Is this John Kaminski report of spraying credible?

Mass madness made by media

Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.

Meanwhile, in other countries, notably Australia, just the opposite is happening and police are tackling people on the street and jabbing them on the spot. And even worse . . .

Terry from Brisbane writes:
Spray that again!

I have noted the spraying at West End Brisbane. Now so obvious. Terry

Edited tweet he sent
Due to Australian reticence to vaccinate, higher approval was granted as of 24 May to spray 3 versions of the vaccine across continental Australia. Aircraft with HUDs are able to perform precision spraying, hitting only populated areas in cities and country towns. From 36,000 feet the vaccine takes 21 minutes to reach the ground and be inhaled undetected.

Passing 1000 feet above us, our colleagues are following Spray Plan Z, allowing for a one mile left offset from our track, in order to maximise spraying area. Proud to be contributing to the greater good.
If they are spraying vaccines from the sky, people have no chance to avoid them. If they are spraying them in Australia, why wouldn’t they be spraying them in America? Is further evidence needed that this is a mass extermination program?
And then there’s the twisted tale of the self-spreading vaccines. Wha . . .?

Self spreading vaccines
Self-spreading vaccines • Vaccine toxicity, laws, actions to take -

There’s more down this rabbit hole, but let’s let in lie for now.

And before I dig in any deeper and lose everyone I need to tell the story I meant to tell.

A cartoon booklet I received the other day titled

How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Continue reading . . .
Meanwhile, in other countries, notably Australia, just the opposite is happening and police are tackling people on the street and jabbing them on the spot. And even worse . . .

I don't think that's credible, no. A quick search found that this seems to have come from a video posted on twitter by someone in America, showing police, yes, tackling people at a protest in Sydney.. the person tweeting the video had added a voiceover saying the police were forcibly injecting people but you can't see it in the video and apparently nobody at the protest claimed that was the case.

As for spraying an airborne vaccine from planes, who knows.. What *isn't* surprising and shocking these days..! I do know that a few weeks ago I saw a plane flying overhead leaving behind a very thick, relatively low, contrail type thing, which I've never seen the likes of here before. (Never seen the famous grid patterns of con/chemtrails or anything like that here).. Could've been anything, or nothing. But I wouldn't put it past them, if it's possible.

US State Medical Boards Threaten to Revoke Licenses From Doctors Who Question Covid-19 Vaccines​

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) has stated that doctors who spread “misinformation” or “disinformation” about the Covid-19 vaccines could be suspended or have their licenses taken away.

According to the FSMB, due “to a dramatic increase in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation by physicians and other health care professionals on social media platforms, online and in the media, the FSMB, a national nonprofit representing medical boards that license and discipline allopathic and osteopathic physicians, released the following statement:

Something relatively similar occured in France as well on last month.

From French Sott article and with all translations with Deepl, here we go.

Haro on doctors not aligned with the globalists' totalitarian agenda implanted in France by its PR man Macron!
The same here in Australia, the regulatory body for all health professionals (nurses, GPs, allied health, pharmacists etc) put this out a few months ago, ahead of the vaxx rollout:

The latest covid news from Italy, it seems that now in most of the workplaces in Italy including the company for whom I work for in order to have access to the cafeteria for lunch break you have to possess the green pass.

In some cities the authorities are even requiring the green pass to the homeless if they want to have access to the homeless shelters.

This is insane, how much worse it should get?

Something going on in Italy at health authority level ?

My italian husband told me yesterday something about that the highest Italian Health Authority has been acknowledging / accepting alterantive treatment for Covid-19; Monochlonal Antibody treatment. That would make the vaccine and green pass equal to a house of cards - because once you do have an officially accepted treatment against Covid-19 - the mandate of experimental Covid-19 genetic injections as well the Green Pass become a tabula rasa in the eyes of the law. It also suggests that the last word hasn't been said in this issue.

But exactly what the details are in all of this, I do not know. Does anyone know more about it ?
> Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin
Ad-Hoc 15 • Where to find the Isolate ?

The jury is still out there...

aI find the explanations very interesting revolving why no isolate can be bought, and that the existing "isolates" appear to be filled with all kinds of material (which cannot, in a strict sense, be called "isolate"). I like that the Investigative Corona Committee finally starts digging deeper into the subject of the virus - going back to the basics - to the core - hopefully layer by layer. I have not listened to all of it (i am at it right now) - yet, found it interesting enough to let you guys know.

The interview is in english. 🇬🇧🇺🇸

We agreed that the best would be if we all would be tested positive, spend 2 weeks in quarantine/holydays - and we all would be "free" from testing and other stupid stuff for the next 6 months.
We were actually making fun of it all and wishing to get the corona and relax for 6 months. 😅

And then I saw your post...
I think I´ll start "licking doorknobs" so I get the corona.... ;-D

Hilarious, Mari.
It's good to hear, that you got your sense of humor intact ;-D Brilliant !
A powerful antidote for sure.

"Herd immunity - lick here" (from 25 april 2021)
Something going on in Italy at health authority level ?

My italian husband told me yesterday something about that the highest Italian Health Authority has been acknowledging / accepting alterantive treatment for Covid-19; Monochlonal Antibody treatment. That would make the vaccine and green pass equal to a house of cards - because once you do have an officially accepted treatment against Covid-19 - the mandate of experimental Covid-19 genetic injections as well the Green Pass become a tabula rasa in the eyes of the law. It also suggests that the last word hasn't been said in this issue.

But exactly what the details are in all of this, I do not know. Does anyone know more about it ?
I didn't heard anything on alternative treatments from the alt media. Will see further down the road if something on this matter will come out and will report back.

Though I'm not holding my breath because thus far the authorities have taken a strong stance against promoting alt treatments. For example the hyperimmune plasma treatment that has been discovered and used successfully in curing covid by an Italian doctor has been ignored and suppressed by the authorities and the media.

The doctor who invented the cure, Mr. De Donno, being demonized and harassed by his own colleagues to the point that he took his own life recently.
Have a look at this table. The words of that minister from Australia about taking kids to the stadium raised my blood pressure, not good.
But now I came across a table of adverse reactions in the EU which just ...
Well look.

Do you see age brackets in "months" ?
Didn't Pfizer just announce that testing would be on "6 months to 12 yr olds" ??

OK, I will refrain from putting the image here, but you can find it on page 4 of this link.
(Japan's Unit 731 during WWII)

Don't kid yourself. Australia is the testing ground for all forms of control under the guise of "Safety". The vide below shows what happens when you are "contact traced" !!!!!
indefinite detention for those who test positive here in Sydney
Link to tweet
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I didn't heard anything on alternative treatments from the alt media. Will see further down the road if something on this matter will come out and will report back.

Though I'm not holding my breath because thus far the authorities have taken a strong stance against promoting alt treatments. For example the hyperimmune plasma treatment that has been discovered and used successfully in curing covid by an Italian doctor has been ignored and suppressed by the authorities and the media.

The doctor who invented the cure, Mr. De Donno, being demonized and harassed by his own colleagues to the point that he took his own life recently.

The Italian authority is called AIFA

the link to the aforementioned information is here - about accepting the monoclonal treatment as an officially accepted treatment for Covid-19 in Italy.

🇺🇸 Changes to the Register - monoclonal antibodies COVID-19

We inform the users of the Drug Registries under Monitoring that, following the publication of AIFA Determination n.911 in the Official Gazette n.187 of 06.08.2021, starting from 07/08/2021 it is also possible to use the monoclonal antibody sotrovimab, for the following therapeutic indication:

"Treatment of mild or moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older who are not hospitalised for COVID-19, who do not require supplemental oxygen therapy for COVID-19 and who are at high risk of progression to severe COVID-19".

In addition, in implementation of AIFA Determination no. 912, it is possible to use the combination casirivimab+imdevimab at the dose 4,000mg+4,000mg in the following therapeutic indication:

"Treatment of patients hospitalised for COVID-19, including in supplementary oxygen therapy (with the exclusion of high-flow oxygen therapy, or in mechanical ventilation), with negative serology for SARSCoV-2 anti-spike IgG antibodies".

It should be noted that the currently available monoclonal anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, although having overlapping indications for use, differ in their ability to neutralise the different circulating variants, based on recent literature evidence. All anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies available in Italy (bamlanivamb/etesevimab, casirivimab/imdevimab and sotrovimab) maintain adequate antiviral activity against the alpha (lineage B.1.1.7) and delta (lineage B.1 .617.2), whereas the neutralising activity of the bamlanivamb/etesevimab combination, unlike the other available monoclonal antibodies (casirivimab/imdevimab and sotrovimab), is strongly inhibited against the beta (B.1.351) and gamma (P.1) variants. Therefore, where genotyping/sequencing has not been performed, and taking into account the epidemiological context of reference, monoclonal antibodies that are currently effective against all variants (casirivimab/imdevimab and sotrovimab) are considered preferable.

(To monitor the SARS-Cov2 variants circulating in Italy, please refer to the ISS periodic reports available at the following link:
In conclusion, physicians are reminded that prescriptions of monoclonal antibodies for the authorised indications must be made in accordance with the eligibility and prescriptive appropriateness criteria reported in the clinical file, which can be downloaded in .zip format from the list of "Active Registries and PTs", which can be reached from the box "Related Links".

Finally, it is specified that, starting from 10/08/2021, the modified register in question is available on the web platform; therefore, taking into account the availability of new products, the regional referents are invited to enable the authorised healthcare facilities by accessing the system.

Monitoring Registers Office

Published on: 10 August 2021 • translated via DeepL
🇮🇹 Modifiche Registro - anticorpi monoclonali COVID-19

Si informano gli utenti dei Registri Farmaci sottoposti a Monitoraggio che, a seguito della pubblicazione della Determinazione AIFA n.911 nella GU n.187 del 06.08.2021, a partire dal 07/08/2021 è possibile utilizzare anche l’anticorpo monoclonale sotrovimab, per la seguente indicazione terapeutica:

“Trattamento della malattia da coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) lieve o moderata, negli adulti e adolescenti di età pari o superiore a 12 anni non ospedalizzati per COVID-19, che non necessitano di ossigenoterapia supplementare per COVID-19 e che sono ad alto rischio di progressione a COVID-19 severa”.

Inoltre, in attuazione della Determinazione AIFA n.912, è possibile utilizzare la combinazione casirivimab+imdevimab al dosaggio 4.000mg+4.000mg nella seguente indicazione terapeutica:

“Trattamento di pazienti ospedalizzati per COVID-19, anche in ossigenoterapia supplementare (con l'esclusione dell'ossigenoterapia ad alti flussi, o in ventilazione meccanica), con sierologia negativa per gli anticorpi IgG anti- Spike di SARSCoV-2”.

Si richiama l’attenzione sul fatto che gli anticorpi monoclonali anti-SARS-CoV-2 attualmente disponibili, pur presentando indicazioni d’uso sovrapponibili, si differenziano tra di loro, sulla base di recenti evidenze di letteratura, per capacità di neutralizzare le diverse varianti circolanti. Tutti gli anticorpi anti-SARS-CoV-2 disponibili in Italia (bamlanivamb/etesevimab, casirivimab/imdevimab e sotrovimab) mantengono una adeguata attività antivirale nei confronti delle varianti alfa (lignaggio B.1.1.7) e delta (lignaggio B.1.617.2), mentre l’attività neutralizzante della combinazione bamlanivamb/etesevimab, differentemente dagli altri anticorpi monoclonali disponibili (casirivimab/imdevimab e sotrovimab), è fortemente inibita nei confronti delle varianti beta (B.1.351) e gamma (P.1). Pertanto, ove non sia stata effettuata la genotipizzazione/sequenziamento, e tenuto conto del contesto epidemiologico di riferimento, sono da considerarsi preferibili gli anticorpi monoclonali che al momento risultano efficaci su tutte le varianti (casirivimab/imdevimab e sotrovimab).

(Per il controllo delle varianti di SARS-Cov2 circolanti in Italia è consultare i rapporti periodici dell'ISS disponibili al seguente link:
In conclusione, si ricorda ai medici che le prescrizioni di anticorpi monoclonali relative alla indicazione autorizzate dovranno essere effettuate in accordo ai criteri di eleggibilità e appropriatezza prescrittiva riportati nella scheda clinica, scaricabile in formato .zip, dalla lista dei "Registri e PT attivi", raggiungibile dal box “Link correlati”.

Si specifica infine che, a partire dal 10/08/2021, il registro in oggetto, modificato è disponibile sulla piattaforma web; pertanto tenuto conto della disponibilità di nuovi prodotti, si invitano i referenti regionali a procedere all’abilitazione delle strutture sanitarie autorizzate, accedendo al sistema.

Ufficio Registri di Monitoraggio

Pubblicato il: 10 agosto 2021
That he would take a vaccine (J&J) known to program the body's cells to produce what he himself has termed a bio weapon -- the spike proteins, in other words -- is very hard to take on board without speculating just what this means about his mental state. As some have noted, the whites of his eyes suddenly look reddish in this video. Is he being forced to in some way comply so as to instruct followers to do the same? Unless he didn't take the shot at all, but has been coerced into taking this stance. I suppose he could truly believe that taking the jab is better than being a sitting duck for this bio weapon/variant that he seems to be indicating is heading our way. Or is he really a sleeper cell that has just now been activated?

As far as I know, there has been no indication that he would "switch" like this at this point. Also, apparently he has given multiple reasons for taking the jab, including needing to travel to Canada, meet with family, etc. How these mundane reasons match up with imminent attack seems problematic to say the least. My God, he would take a known bio weapon so he could travel to Canada?

Truly bizarre. Now, if we are really going to be hit with a serious bio-weapon/variant, would one really take a known killer to avoid... what? A more immediate demise? Does any of this make any sense at all? I haven't been following him much lately, but this really has thrown me.
It certainly doesn't seem to make any sense. What is his logic in taking a "killer shot" to prevent being killed? He must know the abundance of lies surrounding the covid situation so what makes him think this "1200 times the viral load business is even true? He doesn't look very well either.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children was listed as a COVID VAX SIDE EFFECT in this FDA presentation dated 22nd October 2020. They knew how bad the shot was and allowed it to be used anyway. This is a screen capture from the FDA presentation video, where they quickly skipped over the slide and needed to pause to be able to read it.



Now look at what the CDC did with a vax side effect the FDA knew about a year ago!


The video starts one second before the slide is shown, proving that it is a vax side effect.

The FDA knew the vax would do this damage to children, and the CDC re-appropriated it as Covid.


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According to the last video report (18:39) presented by Pr. Raoult, the viral load in vaccinated people is higher than in un-vaccinated people💉:

Notice that the viral load is positively correlated with the severity of SARS-COV-2:

SARS-CoV-2 viral load is associated with increased disease severity and mortality

The relationship between SARS-CoV-2 viral load and risk of disease progression remains largely undefined in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Here, we quantify SARS-CoV-2 viral load from participants with a diverse range of COVID-19 disease severity, including those requiring hospitalization, outpatients with mild disease, and individuals with resolved infection. We detected SARS-CoV-2 plasma RNA in 27% of hospitalized participants, and 13% of outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19. Amongst the participants hospitalized with COVID-19, we report that a higher prevalence of detectable SARS-CoV-2 plasma viral load is associated with worse respiratory disease severity, lower absolute lymphocyte counts, and increased markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein and IL-6. SARS-CoV-2 viral loads, especially plasma viremia, are associated with increased risk of mortality. Our data show that SARS-CoV-2 viral loads may aid in the risk stratification of patients with COVID-19, and therefore its role in disease pathogenesis should be further explored.

The reduction of severe forms of COVID was the primary goal investigated during the clinical trials of the Pfizer "vaccine":

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study

Primary Outcome Measures : The effectiveness of 2 doses of BNT162b2 (i.e., fully vaccinated) against hospitalization for ARI due to SARS-CoV-2 infection

And it's based on the alleged 95% effectiveness in reaching this primary goal that the Pfizer "vaccine" was sold to the population.
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