I suspect this will soon be something we will all see and have to deal with.If people are shedding the spike protein after the shots then I've been exposed in a major way. I help a 45 yr old man 3 days a week who has cerebral palsy and he's had both shots. As I dress and feed him his meals I'm in close proximity and he's always coughed a lot especially while eating. Occasionally he'll have explosive sneezes that send a spray of particles out for quite a distance. Considering this I've likely inhaled the spikes. But no sign of illness. I take the immune booster suppliments, vit. C, D3, zinc, Nac and also do a sweat with my sauna blanket 1 or 2 times a week. The last few weeks I've been drinking an herb tea with Burdock, Dandelion and Milk Thistle for kidney, liver and blood support. So I'm thinking that if a persons immune system is in good shape this exposure to the spike may not be much of an issue and the body will expel it. Hopeful news.
This man also takes all these supplements as well. After the shots I noticed he's coughing a lot more. His speech, which has never been very clear, is more jumbled and hard to understand.
A colleague of mine, 40 years old, has also received both shots. He spent four days with a fever after the second and had rashes break out over much of his body on the fourth day. The next day the rashes had gone and he returned to work with what appeared to just be a mild cold.
I do not know, but I am guessing many of the people around me have now had a shot or two.
I received my 'final' offer to be vaccinated at my local doctors yesterday. The vaccination will still be available at various places, but not the local surgery. Pretty much keeping quiet at the moment, avoiding any shots and seeing how things play out. I'll just keep myself healthy and my immune system supported and fight stuff off the normal way thanks!
I have noticed some increased anxiety in people at work who seem very worried as restrictions are set to be lifted in the UK in a few days. I have overheard a couple of members of staff talking to managers about how they believe people are going to start mingling again and therefore be some sort of danger when they come to work. They were suggesting that our workplace should implement some restrictions or guidelines to avoid this 'danger'.
I actually do not think management will do anything but follow government guidelines (mostly for legal reasons), but it demonstrated to me how a small number of people are still desperately afraid. I am quite surprised that this fear can be sustained in some people for so long as most seem to be quite psychologically fatigued at this point and just trying to act normally.