For the German federal government, the unvaccinated lockdown in autumn is fixed
But that's not all: because the federal government wants "2G instead of 3G". And this does not mean the dismantling of mobile phone masts, but the dismantling of fundamental rights. Instead of "recovered, tested and vaccinated", now only "vaccinated and recovered" apply. Non-vaccinated people would then no longer be allowed to go to restaurants even if they had a negative Corona test, and "contact restrictions" for non-vaccinated people could also be extended. Of course, they say they don't want this, but it could become necessary.
I was just talking to my kid, who will be 12 in December - so right age for push for vaccine, what are the rules for next school year.
In short:
- quick/self tests 2 times per week - except for the kids who are fully vaccinated or recovered from corona in last 6 months
- ALL have to wear the mask in the classes, except on the school yard

So - not much "freedom" for the vaccinated.

We agreed that the best would be if we all would be tested positive, spend 2 weeks in quarantine/holydays - and we all would be "free" from testing and other stupid stuff for the next 6 months.
We were actually making fun of it all and wishing to get the corona and relax for 6 months. 😅

And then I saw your post...
I think I´ll start "licking doorknobs" so I get the corona.... ;-D

Also, I think that either way and whatever regulations they came up with, until middle of October is the maximum that will be kind of "normal" life - then during and after Herbstferien (2 weeks school off in autumn, starting 9.Oct this year), we will again be in lockdown due to Delta/Zeta/Eta/Kappa/... variant, and the school and "normal" life will continue again in the spring (not before May, I would say) - with new rules, of course.

It is still unknown what the price of the tests will be.... If I have to pay for the tests - oh well, I´ll squeeze it (hopefully) in the budget and go shopping 1 per 1-2 weeks, and live on my reserves....
We even brought a whole pig´s dry bacon and several buckets of swine fat/lard from Croatia (which we made by ourselves so we can enjoy fresh cracklings).

I don´t know; what will be - will be... Best to prepare for the worse...
I was just talking to my kid, who will be 12 in December - so right age for push for vaccine, what are the rules for next school year.
In short:
- quick/self tests 2 times per week - except for the kids who are fully vaccinated or recovered from corona in last 6 months
- ALL have to wear the mask in the classes, except on the school yard

So - not much "freedom" for the vaccinated.

We agreed that the best would be if we all would be tested positive, spend 2 weeks in quarantine/holydays - and we all would be "free" from testing and other stupid stuff for the next 6 months.
We were actually making fun of it all and wishing to get the corona and relax for 6 months. 😅
How about going this route ?

UK: Covid booster shots will 'be obligatory for trips abroad and care home staff' - as millions are set to offered a third jab from September​

Booster jabs are set to be compulsory for travel abroad and care home staff in plans under discussion by Ministers.

A source close to the talks about Covid certification told The Mail on Sunday: ‘The assumption is that you will be required to have the most up-to-date health passport.

'So if the advice is to have a booster six months after your second jab, then that is what you’ll need.’

Booster jabs will be compulsory for care home staff and foreign trips
Swiss is starting a campaign for a third jab too. You will be a super-hero super-vaccinated! (translation from French)

3rd dose: after the antivaxers and the vaccinated, now there are the super-vaccinated!
The announcement by Moderna and certain countries to impose a booster shot will gradually create a new category: the super-vaccinated. This will not be without consequences for the health pass.

Two doses no longer provided sufficient protection against the Delta variant and its spread, at least after six months. On Thursday, the company Moderna announced that a third injection will be required. And it did not specifically mention people at risk...

Little by little, this third injection will become the norm, first for people at risk, then for the others. However, not everyone will be able to have it at the same time (5 million people in Switzerland). Some may not want to. Without getting into political fiction, we will soon find ourselves with four categories of population: the super-vaccinated (3 doses), the vaccinated (2 doses), the half-vaccinated (1 dose) and the non-vaccinated.

The Covid-19 certificate will therefore have to be adapted to this new reality. Certain events and places (e.g. hospitals, EMS) could only be accessible to the super-vaccinated.
It's shocking to me that George Webb would suddenly get the jab, but apparently it's true. It's not going over very well with his followers on Twitter if you look at the thread under his tweet, which I linked to below. He says he's concerned about the viral load of the Delta variant being 1200 x's the viral load (of SARS-CoV-2, I assume); he talks about something called "synsytia" having to do with the cells of the lung binding together "to become a super-factory for viral particles/variants." It sounds like he's suggesting a serious deadly variant attack on the population is imminent, and that taking the jab is the only course left to us [??].

I have always found Webb's use of language to be cryptic, and I've commented before, after buying one of his quickie booklets, that his writing isn't particularly good or enlightening given his own short hand. Still, I hung in there with him since he seems to be doing some good, on the ground research into the whole global bio-weapons phenomenon.

That he would take a vaccine (J&J) known to program the body's cells to produce what he himself has termed a bio weapon -- the spike proteins, in other words -- is very hard to take on board without speculating just what this means about his mental state. As some have noted, the whites of his eyes suddenly look reddish in this video. Is he being forced to in some way comply so as to instruct followers to do the same? Unless he didn't take the shot at all, but has been coerced into taking this stance. I suppose he could truly believe that taking the jab is better than being a sitting duck for this bio weapon/variant that he seems to be indicating is heading our way. Or is he really a sleeper cell that has just now been activated?

As far as I know, there has been no indication that he would "switch" like this at this point. Also, apparently he has given multiple reasons for taking the jab, including needing to travel to Canada, meet with family, etc. How these mundane reasons match up with imminent attack seems problematic to say the least. My God, he would take a known bio weapon so he could travel to Canada?

Truly bizarre. Now, if we are really going to be hit with a serious bio-weapon/variant, would one really take a known killer to avoid... what? A more immediate demise? Does any of this make any sense at all? I haven't been following him much lately, but this really has thrown me.

Webb used to do investigative reports for CNN. Recently he sued CNN, although I don't know the details. He does constantly refer to CNN's coverage, noting that they very often confirm something he's been reporting on for months, or even years, etc. In this way, he never truly "left" CNN. I mean, in the sense that he's always commenting on their reportage.

Webb is also keen on people signing a petition to have the U.S. government investigate Fort Detrick re: the origin of Covid. The CCP is calling for the very same. We have known here really from the very beginning that the virus likely originated at Fort Detrick. More recently we've witnessed how that is being left out of mainstream coverage, which is seeking to lay the blame with China. However, in the context of trying to decipher George Webb, is his siding with the CCP on this issue (even in the name of truth) revealing something else?

I'm just throwing out questions. I don't know enough about Webb to come to any firm conclusions re: his suddenly taking the vax, or his suddenly stating that he's taken the vax. He seems a pretty complex character, yet at the same time he has always come across as sincere, and as a "patriot."

New Zealand went into shutdown mode because of ....... ONE case.

This was totally predictable. About 21 weeks ago, the latest polls showed an 18% drop for the Government and a significant drop in the PMs popularity. Add to that the government taking a lot of flack for some proposed brutal Hate Speech Laws, a proposal to take ownership of all water resources and gift them to Maori, and the outing of a plan to turn NZ into effectively an apartheid state with Maori having huge increase in government to the detriment of the rest of the population, The government was in trouble.

Almost immediately, the paid health 'experts" started taking about WHEN delta arrived in NZ and not IF. The Health Minister declared that if even one delta case was detected in the community, a Level 4 lockdown would be immediately declared, and it was obvious what was to come.

Suddenly last night, BOOM. One case in Auckland who had travelled to a beach town a couple of hours away. L4 for 7 days for Auckland and Coromandel. L4 for 3 days for the rest of the country, until our dear leader and her experts can see for how long we need her to look after us. This morning 4 more cases, including one fully vaccinated nurse.

And immediately, almost the entire country have passively rolled over, pathetically grateful for Dear Leader being there to look after them and keep them safe. All the childish mottos being reactivated - Stay home, stay safe; the team of 5 million; go hard and go fast. And that condescending patronising woman speaking to the nation like we are a bunch of children. People lapping it up.

Just makes it clear how many people really have lost all capacity for rational thought. The PM is being interviewed on TV. She talks about the vaccinated nurse being positive. The interviewer immediately launches into a diatribe about how we all need to be vaccinated to stay safe, and why can't he get a shot yet (his age group isn't eligible until September). How can somebody hear about the fully vaccinated nurse declared a case and immediately demand they get vaccinated to be safe. Sorry, that is just insane. And yet they are using this outbreak to drive the vaccination effort. IF you think about this stuff too hard, it might make your brain explode.

Time to pull my head in, keep of social media and make like a tortoise. I think this could get ugly quickly
And that condescending patronising woman speaking to the nation like we are a bunch of children.
She really does stand out as especially awful. And surveying the gallery of horrors that is the current global political leadership, that's no small thing.
People lapping it up.
It's really hard to remind myself that they're all victims of sophisticated information warfare, and therefore not to despise them. Especially as many of them are rapidly moving from 'target' to 'casualty' status.
Fully vaccinated Texas Governor Abbott tests positive for Covid-19, will isolate & receive antibody treatment
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has contracted the coronavirus, his office confirmed in a statement, saying he caught the illness despite being fully vaccinated, and will isolate in the executive mansion until he tests negative.
“The Governor has been testing daily, and today was the first positive test result,” communications director Mark Miner said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that Abbott is currently “in good health and experiencing no symptoms” from the virus.
Good luck with that buddy! What will happen when these news articles will have to include "Fully vaccinated XX Governor dies"? All hell will break loose for us as the Deep State will kickstart the Blame Game? Following their rule: Blame the innocent!
Newest stats:

CDC Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Saturday, August 14, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years.

This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from the CDC.

They have now recorded 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, 13,139 life threatening events, among 682,873 reported injuries from 571,831 cases.
It's shocking to me that George Webb would suddenly get the jab, but apparently it's true. It's not going over very well with his followers on Twitter if you look at the thread under his tweet, which I linked to below. He says he's concerned about the viral load of the Delta variant being 1200 x's the viral load (of SARS-CoV-2, I assume); he talks about something called "synsytia" having to do with the cells of the lung binding together "to become a super-factory for viral particles/variants." It sounds like he's suggesting a serious deadly variant attack on the population is imminent, and that taking the jab is the only course left to us [??].

I have always found Webb's use of language to be cryptic, and I've commented before, after buying one of his quickie booklets, that his writing isn't particularly good or enlightening given his own short hand. Still, I hung in there with him since he seems to be doing some good, on the ground research into the whole global bio-weapons phenomenon.

That he would take a vaccine (J&J) known to program the body's cells to produce what he himself has termed a bio weapon -- the spike proteins, in other words -- is very hard to take on board without speculating just what this means about his mental state. As some have noted, the whites of his eyes suddenly look reddish in this video. Is he being forced to in some way comply so as to instruct followers to do the same? Unless he didn't take the shot at all, but has been coerced into taking this stance. I suppose he could truly believe that taking the jab is better than being a sitting duck for this bio weapon/variant that he seems to be indicating is heading our way. Or is he really a sleeper cell that has just now been activated?

As far as I know, there has been no indication that he would "switch" like this at this point. Also, apparently he has given multiple reasons for taking the jab, including needing to travel to Canada, meet with family, etc. How these mundane reasons match up with imminent attack seems problematic to say the least. My God, he would take a known bio weapon so he could travel to Canada?

Truly bizarre. Now, if we are really going to be hit with a serious bio-weapon/variant, would one really take a known killer to avoid... what? A more immediate demise? Does any of this make any sense at all? I haven't been following him much lately, but this really has thrown me.

Webb used to do investigative reports for CNN. Recently he sued CNN, although I don't know the details. He does constantly refer to CNN's coverage, noting that they very often confirm something he's been reporting on for months, or even years, etc. In this way, he never truly "left" CNN. I mean, in the sense that he's always commenting on their reportage.

Webb is also keen on people signing a petition to have the U.S. government investigate Fort Detrick re: the origin of Covid. The CCP is calling for the very same. We have known here really from the very beginning that the virus likely originated at Fort Detrick. More recently we've witnessed how that is being left out of mainstream coverage, which is seeking to lay the blame with China. However, in the context of trying to decipher George Webb, is his siding with the CCP on this issue (even in the name of truth) revealing something else?

I'm just throwing out questions. I don't know enough about Webb to come to any firm conclusions re: his suddenly taking the vax, or his suddenly stating that he's taken the vax. He seems a pretty complex character, yet at the same time he has always come across as sincere, and as a "patriot."

I don’t know if I ever posted the following here, but in late 2017/early 2018 I was struck all of a sudden with very bad vibes regarding George Webb - like spidey-sense going berserk bad vibes. Before that (after the initial being ‘amazed’ at his reporting) I viewed him with an open skeptical attitude. After the bad vibe moment, I haven’t paid the slightest attention to him at all. He strikes me as a peid piper type, controlled opposition
Following up on last post regarding newest stats - a blistering Jon Rappoport article:

Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of “safe and effective”

ONE: A bombshell. Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter, August 6: “Covid vaccine maker Moderna received 300,000 reports of side effects after vaccinations over a three-month period following the launch of its shot, according to an internal report from a company that helps Moderna manage the reports.”

“That figure is far higher than the number of side effect reports about Moderna’s vaccine publicly available in the federal system that tracks such adverse events.”

BOOM. 300,000 vaccine adverse effects NOT reported to VAERS, the federal database.
TWO: Independent researcher Virginia Stoner has issued a stunning new report on the VAERS numbers, and the effort by mainstream scientists to minimize the destructive effects of the COVID vaccines. Here are key quotes from her report:
“There are reasons to think death may be one of the most underreported vaccine injuries of all—mainly because the victim is dead, and can’t file a VAERS report. Nor can they prod their doctor into filing a VAERS report. Unless they’re fortunate enough to have a relative or doctor who knows they got the vaccine, knows about VAERS, understands the potential for vaccine injury, and is willing to go through the onerous process of filing a VAERS report, it won’t happen.”

THREE: Open letter from Doctors for COVID Ethics accusing governments and media of lying to the people:
FOUR: The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

FIVE: In view of the massive number of vaccine injuries and deaths, how would we expect the public to react? Here is a major clue. Stat News, July 21: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

SIX: Understanding this, government, media, and corporate criminals are ramping up vaccine mandates wherever and however they can, to force the needle into your arm.

“You’re aware that our product is highly dangerous and destructive? We’ll make you take it.”

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