I'm seeing a few scenarios here...first one being that they have enough vaccinated to have a good cull, but they know they're onto a loser, so can't push Covid so well. The second, and I think more likely scenario is this....'ok, so we got the numbers wrong for 'cases', but people still died. If you were tested positive for SarsCov2, it could be wrong, therfore you don't have natural immunity and therefore you DEFINATELY need the vaccine....'

WHO’s Double Speak

If the private WHO (pretending to be an official authority) - would mean what it writes and puts out like in the aforementioned article - we wouldn’t have as many problems.

Do they retract the RT-PCR tests ?

Nope !

Do they actively pursue / recommend that their member states Gov’s end the lockdowns ?

Nope !

Do they end the Pandemic ?

Nope !

Do they reinstate the former definition of ‘pandemic’, the one used before 2009 ?

Nope !

The silent fingerprints

left behind by the WHO has a very different signature and character when you test it deeper - compared to what they write and state officially as of lately, sounding - ah so quaint and everything. In essence they don’t retract nor end nor correct anything - because everything just continues according the original plan - which has been in place for over a year. And that is reflected in most nations still after all this time; the vastly unlawful sidelining of democratic and medical laws.

So, it’s just all WHO Poop

Corruption and Business as usual. Aren’t psychopaths doing the same thing ? Strewing glitter into public eyes. Their mouths filled with good words and statements ?

And ?

It just means absolutely...

I had to do a PCR test, and it was negative. Along with the answer, there was also a link to the Corona Passport. This was not received with an app. I downloaded it from the net, printed it as a pdf and later edited it to remove personal information.

Regarding the vaccination for people 50 and above that I mentioned a couple of days ago, the article left the impression that all must be vaccinated before they reopen. Others have now told me that there is a choice, but then there are also restrictions. For some jobs, one needs either a vaccination or proof that one has antigens because one already had it, or one has to do a PCR test two-three times a week, as it should not be more than three days old. It took about an hour and a half and I only live 4 km away from the test centre. When I signed up on the net, there was an online queue of more than 10,000, but the line was only 14 minutes. Here you can read the number of tests the done every day. In the last 24 hours, at the time of posting, it was more than 300,000. That is 5 % of the population per day. There is a very strong pressure to have the citizens conform, it will take much sacrifice to work around the public expectation.

I get the feeling

(I wonder) if the PCR testing isn’t generating even more money to Big Pharma than the “vaccines” - given how extreme high the amount of testing is done in the world. It must already be in the billions of tests... ?
I suspect that it will be a waste of energy, however I believe that such a prayer has to have a qualifier of: In Accordance of His/Her Free Will. I have evangelical friends who pray constantly for me to come to Jesus so I know that it is a form of spiritual manipulation. They believe that it is the only way for me to be saved so they mean well. But for me it is a form of condescension of my own spiritual awareness. I think that this type of prayer is like praying for peace on earth, unlikely to happen. I also believe the person must ask before a prayer will be effective. Ask and you shall receive.

However, that said you maybe right. Has anyone had any experience of praying for someone to make a 180 of attitude and it worked?
I've had an experience when doing reiki on somebody that produced a 180 degree turn in their thinking. It was an elderly lady who adamantly refused to go and live in a care facility. She was unable to live on her own and her son had significant mental health issues, was not taking his medications, and was unable to care for her.

Just like that, she saw that it wouldn't be so bad, all her needs would be met, her son could come and visit her any time and they wouldn't have to sell her house.

I don't think it was a case of forcing anything on her, it was just a case of letting her look at things in a slightly different way and most of all, in a non-threatening way. After that, she changed her mind.

When it comes to the 'vaccine' issue, I don't think it's that simple. That's because there's evil or entropy involved. People have to make their choices and live with the consequences. At least that's how it is for the individual. Imposing an individuals will on someone is definitely entropic, whether it's for or against 'vaccines'.

That said, there's no reason why reiki couldn't be used on a group of people, a community or a situation in order to improve that situation. Perhaps to protect people who are trying to stand up against entropy? Maybe it will give somebody a perspective in a difficult situation that enables them to 'see a way through'? For those who are entropic, it will probably expose their lies to the community and things would just 'happen' to take away some of their power (and it's always power over others).

Part of doing reiki (when doing reiki 2) is that at the beginning you have to state that the reiki "must be for the higher good" and ask if they accept. The idea is that it goes where it's needed. Probably not a good idea to use it on people who are strongly entropic, that would be just a waste of energy. Maybe just on the situations and problems they cause? It can be quite interesting when the public suddenly see that "the emperor has no clothes". This is not a violation of free will, it's just presenting another perspective. What people do with that perspective is up to them.

In this explanation, I have likened the action of praying to that of reiki. There may be people who don't think there is any similarity. At the moment I have an open mind on the two.
Yes, states are stopping mandates, but people are still wearing masks! They have been so well indoctrinated, that they don't realize they can just go about their business with no mask. They cannot overcome their learned helplessness.
They have stopped it too, in Melbourne - unless it's in hospitals, on public transport, shared rides, and in airports.

Imagine my surprise when I see a lady walking down the street - alone, on a beautiful sunny day with a mask on! I had to ask myself, why?
Is she frightened? Virtue signalling, or completely ignorant? Perhaps she doesn't have to spend 10 hours a day at work with a mask on, like I do? I just wonder at these people sometimes. I suppose they rely completely on mainstream media for their information.

Of course, she may have been sick too. I just didn't think of that at the time. It was probably unlikely, though.
A thought. 2030 prophet Klaus Schwab has a particular outdated way of speaking. Maybe bc he is Nueschwabian?


And, maybe Neuschwabenland is organised like the new normal?

It may be more the era he grew up in, as he was born 1938. Speech, especially public speech, was more formal before the 1960s. From his wikipedia bio, he had a top tier European education which would have still included the Western classics:
Humanistisches Gymnasium in Ravensburg, Germany.[citation needed] He first graduated as an engineer from ETH Zurich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology),[citation needed] then gained a doctorate in Engineering from ETH Zurich,[4] a doctorate in Economics from the University of Fribourg,[5] and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.[6]

If you watch video interviews of political and intellectual figures from that generation, you'll see it's not that unusual. The German accent doesn't help to lighten things up either.
The League for Human Rights has sued the Belgian state for its decisions during the pandemic - they lack a legal basis. Now the strict corona rules have to be reversed. Otherwise there is a risk of a fine. Following a court ruling, Belgium has to withdraw all measures to contain the coronavirus within 30 days due to insufficient legal basis. This was decided by a court in the capital of Brussels in the first instance after a lawsuit by the League for Human Rights, several media reported on Wednesday. A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry confirmed the verdict. The League for Human Rights sued the Belgian state a few weeks ago because the decisions made during the corona pandemic had no legal basis. The ruling now provides for a fine of 5,000 euros a day - but a maximum of 200,000 euros - if it is not implemented. According to the Flemish newspaper De Standaard, the Belgian state can appeal. However, this would have no suspensive effect.
This is a bit tricky. I read yesterday in the local newspaper an interview with the lawyer who is following the case, and everything about the lawsuit to the state and the fine is true. But the problem is that the lawyer claims that there is no law that says that the measures can be taken in the long term; there is only a law that says: in a state of emergency these measures can be taken urgently and immediately in the short term, in this case 30 days. The problem here is, the lawyer says that she agrees with the measures (lockdowns, maskers, curfew, etc), but, and here is the problem that I personally see, the lawyer asks the government to make a law that changes or overturns the previous law, so that the measures in the long term are legal, this means that the government, though the parliament can institutionalize a law so that the measures can be extended for an indefinite period of time.

As you can see, in the title of the following article: Court orders Belgium to reframe virus restrictions laws
RE: Gigi Young - the comments intrigued me enough to watch, maybe 30 plus minutes of various random videos with intriguing titles. My personal takeaway: a big fat lukewarm "MEH....".

Everything she said, I have heard someone else say or conjecture. She plays all the right cards from the new age conspiracy deck and, while I didn't fall asleep, I could imagine her getting her psychic intuition by combing the standard conspiracy sources.

IOW, I did not hear anything new. Kind of a well read parrot.

Perhaps from the Teal Swan "I am drop-dead gorgeous and cool as a cucumber" school of Youtube hypnotism.
Corona Update Germany
Viewed from a bird's eye view, our country is in state of complete madness . For the conscious and informed person it was visible in the last year in a relatively short time that we are slipping into a psychological warfare here. The manipulation by means of media, images, measures and public statements created a paradox, a psychological confusion and fear. Today, the concept of C "knowledge protects" takes on immense importance. Many of us found this forum because we personally suffered from multiple influences of narcissists and psychopaths. The technique of gaslighting is therefore familiar to most. I asked myself, why should we accumulate knowledge that serves us all weapon. Today I can answer it for myself. The knowledge about psychopaths and their tools as manipulation gives you today the possibility to judge the reality exactly and to estimate it in the right sense. Gaslighting can only be recognized by someone who has been exposed to this technique for years. It does not matter if this is implemented person to person or by a government against the population. I myself sense Gaslighting immediately by what it triggers in me and I react immediately in my old familiar patterns. For months I have been struggling to find my inner stability, my grounding . There is no personal reason but it is permanently there. If I now look at the different population groups in Germany, I see the different levels of gaslighting and also how the individual reacts to it depending on his personality.

Man says what he feels and so you see the level of confusion.
>I no longer know what is right and what is wrong
>I don't do anything anymore, because somehow everything is always wrong.
>That makes no sense
>What was right today is wrong tomorrow
>Today the government says that you can travel to Mallorca - as soon as you are in Mallorca, the government says that it is wrong to be in Mallorca.
>Today the government says that Astrazenca is completely safe, tomorrow Astrazeneca is stopped. The day after tomorrow it is safe again.
> I can't plan anything anymore, on the one hand you make hope for a certain day and then exactly before this day the measures get worse and worse.

I saw this video last week and it confirmed to me personally that my feeling was not wrong. Unfortunately, I can only post the video in this form. It is explained here that the measures of the government are a copy of a torture method of the Chinese. The Americans have found this on prisoners of war from the Korean War. The descriptions are with gaslighting
very similar.

If you judge our government in terms of their statements, you would actually have to come to the conclusion that they have fallen prey to a kind of schizophrenic madness. If you judge it from a bird's eye view, everything actually makes sense.
Last week, Mrs. Merkel had to apologize for the first time in 16 years. The entire media world turned upside down: an event of the century. It was preceded by the proposal of an Easter rest (lockdowns are now called rest in Germany). She justified this with rising numbers and the vision that 5 days of "rest" would push the numbers back down. Quite naturally, she declared a normal working day as a day of rest in order to simultaneously leave Easter Saturday open as a shopping day. Due to the Infection Protection Act, Merkel and the Minister of Health have dictatorial rights here, which they exploit to the full extent. There was a lot of headwind and she had to take back the decision. In order not to lose face, she was forced to combine this with a public apology. If you know Mrs. Merkel, you know that she is a malignant narcissist. Narcissists will never apologize voluntarily. If they are forced to do so, they will retaliate with excessive hatred. Looking at the apology, you saw an ice-cold woman with a facial expression of a pitted lemon. You knew - she would strike back mercilessly. This then happened within a week in a television broadcast. There she threatened with disempowerment of the prime ministers and with the extension of the infection control law if not implemented what she says. This woman is the worst evil what was done to us Germans after Hitler.
If one regards the entire picture, it becomes clear very fast that all messages on the part of the government, experts and media are not to be evaluated no more contentwise or on the thing level. The only and most objective view is that from the point of view of the planned manipulation in the sense of gaslighting.

The media serves the government's strategy in any form with appropriate editorials. What is striking is the interspersing of headlines as background noise to carry the panic and hysteria into all areas. Today the pension is completely insecure, tomorrow the financial market collapses, the day after tomorrow the death mutation reaches us. Seen from the broad perspective, this is all about fueling the panic.But there is also light at the end of the tunnel. More and more, one sees critical reports in media that are usually loyal to the government. But here, too, I have the feeling that it is part of the game to give people the feeling that their critical perception is being confirmed. In the end, this kind of reporting leads to complete disorientation.

Astrazeneca is now serving to completely confuse people in Germany. The change in the view of vaccines in the sense of good or bad is striking. Thus, the current suspicion arises that the real mission is to manipulate people on Pfizer. I would bet that most of the negative information is spread by Pfizer and WHO. In our country, it's called: Did you get the good Pfizer vaccine? I hope I get Pfizer. So Pfizer is being bashed into a desirable luxury item. This is what will happen now with all vaccines that are approved. The only bright spot for me is Sputnik. Putin will never allow Sputnik to be written badly in Germany. And here this sick PTS has completely miscalculated. In the meantime, there are more and more Germans who would only vaccinate themselves with Sputnik if they were vaccinated.

The ultimate question would be
What is the real goal in the end? How long do they want to drive the German people into madness? Basically, you should act exactly as the C said: Buy some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show. It's just incredibly difficult to remain unimpressed by this madness and to keep calm.
RE: Gigi Young - the comments intrigued me enough to watch, maybe 30 plus minutes of various random videos with intriguing titles. My personal takeaway: a big fat lukewarm "MEH....".

Everything she said, I have heard someone else say or conjecture. She plays all the right cards from the new age conspiracy deck and, while I didn't fall asleep, I could imagine her getting her psychic intuition by combing the standard conspiracy sources.

IOW, I did not hear anything new. Kind of a well read parrot.

Perhaps from the Teal Swan "I am drop-dead gorgeous and cool as a cucumber" school of Youtube hypnotism.
I can understand that perspective. Gigi's a cooler cucumber than Teal, IMO. I've seen some arcane clues that imply the Gigi is a clairvoyant. Such a thing isn't that uncommon. Separate from spirituality, both can be cultivated. Some are born with more developed "clairs" than others; same for Intuition. Anyhow, there's something for everybody out there. One could spend a few lifetimes going through it all. Not everyone will see the point in that.
"Oh! You got vaccinated? So then you must have researched it pretty diligently first, right? Can I ask you about it?"

In most cases, they won't have researched it at all, so their backs will be immediately put up. Instead of them attacking you, you've put them on the defense.

Ask a few leading questions intermixed with technical questions. They don't even have to be related to the drug itself. They just have to make them look and feel ignorant, which is the feeling you want them to leave this conversation remembering.

"What symptoms did you experience after?"
"How are you feeling now?"

"What did they tell you to do if you have a powerful negative reaction?"
"Did they give you a special number to call?"
"How many doses did they distribute?"
"What's the difference between the one you got and the other kinds?"
"How many people have been injured so far, versus positive outcomes with the one you got? Where did you look that up? DID you look that up? Why not?"
"I heard that these shots diminish your natural immune system."
"I heard people not getting regularly sick is a serious problem for herd immunity."
"What kind of adjutent did they use?"
"How many varients are there? I heard there's at least four now. Does your vaccination work for those?"


Let them flounder around for a while, while you make a subtle show of appearing increasingly disillusioned with their answers and integrity, (not superior, mind you. You're not trying to make them feel less than you, or even become aware that you're winning a contest. If you do that, then you've failed. This isn't meant to be a 'gotcha' moment; this is meant to make them feel that they've failed to dispell your concerns while exposing to them to the fact that they might have made a rash and uninformed decision, eroding their self-confidence), and then say something like:

"Yeah.., thank-you. I guess that sort of helps. Yeah.., I guess I'll have to..."

And trail off vaguely.

If it goes right, they'll be left feeling personally responsible for your lack of trust in the medical system, -and since that cannot be fixed without their working to learn the answers to all your questions, and since they won't do that work because people are inherintly lazy and selfish, they'll seek to avoid being grilled on the subject in the future. -To encourage you to go get your shot must mean that they have conquered all those questions first, and they won't have done that.

Perhaps this psychological plug will prevent them from criticizing your decision to steer clear of any vaccination clinics. It's their fault for being stupid that you're not going, and since they're still stupid, they can't in good conscience push you.

Anyway.., this is the kind of thing I've been learning from the study of propaganda; turning the inner machine against the Matrix drones the same way the Matrix has been trying to program against you.

I don't know if it's going to work in real life, but this is the kind of prep-work I'm doing in anticipation of some difficult conversations with people if/when I find myself cornered.

I want to procactively dissintegrate people's confidence in the medical system without being aggressive or opinionated, so that when it comes time to apply pressure on me, hopefully they'll have less will to do so effectively.

(Reading through what I wrote above... Jesus. I hope I don't meet any bad guys who think like me.)
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Apparently Boris Johnson is going to make an announcement in the UK next Monday. Anyone know anything about this?

It's to do with those bloody vaccine certificates or passports. Looks like they are going to create a two tier society.

Guys, when is this help the C's talk about going to arrive? This situation is getting out of hand over here. The PTB won't stop.
I see on the BBC news this morning that "Dozens of MP's criticise divisive Covid passports" and also "Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and senior Tory Iain Duncan Smith are among more than 70 MPs to launch a campaign opposing Covid passports in England.

There is also talk of them (passports) being used as a "short-term tool" to help with reopening various areas. For "short-term" read "permanent". Boris really seems to be pushing this. Presumably his "bosses" are also pushing him.

But a broad coalition of MPs and peers have now signed a pledge saying they "oppose the divisive and discriminatory use of Covid status certification to deny individuals access to general services, businesses or jobs".

The group contains some unlikely allies, with many of Mr Corbyn's former shadow cabinet joining the lockdown-sceptic Covid Research Group of Conservative MPs in backing the campaign.

Accusing the government of "creeping authoritarianism", Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey said: "As we start to get this virus properly under control we should start getting our freedoms back. Vaccine passports - essentially Covid ID cards - take us in the other direction."

Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs, added: "With high levels of vaccination protecting the vulnerable and making transmission less likely, we should aim to return to normal life, not to put permanent restrictions in place."

When they accidentally let the truth slip? Gotta love a live broadcast!!

**The link at the bottom is the full broadcast that my edit was taken from, it is not a cherry pick that some may think is taken out of context, and note no correction was made. Freudian slip to say the very least!
Watch from around 37m 35s
Make of it what you will!


This is beyond precious. They say "the truth will out".
I've listened to quite a lot of Gigi's stuff and think she's quite good. Some things resonate with me, some not so much. She has some esoteric background, but perhaps not a scholar, and can get out there (for me) on some of the new age stuff. Still, the concepts that I don't buy into can make for some interesting and thought-provoking stories. OTOH, she has some working knowledge of Blavatsky and other eastern wisdom.

Gigi seems to be sincere and intent on being of service to others. When she digs into the "conspiracy" stuff, we're almost exactly on the same page, at least IIRC. I haven't seen her latest, which is DNA Modification, ESP & Psychic Battles.
I watched that video you mentioned. Interesting take on "the grays." While it differs from the C material in that she does not describe them as synthetic stand-ins for 4D STS, she does describe them as humans who on their particular timeline went the route of the present transhumanists, and so she arrives at this synthetic version of humanity via a somewhat different route. As you say, this aspect of her commentary does make for some interesting and thought-provoking stories. However, she doesn't cite any sources. Is she suggesting all her knowledge is gained through her psychic abilities? How does she separate that from the sources she's gleaning within the New Age movement? And yet, as far as her discussion of the "Christ stream," as opposed to the dark route of transhumanism, her message seems "pure" to me. In that respect, I don't see her as misdirecting anyone, at least in a larger sense. But it is problematic, her lack of citations.

I have to say, after feeling stressed out from so much of what's been going on, I found it helpful to listen to her, even with the reservations I just cited. I tend to feel pulled in many different directions with research, etc., and to have someone deliver her version of things in a thoughtful, empathetic way was centering somehow. Maybe, if I keep listening to her, my problems with her will outweigh what she's bringing to the table. But for the time being, I may listen to more of her presentations.
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