to complete disorientation.

Astrazeneca is now serving to completely confuse people in Germany. The change in the view of vaccines in the sense of good or bad is striking. Thus, the current suspicion arises that the real mission is to manipulate people on Pfizer. I would bet that most of the negative information is spread by Pfizer and WHO. In our country, it's called: Did you get the good Pfizer vaccine? I hope I get Pfizer. So Pfizer is being bashed into a desirable luxury item. This is what will happen now with all vaccines that are approved. The only bright spot for me is Sputnik. Putin will never allow Sputnik to be written badly in Germany. And here this sick PTS has completely miscalculated. In the meantime, there are more and more Germans who would only vaccinate themselves with Sputnik if they were vaccinated.

The ultimate question would be
What is the real goal in the end? How long do they want to drive the German people into madness? Basically, you should act exactly as the C said: Buy some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show. It's just incredibly difficult to remain unimpressed by this madness and to keep calm.
Don't forget, like most world leaders she will be feeling the pressure from the secret World Government and they know that time is running short. This is increasing the pressure on them to bring their NWO plans to fruition. The chances are, this will lead to them making mistakes. We can but hope!

I can't help feeling that Macron's latest national lockdown in France is going to backfire spectacularly on him. We shall soon see. Perhaps all French people will become Gilets Jaune now.
Xpan said:
(I wonder) if the PCR testing isn’t generating even more money to Big Pharma than the “vaccines” - given how extreme high the amount of testing is done in the world. It must already be in the billions of tests... ?

According to this podcast from American Media Periscope, it may be doing more than just raising huge amounts of revenue.
This issue may have been covered in other threads but has anyone on the Forum looked into this claim that there may be synthetic biological material in some of the test swabs and face masks (particularly those originating from China)? This seems like something out of a bad Scifi movie. I mean, this stuff can actually be seen to move under a microscope. Is there a link with Morgellons fibres here?
Hi all, would like to share some updates from Italy. About 1-2 months ago the italian Prime Minister has been replaced and his place has been taken by Mario Draghi that has strong ties with the international financial cartel.

The interesting thing is that he has been appointed as PM without any kind of election, the excuse to such an outrageous precedent being that the country is finding itself in the middle of a pandemic so it won't be wise to let people to exercise their constitutional right to elect their representatives. In the meantime the italian secret services are "releasing/leaking" a secret document to the press where basically are stating that the previous PM handled well the pandemic crisis but still according to them he has been too soft on applying the draconian measures in order to contain the plandemic and that the current PM should at least handle the situation as his predecessor or going even further by increasing the draconian measures of control. I hope you've got the message from the above, that is, an utter, in your face, scare mongering and utter manipulation from the highest italian echelons in order to keep the italian people subjugated to their will as mere slaves. The reaction of the people? From what I've noticed, some people have been outraged, though most of them have ignored the news or accepted it as a matter of fact.

As for the lockdown, for about 3 weeks most of the italian regions have been under lockdown, a softer one in comparison to the last year's first lockdown but still you can't travel freely on the national territory, most businesses are closed or are working at the lowest capacity and many of these businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. The whole country will be kept under lockdown till 30th April and it seems that people are accepting the current situation without thinking to what they'll pay sooner or later for their own fecklessness.

And the cherry on the pie is that with the last government draconian legislation the vaccine will be mandatory for the Healthcare staff, those who will refuse are risking to not get paid or loose their job.

From where I sit I see the italian people in a pretty dangerous and possibly very chaotic future, it seems they've accepted to be at the mercy of the PTB and that I find really disheartening. Though one hopes that despite the darkness and helplessness I see ahead of us people will see eventually that by keeping going on the same track they'll bring only further suffering and destruction over their heads and eventually will choose to not participate any longer to this madness.
Maybe the previous Italian prime minister resigned because he was connected to the US election steal? My understanding is that an Italian cyber warfare specialist, who worked for a top Italian defence contractor, hacked into the Dominion voting machines in real time as the presidential vote was being counted. Worse, the hacking took place at the US Embassy in Rome and the data from the voting machines was relayed via the Vatican's satellite to the US Counsular Office in Frankfurt, Germany where the Dominion servers were being guarded by the CIA. The NSA and military intelligence found out and the hacker was subsequently charged under Italian law for his illegal hacking activities. Needless to say, President Trump was not best pleased and pressure may have been brought to bear on Conte to go. Unfortunately, as the C's hinted, Trump did not have the courage to use the information and the popular support he had at his disposal to challenge the election result and have it overturned. Trump knew of this before Christmas, when he met with General Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell and Patrick Byrne at the White House to discuss their plan to move into the battleground states and seize the voting machines and declare the election illegal. As there was now clear evidence of foreign interference in the US election, he could have used a standing Presidential Executive Order that he himself had signed to do this. It looks though that he was talked out of it by senior White House staff members, including the President's chief legal advisor.

Draghi isn't he only premier putting of an election in contravention of the constitution. Trudeau is doing the same in Canada.
I've had an experience when doing reiki on somebody that produced a 180 degree turn in their thinking. It was an elderly lady who adamantly refused to go and live in a care facility. She was unable to live on her own and her son had significant mental health issues, was not taking his medications, and was unable to care for her.

Just like that, she saw that it wouldn't be so bad, all her needs would be met, her son could come and visit her any time and they wouldn't have to sell her house.

I don't think it was a case of forcing anything on her, it was just a case of letting her look at things in a slightly different way and most of all, in a non-threatening way. After that, she changed her mind.

When it comes to the 'vaccine' issue, I don't think it's that simple. That's because there's evil or entropy involved. People have to make their choices and live with the consequences. At least that's how it is for the individual. Imposing an individuals will on someone is definitely entropic, whether it's for or against 'vaccines'.

That said, there's no reason why reiki couldn't be used on a group of people, a community or a situation in order to improve that situation. Perhaps to protect people who are trying to stand up against entropy? Maybe it will give somebody a perspective in a difficult situation that enables them to 'see a way through'? For those who are entropic, it will probably expose their lies to the community and things would just 'happen' to take away some of their power (and it's always power over others).

Part of doing reiki (when doing reiki 2) is that at the beginning you have to state that the reiki "must be for the higher good" and ask if they accept. The idea is that it goes where it's needed. Probably not a good idea to use it on people who are strongly entropic, that would be just a waste of energy. Maybe just on the situations and problems they cause? It can be quite interesting when the public suddenly see that "the emperor has no clothes". This is not a violation of free will, it's just presenting another perspective. What people do with that perspective is up to them.

In this explanation, I have likened the action of praying to that of reiki. There may be people who don't think there is any similarity. At the moment I have an open mind on the two.
I see now it is all about intent. Your reiki session was focused on the patient's energy not on outcome. The example of my Evangelical friends was their intent was for my conversion not on my divine purpose. STS desires outcome STO desires best service.

I can see that we should not pray for outcome but that we pray for best service, but only if requested.
I haven't posted on the forum in quite a while, some health issuers not serious), but more a feeling of oppression, I am not particularly depressed. It's a thought/feeling I am being weighed down by by all the negativity surrounding me. Family issues, with the vaccine in the UK with my sister. She has taken the vaccine Pfizer, said she was OK just some discomfort at the injection site. She tells me that the husband of her friend had the Astra Zeneca shot had a serious adverse reaction related to breathing issues, his wife stayed up with him all night. I have no further information.

I don't want to go into all the issues at this time, but to say, that my sister living in the UK, demonstrates to me that she is nothing more a mind controlled drone complete captured by the UK MSM programming. I can no longer have any rational discourse. I have been accused of being a Trump supporter, an antivaxxer, and other derogatory comments, she has lost her mind. All I did was advise to hold off on receiving the vaccine, she told me she wanted to go back to normal, I told her things would never go back to normal. It was a red flag for her she hung up on our telephone conversation.

I attempted to inform her that if she became sick, I would not be able to see her, again she hung up again on our conversation, I am talking to a brick wall.

This issue is separating families, communities and nations, worldwide. Something has to give. How much suffering will humanity have to suffer before the message is finally received.

This interesting video


Or is it just a political manipulation, from interested parties, although it does sound similar to what is happening worldwide. That being said, Israel has been accused in recent media reports, as a human experiment, regarding severe draconian measures, in reality, is this any different to what is happening worldwide, although does give some insight, Israel, is no different than any other Western Country as this time IMO.

The interesting thing is that he has been appointed as PM without any kind of election, the excuse to such an outrageous precedent being that the country is finding itself in the middle of a pandemic so it won't be wise to let people to exercise their constitutional right to elect their representatives.
Why bother stealing an election when you can just install the chosen one. Less expensive than having to spend so much on a sparsely attended campaign rallies. The internal pressure of the people will soon reach the max with so much madness coming from the usual suspects.
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