They're moving toward this type of action in the US. People that will go door to door are called covid witnesses...or something similar. I heard this on the radio, so no link.

I'm preparing a sign for my door:
NO SOLICITORS, No matter who you represent!
You can use their faulty logic against them too...
When they call you, just say that you are cancelling all appointments until everyone has received their third jab. ;-D
Since I saw the pictures of vaccines attracting spoons, coins and other metallic objects I've been wondering, assuming that these are real pictures, how could it work?


These pictures suggest that the injection spot and its vicinity became somehow magnetized. One possibility is the injection of micrometric or smaller magnets. The simplest solution would be the injection of permanent magnets, but could explain the observed magnetic effects?

Nowadays, the strongest commercial permanent magnets are neodymum magnet. You can buy a 0.5 Tesla (Tesla being a unit measuring the intensity of the magnetic field) magnet which develops about 500 kg (1,200 lb) of pulling power. But it weighs 4 kg (9 lb). In a nutshell, neodymium pulling force is about 100 times its weight.

The volume of one dose of Pfizer vaccine is 0.3 ml (0.3 g) of which at least 80%, I assume, is composed of lipid nanospheres. It leaves 0.06 grams for active substances. If all the active substances were neodymium powder, it would generate about 6 grams of pulling force.

For reference the weight of a teaspoon is about 20 grams.

In addition, as suggested by the picture above the vaccine diffuses in the body, it spread all over the shoulder and sinks into deeper tissue. The above mentioned 6 grams of theoretical pulling power only applies if the powder is concentrated in one single point on the very surface of the skin. The extant of the diffusion volume-wise reduced the pulling power by several orders of magnitude.

So, the injection of permanent magnets is unlikely to cause the observed magnetic effects. What could have caused this magnetism? Along the permanent magnets, the other kind of magnets are electromagnets, which are usually made of a coil around a core powered by electricity:


The great advantage of electromagnets compared to permanent magnet is their power to weight ratio. For example an experimental electromagnet the size of toilet roll developed 45 Tesla - that's almost 100 times stronger than the force generated by the 4 kg permanent magnet mentioned above.

This experimental electromagnet shows that strong magnetic fields can generated by this kind of technology, but can it be miniaturized to the point it become invisible and injectable? What sounds like SciFi came closer to reality in 2015:

Rice University researchers discover graphene spirals could challenge macro solenoids

In the drive to miniaturize electronics, solenoids have become way too big, say Rice University scientists who discovered the essential component can be scaled down to nano-size with macro-scale performance.

The secret is in a spiral form of atom-thin graphene that, remarkably, can be found in nature, according to Rice theoretical physicist Boris Yakobson and his colleagues.

“Usually, we determine the characteristics for materials we think might be possible to make, but this time we’re looking at a configuration that already exists,” Yakobson said. “These spirals, or screw dislocations, form naturally in graphite during its growth, even in common coal.”

A nano-coil made of graphene could be an effective solenoid inductor for electronic applications, according to researchers at Rice University.
A nano-coil made of graphene could be an effective solenoid inductor for electronic applications, according to researchers at Rice University.
Courtesy of the Yakobson Research Group

The researchers determined that when a voltage is applied, current will flow around the helical path and produce a magnetic field, as it does in macro inductor-solenoids. The discovery is detailed in a new paper in the American Chemical Society journal Nano Letters.

“One can compare the structure to a high-rise parking lot for electrons — but without parking spaces, so the electrons just drive through,” Yakobson said. “Or you can say it resembles Archimedes’ screw — which rotates in order to pump water uphill — but filled with electricity instead.

“Perhaps this might work in reverse here: An electron current, pumped through by the applied voltage, at certain conditions may just cause the graphene spiral to spin, like a fast little electro-turbine,” he said.

Solenoids are wires coiled around a metallic core. They produce a magnetic field when carrying current, turning them into electromagnets. These are widespread in electronic and mechanical devices, from circuit boards to transformers to cars. They also serve as inductors, primary components in electric circuits that regulate current, and in their smallest form are part of integrated circuits. (The lump in power cables that feed electronic devices contains inductors.)

While transistors get steadily smaller, basic inductors in electronics have become relatively bulky, said Fangbo Xu, a Rice alumnus and lead author of the paper. “It’s the same inside the circuits,” he said. “Commercial spiral inductors on silicon occupy excessive area. If realized, graphene nano-solenoids could change that.”

The nano-solenoids analyzed through computer models at Rice should be capable of producing powerful magnetic fields of about 1 tesla, about the same as the coils found in typical loudspeakers, according to Yakobson and his team. They found the magnetic field would be strongest in the hollow, nanometer-wide cavity at the spiral’s center.

The spiral form is attributable to a simple topological trick, he said. Graphene is made of hexagonal arrays of carbon atoms. Malformed hexagons known as dislocations along one edge force the graphene to twist around itself, akin to a continuous nanoribbon that mimics a mathematical construct known as a Riemann surface.

The researchers demonstrated theoretically how energy would flow through the hexagons in nano-solenoids with edges in either armchair or zigzag formations. In one case, they determined the performance of a conventional spiral inductor of 205 microns in diameter could be matched by a nano-solenoid 70 nanometers wide – nearly 10,000,000 times smaller.

Because graphene has no energy band gap (which gives a material semiconducting properties), electricity should move through without any barriers. But in fact, the width of the spiral and the configuration of the edges – either armchair or zigzag – influences how the current is distributed, and thus its inductive properties.

The researchers suggested it should be possible to isolate graphene screw dislocations from crystals of graphitic carbon (graphene in bulk form), but enticing graphene sheets to grow in a spiral would allow for better control of its properties, Yakobson said.

Xu suggested nano-solenoids may also be useful as molecular relays or switchable traps for magnetic molecules or radicals in chemical probes.

Co-authors are Rice graduate student Henry Yu and alumnus Arta Sadrzadeh. Yakobson is the Karl F. Hasselmann Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering and a professor of chemistry.

The research was supported by the Office of Naval Research’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI.
According to the article quoted above high power nano electromagnets are now a reality. Coincidentally or not, the nano coil is made of graphene (a sort of crystallized carbon) which looks similar to the electron microscopy images of the Pfizer RNA vaccine.

Notice also that the nanocoil performed like a traditional coil generating up to one Tesla (equivalent to the magnetism generated by a 8 kg neodymium magnet) while being to 10 million times smaller.

In any case, nano electromagnets require electricity to work, but the human body is not devoid of electric current and electric potential difference. For neuron cells, the potential difference across the membrane is typically 70mV, for nerve cells the potential difference across the membrane can reach 90 mV and for plasma cells the potential difference across the membrane can reach 200 mV.

Typically, a membrane cell is 5-10 nanometers thick which is comparable with the nano solenoid (70 nanometers) described above.

Of course, there is no direct evidence that the magnetism observed around the injection site is generated by graphene nano coil powered by trans-membrane electric currents. As often there is more questions than answers.

Are nanocoils used? If yes, which kind? Could the nano coil tap onto the trans-membrane voltage or other physiological voltage? Would the trans-membrane voltage be sufficient to generate the observed magnetism?
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As often there is more questions than answers.
Those seem to be good questions. We need an independent and objective analysis of the actual ingredients of the vaccines. I don't see why this hasn't been done yet, as well as independent autopsies of vaccine victims. Who knows? It's possible that there are some very advanced technologies at work. What might be the (tuned) resonant frequencies of these hypothesized graphene nano coils?
Maybe a new variant but not yet there say the WHO.

Moscow Mutation? Siberian Strain? WHO puts Covid-19 variant first discovered in Russia on special list for ‘extra monitoring’​

9 Jul, 2021 11:26
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Moscow Mutation? Siberian Strain? WHO puts Covid-19 variant first discovered in Russia on special list for ‘extra monitoring’

© FILE PHOTO. Transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2. © Reuters / NIAID-RML

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By Jonny Tickle
The World Health Organization has revealed that it has placed a new Covid-19 strain first discovered in Russia on its online list of variants for monitoring. It joins a selection of eleven other unnamed coronavirus mutations.
The strain was first detected in January this year, but it has only now been deemed severe enough to be listed.
According to the WHO classification system, variants are determined first to be designated for “further monitoring,” before being promoted to “of interest,” and then, finally, “of concern.” If the newly discovered variant found in Russia is determined to be more serious, it will be given a Greek letter name. As of now, it is simply known as AT.1.
ALSO ON RT.COMEU asks Russia for talks on Covid-19 jab certificates for travel, as France urges bloc to turn away tourists who've had Sputnik V
Speaking to news agency TASS, the WHO highlighted that it would not dub the variant ‘Russian’, as per the organization’s policy.
“No country should be stigmatized for identifying and reporting variants,” the WHO said.
READ MORE: Mixture of Covid-19 & heat causing potentially fatal complications for elderly patients, says head of Moscow’s top virus hospital
As well as the strain found in Russia, the list also includes other variants first discovered in the likes of Brazil, the US, and the Philippines.
Russia is currently being hit by a new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. In recent weeks, cases have climbed, and the country is now regularly reporting more than 20,000 newly detected infections per day. Deaths have also risen significantly.
15 days (16 months) to flatten the curve, herd immunity? . . . That's so yesterday and not even a thing according to the WHO.

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website

Ted Cruz Introduces Bill Banning Feds Maintaining Vaccine Database amid Biden’s Door to Door Outreach

But a couple Republicans have pushed back at the “solicitations for experimental vaccines.”

Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R) pushed back at the federal government overreach by stating Tuesday that a federal official knocking on people’s doors to pressure them to take the coronavirus vaccine “should be treated as a trespasser and ARRESTED.”
I go to a small grocery store and health food center where you don't "really" have to put the mask on...we all put it on our chins, even the employees. The employees take the time to talk with the customers and therapists who buy their natural products. I take the time to find out as an ex-therapist what people are saying or what therapists are receiving as clients: a lot of distress, loneliness, exhaustion, anxiety, lethargy, sadness, lack of energy...

They come looking for natural products to counteract, to calm down, while making a dietary change (organic), and above all they want to be "listened to" which they no longer have with people (doctors, nurses, families....) if you are not part of the vaccinated.

The employees are admirable. They have adapted to take the time to listen to the people who shop there. They know that a smile brings comfort and they do.

I have known this place for years and today I took the time to thank them for all the little things they do for the well-being of others. They were able to adapt for a while to the stupid demands to not close their business but they were able to subtly demonstrate their disagreed with the " fictive " pandemic.

For me, they are not grocery store clerks and natural product consultants, they have developed a therapeutic attitude of "listening", empathy, kindness to relieve the unspoken "aches" or "words".

And now, people come to have their social, advice, healthy food and especially to be surrounded by people who are not for the vaccine, without saying it verbally.

The more zealous ones are distancing themselves, coming for their necessities.

After a year and more of fear, abuse and global stress, I see that there are still some small networks here that have snuck in and are showing up.

Je vais dans une petite épicerie et un centre de produits naturels où l'on n'est pas "vraiment" obligé de mettre le masque... nous le mettons tous sur notre menton, même les employés. Les employés prennent le temps de parler avec les clients et les thérapeutes qui achètent leurs produits naturels. Je prends le temps de m'informer en tant que ex-thérapeute de ce que les gens racontent ou de ce que les thérapeutes reçoivent comme clients: beaucoup de détresse, de solitude, d'épuisement, d'anxiété, de léthargie, de tristesse, de manque d'énergie...

Ils viennent chercher des produits naturels pour contrer, pour se calmer, tout en faisant un changement alimentaire (bio), et surtout ils veulent être "écoutés" ce qu'ils n'ont plus avec les gens (médecins, infirmières, familles....) si vous ne faites pas partie des vaccinés.

Les employés sont admirables. Ils ont su s'adapter pour prendre le temps d'écouter les personnes qui y font leurs courses. Ils savent qu'un sourire apporte du réconfort et ils le font.

Je connais cet endroit depuis des années et aujourd'hui je prenais le temps de les remercier pour tous les petits gestes qu'ils font pour le bien-être de l'autre. Ils ont pu s'adapter pendant un certain temps aux exigences stupides pour ne pas fermer leur commerce mais ils ont su démontrer subtilement leur désaccord par rapport à la pandémie "fictive".

Pour moi, ils ne sont pas des employés d'épicerie et des conseillers en produits naturels, ils ont développés une attitude thérapeutique "d'écoute", d'empathie, de bienveillance pour soulager les "maux" ou "mots" non-dits.

Et maintenant, les gens viennent pour avoir leur social, des conseils, une nourriture saine et surtout pour être entourés de personnes qui ne sont pas pour le vaccin, sans le dire verbalement.

Les plus zélés prennent leurs distances, venant pour leur nécessaire.

Après un an et plus de peur, d'abus et de stress planétaire, je vois qu'il y a quand même quelques petits réseaux ici qui se sont faufiler et qui se pointent.

Je persiste pour créer les liens nécessaires afin de pouvoir s'approvisioner via ce centre ou avec les producteurs des produits du terroir. Je fais de mon mieux pour créer des liens afin d'être mieux préparer pour l'automne à venir.
This is a post from Zerohedge today, a report from Australia, remember, while in some ares of North America, we are experiencing sweltering heat. In Australia, it is the winter season. Also Australi, is part of the 5 Eyes alliance. Could this be a trial run for the fall and winter season in the Norther Climes.

Australia's latest 'expert-imposed' lockdown of its most-populous city - Sydney - is growing increasingly authoritarian as Australia's conservative PM Scott Morrison dispatches another 100 police officers to Sydney to enforce the lockdown measures, reviving complaints that Australia's enforcement of its COVID measures has been unnecessarily heavy-handed.

Starting at 0700 local time on Friday, more than 100 additional officers will be stationed on the streets of Sydney, where they will continue to work for the remainder of the lockdown (which was just extended by two weeks), according to local press reports.

Cook added that the police would be asked to patrol supermarkets and shopping centers, confronting anybody who might dare attempt to buy anything.

"The question we’ll be asking is ‘what’s your reasonable excuse for being here, you don’t need a pair of shoes today.'"
"We need people to take responsibility and comply."

COVID, the gift, that keeps on giving to keep the population entrained int compliance. I found the info graphic at the end of the article interesting, where are the numbers to institute such draconian measures.
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