It is strange...because although what he says is true, he seems to agree with the Malthusian concept that resources are finite and not enough for the growth of the world population... a concept that comes from the same sociopaths he points out. Likewise, any "genetic hygiene and/or upgrade" can quickly become a transhumanist factor.

I think this high IQ gentleman is failing to see that there are not one, but two competing sociopathic models of control... and if his intelligence were such, he should realize by now that when the earth needed to regulate itself, cyclical catastrophes have always occurred.

Not only strange, but deeply contradictory, because he accuses materialism, but seems to lack a cosmic vision in his brief discourse. I say this because a non-materialist person looks beyond the mundane events and sees in perspective the relationship between man and the cosmos. And to me that is demonstrative of a true high intelligence because it speaks of a level of consciousness.

It takes more than just saying NO to the vaccine... we have to do the WORK.

Here's a short snippet about the man. I haven't looked much into him except I've seen his name in a few places - usually in discussions pertaining to being of high IQ and how this alone is not enough to grant success (financial, career, societal recognition etc) in life. The man as you can see lives a relatively simple life close to nature. He also thinks God exists and thinks nothing is wasted in the universe - correction, he's worked out that "God" exists. I think in the main he appears to value 'meaning' in life above all else and this seems to be how he lives. I expect someone like him in a network like this could really harness his abilities and open up new frontiers assuming he is capable of maintaining social and emotional IQ to an average to high level.

It is strange...because although what he says is true, he seems to agree with the Malthusian concept that resources are finite and not enough for the growth of the world population... a concept that comes from the same sociopaths he points out. Likewise, any "genetic hygiene and/or upgrade" can quickly become a transhumanist factor.

I think this high IQ gentleman is failing to see that there are not one, but two competing sociopathic models of control... and if his intelligence were such, he should realize by now that when the earth needed to regulate itself, cyclical catastrophes have always occurred.

Not only strange, but deeply contradictory, because he accuses materialism, but seems to lack a cosmic vision in his brief discourse. I say this because a non-materialist person looks beyond the mundane events and sees in perspective the relationship between man and the cosmos. And to me that is demonstrative of a true high intelligence because it speaks of a level of consciousness.

It takes more than just saying NO to the vaccine... we have to do the WORK.

Langan's Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe is a high-level cosmological vision that is the very opposite of materialism. I did a thread describing the CTMU here on the forum, which should come up if you search for it. There is quite a bit of overlap with the cosmology described by the C's. The main difference is that Langan's CTMU is mathematically grounded.

Langan's position on eugenics favors what you might call positive eugenics - incentivizing greater reproduction amongst the smartest and strongest of humanity while encouraging people to reproduce at a responsible level so as to simultaneously gradually improve genetic quality (or simply avoid degradation) while avoiding overcrowding. Note that IQ has been declining quite rapidly in the Western world in recent decades.

His main point of disagreement with the parasite class is that the latter seem intent on dysgenics: turning humanity into a dumbed-down, cyborg slave species. He also strongly opposes centralized, top-down control, of reproduction or anything else. So, rather than something like reproductive licensing boards, think of something more like a general culture that encourages people of high quality to have kids, while discouraging those of low quality. My impression is that he has something much more akin to the eugenic culture of classical Greece, rather than the bureaucracy of Nazi Germany.

Frankly, were it not for the heavy hand of the state creating deliberately perverse incentives, redistributing resources from the capable to the incapable, making family formation almost impossible for high-functioning people, etc., I suspect eugenic breeding would happen quite naturally.
The People of London are so thrilled that Bojo decided to keep them under lockdown for one more month, that large crowds of them got to the streets, to proclaim their love for cult-puppet Bojo and his Deep State Cabal. City police must be proud to have the awesome chance to subjugate this freak crowd wanting a completely out-of-this-world thing.. this "freedom"?? What is it? These people must be crazy!

Thousands of protesters are marching through London demanding an end to lockdown restrictions. The weekend will be a busy one for the city’s police, with climate change and anti-austerity protests also taking place.

Estimating crowd sizes is an inexact science, but attendance easily reached the thousands, if not tens of thousands. Some estimates put attendance into six figures.
The People of London are so thrilled that Bojo decided to keep them under lockdown for one more month, that large crowds of them got to the streets, to proclaim their love for cult-puppet Bojo and his Deep State Cabal. City police must be proud to have the awesome chance to subjugate this freak crowd wanting a completely out-of-this-world thing.. this "freedom"?? What is it? These people must be crazy!

I'm starting to like the Lock-downs. It's the fast road to revolution.
Langan's Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe is a high-level cosmological vision that is the very opposite of materialism.

Well, it's good to know now that there is a broader context and who this person is. I should have known before... Perhaps my criticism would be better founded.

My impression is that he has something much more akin to the eugenic culture of classical Greece, rather than the bureaucracy of Nazi Germany.

Whether it is from a "positive" or negative position, in my gut I will see that as a way to exert control... it is even funny to bring it up when right here we are talking about beings that will replace us and use us like cattle. I honestly don't like it... I mean even the coronavirus as we have been gathering certain pieces of evidence, has genetically changed people from the point of view of the ability to receive more information. (based on what the C's have said) We know that the alchemical process is a method to activate certain genes... It seems to me that eugenics should be seen with that approach, towards the inner work.

But I don't feel I have any right to say who should reproduce and who should not. Much less when you see that in the difficulty (for example that you have a child with a genetic deficiency) there are lessons.

Don't think that I only oppose it lightly and without thinking about it... But I repeat, in my mind it is perceived as a way of exercising control over others...

I think we are getting off the topic...
Well, it's good to know now that there is a broader context and who this person is. I should have known before... Perhaps my criticism would be better founded.

Whether it is from a "positive" or negative position, in my gut I will see that as a way to exert control... it is even funny to bring it up when right here we are talking about beings that will replace us and use us like cattle. I honestly don't like it... I mean even the coronavirus as we have been gathering certain pieces of evidence, has genetically changed people from the point of view of the ability to receive more information. (based on what the C's have said) We know that the alchemical process is a method to activate certain genes... It seems to me that eugenics should be seen with that approach, towards the inner work.

But I don't feel I have any right to say who should reproduce and who should not. Much less when you see that in the difficulty (for example that you have a child with a genetic deficiency) there are lessons.

Don't think that I only oppose it lightly and without thinking about it... But I repeat, in my mind it is perceived as a way of exercising control over others...

I think we are getting off the topic...

Well, again, it isn't about exerting control, exactly.

The Greek method was mainly based on letting young people marry for love, rather than through arranged marriages based on economic convenience for the parents, with the idea that the natural genius of the species will lead to the best matches. The Spartans even encouraged men to share their wives without jealousy, if their wives were open to it, with men that the husbands judged would sire high quality offspring.

So it wasn't like there was some central body telling people who could and could not reproduce. Everything was in the hands of individual people, but, crucially, there was a general ethos that matches should be made with an eye to cultivating the highest quality humans they could. They understood that they had a duty to future generations to improve things (or at least stop them from getting worse).

Contrast that with the modern context, where incontinent reproduction is encouraged at the bottom, while intelligent, capable people have as many obstacles as possible put in their path.

Remember that the body is the vehicle for the soul, and souls match up with genetic profiles. If the genetic quality of the species rapidly degrades, it seems to follow that the quality of souls incarnating here will also degrade, osit.
Langan's Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe is a high-level cosmological vision that is the very opposite of materialism. I did a thread describing the CTMU here on the forum, which should come up if you search for it. There is quite a bit of overlap with the cosmology described by the C's. The main difference is that Langan's CTMU is mathematically grounded.

Langan's position on eugenics favors what you might call positive eugenics - incentivizing greater reproduction amongst the smartest and strongest of humanity while encouraging people to reproduce at a responsible level so as to simultaneously gradually improve genetic quality (or simply avoid degradation) while avoiding overcrowding. Note that IQ has been declining quite rapidly in the Western world in recent decades.

His main point of disagreement with the parasite class is that the latter seem intent on dysgenics: turning humanity into a dumbed-down, cyborg slave species. He also strongly opposes centralized, top-down control, of reproduction or anything else. So, rather than something like reproductive licensing boards, think of something more like a general culture that encourages people of high quality to have kids, while discouraging those of low quality. My impression is that he has something much more akin to the eugenic culture of classical Greece, rather than the bureaucracy of Nazi Germany.

Frankly, were it not for the heavy hand of the state creating deliberately perverse incentives, redistributing resources from the capable to the incapable, making family formation almost impossible for high-functioning people, etc., I suspect eugenic breeding would happen quite naturally.
Seems like I remember an interview on 60 Minutes long ago with the leader of Singapore about the use of his birthing incentives in shaping society. If memory serves, it was all voluntary. Women with lower IQs were compensated handsomely for not reproducing (say, with a nicer home than they could ever afford otherwise), and women with the highest IQs were paid salaries competitive with their earning potential to stay home and be mothers, if they so elected. His goal was to raise the average IQ in the nation.
Seems like I remember an interview on 60 Minutes long ago with the leader of Singapore about the use of his birthing incentives in shaping society. If memory serves, it was all voluntary. Women with lower IQs were compensated handsomely for not reproducing (say, with a nicer home than they could ever afford otherwise), and women with the highest IQs were paid salaries competitive with their earning potential to stay home and be mothers, if they so elected. His goal was to raise the average IQ in the nation.

That's a good example of what you might call top-down, positive eugenics. Centrally organized, using inventives to encourage/discourage differential reproduction.

Most people think of eugenics purely in the top-down negative sense: state programs to sterilize or even kill the undesirable.

Again, I think Langan's idea is more bottom-up/positive: encouraging a culture of deliberately seeking to improve genetic quality over time, with what constitutes "improvement" left up to individual people

Our esteemed and trustworthy health secretary

View attachment 46465

A man of integrity clearly.

How can anyone trust any of these people?
He's resigned. Breaking just now in the UK

There's a new tendancy in Germany, some people are canceling their vaccination
The traduction of the title of the article is :Every day, tens of thousands forgo their vaccination - what's behind it?

In some areas it goes up to 40%, but country wide it's (still) limited.
This remains a good news! :-D
UK's Matt Hancock has resigned as the Health Secretary after images of him breaking the rules and hugging a colleague emerged. I'd be happy to see that if it wasn't for the fact that it is going to be the case of "hello new boss, same as old boss" - if not worse.

Also, looks like dirty old Matt has had an afraid with that said colleague he hugged and the Sun published photos of them kissing. The thought of him in a kissing situation makes me want to puke but I guess some are less repulsed by sleazy psychos than others :barf:

As the flu became "covid", hay fever becomes "delta":


Professor Tim Spector, who runs the Zoe Covid Symptom study at King’s College London, has warned that younger people with the “delta variant” are reporting new symptoms. But those who have had hay fever for years or even decades say those symptoms are exactly the same.

Are the rulers rebranding hay fever as the “delta variant?” Or is this just a coincidence? There sure seem to be a lot of coincidences lately, but you decide for yourself.

Instead of the usual high temperature, hacking cough, and loss of taste and smell we’ve become familiar with, a new set of symptoms are thought to be associated with the Delta variant. –TYLA

It certainly looks like they are taking every single cold or fly or ailment that they can and turning it into something big and scary to panic the public.
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