Simply do not open the door. Pretend you are not at home. Don't answer phone numbers you don't know. Or respond to invitations they send by mail. Problem solved.

What if you don't live alone and it turns out that your parents are authoritarian supporters and one of them argues that the vaccine should be mandatory?

(the government here at least - not without some twist in their discourse to convince you - officially states that the vaccine is not mandatory).

However, even though I am an adult, unfortunately I am in a situation where my parents, as much as it pains me to say it, are sheep.
What if you don't live alone and it turns out that your parents are authoritarian supporters and one of them argues that the vaccine should be mandatory?

(the government here at least - not without some twist in their discourse to convince you - officially states that the vaccine is not mandatory).

However, even though I am an adult, unfortunately I am in a situation where my parents, as much as it pains me to say it, are sheep.

I am going to say this again to let it sink in. We are going to have to rely on a higher power in this. We can’t win by our own intellect. Let yourself be guided when the time comes. What would work in one instance won’t work in another. Trust your own intuition. The universe can find an escape for you.
I am going to say this again to let it sink in. We are going to have to rely on a higher power in this. We can’t win by our own intellect. Let yourself be guided when the time comes. What would work in one instance won’t work in another. Trust your own intuition. The universe can find an escape for you.

No, wait, don't assume I don't have faith in the universe, because when I least expected it (obviously the key is not to anticipate) it helped me!

But the question is valid, because:

1) It makes you think about strategies.

2) That question reaches the universe.

3) The universe responds, either by a eureka! moment or precisely because by asking the question you set the network in motion. (this group)
Simply do not open the door. Pretend you are not at home. Don't answer phone numbers you don't know. Or respond to invitations they send by mail. Problem solved.

And if they do manage to still make contact with you. Say you are pro-vaccination but afraid of needles. Don't make yourself a target. Especially not before the war breaks out.

My 2 cents.

In other words:

What if you don't live alone and it turns out that your parents are authoritarian supporters and one of them argues that the vaccine should be mandatory?

(the government here at least - not without some twist in their discourse to convince you - officially states that the vaccine is not mandatory).

However, even though I am an adult, unfortunately I am in a situation where my parents, as much as it pains me to say it, are sheep.

Pretending to not be home isn't really an option for me either, not least of which because it smacks of cowardice.

At this stage they won't physically force you. They'll just try to cajole you into getting the shot. Easy enough to tell them to pound sand. Just takes a little strength of personality.

If it does get to the point of physical coercion, well ... I guess we'll all burn those bridges when we get to it.
Now the (Argentine) government is closing deals with Moderna. As far as I can see the mRNA vaccines are going to be applied after all, but what I am seeing is that these vaccines will be applied to minors; children and adolescents.


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British health chiefs quietly sneak out warning that Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines may cause heart damage.

British health chiefs quietly sneak out warning that Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines may cause heart damage in 'extremely rare' cases

Published: 18:08 BST, 7 July 2021 | Updated: 19:33 BST, 7 July 2021
  • Fears about link between the jabs and myocarditis have grown in recent weeks
  • Now the UK's drug safety watchdog has updated safety information for the jabs
  • It accepts that the condition is a possible side effect of both the Covid vaccines
British health chiefs have quietly released a warning that Pfizer and Moderna's Covid vaccines may cause heart damage, MailOnline can reveal.

Fears about the mRNA jabs' links to myocarditis have grown in recent weeks, following a string of cases in young adults and children in Israel and the US.

Now the UK's drug watchdog has updated its safety information to accept that the condition is a possible side effect of both vaccines, without a formal announcement.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency insists the complication – inflammation of the heart muscle which can damage the organ over time – is still 'extremely rare' and 'typically mild'.

But it wasn't listed as a potential side effect until last week, when the MHRA released its most up-to-date safety surveillance data.

Cardiologists say the benefits of both jabs still clearly outweigh the risks for the vast majority of the population.

However, they say it 'completely changes' the debate about vaccinating children in Britain. They won't get AstraZeneca's jab because of its links to deadly blood clots in young people.

MHRA statistics dated up until June 23 show 60 cases of myocarditis have been spotted among Pfizer vaccine recipients.

There have also been 42 cases of pericarditis – a similar condition that affects the protective layer around the heart.

Five instances of myocarditis and two of pericarditis have been detected in over-18s given Moderna's vaccines, the same figures show.

But fewer than 900,000 doses of Moderna's jab have been dished out, compared to nearly 30million of Pfizer's.

Both complications have also been spotted in patients given the AstraZeneca jab, but it is not occurring more often than expected.
UK health chiefs sneak out warnings on Pfizer's Covid vaccine
This claim about the jabs containing 99% graphene oxide is going semi viral on the Internet. Have some of you, maybe Spanish members (or fluent in Spanish) looked into this group that is supposedly behind the research - La Quinta Columna?

I noticed a couple of sites in English citing this research that had some erroneous claims, like e.g. that Rainer Füllmich is going to have a ‘Nurenberg 2.0’ trial 3th of July 2021.
Pretending to not be home isn't really an option for me either, not least of which because it smacks of cowardice.

Cowardice or not. If you wanna fight these people, play it smart and try to keep your freedom until you meet them on the battlefield. What can you do if you end up in prison or worse before the fireworks start? But I get your point.

At this stage they won't physically force you. They'll just try to cajole you into getting the shot.

Point is that they might put your name in some database if you refuse. If they can't reach you. Things might be different.

But I'm just thinking aloud.
To be sure that this happened in my country and that it is for the reason you say, do you have more information? Because even if I see personnel with medical robes and other elements it is somewhat out of context.

Seriously, I want to be sure that it is what they say it is.

I went to the telegram channel and did not find the video in question...

This one it´s true: Murió a los 52 años Horacio Sabatini, actor de Separadas y Los ricos no piden permiso (see attached image)


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    Captura de pantalla 2021-07-08 200656.jpg
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To be sure that this happened in my country and that it is for the reason you say, do you have more information? Because even if I see personnel with medical robes and other elements it is somewhat out of context.

Seriously, I want to be sure that it is what they say it is.

Honestly, I don't know. Was hoping that some who speak the language can figure it out. Looks a bit too dramatic perhaps? But considering the times we live in ...
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