This issue may have been covered in other threads but has anyone on the Forum looked into this claim that there may be synthetic biological material in some of the test swabs and face masks (particularly those originating from China)? This seems like something out of a bad Scifi movie. I mean, this stuff can actually be seen to move under a microscope. Is there a link with Morgellons fibres here?
Aaaand, this was on the Canadian News Just this morning:
“Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings.”

Why bother stealing an election when you can just install the chosen one. Less expensive than having to spend so much on a sparsely attended campaign rallies. The internal pressure of the people will soon reach the max with so much madness coming from the usual suspects.
I have the same thought. The italian elites are pretty confident at this point that they've managed to bend the people to their will through fear and terror and that they have almost everybody's tacit compliance or at least that's my current perception.

If that's close to truth than from this point on me thinks that they'll push even harder with their plans that may contribute eventually to the exposure factor the C's mentioned in several sessions.

Also the C's have advised us to be calm and to have patience, an advice that one does all his best to follow though sometimes it's pretty hard to see any light whatsoever inside the current dark tunnel in which we are finding ourselves in.

Still, the hope for a better future must be kept alive inside ourselves no matter what.
Aaaand, this was on the Canadian News Just this morning:
“Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings.”

Good spot Debra. I recall that not so long ago Graphene was the new coming thing. It is remarkably thin and capable of operating at nanoparticle level. It is also a great conductor of electricity and highly heat resistant. However, there have been health studies done on it in recent times and the results are rather concerning judging from the attached article.​

Whether these are the same face masks as the Chinese manufactured masks referred to in the American Media Periscope podcast is not known. I must confess that I am also worried about the implications for test swabs as well. Some alternative media sites have suggested that the swabs are being used to introduce nanoparticles to your system. Maybe this is an issue that can be raised with the C's.
This is interesting, graphene is a substance derived from graphite, my understanding, think lead pencils, According to TC Lethbridge, graphite has the ability to react with a person, the ability to switch genders, Apologies, I can't find the exact reference from his books, regarding the pendulum rates, I did find the this reference to his table of pendulum rates. All to do with frequencies, and spirals

From his book A step in the Dark. posted on the web, but his book gives more information for those interested. apologies don't have a scanner, and apologies if this is off top[ic.


So is what they are saying the truth, concerning nano particles, think vaccines. Just some off the wall thoughts. concerning the use of disposable masks which seem to be everywhere and can be purchased at almost any grocery store, along with the weekly shop and is becoming a recycling issue worldwide
Aaaand, this was on the Canadian News Just this morning:
“Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings.”

This is interesting, graphene is a substance derived from graphite, my understanding, think lead pencils, According to TC Lethbridge, graphite has the ability to react with a person, the ability to switch genders, Apologies, I can't find the exact reference from his books, regarding the pendulum rates, I did find the this reference to his table of pendulum rates. All to do with frequencies, and spirals

From his book A step in the Dark. posted on the web, but his book gives more information for those interested. apologies don't have a scanner, and apologies if this is off top[ic.


So is what they are saying the truth, concerning nano particles, think vaccines. Just some off the wall thoughts. concerning the use of disposable masks which seem to be everywhere and can be purchased at almost any grocery store, along with the weekly shop and is becoming a recycling issue worldwide

I attach the Wikipedia entry for 'graphene'. From what I have read of its special properties, this leaves me very worried. If graphene is in the swabs, then this is definitely putting nanoparticle material into you. Could there be a link here with the new 5G technology they are currently rolling out?
Don't worry. Bill Gates has got the answer to that one.

I think I read

in the Swedish newspaper just yesterday, that Gates' project for June 2021 in Kiruna has been cancelled, thanks to the Sami people.
Xpan said:
(I wonder) if the PCR testing isn’t generating even more money to Big Pharma than the “vaccines” - given how extreme high the amount of testing is done in the world. It must already be in the billions of tests... ?

According to this podcast from American Media Periscope, it may be doing more than just raising huge amounts of revenue.
This issue may have been covered in other threads but has anyone on the Forum looked into this claim that there may be synthetic biological material in some of the test swabs and face masks (particularly those originating from China)? This seems like something out of a bad Scifi movie. I mean, this stuff can actually be seen to move under a microscope. Is there a link with Morgellons fibres here?

Worldwide DNA Collection

I believe the three primary reasons for the PCR and AntiGen tests are the collection of human DNA on a worldwide scale. And of course also serving the dark purpose of creating false positives, to keep the Plandemic afloat (and the enormous income generated by the tests and everything connected to it, staff, equipment, etc) It is now a multi billion industry, perhaps even more !

The nanoparticle story

I can't help to feel it is (at this stage) claimed in a highly amateurish way that the PCR test sticks contain nano particles (strains, dark fibers). The claims I have seen so far, have been made in such an amateurish way, generating no confidence or proof. Rather serves spectacular claims, and may be highly counter productive. (if you wish to narrow in where the truths lies).

If there are - I am sure - serious medical staff working on the alternative side of things. And they surely have much better equipment to determine any nano particles existence, and if, the origins in those.

Because - just hand holding a PCR stick loosely in the hand, while looking at it with a over-the-counter digital (more or less) "toy" microscope... just doesn't cut it. That being said, I do not dismiss the potential of that particles exist, that should not belong there... (real nano particles). So, it is good that people check things out. But, I wished people would have more "ice in their stomachs" before they run out into the wild with a lot of speculations... going deeper, by making contact with people who can really investigate it with sophisticated instruments.

But let me add, that this is my gut feeling.

Of course when it comes to medical equipment and such - you often find rather suspect material in it (chemicals and artificial particles) not really good when used for a too long time. Or digging them deeply up the nose, close to the intricate and fragile bone area located near the brain... You just don't dig in there, to begin with.

If they want to hunt viruses for test results (bla bla bla) - you do not need to stick a PCR stick 10 cm deep up the nose. Actually - I would insist on them taking it from the throat area !
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Aaaand, this was on the Canadian News Just this morning:
“Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings.”

One issue

I am thinking of, when it comes to products is, that I do not truly trust what they are made of. I mean, how do you really know when graphene nano particles are in the product... I am sure it is not always specified...

Just think of many face products like creams, paint, eye liners, sun screens, etc... to make it especially fluid and smooth, etc. which I am sure contain lots of nano material of all kind. I believe that nano material has been weaponized for a couple decades in products we use daily....

Is it ever specified ? I don't think so.
Just for reference, just some of the potential the uses in modern technology for Graphene. Could already be in use for the ordinary citizen. who knows. This from Manchester University UK. I should imagine it is from the Science and Technology Branch. Much expanded from my day and age and recollection.

Applications - Graphene - The University of Manchester

Medical applications


Graphene's unique properties allow for ground-breaking biomedical applications. Targeted drug delivery; improved brain penetration; DIY health-testing kits and 'smart' implants.

I thought this was an interesting area to discuss and add to the thread.
I saw this article from November 2020 and wonder if it is real. That would explain at least a little bit why they want to push people more towards pfizer. If it's already been posted here, I missed it, then please excuse the noise.

A little update about the Corona madness in Macedonia.
Now the main accent is on vaccination.It is obvious that one big part of this madness was just about vaccination. Since Macedonia, until last week didn't have any Covid vaccine, last weekend some of the brainwashed zombies from Macedonia traveled to Serbia to get the Astra Zenec jab.
This time it was free to travel to get a jab, no PCR tests no strict measures.
During the week after that people who receive it started to have nasty side effects. Some of them died from blood clotting complications. Among them were celebrities, doctors or very young people. So no rules there.

After that, the damage control media propaganda took a boost. All kinds of experts showed up on TV claiming that many drugs like painkillers, contraceptive pills have statistically far more chance to give you blood clotting problems than this AstraZeneca Vaccine.

So, just simple logic. If the virus was so deadly and the vaccines so safe and effective then why would Serbia allow the Macedonian citizens to come there( in the middle of the so-called pandemic) to get a shot when they can simply close the border to stop spreading the virus and give those shots to their own citizens. Few days after that came up with a statement that they did that because the vaccines had an expiration date for few more days and that it would be a real shame to throw them in the garbage.

Then a lot of press conferences in the country to try to minimize the panic from deadly shots so people will get more of them.
But I noticed one thing. That the health minister, who is a surgeon by profession, by the look of his face and talk and gestures knows something about these deadly mRNA vaccines.

A few days later Macedonia gets about 200 000 new shots of Sputnik V. Most of the people who want a shot wants this one. The Prime minister says on TV that the citizens cant choose what shot will they get. The Sputnik V shots were for Police, Army, and teachers from the educational system that works with smaller children. ( they need them also because they are their voting machinery on every elections)

Another hint that they know something more than they are telling. They cant upset the police and army with mRNA vaccines because they are their bodyguards. They need them for now and they must be sure they are ok and no shocks for them so they can keep their programming intact.
Giving mRNA vaccines to police and the army at this early stage will mean a lot of deaths and side effects and that can make some of them suspicious.
Besides this, nothing new. A curfew from 10 pm to 5 am every day. The curfew will probably be extended at the beginning of May because May 2 is the orthodox Easter day. We will probably have a total lockdown and curfew for a few days.

Manipulation with numbers of dead and infected is going for a whole year and I don't see any sign that they will stop. Programing among the masses is huge. I could never believe such a thing if I haven't seen all these. People are going to covid centers for every case of runny nose and sore throat. The false PCR test comes positive and they are just the number after that. The real problems for most of them start when they go to covid centers and they start Covid protocols on them. A lot of them don't survive these covid protocols.

Show is going on.
I must confess that I am also worried about the implications for test swabs as well. Some alternative media sites have suggested that the swabs are being used to introduce nanoparticles to your system. Maybe this is an issue that can be raised with the C's.
This is another new concern that we may not be aware of. The PTB are obviously aware that there will always be some who will never have the vaccine. What easier way to introduce their "technology" into the human bodies of those individuals, than be using test equipment i.e. PCR etc. The anti-vaccination individuals will have to be tested regularly in order to be allowed to work in certain areas and live their so-called normal lives after lockdown. Many are concerned about the effects of the vaccine on the human body but perhaps the real worry should be the continual and apparently harmless testing which is going on. I have to have three times weekly PCR and lateral flow tests where I work. :cry:
I haven't posted on the forum in quite a while, some health issuers not serious), but more a feeling of oppression, I am not particularly depressed. It's a thought/feeling I am being weighed down by by all the negativity surrounding me. Family issues, with the vaccine in the UK with my sister. She has taken the vaccine Pfizer, said she was OK just some discomfort at the injection site. She tells me that the husband of her friend had the Astra Zeneca shot had a serious adverse reaction related to breathing issues, his wife stayed up with him all night. I have no further information.

I don't want to go into all the issues at this time, but to say, that my sister living in the UK, demonstrates to me that she is nothing more a mind controlled drone complete captured by the UK MSM programming. I can no longer have any rational discourse. I have been accused of being a Trump supporter, an antivaxxer, and other derogatory comments, she has lost her mind. All I did was advise to hold off on receiving the vaccine, she told me she wanted to go back to normal, I told her things would never go back to normal. It was a red flag for her she hung up on our telephone conversation.

I attempted to inform her that if she became sick, I would not be able to see her, again she hung up again on our conversation, I am talking to a brick wall.

This issue is separating families, communities and nations, worldwide. Something has to give. How much suffering will humanity have to suffer before the message is finally received.

This interesting video


Or is it just a political manipulation, from interested parties, although it does sound similar to what is happening worldwide. That being said, Israel has been accused in recent media reports, as a human experiment, regarding severe draconian measures, in reality, is this any different to what is happening worldwide, although does give some insight, Israel, is no different than any other Western Country as this time IMO.

In defence of your sister, she's living in the UK.

We are under MASSIVE psychological attack here with no escape. They are turning this island into a prison island. I can't overstate the level of attack we're experiencing in the UK and the effect it's having on people who don't even realise what's going on. I'd say people are in a state of constant shock.

My advise to anyone not in the UK who was thinking of visiting this year, don't! If you value your psychological hygiene and mental sanity you're much better off visiting a different country.
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Aaaand, this was on the Canadian News Just this morning:
“Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings.”

What are the masks that contain graphene? Are they the blue ones?

Also people are now saying the chemical used to sterilise the tips of PCR tests is quite toxic - Ethylene Oxide

Does anyone in the forum have a view on this?
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