More contradictory messaging:

People Who Get 2 COVID-19 Shots Are Fully Vaccinated Without Booster: Surgeon General

Americans who have received two COVID-19 vaccine doses are considered fully vaccinated, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Wednesday.

“I think what’s very important for people to know is that if you’ve gotten both shots of your mRNA vaccine, you are fully vaccinated right now; you have full—you have a high degree of protection against the worst outcomes of COVID-19,” Murthy told reporters during a virtual briefing.
The definition of fully vaccinated could prove key in the coming months. More and more jurisdictions are requiring proof of vaccination to enter businesses. At some point, people could be required to show proof of having received three doses, especially if health officials signaled their support.

Murthy suggested that could come later, pending authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine advisory panel, known as ACIP.
“Our recommendation down the line, pending the advice and the review of the FDA and ACIP … is that we believe that that third dose will ultimately be needed to provide the fullest and continual extent of protection that we think people need from the virus,” Murthy said.

Continue reading . . .
Speaking up:

Actress Sally Kirkland After Moderna Vaccine: In My 79 Years, I’ve Never Experienced This Level of Pain

Immediately after her second Moderna shot, award-winning actress Sally Kirkland knew something was wrong — five months later, she remains in almost constant pain.

In the most recent episode of “The People’s Testaments,” Kirkland told Polly Tommey, “Like I know my own name, I would advise you not to do the vaccine.”
Kirkland did get the vaccine. After seeing what a friend, who got the virus, went through, she got both doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Her friend recovered — but five months after her second Moderna shot, Kirkland remains in constant pain.

Kirkland, 79, said she was healthy before she took the vaccine. But almost immediately after the second shot, she experienced excruciating headaches, vertigo, nausea and joint pain.
Kirkland said some doctors refused to blame the vaccine for her symptoms, despite the timing of the symptoms. But others didn’t — including three doctors who told her the vaccine attacked the nerve in her brain that causes dizziness, vertigo and joint pain throughout her body.

At one point, alone late at night, the vertigo caused Kirkland to fall, resulting in a broken toe and sprained ankle.

Kirkland said she also has “terrible heart pain,” which makes her feel as though she’s having a heart attack.
Today, Kirkland takes multiple prescriptions for pain, nausea and vertigo, and alternates between applying moist hot packs and ice on her joints. Still, she continues to work, she said, because she needs to support herself.

During a recent acting job in New Orleans, Kirkland had to be rushed to a hospital where one doctor told her, “You’re not the first person. We’ve had other people who got the Moderna vaccine, which attacked the nerve in their brain, causing all these symptoms.”

Tucker Carlson Tonight is covering the story that people on organ transplant lists are being removed if they won't take the Covid vax.

Washington Hospital Removing Patients From Transplant List for Being Unvaccinated​

64-Year-Old Heart Patient Removed From Transplant List For Refusing COVID Vaccine
THURSDAY, AUG 19, 2021 - 08:40 PM

The University of Washington Medical Center has taken a 64-year-old man off its transplant waitlist because he refuses to take the Covid-19 vaccination, according to KTTH.

The man, Sam Allen of Monroe, was told in June that his heart transplant surgery was on the line over his refusal to take the jab after waiting in line for more than two and a half years. If he changes his mind, however, he could be added back to the waitlist for satisfying their "compliance concerns."

The list of medical conditions Allen says he’s facing is long: mitral valve regurgitation, tricuspid valve regurgitation, aortic valve regurgitation, aneurism of thoracic aorta, and dilated cardiomyopathy.

He says three leaky heart valves impact the blood pumping into his lungs. Allen says it makes it difficult to breathe, which played a role in why he wouldn’t wear a mask. He previously underwent open-heart surgery, and he says his heart was damaged in the process. -KTTH

According to Allen, a doctor called him after a disagreement over mask use.

"The cardiologist called me and we had a discussion, and he informed me that, ‘well, you’re going to have to get a vaccination to get a transplant.’ And I said, ‘well that’s news to me. And nobody’s ever told me that before.’ And he says, ‘yeah, that’s our policy," Allen told the the Jason Rantz show, adding that he later told the doctor he would not take the vaccine.

A few days later, he says he received a letter dated June 7, 2021 informing him that he'd been pulled from the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) waiting list for a heart.

Allen sent a letter to UW Medicine in response to his denial, writing "I understand that my choices have repercussions but I did not change the policy. I am most put off, not by your decision to remove me from the list, thereby removing any opportunity to live out my life at a near-normal level, but by the lack of scientific logic that dictates your ‘policy,'"

He noted the side effects associated with the vaccine.

"As a person who has spent much time and money at UWMC as a heart failure patient, I am being told I cannot get care for my condition unless I take an injection that has shown to cause cardiac problems," Allen wrote. "It seems that a wise choice would be to not make a panic move and run to get injected with the experimental gene therapy until more is known."

In response, UW responded that "As your provider noted, they are happy to re-evaluate should you change your mind."

Meanwhile, another vaccine-hesitant patient, Derek Kovic, told Rantz that he was informed that he'd also need the vaccine before he could receive a necessary liver transplant.

When reached for comment, hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg said that they had just "recommend that all solid-organ transplant candidates be vaccinated against COVID-19."

After she was pressed on the issue, Gregg changed her tune, writing "Our physicians make a determination regarding vaccine recommendations and requirements, including COVID-19 vaccination, based on the risk factors of the individual patient and degree of immunosuppression they will experience."
This just got posted on ZeroHedge. Since when did doctors decide that removing someone from a transplant list because they won't take a Covid shot is more important than actually, you know, saving their lives? I thought their primary directive was to "do no harm". This is the exact opposite of that:

And I am seeing something with this, the forced vaccinations, the enforced masking dictates, lockdowns to the point of refusing people food etc. even when the real "science" is out there for anyone with a brain to see that none of it works and that the vaccines are in fact killing people - the anger is increasing exponentially, everywhere. And the psychopaths just keep prodding us with even more evil acts. And the alt-news is exposing this, even sensationalizing it and some public figures like Rand Paul are telling people to "stand up to this tyranny".

This is intentional. I believe this division has been purposefully caused for a reason. I think the elites WANT a violent response to all of this, a world revolution - one that on the surface seems justified, but which they will lead from behind. As they have done before, during each and every period when there's been a change in who hosts the world's reserve currency, which happens every 70-100 years. They want to install a one world currency, but to get people to buy in they have to have the trust of the majority of the people to accept it. They can do that by having leaders that the bankers actually control front run the revolution against the Covid scam, thus making them seem like saviors.

They did this before, when the dollar was accepted as the new world's reserve currency at Bretton Woods in 1944. At that time the allied leaders were seen as benevolent, trustworthy and fighting to end a menace that threatened all of humanity. As time has shown, some of those leaders were anything but angels (e.g. Stalin, Churchill, FDR etc.).

The thing about this that gives me pause though, is that unless people do stand up to this evil, it could result in the deaths of billions. And it looks as if eventually each and every single one of us is going to come face to face with this evil in some way. Our decisions this time will be very personal. But standing up to stop them with violence just puts us on the same level as them. They must know this, and this is how they keep people trapped to recycle in 3D. But to sit here and allow this evil to continue seems morally's a conundrum, isn't it?

My own personal choice is to not join any movement that promotes violence as the answer, and I won't act in that manner unless it is directed at me or children who are defenseless. I'm a middle-aged scientist, I'm not a warrior. But sitting here and seeing this deep division and noticing it is coming down to joining one side or the other to survive...that may be the actual trap we need to be aware of. It makes me recall some thing Joe once said about "not choosing sides". Oh how hard that is proving to be...

(BTW just saw hlat posted the same article.)
A short interview with two members of Victorian Parliament from a couple days ago:

"Two members of the Victorian State Parliament, David Limbrick and Tim Quilty of the Liberal Democrats are both currently sitting on portable deck chairs on the steps of Parliament House. They want to bring attention to the harsh restrictions imposed on children in Victoria through lockdowns, in particular the closure of parks and playgrounds."

I thought the remarks at the end were interesting.. Rough transcription:

"They [the politicians who actually make the decisions] act as if, you know, we're the opposition. We're happy to cooperate and work with them to try and fix things, but they don't care, I suppose.. Yeah, they just don't care. Shutting down the parks like they did, especially with all these stories about the harm that's happening to kids... They don't seem like.... they seem different, to me. They seem... you know... I couldn't even consider doing that. You know?...."

The way he said it, sounds like he's maybe seeing their true face but can't or doesn't want to publically name it..
Could it be the masks ? The collected "stuff" on the mask will grow with time as it is worn for a long time.
I think it's more along the lines that the PTB and there proxies are counting anything as positive hit for Covid (via the contagen of mass hysteria). Even if one has a mild cough, temp. or complaints of difficulty's breathing. As well as the vaccinated being contagious, with a host of other avenues, (IMLimtedHO).

Thus comes the lunatics that seem to be in a frenzy pushing the masses for the Plunge.

We know it was Astra Zeneca but dont have date he took it. Amazed they put him up there as an advert for the anti-vaxxers.

What you need to know about France’s Covid-19 health pass system
PUBLISHED: 16:30 06 August 2021 | UPDATED: 09:44 19 August 2021
France’s pass sanitaire (showing your proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 status) came into force on 21 July 2021 for entry to public venues for more than 50 people – these include museums, cinemas and zoos. From 9 August 2021, the scheme will be rolled out to encompass more leisure venues such as restaurants and hotels, as well as long-distance transport. If you’re planning a trip to France this year, here’s what you need to know about the France’s health pass system.

What is a pass sanitaire in France?

France’s health pass is digital or physical proof of your double vaccination of negative Covid-19 status.

Am I eligible for the French pass sanitaire?

There are three types of documents that can be used as a pass sanitaire:

1) Proof of double vaccination status. This needs to be seven days after Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca; four weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccination; or seven days after having one vaccine if you’ve already had Covid-19.

2) Proof of a negative PCR test taken in the last 48 hours (for attending public events) or in the last 72 hours (for travel). There is strictly no flexibility regarding these timeframes.

3) Proof of a positive PCR or antigen test taken in the past six months (but more than 11 days ago).

How do I get the pass sanitaire?

You’ll first need the ‘TousAntiCovid’ app that you can download to your smartphone.

If you were vaccinated in France, simply scan the QR code on your vaccination certificate with the TousAntiCovid app. This will generate the QR code you need as your health pass.

If you were vaccinated in England, you’ll be able to scan the QR code on your digital vaccination certificate (the one for travel, not domestic) from NHS England. This will generate another QR code on the TousAntiCovid app that will act as your health pass.

If you were vaccinated in Wales, please visit this website for more information.

Can I get the French health pass as a fully vaccinated Scottish or Northern Irish citizen?

The French government has just released details for issuing a Covid vaccine certificate of equivalence for people outside of the EU (and outside of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, the Vatican, England and Wales). At the moment, this system is only open to people over 18 who are currently in France or travelling to France on or before 15 August. You will need: 1) An application form; 2) Your vaccination certificate, clearly stating which vaccines were used; 3) Your passport; 4) Your travel tickets. You will need to then send each of these documents (one set for each traveller) electronically to the relevant email addresses here.

If the above is not possible, you can also get a temporary QR code for the health pass while in France from a healthcare professional after a negative PCR or antigen test. This is valid for 72 hours from the time of testing.

Can I get the French health pass as a US or Canadian citizen?

The system for travellers from the US, Canada and the rest of the world is the same as above if fully vaccinated. Again, if the above is not possible, you can also get a temporary QR code for the health pass while in France from a healthcare professional after a negative PCR or antigen test. This is valid for 72 hours from the time of testing.

Where do I need to show a pass sanitaire to access from 21 July in France?

Festivals and concerts (seated or standing)
Indoor sports venues and swimming pools
Conference facilities
Some religious venues if they host cultural/non-religious activities
Fairs and exhibitions
Zoos and theme parks
Libraries (apart from university ones)
Cruise ships and ferries
Bars and nightclubs
Big public events (cultural or sports-related, for example)
At the moment, this is only necessary for over-18s.

Where do I need to show a pass sanitaire from 9 August in France?

Cafés and restaurants
Shopping centres
Retirement homes
Medical establishments
Long-distance transport (trains, buses, aeroplanes)
At the moment, this is only necessary for over-18s.

Where do I need to show a pass sanitaire from 16 August in France?

From 16 August, many of France’s shopping centres and department stores will require the Covid-19 health pass to enter. The new move follows an increase of cases in the country and will apply to regions where the coronavirus incidence rate is higher than 200 cases per 100,000 citizens per week, and to shops and shopping malls with a surface area of more than 20,000 square metres. Many of the affected shops are in the south of France, however the measure will also come into effect in the Paris area too.

What are the consequences for not showing a valid pass sanitaire in France?

You can be fined up to €135 if you don’t show a valid health pass when entering a large public venue in France.

Where can I find out more?

Follow the French government’s website (in French) for the latest, up-to-date information regarding the pass sanitaire.

The response:
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I've been hearing the claim that "no lab has successfully isolated purified samples of SARS-CoV-2". I saw it posted here recently, attributed to Dr. Judy Mikovits, and more recently in the article on SOTT by F. William Engdahl.

So, is there any conclusive evidence that this is true? The whole thing smells funny. What is meant by "no isolated purified examples"? Does this mean that there are in vivo samples in people's bodies, but no 'pure' in vitro samples? This doesn't make any sense to me.

If the above is true, how can Luc Montanier, for instance, make his claim that there are HIV inserts in the virus, if the SARS-CoV-2 virus has "never been isolated"? He can't know that if he hasn't looked at the virus. If this is true, how could he possibly study that? How can all the numerous scientists claim to have been studying the microbiological effects of the viral components (PEG, spike protein, etc.) on the human body if it has "not been isolated"? Again, is this just a matter of the difference between studying something in vivo vs. in vitro?

Is all of the SARS-CoV-2 research derived from studying the patents of the virus, and making conclusions from component lists?

And what are the implications of this "no virus" theory for the PCR test? If there is "no isolation of SARS-CoV-2", then there would be no on-record 'template' for the PCR test pick up. Does that mean that the PCR test is identifying genetic pieces of just any old coronavirus - allowing health officials to label all genetic material, or coronavirus pieces, as SARS-CoV-2, and thus as evidence of COVID-19?

All of this contributes to a big confusion, leading to the claim that 'there is no virus', which looks like a psy-op designed to distort what's really going on.

So, I don't get it. What am I missing here?
If the virus actually existed, things would have turned out differently. A real virus is just an obstacle to enslaving the world.
Absolutely the same in Australia “whaaaa? Don’t comply?? What is wrong with you???” I have never met so many mindless people incapable of stopping to reflect or at least take a moment to think and maybe ask some questions. People here are so ingrained in their desire to comply they are willingly handing over their children (can’t do it fast enough!) and brainwashing the kids themselves, even when the older kids are asking questions and have serious reservations.

I have heard parents boasting about their skills / tactics regarding this on radio interviews... about how “deeply concerned” they are, how they don’t do the ‘authoritarian’ path but instead ask the kids to make a list of their reservations and then the parents help them “debunk” it. Along with manipulating them with “See! We have had the shot and their is nothing wrong with us!” (I imagine kid looks sideways with a very sceptical expresssion) “Grandma has had it and she is fine!” So the poor kids are being forced to dissociate from their deepest instincts and pressured to conform to the herd. Many of them “can’t wait!” and are actually looking forward to it. I find it agonising witnessing this stuff.

I can assure you thanks to the zombie brainwashing campaigns here, the kids who were vaccinated in the stadiums were probably (for the most part) quite happily handed over by their parents who “can’t wait for this all to be over so we can get back to norrrrrrmal”. Parents would have been kept out of the stadium intentionally (under the ruse that they get all ‘emotional’ when parents are around, while the hesitant are literally being forced by the staff there to comply and submit) because then the adults wouldn’t be able to film or see the kids who collapsed/had serious reactions and instinctively grab their own kids (who deep down they knew should never have been there in the first place) and get the hell out of there like any normal person with half a brain, would.
Sad sad world you are living in there.

I know people who are convinced of something will rationalize away counterfactual hard data in the simplest of ways by saying something like, "That is a very rare event". But it is happening, so why take the risk ?

I know I'm singing to the choir here, but we must pull all examples and share them, else they will disappear into the black hole of forgotten and ignored.

Here is the wording used to "sweep away" this death from the clot-shot.

"The talented sportsman, who died after a short illness on Tuesday, enjoyed huge success as a football player with Villa FC and Waterford United."


Those figures in the red might impress, but the figures in columns 3 and 4 should impress even more.
Block everything! By Max Igan

View attachment 48477

This truck blockade will happen August 21st, let's see what happens. Powerful and informative rant by this man and the truck drivers. Unbelievable. Other countries are being pushed hard as well but why is it coming down so heavy on Australia? Is there something more happening behind the scenes?
I have been looking through some recent footage from Australia. I am frankly gobsmacked and amazed at how FAST the country has fallen to full-blown totalitarianism. The videos below are really quite scary! It sure looks like Australia is being used as a testing-ground for what might be implemented in other Western nations in the months/years to come.

Husband is reported by wife to authorities because of views on COVID, is taken involuntarily by ambulance to be assessed by medical doctors/psychiatrists, given some strange diagnosis and is later sectioned in a psychiatric facility:

Police and medical officers "check up" to the house on a seemingly health guy who tested positive one week prior. They stick him in the back of a van to send him to a quarantine facility indefinitely

Another case of a positive test resulting in police knocking at the door of someone who has a previous conviction (I assume, because of the ankle tracker) to enforce transport to a private quarantine facility because of predicted bad behavior:

If you go out for fresh air, you will be penalized with infringement notices - and the authorities will increase checks on your home:

Police pepper-spraying 12 year old girl because dispute over shopping with no mask:

There is not much context given in this next video, but it seems to be in Australia or New Zealand. It is possibly a child forcibly detained
in a quarantine facility:

More footage from Australia:

You must not watch the sunset, or drink any alcohol without a mask:

They will be vaccinating children en masse at a facility where parents are not allowed in:

$5,000 on-spot fines for breach of quarantine, lying to contact tracer, or lying on a permit. $3,000 on-spot fine for breaching 2-person exercise rule, breaching rules entering regional New South Wales state:

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