Sounds like my own mother. I recently sent her this excellent video (in Spanish) which explains the current covid vaccines and their dangers in detail. It's full of facts, it's very rational, and it comes from an actual no-nonsense scientist. She watched it and commented it was very interesting. A few days later, she announced she just got the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. My brothers, who didn't bother to watch the video I sent them as well, cheer. One of them said he and his wife rushed to the US to get their first shot as well (not available for his age group in my country yet), and that the Pfizer so-called vaccine is the best one.

Since then, I make an effort to avoid the subject, since my mother has already made her choice and I had already repeatedly said what I thought about it, so by now it's totally pointless. But in conversation someone mentions the case of an elderly man who got very ill after taken the vaccine. My mom comments it's probably just a coincidence. Yet she has also commented on cases of people who had covid, recovered and a couple of months later got complications from something else and died, that it was a 'covid sequel'. No coincidence there. Because, like you say, Official Culture. She watched it on TV, so it must be true. What Officialdom says has more weight than fact-based arguments.

Luckily, no one in my family who's had the vaccine has had any adverse reaction yet. But who is to tell what will happen when their immune systems react to a real virus, or what autoimmune conditions or cancer or whatever await down the road?

Ultimately, I think it's about free will and personal lessons. You can't force anyone into anything good, and our own lesson is to accept that.
Yes definitely, and this particular lesson is proving to be quite difficult! I've also had the experience of sharing information which is then completely ignored. I don't even bring it up anymore, I can see there is no point, it won't change their decision at all.

It really is hard to see, yet we're supposed to be seeing reality as it is, and I guess seeing our families and friends willfully avoiding anything outside the official narrative is part of that. Painful though it may be, the hard truth is that they have chosen to ignore reality and nothing we do will change that. They will do what they will do, and that is their free will choice, so somehow we have to get past our belief or hope that if only we found the right article, the right information, they would then wake up. I think we are past that point, if they haven't seen through this facade after a year, they probably aren't going to and what's more, they don't want to see through it. So yeah, in the end it's all about respecting free will.

What about the Energy Bodies and especially your "Soul" and the mRNA Vaccine for Covid?

I transcribe and translate the article. Keep in mind that there is content here that seems to be the typical new age stuff by the tone of it. However, we should not throw the baby with the water. I will highlight in black what is relevant.

Experience of a therapist who has been working for many years with energy, energy healing, subtle bodies, but above all with the radiation of light and the frequency of the vibration of the heart, the seat of our soul, to reach a deep contact with her higher self...

′′I gave a session to a person who did the first and second doses of the vaccine (mRNA).
I had already treated this person vigorously, but I did not know that she had been vaccinated.
When I started with the treatment, I noticed the change: very heavy energy from their subtle bodies.

The most chilling thing was when I worked on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul; she was detached from the physical body, no longer in contact and it was as if she was floating in a state of love in total confusion, but no longer in direct contact with the body and the personality.

Damaged consciousness loses contact with the physical part, so with our biological machine, there is no communication between them.

During the treatment, this soul told me that she no longer felt the body and felt that she was floating in a deep discomfort.

The energy she was working with, so the energy of her energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these very polluting substances through the subtle bodies.

I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, therefore to the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could not receive any more light, frequency, energy.

It was a very strong experience for me....

Then I understood that indeed this substance serves to untie the consciousness so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it has in life, where there is no more contact, no more frequency, no more light, no more energetic balance and no more mind.

Then I started to cry for that soul because it was something that moved me deeply, a very strong experience.

I didn't say anything to the person, because I didn't know how to say it and if he would have understood.

I realised that it was not only contaminating the subtle bodies or the physical body, but it was something to do with our soul. The aim is to damage and try to destroy the contact with consciousness.

What Steiner said is exactly that. It's not just about compromising the immune system.

Update - Second treatment of the person

There has been a further change and aggravation, both for the heaviness and for the energy transmitted by your energy field, but above all there has been a very important decrease in frequency.

At present, his physical situation has no symptoms in the physical body.

As for the situation that manifests itself on the energetic level and above all of the soul, there was confirmation that the soul was ejected out of the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it always confirms that it no longer has any interaction with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication.

The soul is no longer able to handle these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been interrupted.

As it is something new that never happened, and therefore the soul consciousness does not know what is manifesting, the soul is in a situation where it does not know why it was expelled.

It is aware that this happened after the first dose of the vaccine, that it no longer has any form of communication, that it cannot use those bodies that we have clothed ourselves with to remain on earth.

The evolution and the experiences that the personality transmits to the soul have all been interrupted.

Personal note from the author:

They want to take our souls so that we do not ascend and block the matrix."

My personal note

The chakras that connect us to the soul are the heart chakra and especially the one just above our teat called the Crown Chakra.

Ask yourself, why is this virus called ′′virus corona"... what is its real function?

Fear disconnects you from yourself, but even more so the vaccine, as the disconnection is definite....

Understand that if you choose to use this gene therapy (which modifies genes) there will be no turning back. Neither classical (allopathic) medicine nor quantum energetic medicine will be able to do anything for you.

* A post from the Dolores Cannon-Hipnosis group (without the share option, I made a copy-paste of the post).
Yes definitely, and this particular lesson is proving to be quite difficult! I've also had the experience of sharing information which is then completely ignored. I don't even bring it up anymore, I can see there is no point, it won't change their decision at all.

It really is hard to see, yet we're supposed to be seeing reality as it is, and I guess seeing our families and friends willfully avoiding anything outside the official narrative is part of that. Painful though it may be, the hard truth is that they have chosen to ignore reality and nothing we do will change that. They will do what they will do, and that is their free will choice, so somehow we have to get past our belief or hope that if only we found the right article, the right information, they would then wake up. I think we are past that point, if they haven't seen through this facade after a year, they probably aren't going to and what's more, they don't want to see through it. So yeah, in the end it's all about respecting free will.
I am in agreement that this is, perhaps, the most isolated and alone I have ever felt amongst my family and friends. Up until now, my vision of reality may not have lined up with others but it was possible to relate and each respected the other without much challenge or strong opinion. At present, they worry about me and my husband and OUR "out of touch with reality" focus and our "conspiracy theory" mindset!

Most of my family members and friends are of a highly intellectual group with advanced degrees, people of science or medicine while others are just normal folk who possess some good old common sense. Interestingly, both groups hold stubbornly to the narrative given and we are viewed as just clueless, risking our lives and I guess, the lives of others. Aside from a brother, who is a medical doctor, not one has done a bit of in depth research yet they spout out information parroted from the news media as fact. My brother, the MD, reads the medical journals and articles he has been connected with through his career but will not even consider looking at information I provide from valid alternative sources. He has absolute belief in the hierarchy of the medical model and believes that any corruption would be exposed and dealt with.

Our son-in -law holds a PHD in history and wrote his thesis on Nazi Germany. Furthermore, he has written a book on the subject. Tiring of academia, he has recently left the university life and is pursuing his dream career of owning and cooking in a restaurant. Recently, he stated that there should be a mandate for restaurant patrons to prove they have been vaccinated to enter! A scholar of Nazi history is saying this?

Nothing shocks me anymore and I have given up trying to provide others with my "sage" advice (haha) unless they ask. At the same time, I try to check myself now and then to make sure I am not in wishful thinking or perhaps, I am closing my mind to other ideas that should be considered. Practicing strategic enclosure while not closing off completely is a dance and each day seems to bring a new challenge.

Seems like many of us here can, once again, I am grateful for the support and for the thinking minds who express themselves on this forum and for the reminder that free will is paramount for all.

Interesting that the stylized ECDC letters provide an image of a snake.
In defence of your sister, she's living in the UK.

We are under MASSIVE psychological attack here with no escape. They are turning this island into a prison island. I can't overstate the level of attack we're experiencing in the UK and the effect it's having on people who don't even realise what's going on. I'd say people are in a state of constant shock.

If someone has a bit of knowledge(it does not have to be direct but intuition or feeling it that is wrong, that can lead elsewhere and nowdays it can be no more obvious that what is happening is WRONG) no matter the attack and propaganda one will know it for what it is everytime because let s be honest it is the same story all over again through whole human history, all the same methods mentioned here and on millions of time. It has to do with inner stratum of a person more, and the way you grow it is by suffering and experience.

This issue is separating families, communities and nations, worldwide. Something has to give. How much suffering will humanity have to suffer before the message is finally received.
I am remined of the Relevation from Luke 12.49-53:
“I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
When you remember that new age talk through decades of humanity unity and how it was just wishfull thinking and sheer ignorance, there is so much difference between people from inside not just on the biological level, but through personality and spiritual/soul level not mentioning any manipulation that is constant and unrelentless that any talk about it today is seen without lipstick for all those who want to see. Only unity there was and will be is through learning/suffering, which it all comes it is all about here when you make a full circle.
The globe depiction looks like Europe under a gridlock/lockdown, too.
There are several things to analyse in the picture. There are obviously several interpretations. The grid refers to the prison but also to the world as it represents latitude and longitude. The same with the serpentine figure, adding one more subtlety: The serpentine figure in conjunction with the C and the D if one follows the line and the contour one can see the symbol of infinity.

Final interpretation: Eternal imprisonment by you know who.
Good points. A body is important as a tool of spirit in order to inhabit the material world and do work. It makes sense to treat it well and develop understanding of how it works. But I wouldn't put a car on the same footing as the driver. OTOH, a broken car may delay ones arrival.

Curious that Gurdjieff would lump theosophists with spiritualists, as Blavatsky (HPB) crusaded against them. Haha, "Do it my way or bad things will happen. People with different ideas from mine are psychopaths, I tell you!" Gurdjieff was an interesting one, and perhaps I should not have brought him into the conversation. Of the two, HPB seemed to have more "traditional" esoteric roots, and was open about sources and influences — in a sense she was getting at the root of all philosophies.
To me, this body/soul dichotomy seems a significant area to pursue more. Perhaps a thread could be started if there were some interest in this. For me what it brings to mind is Jasun Horsley, specifically his book "Prisoner of Infinity; UFO's, Social Engineering and the Psychology of Fragmentation," which speaks to this issue in an in depth and eloquent way.

Horsely used to identify heavily with Whitley Strieber until that time that he started to pick up on cracks in what Strieber was purporting. And, especially given Strieber has received some serious attention for this latest book, Horsley felt it incumbent upon himself to re-visit his problems with Strieber, with this book being the result.

I, myself, have never read Strieber, and yet the issues addressed in Horsley's book implicate a great deal more than Strieber (Horsley is in a sense using Strieber to get at these larger ideas), and this has me wanting to give the book another read through. Horsley does have an interest in psychology -- he isn't adverse to citing Freud or Lacan (as many here would be) -- and yet I never found him to be limited, or in some way misguided in that respect. Perhaps it's that (as per many of his podcasts) he has a subtle and penetrating mind, one which never loses track of its focus, which really comes down to dismantling the mind's carefully crafted (especially from a social engineering perspective) illusions, so to hone in on the real trouble: that associated with trauma -- childhood trauma most especially.

Since we as a culture have entered the newest installment of "the space age," Horsley's book seems particularly relevant, especially since, as is already underway, a new socially engineered UFO "disclosure" operation is upon us. Horsley, in viewing the current space agenda through the lens of traumatic dissociation, comes up with some serious ideas to sit with a mull over.

Here's a sample (from Horsley's book) of what I mean:

[Transhumanist, Ray] Kurtzweil and Strieber share a common preoccupation with extending their existence beyond the physical, even to the point of completely detaching themselves (their ego-minds) from their bodies. There may be a psychological explanation for this preoccupation, besides simply fear of death [something I believe Strieber talks about].
During the first years of the infant's life, there is a fundamental need to fully separate from the mother's body, to "disenmesh" from her psyche and develop an autonomous, authentic sense of self. For this to happen a strong paternal presence is required to "fish" the child out of the mother's psyche and provide an environment for the child to gradually shift his focus away from the mother and onto the world at large. The father's task is to preside over this transition from mother-dependency to autonomy, to help the child to develop his awareness as a separate body and a correspondingly healthy ego. When--as is so often the case in the Western world--the father is absent and /or indifferent (or, possibly worse, abusive), there is no way for this process to happen. As a result, the child remains hopelessly lost in what Margaret Mahler called "symbiotic psychosis," a "delirious state of undifferentiation between the ego and the object" (Thomson, 2005).[2]
The mother-bonded adult experiences himself as somehow trapped, confined, restricted. He feels prevented (often by some hidden, sinister force) from experiencing reality and himself as they truly are. Without awareness of the underlying cause of this "bondage," there is a natural tendency to place the focus outside of the self, onto the universe at large. At the same time, the feeling of imprisonment is projected onto the the body itself. A very real, deeply felt need to complete the separation from the mother's body is experienced as a need to escape from the body. Such a "complex" could give rise to a preoccupation with "exteriorization" from the body, whether by converting consciousness into digital data and sending it across space-time, or (as in alleged "remote viewing" programs of the US military) accessing a "subtle," "astral," or energy body and projecting it outward, through space and time, to become, like Strieber with his implant, a major Mental Traveler.
The creation of a "mental body"--an image of the body which can be used as a vehicle for self-consciousness to leave the body--is a common feature of occult writing about psychism and "sorcery," and something I've been familiar with at least since my early twenties, when I first read Carlos Casteneda...
... [Horsley continues] I have had my share of "astral projection" experiences, including "transhuman" (and/or alien) states of perception and being. One thing I eventually came to notice was how often I returned from such excursions to an unusually poor state of health, so much so that it would sometimes take an hour or more to feel strong enough to get out of bed. Eventually a Jungian therapist I was seeing informally (the one who recommended [Donald] Kalsched) suggested that all of my out-of-body journeys and dreams of space flight were, at base, an attempt to escape the reality of my body. She advised me to turn my focus around, to the inside of my body and ordinary, mundane aspects of life. I have been following this advice ever since, and my astral journeys and/or visionary dreams have mostly tapered off. Do I miss them? Yes. Am I more grounded in (and accepting of) my everyday self and reality? Yes. Ironically, or perhaps not, the less I experience what I was perpetually striving to experience, the less perpetual my striving has become. I also find it a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning.
Trauma leads to dissociation; dissociation is when a part of the individual's psyche withdraws from an intolerable situation because it is impossible to withdraw physically. Strieber, and countless others in the fields of religion, psychism and ufology, are arguing that dissociation and/or out-of-body experiences that result from trauma are ways to access realms of experience otherwise unavailable to us. While (based on my own experiences) trauma can and does lead to authentic "soul journeys," what is not being discussed, so far as I can tell, is the assumption that, because they are genuine--or to the degree which they are genuine--these visionary states are desirable and beneficent to us.
My own position is that these non-corporeal excursions not only depend on a disconnection from the body but exacerbate it. I would even suggest (again based on direct experience) that this is the sole imagined "benefit" of such experiences, namely, that they allow for a surrogate form of individuation and a "pseudo-enlightenment," one which I suspect is not only no substitute for the real thing but which may severely reduce the chances of it ever happening. If we find a convincing counterfeit for what, at the very deepest level, we are striving for, we may suppress our knowing that something isn't right, in order to settle for the more easily available substitute. Yet the substitute cannot ever satisfy. And meanwhile, there is also nothing quite as addictive as the cure that almost works.
The attempt to escape psychological bondage to the mother by leaving the body (or the planet) behind is the attempt to extend the infantile into the infinite. [end excerpt, "Prisoner of Infinity," Jasun Horsley]

Significant to note, re: the passage I highlighted, wouldn't THAT be an excellent way for the "control network" to keep us all imprisoned? (and to keep "real" enlightenment, however we may choose to discuss what that is, from ever happening?).

The relationship between body and mind is also discussed in this book... let me look and see if I can end here with a relevant excerpt..

... here's something, although it has more to do with the psyche or soul, as opposed to 'mind' (I haven't found the 'mind' passage I was looking for):

It may be that "galactic consciousness"-- far from being the deranged brainchild of religious engineers... is an inevitable aspect of the fact that the universe is conscious, to some degree at least. It may be that, if all its parts are demonstrably interconnected, such an awakening is inevitable. In which case, the hidden powers-that-be may be compulsively driven (by their own trauma-based patterns) to make the necessary preparations--not to meet and embrace this awakening but to coopt it: to prepare forms, structures, and channels--memes, systems of worship or quasi worship, and sociopolitical agendas--[from] which to redirect it, in order to ensure the survival of the dominant paradigm.
We don't have to posit some malevolent, age-long conspiracy here (not on the part of human beings, at least). We only have to imagine what happens when an organism (if culture is an organism) senses its livelihood is under threat: It finds a way to survive. For a collective human psyche on the run from its own demons, split off from the ground of the body by repeated traumas, "hyperspace" may seem like the only possible way to go. The "Rapture" of a mass reenactment of the original trauma may be as foreordained as a killer's irrational return to the scene of the crime. Global catastrophe (whether by asteroid, ice age, or alien invasion), the decimation of the populace, and the ensuing (or concurrent) attempt at dissociative flight (space travel) by the remnants into hyper-dimensional/archetypal/daimonic realms, all would be a case of history repeating itself, en masse, ad nauseum.
If the end of such a grand visionary agenda were the healing of the original split, it would be essential that the Rapture-enactment fail. This would be the only way for humanity in toto to reexperience the very thing it could not allow itself to experience the first time around: a full body-psyche integration and the corresponding awakening, not merely from but through the nightmare of history, into "cosmic" time. The soul's full descent into the body is the bringing of Heaven down to Earth, not by force or supplication but by intelligent, tender compliance, by the simple willingness (and desire ) to receive it.

[end excerpt, "Prisoner of Infinity," Jasun Horsley]

Okay, that's the last of my Easter offerings today. I hope you are all having a good holiday (!)

Our son-in -law holds a PHD in history and wrote his thesis on Nazi Germany. Furthermore, he has written a book on the subject. Tiring of academia, he has recently left the university life and is pursuing his dream career of owning and cooking in a restaurant. Recently, he stated that there should be a mandate for restaurant patrons to prove they have been vaccinated to enter! A scholar of Nazi history is saying this?
Their fear of covid is like syphilis of the mind, it eats away common sense and blinds them from the truth.
It sure is lonely for us eagles when surrounded by a large flock of turkeys!:-)

What about the Energy Bodies and especially your "Soul" and the mRNA Vaccine for Covid?

I transcribe and translate the article. Keep in mind that there is content here that seems to be the typical new age stuff by the tone of it. However, we should not throw the baby with the water. I will highlight in black what is relevant.

* A post from the Dolores Cannon-Hipnosis group (without the share option, I made a copy-paste of the post).
A lot of conservative voices are going to soon be defunct if this is true.

I wonder if Trump was vaccinated and was in part defeated because of this?
A lot of conservative voices are going to soon be defunct if this is true.

I wonder if Trump was vaccinated and was in part defeated because of this?

Who knows. But I think it would be a good question to ask the C's.

Although the thread is quite extensive, I believe that at some point this topic was touched here, only now an external source comes to confirm the suspicion. From what I understood from the article, this was the product of a hypnosis session.
I am in agreement that this is, perhaps, the most isolated and alone I have ever felt amongst my family and friends. Up until now, my vision of reality may not have lined up with others but it was possible to relate and each respected the other without much challenge or strong opinion. At present, they worry about me and my husband and OUR "out of touch with reality" focus and our "conspiracy theory" mindset!

Most of my family members and friends are of a highly intellectual group with advanced degrees, people of science or medicine while others are just normal folk who possess some good old common sense. Interestingly, both groups hold stubbornly to the narrative given and we are viewed as just clueless, risking our lives and I guess, the lives of others. Aside from a brother, who is a medical doctor, not one has done a bit of in depth research yet they spout out information parroted from the news media as fact. My brother, the MD, reads the medical journals and articles he has been connected with through his career but will not even consider looking at information I provide from valid alternative sources. He has absolute belief in the hierarchy of the medical model and believes that any corruption would be exposed and dealt with.

Our son-in -law holds a PHD in history and wrote his thesis on Nazi Germany. Furthermore, he has written a book on the subject. Tiring of academia, he has recently left the university life and is pursuing his dream career of owning and cooking in a restaurant. Recently, he stated that there should be a mandate for restaurant patrons to prove they have been vaccinated to enter! A scholar of Nazi history is saying this?

Nothing shocks me anymore and I have given up trying to provide others with my "sage" advice (haha) unless they ask. At the same time, I try to check myself now and then to make sure I am not in wishful thinking or perhaps, I am closing my mind to other ideas that should be considered. Practicing strategic enclosure while not closing off completely is a dance and each day seems to bring a new challenge.

Seems like many of us here can, once again, I am grateful for the support and for the thinking minds who express themselves on this forum and for the reminder that free will is paramount for all.

I can completely understand this JeanneT. I got the "cult" talk maybe a month ago from my mother. Even at easter lunch yesterday and the conversation went to china and how they need to be stopped at all costs yada yada yada. At this stage, i'm just learning to not say anything. Keep my opinions to myself. It only causes distress for them and others. And they will never look at their own thinking so it's a waste of energy. Much more enjoyable to come onto the forum. yes its sad, especially when my father can say with the greatest confidence the vaccine hasn't killed anyone yet. And i did correct him but it went down hill from there. So, i really do understand the sadness of our dear ones not caring about the quality of their information, but it is their choice. Agreed, without the forum, things would be a great deal darker.
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