Who knows. But I think it would be a good question to ask the C's.

Although the thread is quite extensive, I believe that at some point this topic was touched here, only now an external source comes to confirm the suspicion. From what I understood from the article, this was the product of a hypnosis session.

Aha! What I thought.

Their fear of covid is like syphilis of the mind, it eats away common sense and blinds them from the truth.
It sure is lonely for us eagles when surrounded by a large flock of turkeys!:-)
Your analogy brought up a thought, primeaddict. We live remotely in the woods on a dirt road. I often encounter a flock of wild turkeys in the road while driving and every time as I am slowing down, the turkeys at first become confused and begin to panic. Next, a couple will start running, often back and forth instead of in one direction and out of harm's way. Of course, they also tend to follow a leader who is not necessarily making the best choice in the moment of panic. However, after a minute, a few will realize they can FLY! guaranteed safety and a much more efficient use of energy.

I continue to hold the faith that some of my people will realize, even if at the last minute, that they can FLY.
And this has been reported from many places around the world... mainly no overcrowded hospitals - while the Media in their hysterical frenzy claimed the opposite (I loved when the movement started, going viral, during the first wave, where citizens started to check out local hospitals). That was such a wonderful initiative that 'took screw'. (Swedish expression: when something is effective)

CORONA.FILM - Prologue

View attachment 44203

Apparently there is now a movie out, made by german Oval Media, about the Plandemic. The movies are located at Odysee, because Vimeo has now erased all of Oval Media's videos [even all unrelated ones] (and essentially destroyed their income platform) thanks because of this very Corona film reportage.

CORONA.FILM - Prologue | DE

CORONA.FILM - Prologue | DE + EN subtitles

(1 hour 17 min)

I have not watched it yet (but will do so, after this entry). Anyway, it was said about this film (in German channel 'Nuoviso') to be journalistic very good. Apparently it highlights the deceptions behind the BERGAMO IMAGES we all got fed with globally. What was really behind, and how the media made a coup out of when the Italian Army helped to transport bodies. (which was a ONE TIME event in reality).
I just watched this documentary – pretty well done. There's nothing exactly new that we didn't know already but things are presented in a nice way with a warm 'human touch'. This could be a good one to share with someone who's 'sitting on the fence' regarding the topic.

I recommend watching this. :thup:

What about the Energy Bodies and especially your "Soul" and the mRNA Vaccine for Covid?

I transcribe and translate the article. Keep in mind that there is content here that seems to be the typical new age stuff by the tone of it. However, we should not throw the baby with the water. I will highlight in black what is relevant.

* A post from the Dolores Cannon-Hipnosis group (without the share option, I made a copy-paste of the post).
someone here saying the same : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePTo67u/

"I will tell you what happened to me following the vaccination with astrazeneca, for me
I have only had one injection so far, I'm not sure if I will take the second one
I was like for most people sick for three days, right after it
but that's not very serious
it was really during the injection I was not well at all
I almost felt unwell, I wanted to vomit, I had a stomach ache, but what I felt was energetic
my blood pressure was good
I had the impression that my energetic senses, I had been put in a shaker and that I was mixed in all directions
so obviously there is something that must not be good for us in it
it turned out that for a month after that i really struggled to get over this
I had to get help, I didn't find what was going on, because I was losing my mediumnic abilities one by one
what actually happened was the vaccine was too strong for me and my soul was forced out of my body
so I was connected to my body only by a cord
I had to get help, and really be careful"

"je vais vous raconter ce qu'il m'est arrivé suite à la vaccination avec astrazeneca, pour moi
j'ai eu qu'une seule injection pour le moment, je ne suis pas sûre de faire la deuxième
j'étais comme pour la plupart été malade pendant trois jours, juste après
mais bon ça c'est pas très grave
c'est vraiment pendant l'injection j'ai pas été pas bien du tout
j'ai failli faire un malaise, j'avais envie de vomir, j'avais mal au ventre, mais c'était énergétique ce que je ressentais
ma tension elle était bonne
j'avais l'impression que mes sens énergétiques, on m'avait mis dans un shaker et qu'on me mélangeait dans tous les sens
donc forcément il y a quelque chose qui ne doit pas être bon pour nous dedans
il s'est avéré que pendant un mois après, j'ai vraiment eu du mal à me remettre de ça
il a fallu que je me fasse aider, moi je ne trouvais pas ce qu'il se passait, parce que je perdais mes facultés de médium une à une
ce qu'il s'est passé en fait, c'est que le vaccin était trop fort pour moi et mon âme s'est fait expulsée de mon corps
donc j'étais reliée à mon corps que par un cordon
j'ai dû me faire aider, et vraiment faites attention"
Still, I also admire your efforts to sympathize with and show compassion to the very people who are destroying us all through their eager engagement with very bad ideas. I think finding that compassion might likely be key to spiritual advancement. Jesus seemed to think so! And depending on the day, I find I have more or less success in not being overly aggravated with the hoards on the other side of my strategic enclosure. (I don't always use the meanest gauge barbed wire, that is. Will use whistles and tricks rather than trenches and shotguns.)

But they do look an awful lot like dangerous beasts sometimes, and I think at those times it is wise to treat them accordingly.

To quote more sci-fi... It's inadvisable to not treat an Agent as a deadly enemy just because a moment ago it happened to be a lady in a red dress.
I think you might find a world of difference between someone who is actively engaging in, and promoting nefarious activities versus those who naively walk into them and then unintentionally become victims. I know who I'm going to be sympathetic to, and it's not the former.
Since then, I make an effort to avoid the subject, since my mother has already made her choice and I had already repeatedly said what I thought about it, so by now it's totally pointless. But in conversation someone mentions the case of an elderly man who got very ill after taken the vaccine. My mom comments it's probably just a coincidence. Yet she has also commented on cases of people who had covid, recovered and a couple of months later got complications from something else and died, that it was a 'covid sequel'. No coincidence there. Because, like you say, Official Culture. She watched it on TV, so it must be true. What Officialdom says has more weight than fact-based arguments.
My dad got the vaccine like 6 weeks ago - no immediate reactions. However, in the last 2 weeks he's starting to come down with health issues - enough to have warranted a visit to the doctor where a blood test was done. He has elevated cortisol in his blood plus a few other markers were off so much so he's now been referred to a specialist.

My partner's friend who got the vaccine as well had no immediate reactions... however, she's now complaining of really painful joints, so much so that she had to go to the doctor. As well she told my partner that she's struggling to fall asleep.

The vaccine is not being connected to what's happening to either of the above 2, neither by the system or the people suffering these consequences.

I have heard a few similar stories too. I shared one earlier today in another thread. Apart from covid, pneumonia or flu, many people experience debilitating fatigue, brain fogs and a general feeling of mental and emotional 'meh' following the jab. Those are exactly the issues I spent years trying to resolve. My career and earning potential were massively impacted as I had to be in a job I could do almost on autopilot. I sometimes couldn't focus to the point of losing track of conversations. I even had to hide to take naps at work to make it till the end of the day. It took me years to recover and I still have bad days from time to time. To think that people are blindly bringing similar health problems on themselves, in a likely irreversible manner, is quite shocking.

But as Sottreader said, those issues are rarely linked to the vaccine. So far I've heard them being blamed on the lockdown, the weather, diet, anything but the jab. Or they were taken as a sign that the vaccine is actually working. And my pointing out that deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test are recorded as covid deaths but deaths that happen after the vaccine are hardly ever lined to the vaccine gets me blank stares. Or some crafty explanations that make me go :umm:.

As for believing the jab is safe and it will stop the "pandemic", watching people's capacity to perform extreme mental gymnastics to continue to believe the official agenda is almost scary. I have had a few encounters with mentally ill people. Especially someone at work who later proved to have had very severe mental issues, who believed his own distorted reality was true and would get defensively aggressive when it was challenged. He spent 6 months sectioned in a mental institution following my encounter with him so his issues must have been pretty bad. Dealing with the brainwashed public gives me a diluted version of the feeling I had around that person: unease and discomfort, like entering an unknown and dangerous territory where logic doesn't apply and there's nothing that could make them see the reality of their situation. Except that this time the reality of the crazy person isn't questioned - it's being shoved down everyone else's throats. Lunatics are truly running the asylum.

It must be really hard if it's our own friends and family who believe that. I have been quite lucky on that front as my family are largely on the same page as me, and most of my close friends are at least sceptical of the official narrative. But I have lost quite a few friends over this too, it's like this is the final moment to take sides. No more fence sitting.
To me, this body/soul dichotomy seems a significant area to pursue more. Perhaps a thread could be started if there were some interest in this. For me what it brings to mind is Jasun Horsley, specifically his book "Prisoner of Infinity; UFO's, Social Engineering and the Psychology of Fragmentation," which speaks to this issue in an in depth and eloquent way.

Could you perhaps start a thread on this book you mentioned? I just read a description of it and a looked at the table of contents. Considering the subject matter and topics covered it looks very interesting but also, somewhat disturbing. What was the effect on you after reading it?
So I stumbled upon this video some time ago and saved it for later. I saw the title and thought that wil give it a listen, because it's always a good idea to learn another method of how to "motivate yourself to change your behavior".

And the beginning of the talk was ok, though nothing I didn't know before. And also had to ignore the usual "how to motivate someone to quit smoking" speech. :rolleyes: But then it got "interesting". Suddenly "how to change your behavior" became "how to make you compliant".:shock:

And it was the damnest and weirdest thing. Not sure it was intentional on researcher's part (her name is Tali Sharot, probably an Israeli, and she also studied in Tel Aviv University), but the talk morphed into all kind of examples how utilizing three "simple principles" could motivate someone to "comply" with the needed behavior. She also mentioned an example with a screenshot how British government motivates people to pay their taxes.

The three principles:

1. Social incentives
2. Immediate reward
3. Progress monitoring

The talk is from 2014, but it immediately made me think about Covid and the "carrot and the stick" approach, while the carrot is for those that comply, and the stick is for those that don't.

Then I searched her name in relation to coronavirus management, and yep, she and others are quoted extensively on the matter in various articles that discuss increasing and maintaining awareness and "good behavior".

Like this one, for example:

There are many others, where they talk about "positive bias", where people tend to ignore or minimize the danger of Covid because they think that something like this happens only to "other people". :rolleyes: Or they talk about the importance of emphasizing that "we are in this together", "we are saving lives by staying home", etc.

Don't want to make the post too long, but the point is that it is possible to clearly see that Covid-related social programming might very well not be so accidental or "fortuitous", but is based on a "new behavioral paradigm" of making people comply by making them feel good about themselves, that they are "saving granma's life" or clapping for doctors at 15 pm every day.

And those that don't comply can experience the full brunt of the autocratic system and also the disdain and the "righteous anger" of those that do.

Yeah, I know that what I said is pretty obvious and clear, I just found it very curious.

Could you perhaps start a thread on this book you mentioned? I just read a description of it and a looked at the table of contents. Considering the subject matter and topics covered it looks very interesting but also, somewhat disturbing. What was the effect on you after reading it?
Well, what first drew me to Horsley was his interest in trauma, especially childhood trauma, which is a subject I've learned more and more about as I've matured, and with the help of a therapist, who actually recommended to me one of the books by Donald Kalsched that Horsley references. Kalsched is Jungian (my therapist was not), and his "archetypal" references maintain that "Jungian flavor," let's call it, which really doesn't resonate with my own psyche's conjurings. Still, the idea of working through one's personal trauma (ranging from subtle to overt) in order to make way for the "soul to land in the body" seems to me to be a useful way of thinking about healing, and wholeness.

@seeker2seer, I'm not sure what you find disturbing. That would be an interesting, even important conversation to have, maybe. I think if we are dependent, even addicted to "escape" strategies -- without necessarily realizing we are even doing that -- then it might be unpleasant, even a bit scary to start to take all that apart. And yet ultimately it could be very freeing. Actually, you might want to dig around in Horsley's podcast archive.. go back as far as you can... you'll find conversations he's had with ordinary listeners that might touch on some of your own concerns. He looks to have a "real" connection with people. And I was always impressed with how articulate he could be in addressing issues "on the fly," as it were, as they came up in conversation.

But back to Horsley's book, in one of the excerpts I quoted... let me paste in what I mean here:
... [Horsley continues] I have had my share of "astral projection" experiences, including "transhuman" (and/or alien) states of perception and being. One thing I eventually came to notice was how often I returned from such excursions to an unusually poor state of health, so much so that it would sometimes take an hour or more to feel strong enough to get out of bed. Eventually a Jungian therapist I was seeing informally (the one who recommended [Donald] Kalsched) suggested that all of my out-of-body journeys and dreams of space flight were, at base, an attempt to escape the reality of my body. She advised me to turn my focus around, to the inside of my body and ordinary, mundane aspects of life. I have been following this advice ever since, and my astral journeys and/or visionary dreams have mostly tapered off. Do I miss them? Yes. Am I more grounded in (and accepting of) my everyday self and reality? Yes. Ironically, or perhaps not, the less I experience what I was perpetually striving to experience, the less perpetual my striving has become. I also find it a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning.
Trauma leads to dissociation; dissociation is when a part of the individual's psyche withdraws from an intolerable situation because it is impossible to withdraw physically. Strieber, and countless others in the fields of religion, psychism and ufology, are arguing that dissociation and/or out-of-body experiences that result from trauma are ways to access realms of experience otherwise unavailable to us. While (based on my own experiences) trauma can and does lead to authentic "soul journeys," what is not being discussed, so far as I can tell, is the assumption that, because they are genuine--or to the degree which they are genuine--these visionary states are desirable and beneficent to us.
I think this "coming down to earth" that Horsley is describing brings up something very important. Again, as I've listened to a lot of his podcasts for the last several years or so, I have in a sense witnessed his having arrived more and more at "the mundane," let's call it. Similarly, speaking for myself, I know I've largely left "living in my head" -- even if I'm speaking of creative outlets like writing -- but, whether it's a creative outlet or something else, you know when you're somehow "disconnected." Maybe there's always a slight "disconnect" when entering the world of writing, but I guess I'm talking about degrees. In any case, I find it's true, the more I leave this "living in my head" behind, the closer I've been feeling to wholeness. I didn't set out to do this, either. I think consistently going to this chiropractor/energy healer person for years now has been a part of this process. As to my coming upon Horsley, it's funny how you can be drawn to someone useful to you when you are already in sync with that person in some significant way.

But I wanted to get back to arriving at this more "mundane" way of being.

Definition of mundane (Merriam Webster)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the world

2 : characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary : commonplace, the mundane concerns of day-to-day life

Also: earthly, worldly, mundane mean belonging to or characteristic of the earth... earthly often implies a contrast with what is heavenly or spiritual... abandoned earthly concerns and entered a convent... worldly and mundane both imply a relation to the immediate concerns and activities of human beings, worldly suggesting tangible personal gain or gratification -- worldly goods -- and mundane suggesting reference to the immediate and practical... a mundane discussion of finances.

'Transitory' is interesting in this context, since sometimes you hit a kind of "void" before something new comes in. And so the mundane might be a kind of "waiting room" kind of place. I think it's also to allow yourself to be where you are; to not try and "force" something to happen. Not that I can't go for a bike ride and feel connected to nature, to the trees all around me, to the lake, the wonderful breeze, the birds. And yet that too is "mundane" in the sense that it's actually "in the world"; it's not "escaping" to have such an experience. Maybe it's to say that the "wonders" are indeed "in the world," and we more fully partake of them the more we heal the traumas and the drive to dissociate as a result of them. It seems it's a process of stripping away the mind's unnecessary, even deleterious escape routes.

In a spiritual sense, having arrived at the "mundane," this would then allow for something "real" to take place. As per what I excerpted earlier:

[Horsley] If the end of such a grand visionary agenda were the healing of the original split, it would be essential that the Rapture-enactment fail. This would be the only way for humanity in toto to reexperience the very thing it could not allow itself to experience the first time around: a full body-psyche integration and the corresponding awakening, not merely from but through the nightmare of history, into "cosmic" time. The soul's full descent into the body is the bringing of Heaven down to Earth, not by force or supplication but by intelligent, tender compliance, by the simple willingness (and desire ) to receive it.

Speaking of healers, Horsley has been drawn not only to people like Strieber (whose personality I have yet to get a clear picture of), but charismatic "healer" type people, or at least one such person who turned out to be quite a fraud. In other words, after myriad let downs (though instructive let downs to be sure) Horsley did come upon someone whom he still considers (after several years now) to be "authentic." I've listened to him converse with him on his podcast, which is probably the best way to get a feel for him, as opposed to his website, or Youtube. He's from a British, lower class background, but what's interesting is that from a very young age -- as a child, I mean -- he was determined to do whatever it took to become "enlightened." And it had nothing to do with his family, either. No, it seems he had come into the world with this mission. Finally, at the age of thirty-three (interestingly enough), he had the experience of leaving behind the old self -- the constructed self, as it were -- and becoming.. how do I say this.. "truly" himself? He says he can still "use" the old Dave (his name is Dave Oshana should you care to look him up). But it's been years now, and even if he "tries" to somehow turn back the clock, to become this person he was before, he finds it impossible to do so.

So, what Oshana's life has become about, then, is sharing this "enlightenment" -- not so much through what he says (he's very "regular guy" seeming, certainly not articulate in the way that Horsley is), but through sharing this energy that he embodies. He calls it the "Enlightenment Transmission." Now, Horsley has gone to Oshana's group sessions numerous times now (initially, he was put off that he charged money for these workshops, but he seems to have come to a place of more acceptance of that, uh, mundane fact, or should I say worldly?). Any case, Horsley talks about how, at least at the beginning, just being in Oshana's presence caused him to detox, and get sick due to that. As with other healing modalities this can happen. (Maybe if Horsley had used binders to absorb the toxins he could have avoided the "getting sick" part.) Nevertheless, these healing sessions seem to be having a very positive impact on him and others he speaks to on his podcast who have also attended these workshops.

So, perhaps, in Horsley's "coming down to earth," in working through all the negative influences, such as Strieber (and Aleister Crowley, at one point), Horsley prepared himself to finally meet the "authentic" healer and teacher he was hoping to find who, perhaps ironically, turned out to be this rather "ordinary" guy from his native England. Oshana's workshops and retreats usually take place in Finland, but he does sometimes come to the United States, and I assume other countries as well. I've never been to a workshop myself, although I am curious as to what such an experience might be like. I assume it's as varied as the people who attend them.

As for starting a thread, can a moderator maybe move my last several posts to start things off?.. maybe from where I first mention "Prisoner of Infinity." Not sure what to call the thread. The title of Horsley's book?

If so, it's:

"Prisoner of Infinity; UFO's, Social Engineering and the Psychology of Fragmentation," by Jasun Horsley.

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To respond to Sottreader about the demonstration in Serbia. Several thousand protesters again massed in front of the Parliament in Belgrade. If the first few evenings they were protesting against the re-establishment of curfew and the mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis by President Aleksandar Vucic, anger is now moving towards the authoritarian style of the Serbian president.
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