The Living Force
They are introducing vaccine passports in UK from Monday.
It's not clear yet whether this will be mandatory for travel. Does anyone know more about this?
‘Certification is going to be necessary,’ says Hancock as England’s NHS app set to act as vaccine passport from next week
The UK health secretary has warned that proof of vaccination will be “necessary” for travel as the National Health Service app prepares to relaunch as a vaccine passport from May 17, when the ban on foreign holidays is eased.www.rt.com
The German Medical Council (Ärzetag)
from 4-5 May 20201 went out with a lot of recommendations and decisions - but what really hit the fan.... on page 31-32, was following statement:
Children and adolescents also have clear health risks as a result of SARS- CoV-2 disease. Therefore, immunity must also be achieved for this group through vaccination and not through contagion.
The right to education with nursery and school attendance can only be secured in the winter of 2021/2022 with timely COVID-19 vaccination. Without timely vaccination, especially for younger children, a renewed lockdown for this age group will lead to further serious negative consequences for child mental development.
Families with children can only regain equal participation in society with vaccinated children.
Auch Kinder und Jugendliche haben deutliche gesundheitliche Risiken infolge einer SARS- CoV-2-Erkrankung. Deshalb muss die Immunität auch für diese Gruppe durch eine Impfung und nicht durch eine Durchseuchung erzielt werden.
Das Recht auf Bildung mit Kita- und Schulbesuch kann im Winter 2021/2022 nur mit einer rechtzeitigen COVID-19-Impfung gesichert werden. Ohne rechtzeitige Impfung, insbesondere auch für jüngere Kinder, führt ein erneuter Lockdown für diese Altersgruppe zu weiteren gravierenden negativen Folgen für die kindliche psychische Entwicklung.
Die gleichberechtigte gesellschaftliche Teilhabe erlangen Familien mit Kindern nur mit geimpften Kindern zurück.
So; in essence they are threatening the people with a pistol against their head: make your decision if you want to go back to society.
Based on fictional medical "science", since children certainly are not affected, and not in danger of SARS-CoV-2, and asymptomatic transmission when you have no symptoms, is a blatant lie. All this bull comes from the official medical Council...
One wonders, where medicine and science is heady, as all this is incorporated into the official "knowledge". A chain reaction of faulty assessments corrupting medicine in an unimaginable way, eating like a cancer into the future, both honest knowledge and humanity itself.