Jedi Council Member
There is also a Muslim tradition that I like to borrow in situations like this. Before answering, a person says sincerely out loud or in the mind, “let God speak “. I have had good results with this as well. What would work with one door knocker might not be the answer for another. Best to be guided by something higher.
I was thinking about that saying in regard to the door-to-door visits myself. The authenticity and objectivity of the gospels are in doubt. But the sayings attributed to Jesus - the red words in many King James Bibles - seem, to me at least, to have a higher degree of truth in them vis-a-vis the narrative story of Jesus parts. I find that some of the sayings of supposed 'Jesus', even though many of them may have been added, edited, or otherwise distorted, still, somehow very profound.
Whoever decided it was a good idea to go door-to-door to try to presumptively convince people to get the jab has probably 'game theoried' the program extensively. What is their real objective? I doubt it is to 'help people'. They may just want to goad people into being hostile so they can have justification for whatever else...
Trying to think of what to say when they come is kind of like internal consideration, no?
How do they know who has, or has not had the vax?! Will that be their first question?
Asking if they have a warrant is probably not a good idea, being rude or nasty is probably not a good idea. Not being authentic is probably not a good idea.
The only thing I can think of currently is to say that I don't want to discuss it and ask them to leave.