Is this John Kaminski report of spraying credible?

Mass madness made by media

Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.

Meanwhile, in other countries, notably Australia, just the opposite is happening and police are tackling people on the street and jabbing them on the spot. And even worse . . .

Terry from Brisbane writes:
Spray that again!

I have noted the spraying at West End Brisbane. Now so obvious. Terry

Edited tweet he sent

If they are spraying vaccines from the sky, people have no chance to avoid them. If they are spraying them in Australia, why wouldn’t they be spraying them in America? Is further evidence needed that this is a mass extermination program?
And then there’s the twisted tale of the self-spreading vaccines. Wha . . .?

Self spreading vaccines
Self-spreading vaccines • Vaccine toxicity, laws, actions to take -

There’s more down this rabbit hole, but let’s let in lie for now.

And before I dig in any deeper and lose everyone I need to tell the story I meant to tell.

A cartoon booklet I received the other day titled

How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Continue reading . . .
I have to echo @Brandon here...

Seems a bit of sensationalism with John Kaminski... I absolutely have not heard of anyone in Australia being grabbed and jabbed in the street. Am pretty sure many people would have a rather big problem with that and it would be all over social media and at least some journalists might have covered it. Im sure there are still a couple who can still think.

The “Spray it Again” tweet seems also a bit ‘over the top’.

If someone is working for an organisation intending to covertly spray people, I doubt the organisation would actually be ok with this little ‘birdman’ releasing what I assume would be ‘restricted information’ to the public. And I’m pretty sure he would have signed a confidentiality agreement!!

If it was real, for anyone remotely awake reading the edited tweet (and being able to verify it) this would only provide them with more proof of the governments corruption and seed anger and doubt in many people’s minds; if anything it would turn people against the government!

So I’m thinking it could be a bit of good old COINTELPRO.
I’m not saying they are not spraying, I’ve seen plenty of it myself.

But if you already have a “V” or multiple doses in your system, and there is supposed to be a time period in between the follow-up shots, you would be overloading peoples systems to an obscene level (as if they are not already) so IMHO it’s not likely they would make that public.

My guess is that if they wanted to spray / had permission it would be a stealth campaign. They wouldn’t have some egotistical moron bragging about it online. Unless they were really, really stupid (there’s always that possibility).

Stories like this often seem to be designed to incite people into a rage.

There are huge nationwide rallies planned at all capital cities this weekend in Australia, this kind of ‘information’ may be designed to whip people into a frenzy and make them sound like ‘crazies’, I guess. I assume there will be a heavy police and military presence at these rallies as everyone knows about them so the PTB will have plenty of time to find ways to deal with the local ‘terrorists’ and make ‘examples’ of them. I feel that’s also why they have put huge restrictions on people moving interstate and extended the lockdown due to so called ‘outbreaks’. Very convenient. I know the attendance at these rallies will be much lower than normal because nobody in regional areas can travel to join these groups and stand in solidarity... we are physically prevented from attempting to cross the border. Added to this I suspect many may not attend as they are aware of the big fat fines that come with ‘non compliance’ and many feel they are stretched to breaking point financially.

My heart hurts so much for the world.
In the deepest place in my heart I have always ‘seen’ humanity waking up.
May it be very, very, very soon.

Thanks to everyone who posts here offering their best, and those who see the humour, thank you 😍 I am grateful for it.
Seems a bit of sensationalism with John Kaminski... I absolutely have not heard of anyone in Australia being grabbed and jabbed in the street. Am pretty sure many people would have a rather big problem with that and it would be all over social media and at least some journalists might have covered it. Im sure there are still a couple who can still think.
I'd come across Kaminski several times in the past and he seemed like a reasonable source and so these claims were definitely "out there". The alleged spraying stood out to me more so than the presumed fact that people were being forced jabbed in the street - I kinda let that one slide. It did seem outrageous - until I saw this:

if anything it would turn people against the government!
Honestly, if the parents stand by and let this happen to their children . . .
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the sites with the "24,000 children..." all seem like click bait type sites

Yeah as far as I can tell, the actual story is, there are 24,000 doses set aside for year 12 students (aged around 16-18) who want them, to be given in a big stadium mass vaccination hub.. according to this article from 10 days ago, 3000 students were booked at the time: HSC students frustrated with last-minute changes to mass Covid-19 vaccination system

Parents were asked to stay outside, ostensibly to avoid crowding and maintain "social distancing".. BUT this wasn't "children being seized" or anyone being forcibly vaccinated, it was all students who had chosen to book a vaccine appointment and went there for that purpose.. (or, well, maybe their parents chose this for them.. I'm not saying it's not all horrible and evil, or that the PTB wouldn't do that if they could, just that there seem to be a lot of sensationalist websites embellishing things to make it sound even worse than it is..)
It appears I caught symptomatic covid! Oh dear.... I think there are others who may have as well over the last year? E.g. @Aeneas

Can we exchange notes so I can see how I'm tracking compared to some baseline.

  • Right, first flashes of symptoms popped up last Saturday but I suspect point of infection was an event I attended the Wednesday prior. Felt something was building in my throat, went for a long walk and noted some minor fatigue which was unusual.
  • Sunday - the real song and dance begins. Body feeling all sorts of weird - a bit like flu but just weird. Hot, cold, like a wave is washing over you over and over again. Temperature was slightly elevated 37.5 c. Took a home antigen test at the behest of my partner, came back negative.
  • Mon & Tue - song and dance continues. Same symptoms as above. Sleep disrupted as keep on getting up in a sweat periodically throughout the night. I do work both days - work from home. Temp mid 37s
  • Wed - same as above but feel ever so slightly better. My throat is feeling rougher that before though! Notice a headache in the evening and decide to take my 1st paracetamol. Decided this is the last day working this week as symptoms still appear in place. Did another home antigen test which was positive this time.

Respiratory system appears to not be the primary point of infection (hope it stays this way 😐) rather it's everything else apart from it. Felt like a battle was happening round my torso, temperature around the torso was notably elevated from Sun - Tue. There was a lot of fatigue around the muscles there like I'd woken up after having had a hard session at the gym the day before. Other thing, skin surface temperature felt cold to the point of having goosebumps even whilst taking a hot shower! This play in temperatures is quite weird - like certain layers are cold whilst other layers are hot, sometimes you also get this burst of sweat which then disappears. Thus far it hasn't felt debilitating rather that there's something going on which is having all these impacts on how you're experiencing your body. In the mornings the skin is quite sensitive to touch from others - like there's all sort of electrical stuff going on and it just feels sensitive. I keep on joking with my partner, it doesn't feel like I'm going to die - sure one would be getting some inclination if things are going south! Quite keen to hit the 1 week mark as I think this is a key milestone? One other thing, I don't know if covid impacts the nerves around the eyes because been somewhat sensitive to light and can feel something when turning eyes left to right - being sensitive to light was quite high Sunday that opted not to wear glasses most day.

Despite all the above appetite is good but ran into some dehydration problems on Tuesday - didn't drink much fluids after breakfast and noticed my pee in the afternoon was the opposite of clear! A bit surprised but promptly downed some water and been making sure to do so regularly - pee is back to being clear now though I notice my mouth is kind of dry.

Things I've been taking as part of my regular regimen: Vit C, NAC, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, vit K, Co enzyme q10

Notable absentees: HCQ or Ivermectin due to sourcing issues.

Yikes. Hope you're feeling better soon, man (you'll feel fine soon, I've had it, my sister had it, her husband had it - all of us were fine in a few days!)
Yeah as far as I can tell, the actual story is, there are 24,000 doses set aside for year 12 students (aged around 16-18) who want them, to be given in a big stadium mass vaccination hub.. according to this article from 10 days ago, 3000 students were booked at the time: HSC students frustrated with last-minute changes to mass Covid-19 vaccination system

Parents were asked to stay outside, ostensibly to avoid crowding and maintain "social distancing".. BUT this wasn't "children being seized" or anyone being forcibly vaccinated, it was all students who had chosen to book a vaccine appointment and went there for that purpose.. (or, well, maybe their parents chose this for them.. I'm not saying it's not all horrible and evil, or that the PTB wouldn't do that if they could, just that there seem to be a lot of sensationalist websites embellishing things to make it sound even worse than it is..)

That's far easier to believe than the narrative that kids were being seized or whatever. Saw that story making the rounds and was immediately skeptical. Thanks for doing the legwork.
That's far easier to believe than the narrative that kids were being seized or whatever. Saw that story making the rounds and was immediately skeptical. Thanks for doing the legwork.
It says a lot about the state of things that when I heard it, I wasn't sure and had to look. It seemed impossible but also, like, I just kinda wouldn't put it past them...
warning this above post specifically relates to unspeakably disgusting experiments on children - for others out there who are highly sensitive, I found this very distressing to read. Guess I thought I was tougher by now.
Experimenting on 6 months to 12 yr olds with these gene therapy shots falls squarely into this category, even if the office setting are colorful and the lighting better. This is where people get fooled, the stage props used. They look at the buildings where this happens and think, "They are there to help.". Anyone participating in this is just like those Japanese in those photos, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Here is an excellent comment of what apparently is going on in the medical community and one person's reaction to it. Some consequences of it all will not be apparent to the general public, but they will probably happen.
Amy B8 hours ago

Impact of mandating Covid vaccines for healthcare workers- There will be provider burnout carrying the load during the shortage. More providers will quit. More mistakes will be made and worst case sentinel events Hospitals will undoubtedly go on divert. This does not only involve hospitals but doctors offices.
Clinics will have issues with appointments moving slower, return call times and prescription refills will take longer. The ambulance services will be delayed as well with shortages.
Two things I want to point out- Healthcare workers have ALWAYS received the suggested vaccines- or signed an declination or exemption. For the most part- we all have our vaccines. We know we are not anti-vax. So why this vaccine? EVERYONE should be asking that question.
Secondly, if the hospitals are overwhelmed with patients (all 3 of mine are not) why would you terminate employment for the same staff who has been on the front lines without extra pay, showing up every shift, using the same PPE, wearing the same N95 for 5-12 hour shifts in a row- to be forced to receive this vaccine?
I will tell you where I personally lost confidence- when intelligent, trusted, reputable Healthcare providers who are at the bedside of these patients were silenced. Not allowed to question anything, ask for data, or question the science that was guiding the care we provide. Nor was our input asked for- no open forums- NOTHING. That is where I said NO to the vaccine. I have several colleagues and know many providers using alternate treatmens that are working.
I have been in Healthcare for over 30 years and I am disgusted and at the same time disappointed at the comments I hear from coworkers on the unvaccinated. Recently a co-worker stated- a patient on Covid rule out should get last priority because they are unvaccinated.
I have heard about providers turning away unvaccinated patients. What has happened to Healthcare? Is this whom we have become? I don't know about all of you but I got into Healthcare to help people- the sick, elderly, vulnerable and poor. Now providers are turning their backs on patients because they are not vaccinated? My God!
For over a year and a half we have heard wear a mask, save lives- then why can't people continue to do so until additional data, transparency, and confidence is built back into Healthcare? I am seeing posts that people don't trust Healthcare anymore. This just breaks my heart.
Concerned Provider
Yeah as far as I can tell, the actual story is, there are 24,000 doses set aside for year 12 students (aged around 16-18) who want them, to be given in a big stadium mass vaccination hub.. according to this article from 10 days ago, 3000 students were booked at the time: HSC students frustrated with last-minute changes to mass Covid-19 vaccination system

Parents were asked to stay outside, ostensibly to avoid crowding and maintain "social distancing".. BUT this wasn't "children being seized" or anyone being forcibly vaccinated, it was all students who had chosen to book a vaccine appointment and went there for that purpose.. (or, well, maybe their parents chose this for them.. I'm not saying it's not all horrible and evil, or that the PTB wouldn't do that if they could, just that there seem to be a lot of sensationalist websites embellishing things to make it sound even worse than it is..)
Brandon, don't take this as an attack on you. I just have a soft spot for kids who are like leaves in a blowing wind these days.

How can the "crowding" card be played when they have soldiers/nurses ushering these kids in, thus generating crowding.

Can't a single parent walk with the child in, get the shot and walk out ???? The stadiums in general have huge parking lots. You need social distancing, it's there. Make lines, walk in when a cubical is free. No need for soldier or police or cadets or whatever. This is not Rocket Science. The optics of this is completely OFF.

Listening to that minister gave me extremely bad vibes, as it reminded me of how the Aborigines were treated in Australia for the longest of time. Now it appears those bad habits of "concentration camp management methods" learned in the Past are visiting the regular people of Australia.

In the following decades that code was refined and nowadays many countries, including Australia, have their own strict guidelines for the use of children in medical experiments.

But before that it was fairly common practice for children in care in particular to be used in experiments, usually without consent.

"Strict guidelines" ----> isolate a child from the parent, and then send to some small room full of strangers and be given needle in the arm.

Sorry, IT IS ALL WRONG !!!
How can the "crowding" card be played when they have soldiers/nurses ushering these kids in, thus generating crowding.

Can't a single parent walk with the child in, get the shot and walk out ???? The stadiums in general have huge parking lots. You need social distancing, it's there. Make lines, walk in when a cubical is free. No need for soldier or police or cadets or whatever. This is not Rocket Science. The optics of this is completely OFF.

Oh I agree completely. Whether the parents were not *allowed* to come in, or just encouraged not to, I don't know. Either way it's so wrong.. Was just noting that the way the article says children were "seized and forcibly vaccinated", doesn't seem to be true.
I was about to delete a tab with a tweet but decided to see what the person's other tweets were like.
Have a look,

Here we have some of the "6 months to 12 yrs." experimental results !!!!

No words !!!!
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