EU agrees to reopen borders to fully vaccinated travelers

Also a digital green certificate will be evidence that the person has been vaccinated against covid-19, has a negative test result, or has overcome the disease, according to this source. This was introduced to avoid discrimination against persons who could not be vaccinated.

Looks like getting Covid would be the best option - no more tests and might be that you get a pass for vaccination since you´ve already have immunity.
Looks like I´ll have to tweak my tests to show positive in the future ;-D
Another global figure who has been vaccinated recently is Jordan Peterson, who talked about it on his twitter page a few days ago. Quite surprising, considering all he has gone through with Pharma products.

I wasn't surprised by this. I recognize the forum generally thinks highly of him, but in my opinion he's a fraud and a spellbinder - deliberately placed in front of the masses by TPTB in order to vector those who grow dissatisfied with the current order.

It's possible he's well-intentioned, but that isn't enough. You also need knowledge, and Peterson is a fool. One of his 'rules of life' is 'take your pills' ... that says it all right there, when you consider that he's talking specifically about psychiatric meds, the lack of efficacy and horrific side effects of which are well known, as are the malign intentions of those promoting the mass drugging of the population.

Another critique is his promotion of liberal individualism as the answer to collectivist identity politics. While superficially plausible, as the two are clear opposites, the actual effect of an embrace of liberal individualism by young, dissident, primarily Caucasian males (Peterson's primary audience, as this is the group most dissatisfied with and oppressed by the current dispensation), is to atomize them and thereby neuter them as a meaningful source of resistance to oligarchic tyranny. I strongly suspect that this is the reason he's given such a large platform.

Always be wary of anyone whom the media doesn't simply silence, especially those whom they vehemently attack whilst simultaneously allowing to speak - this usually means they want you to think that such people are genuinely in opposition to the power structure, when the truth is that they are, knowingly or not, controlled opposition spreading a message that is beneficial to power.
EU agrees to reopen borders to fully vaccinated travelers

Also a digital green certificate will be evidence that the person has been vaccinated against covid-19, has a negative test result, or has overcome the disease, according to this source. This was introduced to avoid discrimination against persons who could not be vaccinated.

Looks like getting Covid would be the best option - no more tests and might be that you get a pass for vaccination since you´ve already have immunity.
Looks like I´ll have to tweak my tests to show positive in the future ;-D

Does it mean one can't get into the EU without a jab? Or is it you can get in with either a jab, negative test or have overcome the disease but in all 3 cases you'll need this green passport?

Also, how long are these measures for? What happens if the pandemic finishes?
Does it mean one can't get into the EU without a jab? Or is it you can get in with either a jab, negative test or have overcome the disease but in all 3 cases you'll need this green passport?

Also, how long are these measures for? What happens if the pandemic finishes?
What I´ve understood from the article (Croatian popular MSM portal), it says:
either a jab, or negative test or overcome disease.

At the end of the article says "Soon more on the topic"
So, AFP broke the news and we´ll see what will come of it.

I´ve searched German portals; says:

Full article:
EU allows fully vaccinated people to re-enter from third countries

Anyone who has been fully vaccinated against Covid should also re-enter as a non-EU citizen
. The guideline values for previous exemptions will also be relaxed.

In view of the great advances in vaccination in countries such as the USA and Israel, the European Union wants to significantly relax the restrictions on entry from third countries. Tourists who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus will soon be able to enter the country more easily - if the EU states also accept proof of vaccination for travel within the block of states.

In order to protect themselves from the pandemic, in March 2020 all EU countries except Ireland and the non-EU countries Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland agreed on recommendations for an extensive stop for non-essential entries. The recommendations are not legally binding, but they are considered an important directional decision.

The "white list" criterion will be adjusted

There are exceptions for family members, diplomats and medical staff. Last summer, the EU states then stipulated the conditions under which entry from certain states with a good virus situation should become easier. There are currently seven third countries on the relevant "white list".

The agreement now stipulates that people who have been vaccinated will be allowed to re-enter two weeks after the last vaccination if they present a valid vaccination certificate. It should also play a role whether vaccinated EU citizens are also allowed to travel to the relevant third country. Vaccines that are approved in the EU should be accepted. So far, these are the four preparations from BioNTech / Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. However, the EU states can decide for themselves whether they should continue to impose test or quarantine obligations on vaccinated persons. Some countries such as Greece already allow vaccinated persons from some third countries to enter the country without quarantine.

In the future, more people should be allowed to enter the country regardless of the vaccination. To this end, the EU states are loosening a criterion on the "white list". The limit for the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past 14 days is to be raised from 25 to 75. Further criteria are, for example, the test rate and the positive rate in a country. In the coming days, the EU states will discuss separately from which countries entry will soon be easier under these conditions.

Dispute over digital EU vaccination certificate continues

In the event that the corona situation in a country worsens dramatically within a short period of time, a kind of emergency brake is provided. This should be used in particular for regions in which worrying virus variants occur. Then a strict entry freeze should be imposed immediately with only a few exceptions.

The decision has yet to be formally confirmed by the EU states. At the same time, the EU is working to make traveling within Europe easier with the help of a vaccination certificate. However, the negotiations between EU states and the European Parliament on Tuesday evening did not bring any result and will go into the next round on Thursday.
Does it mean one can't get into the EU without a jab? Or is it you can get in with either a jab, negative test or have overcome the disease but in all 3 cases you'll need this green passport?

Also, how long are these measures for? What happens if the pandemic finishes?

I can't see this lasting for long. Not given the number of vaccine refuseniks.

Vax passports whether external or internal (as proposed in the Australian prison colony) are a head fake. Idea is to convince people to get the shot because "you need it to travel". This has already worked on a large number of people, despite the passports not actually existing yet. Rather, regime media has successfully created the perception of inevitability, and thereby elicited preemptive compliance amongst the hominid livestock.

For it to work, though, they need compliance to be very high - 90% or more I imagine. Otherwise the whole thing falls apart after a while, as people won't stand for it, various industries will collapse, etc. The economy can't sustain shutting out half the population entirely. Moreover, actually shutting that many people out will result in a large, angry, desperate population who will conclude that a) they have precisely zero stake in the continuance of any aspect of the system and b) they are, whatever their other differences, united in their oppression by that system, and furthermore c) they now have but free time to devote entirely to dismantling that system.

It would be really, really stupid for the system to carry through with this.
I wasn't surprised by this. I recognize the forum generally thinks highly of him, but in my opinion he's a fraud and a spellbinder - deliberately placed in front of the masses by TPTB in order to vector those who grow dissatisfied with the current order.

It's possible he's well-intentioned, but that isn't enough. You also need knowledge, and Peterson is a fool.

My opinion has moved in a similar direction, but not nearly so harsh! lol He lacks knowledge for sure. It doesn't surprise me that he took the jab either. He doesn't understand the situation the human race is in, who it's masters are. He is driven by the darkness inside him and his constant depressive states to seek answers and make sense of things. That's not a bad thing necessarily. Anything that drives one to accelerate learning is useful.

But I agree, he doesn't get censored because he's not a threat to the PTB. Having said all that, I believe he does good overall by encouraging young men to take responsibility for their lives in a practical way. And at least some of his philosophical work is worth adding to one's knowledge base.
Very disturbing information, @Gandalf, from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny re: what's being "transmitted" to the unvaccinated by those who receive the vaccine.

So, as opposed to shedding, we're talking about the thing that's being "transmitted" from the mRNA (for ex) vaccinated person to the unvaccinated person. And while no one knows exactly what's being transmitted, what seems to be on the table for sure is the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

Dr Tenpenny seems to say that the spike protein could be transmitted form the people having been vaccinated.

However, Dr Tom Cowan seems to say that it is rather improbable if not impossible that proteins can be transmitted AND be dangerous for the non vaccinated people. He also talks about the DNA and the Antenna in that video but as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, he does not think that viruses exist really.

So the question remains can the spike protein be transmitted from vaccinated people to non vaccinated?

@Gaby , have you read something about that?
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He lacks knowledge for sure. It doesn't surprise me that he took the jab either. He doesn't understand the situation the human race is in, who it's masters are.
He doesn't have the overall big picture that we work on unveiling here, but in the case of vaccines, he has his own experience with big-pharma, and he knows Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying who are skeptic of the whole covid vaccination operation. So it could be either a blind spot or an ideological commitment.
I can't see this lasting for long. Not given the number of vaccine refuseniks.
Me too. When I've looked at the French implementation of vaccine passport, it looks like a centralized solution that can be DDoSed. Offline certificates will also work until someone will leak private keys used in cryptographic signature generation. A lot of the technology seems to be in prototype stage, pushed live on the occasion.

Researchers find 1,000 different proteins in AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine linked to deadly blood clots

A German scientist has discovered why the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) are causing some recipients to develop deadly blood clots. According to Prof. Andreas Greinacher, a blood expert from the University of Greifswald, the two viral vector vaccines contain genetically modified (GMO) cold viruses that, upon injection, trigger an autoimmune response.

Stray proteins, Greinacher says, along with a preservative used specifically in the AstraZeneca jab known as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), are directly responsible for causing the blood clots, he says. Greinacher and his team identified more than 1,000 human-derived cell proteins in the injections that they believe are getting into people’s bloodstreams and clamping onto a blood component known as platelet factor 4, or PF4, where they form complexes that activate the production of antibodies.

This then generates an inflammatory response throughout the body, as the immune system is tricked into believing that it has been infected with bacteria. The immune system then overreacts and goes nuts, essentially, causing deadly bleeding and clotting. Greinacher compares the way the injections trigger this otherwise dormant immune response to “awakening a sleeping dragon.” And all for a virus with a 99.9-plus percent survival rate.
Prof. John Kelton from McMaster University in Canada says he and his team have replicated and confirmed Greinacher’s findings, though they are unsure if his causal theory is accurate.
Numerous other peer-reviewed studies have likewise confirmed Greinacher’s findings, reiterating that the type of blood clotting being observed from J&J and AstraZeneca injections is known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, or VITT.
Meanwhile, the Journal and other mainstream media outlets are continuing to push the narrative that deadly blood clots are “rare,” and that people should still rush out and get injected as soon as possible to “save lives.”
He doesn't have the overall big picture that we work on unveiling here, but in the case of vaccines, he has his own experience with big-pharma, and he knows Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying who are skeptic of the whole covid vaccination operation. So it could be either a blind spot or an ideological commitment.
I think he trusts the "science". I think fundamentally he see's these vaccines as a triumph of science or Western civilization (or something along those lines). Fundamentally, I never got the impression that he had issues with society, the issues were more around postmodernism and the breakdown of traditional values. At the core he therefore has a huge blind spot for conspiracy i.e. that it could be possible for conspiracy to exist at such a scale perpetuated by the West no less. This to me explains why he'd take psychiatric drugs (another example of triumph of science or what have you) and now these new experimental jabs. To be honest I don't think he'll do well out of these jabs. His previous experience was a warning shot - one that he chose to ignore.

He already has a fragile mind with regards stability, I expect it's going to become even more unstable.. on top of that I'm not sure the physical impacts will be a walk in the park. It'll be interesting to check in on him over the next year or so.

Researchers find 1,000 different proteins in AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine linked to deadly blood clots

The original virus

is not found anymore. I mean the so called wuhan virus model in its original setup and form. According to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg. It has created more than 4000 variants (which is normal)

The deviations in the genetic codes are small. About 0.3% in total.

The SARS virus has 80% genetic codes to that of the Wuhan virus model - and last year it was found out that our immune system splendidly protects SARS COV 2 - for those who encountered the SARS virus back 2003 ( even silently) The latter info comes from Dr Michael Yeadon.
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So the question remains can the spike protein be transmitted from vaccinated people to non vaccinated?

@Gaby , have you read something about that?
If the vaccinated person is sick and shedding through respiratory symptoms, high fever or diarrhea, etc, I don't see why not. More to the point, I haven't read anything convincing suggesting otherwise. Cowan is not exactly a most reliable source.

See here:

The other day I saw the most severe shingles case in a 17-year-old that it really made me wonder. He had at least two consecutive nerves affected and in a region where it usually never affects young people. He was not vaccinated, his mom was, and she's a nurse who not only got vaccinated, but she vaccinates people on a daily basis. When I read that report from Americas Frontline doctors, it definitely rang a bell.

The paper suggesting that the spike protein contains something similar to HIV's gp120 and gag ("Uncanny similarities of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and gag") was officially withdrawn, although we know that it remains a distinct possibility. This protein (gp120) induces immunosuppression.

But as I said in a different thread: it's not realistic to remain on a bubble. If we come down with something, we fight it up. What will happen when cosmic microbial threats are airborne in the environment? We'll have to build up natural immunity. And strengthen our terrain and work on increasing our FRV!
additionally: since 20 years

huge amounts of money has been flowing into the research of spike proteins from corona viruses, to make them more pathogenic.

but spike proteins from the outside usually get captured by our immune system (nose, throat) from what i underatand. Unless there are damages in the muscus/cells that cover nose and throat, giving the spike proteins deeper access.

i think Gabi’s approach is excellent.

“But as I said in a different thread: it's not realistic to remain on a bubble. If we come down with something, we fight it up. What will happen when cosmic microbial threats are airborne in the environment? We'll have to build up natural immunity. And strengthen our terrain and work on increasing our FRV!”
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