This video points out the risks that the general public should know about the so called vaccine. {snip}

Welcome to our forum eightyfour!

I realise that at just under 3 minutes it's a short video, but if you provide a brief summary of its points, it enables more of us to be aware of the information it contains, and maybe it will encourage more of us to take time to watch it.

Also, since this is your first post, we ask all new participants to provide an intro post in the newbies section. It doesn't have to be anything personal, if you don't want to, but you could tell us how you found us, whether you have been read any of the recommended books, SOTT, and so on. If you are not sure what to write, you can have a look at other introductory posts for some ideas.
"Oh! You got vaccinated? So then you must have researched it pretty diligently first, right? Can I ask you about it?"

In most cases, they won't have researched it at all, so their backs will be immediately put up. Instead of them attacking you, you've put them on the defense.

Ask a few leading questions intermixed with technical questions. They don't even have to be related to the drug itself. They just have to make them look and feel ignorant, which is the feeling you want them to leave this conversation remembering.
I'm not entirely sure that making people who have been lied to, and duped into having something that hurts them, and puts them at risk of long term health problems, feel ignorant or defensive, is as helpful as it could be. Especially if most of them have 'drunk the kool-aid' and now have to live with the consequences. Because once injected, it can't be removed. Any damage is done and we don't know how their health will develop from there.

It would actually be nice to hear from someone who had the shot/s and had a beneficial experience. I've only seen one in the MSM. A woman with 'long term Covid' (that's actually a 'thing', especially among females), who had an improvement post shot.

All the inadvertent 'lab rats' that I've spoken to at my work have had reactions. Mild ones, like headache, fever and just feeling 'totally wiped out', sometimes for days, necessitating the taking of personal leave, which our employer, in it's 'wisdom' has actually budgeted for and knew was going to happen (wtf?!?). Why are they deliberately making people sick, deliberately lying to them ('safe and effective') and failing to mention they are part of a trial?

It's good to get feedback and then ask if they've reported any reactions to the relevant authorities.

Also, I've told one of the girls who had the Pfizer 'vaccine' that she should 'look out for allergic reactions' to things not previously known to be an allergen to her. There are reports (I've heard this through Polly and Mary's discussion on The Defender) of people not previously allergic to things, now coming out in rashes when exposed to things that they've never previously had a reaction to, for example hair dye and having to be tested, now. If this is the case, then how are the people who already have allergies going to fare?
The interesting thing is that he has been appointed as PM without any kind of election, the excuse to such an outrageous precedent being that the country is finding itself in the middle of a pandemic so it won't be wise to let people to exercise their constitutional right to elect their representatives. In the meantime the italian secret services are "releasing/leaking" a secret document to the press where basically are stating that the previous PM handled well the pandemic crisis but still according to them he has been too soft on applying the draconian measures in order to contain the plandemic and that the current PM should at least handle the situation as his predecessor or going even further by increasing the draconian measures of control.
Kind of reminds me of the USA. People have no rights, or ability to self determine anymore. It's all an illusion or a lie.
I see now it is all about intent. Your reiki session was focused on the patient's energy not on outcome. The example of my Evangelical friends was their intent was for my conversion not on my divine purpose. STS desires outcome STO desires best service.

I can see that we should not pray for outcome but that we pray for best service, but only if requested.
I think you've got that right! It seems to me, that where governments, employers and 'those in charge' are concerned, it is a case of "the end justifies the means" - at all cost, with no regard to the consequences or injuries caused to people who are merely subject to their will.

This is why I call them evil and I feel they must be 'called out' and confronted. The irony is, that the people involved often don't see themselves as evil at all....

I think individuals, on the other hand, are much more nuanced. They may not be aware that they are under the sway, or being influenced by propaganda or advertising. Those that are aware, are definitely more responsible and culpable for their actions than those who are completely oblivious.

I have to remind myself of this too, because I've got no right to impose my belief systems on others. I think it helps me to be more patient and sympathetic with those who may have been mislead, or made choices that they end up regretting. They can still be helped, especially if they ask for it. But most importantly, they can end up helping themselves. I think reiki give people that power.

I think what some of my colleagues (nurses) wanted from 'the jab' was 'something for nothing'. They chose to believe there was no risk and only benefits. They chose to believe what our employer told us. None of them really looked into it. Some of them will find this out the hard way.

And some of them are so completely wrapped up in their belief system that they'll NEVER associate anything bad happening from 'the holy magical needle', even if it kills them. It will always be 'a coincidence'...
From where I sit I see the italian people in a pretty dangerous and possibly very chaotic future, it seems they've accepted to be at the mercy of the PTB and that I find really disheartening. Though one hopes that despite the darkness and helplessness I see ahead of us people will see eventually that by keeping going on the same track they'll bring only further suffering and destruction over their heads and eventually will choose to not participate any longer to this madness.

I hear you Andrian! I feel the same about the situation in Italy. The recent political game that was initiated by former PM Mario Renzi, a dear friend of the US deep state, and saw former ECB president and globalist Mario Draghi take power with an unanimity that we hadn't seen before, has IMO revealed the true face of even some of the anti-establishment parties who have willingly joined the ranks of a globalist government.

Italy was the first country in Europe to implement a lock down and has since implemented a scheme where each region is assigned a colour (Yellow, Orange and Red) based on certain criteria and an associated level of restrictions which change on a infrequent basis, leaving businesses unable to plan or prepare for anything. Just imagine that ski operators were told on multiple occasions this season that they could re-open, only to be told every time that the re-opening was to be cancelled.

Apart from one instance in Naples last year, we have not seen major demonstrations take place in the country that could hamper the government's efforts which suggests that, despite many being desperate, people are still primarily driven by fear and the majority believes what they hear on the news, and this reminds of a discussion in a recent session:

(Joe) Yeah, but since 9/11 there have been so many things that are tied to that. We keep saying 9/11 was a turning point. There are so many things that happened since then where each was an opportunity for people to go, "Hang on a minute, that doesn't sound right..." And sure, this COVID thing is in your face, but I'm not at all sure that it's a last chance...

A: Humanity has one last chance. Will they take it?

Q: (L) I dunno... I have a very grim view of it. I don't...

(Chu) And the problem is that we know that in order to grow, you must suffer, right? But in this case, it's not real suffering yet. Especially in the West, it's more like fear. The people who believe lies are just afraid to die. It's not real suffering caused by life experience. So, it's even harder to make a choice or grow from it.

(Joe) Yeah, but I think they're saying that humanity has one last chance to learn the truth and accept reality WITHOUT the mass suffering. If they don't take that one...

(L) Then they get the mass suffering, in spades most likely.

A: Yes

Q: (L) If they buy into this, the suffering is gonna intensify exponentially and failure and collapse will be reached rapidly.

A: Yes

I hope that I am wrong in my assessment and that enough people will do something about it, but things are not looking promising at the moment.
Not close is my guess. Years of dumbing people down and pumping them full of gender confusing chemicals are now paying dividends to the PTB.

Humanity is now on a death spiral in my view and we're all sadly going down with this ship. 😔
Let's see what reaction the global economic reset engenders when it is rolled out later this year. Perhaps that may prove a wake up call, particularly when people start to notice who the money and assets are flowing to.
"A 'time limit' ... could be imposed...."

Could be, eh?

So ... could be there won't be a time limit, then? 🙄
Johnson is by nature a populist. He rode into power on a wave of anti-EU sentiment and anger and frustration at the failure of Theresa May, his predecessor, to deliver on the EU Referendum result. He saw how a powerful minority in the Conservative Party (the Eurosceptics) managed to undermine her administration. Hence, he has to be careful not to antagonise his own back benchers, who are his only real opposition. There are currently some pretty powerful figures in his own party opposing him on this issue so he will need to act cautiously. As a back stop, any stipulated time limit could always be changed at a later date on the basis of new scientific evidence. They have played that card before.
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