Remember, this is NOT a bad thing (Italy)

Once a fully working treatment has been accepted by the official health authorities, as it is now the case in Italy, it must become illegal to force mandate Covid-19 "vaccines" ! The argument for them falls (Even if i suspect that the Italian government will continue to promote them, because... well, they have been in deep s*it all along in this Plandemic from the start)

From a juridical and medical perspective - there is now a solid ground to stand on, which can be used by top lawyers, if they get together, going into high gear and shatter the "validity" of Green Pass, Covid-19 "Vaccines", and the "Emergency approval".
It won't be bad, don't get me wrong, it will be a real relief BUT considering the fascist and Nazi way the italian authorities handled the whole covid business since the beginning I'm not holding my breath on alt cures being promoted, some of them permitted yes, very lowly, without mich publicity, otherwise there is no reason at all in pushing so aggressively the vaccines, heck now there is talk about pushing the third jab and afterwards they're talking about pushing the jab every year as the flu shots.

Yesterday I've heard that the government is planning to invest a few billions in promoting and developing the online remote Healthcare assistance program in all the italian regions, no words yet regarding money to invest in alt cures. Why one would want to invest billions in remote Healthcare assistance programs if he's planning to promote alt cures?

All I'm saying is that the PTB are trying desperately to push for control of the masses, the vaccine, the green pass are just bits of a chain of draconian measures they'll keep pushing down everybody's throats until something won't intervene and will shatter everybody to their cores and maybe then the sleeping ones will start having a grasp where they were being led to, to the slaughter house that is.

So we will see how things will unfold next.
Oh I agree completely. Whether the parents were not *allowed* to come in, or just encouraged not to, I don't know. Either way it's so wrong.. Was just noting that the way the article says children were "seized and forcibly vaccinated", doesn't seem to be true.
I did not actally read the National File artikel, keytone reacted, to but the dutch version that was sourced from infowars. Pity that National File had to sensationalize a subject that was well outragious already. Downvote for them. The Infowars one is good.


An Australian politician told parents that 24,000 children would be ushered into a stadium to receive the experimental COVID-19 shot without their presence.

New South Wales Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard made the disturbing announcement at a press conference earlier this month, calling the students’ conditional vaccine requirement to get jab to participate in school in the fall as a “golden opportunity.”

“Maybe mum and dad can drop you. Your mum or dad, or one of your family drop you. Make sure they stay outside the arena, because we don’t want too many people obviously milling around inside the arena,” Hazzard said. “Make some arrangements for – after you’ve got your access to that golden opportunity of the vaccination – to wait outside for you.”
Hazzard made certain to get the point across that parents wouldn’t be permitted to enter the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney Olympic Park while their children get jabbed.

“I want to stress that to the mums and dads, your children will be well looked after inside. When they arrive, they’ll be literally ushered,” Hazzard insisted.

“We’ll have nurses, we’ll have some of the youth command, we’ll have some of the young police from various operations with the police there just to guide them through as to where they go. They’ll be looked after every moment inside the stadium and they’ll be well cared for so mums and dads feel secure.”

Starting last week, students were herded into Sydney Olympic Park by a line of Australian soldiers at the entrance to receive the Pfizer jab.
This comes as Australia extended its lockdowns and mask mandates despite only 8 COVID-related deaths recorded this week and 80% of the population having gotten the shot.

Students are required to get the jab in order to go to school this fall, which the politicians have characterized as the “ticket to freedom.”
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Karma ?
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, Bell’s palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face. It results from the dysfunction of the facial nerve.

The exact cause of Bell’s palsy is unknown, but symptoms generally start to improve with or without treatment after a few weeks, with recovery of some or all facial function within six months.

In some cases, residual muscle weakness can last longer or be permanent.
This is not embellishment, nor is it an exaggeration. This is actually happening.

Australian Government To Seize 24,000 Children, Vaccinate Them Without Parents Present In Massive Stadium​


The Australian government is going to seize 24,000 children from it’s citizens and place them in a stadium quarantine camp to be forcibly vaccinated. Parents will not be allowed to attend.​

As was reported by the Daily Expose in the United Kingdom and Red State in the United States, Australia’s Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health and Medical Research, has told parents in a press conference that 24,000 children will be sent to a stadium to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, and parents will not allowed to be present. Hazzard insisted to parents that their children would be “well looked after.”

Red State reported that “It should be noted that Australia has had strict vaccination laws since at least 2018. Parents can receive heavy fines and lose welfare benefits if they refuse to comply with the traditional vaccination schedule.”

Citizens will be charged with “on the spot” excessive fines up to $5,000 per infraction if they violate the tyrannical COVID-19 rules as their children get sent away to get forcibly vaccinated despite their protest as Australia conducts one of the most authoritarian military lockdowns to date.

Australian residents have received a letter from the Australian Government detailing how an “accommodation facility” will be used for mandatory quarantine “accommodation” called the Centre for National Resilience, Melbourne (the Centre) built at 135 Donnybrook Road. The first 500 beds will be completed by the end of 2021 and the facility will be equipped to increase to 3000.

This is not the only COVID-19 camp that the Australian government is using. On the official government website, it says that the Victorian quarantine hub will be “at the site of the existing animal quarantine facility, owned by the Australian Department of Agriculture” and modeled off a similar facility in Howard Springs.

“The master plan for the new hub includes dedicated onsite services, including catering that is tailored to be delivered alongside strong infection control and prevention measures. The first stage of the hub will provide 500 beds, with a second stage doubling capacity a short time later. It is also designed with the ability to increase to up to 3000 beds as part of a scalable build if a larger facility is determined to be required at any point.
The new hub will also be designed with relocatable cabins so that it can be utilised for alternative and future needs, including ongoing quarantine arrangements, crisis accommodation and other emergencies.”
In one shocking video, 3 children had immediately collapsed apparently after getting vaccinated in the camp. “Vaccinate your kids they say…GENOCIDE,” wrote one Twitter user. Officials are seen attempting to stop the man recording.
Australia vaccine stadium for children monitored by the police. Parents not allowed in, 3 children collapsed and 2 are in a coma! Video from a close friend in Australia. Vaccinate your kids they say… GENOCIDE

Washington Hospital Removing Patients From Transplant List for Being Unvaccinated​

“As a person who has spent much time and money at UWMC as a heart failure patient, I am being told I cannot get care for my condition unless I take an injection that has shown to cause cardiac problems,” he wrote. “It seems that a wise choice would be to not make a panic move and run to get injected with the experimental gene therapy until more is known.”
I was about to delete a tab with a tweet but decided to see what the person's other tweets were like.
Have a look,
Just to be sure, I followed up this story to see where this is coming from.
This is the paper's link.
VAERS reports
Could it be the masks ? The collected "stuff" on the mask will grow with time as it is worn for a long time.

RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Syncytilation is the process whereby uterine cells fuse together during embryo implantation. In the case of RSV a similar process of cellular fusion occurs, but is located in the lungs.

Syncytilation is driven by the syncytin protein which are coded by HERV-K, a human endoretrovirus, whose sequence is similar to the RNA sequence contained in the RNA vaccine. Therefore, the modified spike protein produced by the RNA "vaccine" is homologous to the syncytin protein. I wrote more about syncytin and RNA "vaccine" in a previous post in this thread.

So i'm wondering if, somehow, the mass administration of syncytin-like "vaccine" is related to this sudden Respiratory Syncytial Virus epidemics.

Maybe the RSV patients breathed in modified spike proteins and/or the "vaccine" RNA sequence that triggered production of modified syncytin in the lungs, hence the syncytilation of lung cells observed in RSV patients? Maybe it's just a coincidence? Maybe this RSV epidemics is due to depressed immunity: masks, lock-downs, reduced sport activities, reduced outdoor activities, reduced socializing, stress, fear, anxiety, etc.?
According to official Israeli Ministry of Health data 40% of new Covid cases since May 26 have been in the vaccinated, compared to only 1% of those who where unvaccinated but who had Covid previously. That equates to 6.72 times greater protection via natural immunity than vaccination. And that's not precluding the arrival of newer variants to make things even worse on the vaccinated.

Coronavirus patients who recovered from the virus were far less likely to become infected during the latest wave of the pandemic than people who were vaccinated against COVID, according to numbers presented to the Israeli Health Ministry.

Health Ministry data on the wave of COVID outbreaks which began this May show that Israelis with immunity from natural infection were far less likely to become infected again in comparison to Israelis who only had immunity via vaccination.

More than 7,700 new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave starting in May, but just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been infected previously – that is, less than 1% of the new cases.

Roughly 40% of new cases – or more than 3,000 patients – involved people who had been infected despite being vaccinated

With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.

According to a report by Channel 13, the disparity has confounded – and divided – Health Ministry experts, with some saying the data proves the higher level of immunity provided by natural infection versus vaccination, while others remained unconvinced.

Vaccinations: No more carrot—bring out the stick​

Scott Gilmore: Rewards and bribes aren't working. It’s increasingly clear there’s only one way out of this pandemic and the approaching fourth wave.
By Scott GilmoreAugust 3, 2021
A COVID-19 vaccination sign is shown in Montreal, on Aug. 1, 2021 (Graham Hughes/CP)

A COVID-19 vaccination sign in Montreal, on Aug. 1, 2021 (Graham Hughes/CP)
There is an inevitable moment, familiar to all parents and babysitters, when you realize that reasoning with a toddler will only get you so far. Soothing tones and patience may work for a while, but eventually the child once again picks up their bowl, looks you straight in the eye, and slowly pours their cereal onto the floor.
Canada has arrived at this moment, and the toddlers in question are the approximately 20 per cent of Canadians who have yet to get even one dose of a vaccine.
Just as we began to think the COVID pandemic was coming to an end, a fourth wave has arrived, due almost entirely to the unvaccinated. As a result, restrictions are coming back, masks are returning, and our short precious summer looks like it may become even shorter yet.
Even those of us who fully vaccinated are being forced to mask back up. This is because we have now learned that the new and deadly Delta variant can still be carried and transmitted by the immunized.

The most popular strategy adopted by various levels of government in Canada has been to deploy a combination of information and rewards to encourage vaccination. This has worked well so far. In fact, as of this week Canada’s vaccination rate is the highest among G7 countries.
But this carrot approach appears to be reaching its limit. Our daily vaccination rate is dropping off a cliff. We are now administering 1/3 the number of doses per day compared to a month ago. Those who remain unvaccinated will not be lured into line. We need a stick.
Who are these people? The University of Sydney conducted a study of the unvaccinated in Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. It found that, in comparison to the population at large, these people tended to have “less agreeable personalities”, be less cooperative with others, more selfish, and more extroverted. (In the vernacular, the term is “assholes”.)

Adding to this mix we also have the gullible, people who believe Anthony Fauci created the pandemic, or that Bill Gates is putting tracking chips in the vaccines. And, there are of course the misled. It is not a coincidence that Fox News viewers are far less likely to believe the vaccine works, according to a recent Axios/Ipsos poll.
Facts, patiently explained in infographics and with simpler and simpler soundbites, do not reach these people. And if they do, they are drowned out by the cynical clamouring of conservative media. Worse yet, it is a well-documented psychological irony that people who hold an unpopular opinion will only dig in further when presented with evidence to the contrary.
And bribes won’t work either. Officials in Ohio tried to lure people to vaccination centers with lottery prizes and college scholarships. But researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine found rates actually declined. A survey released by the Kaiser Family Foundation found in June showed that among the unvaccinated, only 9 per cent would consider getting the jab when offered $20. Even $100 would only sway 14 per cent.
However, that same survey revealed that the holdouts are far more motivated if they were denied access to large family gatherings (40 per cent), or flights (41 per cent). For these people threats work far better than bribes and patient reassurance. Here lies the solution to finally bringing this pandemic to an end.
To begin with, now that the vast majority of Canadians are vaccinated, we should close the airport gates to those who aren’t. If you want to fly, you need a vaccine. A form of this already exists in some places—if you want to board a flight to northern Manitoba, for example. The same rules should be applied to trains, concerts, even restaurants. We could even go so far as to impose it as a requirement for interprovincial travel.
This approach is already working in Europe. When French President Emmanuel Macron announced vaccine passes would be required to enter restaurants, hospitals, shopping centers or to take a train, 2.2 million new appointments were booked within the following 48 hours. In Italy, 5 hour long lines formed immediately after similar restrictions were announced.
This might require some form of standardized certification, beyond the print-outs most of us have now. All that would require is a visit to a vaccination centre, a doctor, or possibly even city hall where you could show some ID and your proof of vaccination, and then be given something similar to a temporary driver’s license. There would be no need for a picture, just your name and birthdate on some difficult to replicate paper stock. (This, like so many things with this pandemic, should have been something our public health officials had anticipated and prepared for months ago.)
Of course, the more easily confused among us will cry that this is a “vaccine passport”. Well, so is the membership card you use to get into your gym, the driver’s license you need to get behind a wheel and the health card you need to show your doctor.
Others have warned this will create a segregated country. Randy Hillier, an Ontario politician infamous for being even too much for Doug Ford’s conservatives, claims that withholding access to the unvaccinated is akin to Nazi policies and “one step removed from extermination.” I could point out that everything in our society already contains element of segregation (No shoes, no shirt, no service), but there is simply no point in trying to reason with idiots or frauds who might believe this nonsense, and I won’t try here.
We need to begin treating the vaccine holdouts as the fools they are. It is not fair that reasonable and responsible Canadians should pay the price for their deadly selfishness. No more soothing tones and patience. Time for the stick.
If I was an unvaccinated member of the Canadian public I would be astounded and insulted by this moronic diatribe. The bit about soothing toddlers is particularly insulting.

Even those of us who fully vaccinated are being forced to mask back up. This is because we have now learned that the new and deadly Delta variant can still be carried and transmitted by the immunized.

Of course it can. That is because the VACCINATIONS DON'T WORK. Does he even have the brain to understand what he has just written? As for the "time for the stick" comment. I consider myself to be an intelligent, peace loving member of the human race who respects her fellow humans but after reading this offensive twaddle from a fellow human, I would sincerely like to shove that stick where the sun doesn't shine. :headbash:
Why does this "case" smell fishy to me ?

Because I don't trust the System.

Selling on Ebay ??????????
Smells like entrapment of someone gullible or plain setup.
$10 for these cards sounds idiotically cheap.
This story is a "dead fish" brought to you by the US DOJ. A pdf file of the card can be found on the web.

I consider myself to be an intelligent, peace loving member of the human race who respects her fellow humans but after reading this offensive twaddle from a fellow human, I would sincerely like to shove that stick where the sun doesn't shine.

You're not the only one. After reading that article I started having dark thoughts involving me, him, a private alleyway, and a big stick.
An encouraging message from a Canadian policeman, and it's good to have ... yes, we can say "good news", or simply hope :) - that's the main reason i post this quick video (1 minute only)
Saw this yesterday:

How Russian Citizens Crushed Moscow’s Dumb Vaccine Passports In Just 3 Weeks

You’ve probably heard of the Excelsior Pass, which is now mandatory in New York City thanks to Pothead Bill DeBlasio, the city’s mayor. Once a person is vaccinated, they can have their HIPAA rights and their constitutionally protected right to travel preserved by getting a QR code on their phone. If you don’t have a QR code, Pothead Bill won’t let you go to a restaurant or do lots of other stuff.

The Mayor of Moscow Russia, a guy named Sergei Sobyanin, thought that Pothead Bill’s commie QR code idea was just ducky. So, Sobyanin made vaccination QR code passports mandatory on the 1st of July this year. Mayor Sobyanin apparently doesn’t smoke as much pot as Pothead Bill, so his vaccine passport plan was actually less restrictive than Pothead Bill’s. For example, if you’ve already had coronavirus, you are immune to it. You have better immunity than any vaccine can provide. So, Moscow citizens who have had coronavirus and recovered can get a QR code just like a vaccinated person can.
Just like in New York City, it suddenly became illegal for dirty unvaccinated second-class citizens to go certain places. Moscow residents were no longer allowed to eat at restaurants, get their hair cut, go to a movie theater, stay in a hotel, work out at a gym, have a beer at the tavern after work, or get their fingernails done at a nail salon. If they didn’t have a QR code, they were banned from participating in many aspects of the city’s economy.

Here’s how they crushed Mayor Sobyanin’s vaccine passport – and it was pretty simple. Moscow residents simply stopped frequenting any business that required a vaccine passport. The really beautiful thing about this was that the vaccinated people stood in solidarity with the unvaccinated. Business trickled to near zero at all establishments where the vaccine passport was required.
Moscow residents let their hair grow out, skipped going to bars and restaurants, didn’t go to the movies, didn’t stay in hotels or do anything else that required a vaccine passport. Business owners from all over the city were suddenly calling Mayor Sobyanin’s office to chew his ear off about the vaccine passports. They were going broke, and they were mad as hell about it.

Marina Zemskova, the head of a regional hotel and restaurant association in Russia, said the vaccine passport turned out to be worse for business than a full lockdown. At least if there was another lockdown, she notes, businesses “could count on some kind of government support measures.”
There’s no government support coming under a vaccine passport system. What the not-very-elite elites failed to anticipate about Moscow residents was they would simply not participate in the scam at all. The business owners were so infuriated with the mayor that Sobyanin made a sudden, surprise announcement on July 19th that nobody needs to use a vaccine passport anymore. He made up a hilarious excuse, claiming that COVID case rates were all better suddenly, as the reason for lifting the QR code passports.
But everyone knew the truth. Moscow residents decided that their medical privacy and their right to travel is more important than whatever the people in charge were telling them. It was a massive case of civil disobedience – and they didn’t even have to go outside and set things on fire in a big protest. All they did was say, “Any business that wants to see a vaccine passport from me is not getting any of my money.”

That’s how you do it, Americans! Vaccine passports are the new Jim Crow, and we don’t have to take it. Want to beat the CoronaTyrants at their own game? Just do like the Russians did. Refuse to participate in the Fauci/Biden mandates.
The above made me think of what the Cs said - that we've had the power all along just like Dorothy and her ruby slippers to "go home". Simply do not comply. And the PTB know this which is why they whipped up a "compliance" virus and are censuring/blocking the free flow of information that the advent of the internet blew wide open. They are losing their grip and they are petrified - the only job they know how to do is run (into the ground) people's lives/things - just like the generals who are now being castigated for their complete failure in Afghanistan as well as the entire middle east military intervention. Tucker Carlson has used his unique media platform to call these generals and Biden out. And he believes in equal treatment if the shoe fits - IOW the GOP: Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the Republican Party in a new interview published this week, calling the GOP "inept" and lacking the ability to govern.

They will go too far - they will fail. Their hubris will be their undoing. Meanwhile, civil disobedience has sprung to life.
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