Here ya go:

There have been a number of blood related videos doing the rounds of late but often without context so its hard to know what to make of them.

Here's another which I don't think has hit this thread yet from Germany - the conversation is quite difficult to follow as the English translation is not helpful - but some very worried faces.


Vaccine & Blood Analysis Under Microscope Presented By Independent Researches, Lawyers & Doctor

Mercola also had a written an analysis today of the prognosis of Dr Charles Hoffe who has been running D-dimer tests on those in his practice and finding 62% of those jabbed presenting with mini blood clots - with what he thinks are fatal outcomes ahead.

How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
  • August 20, 2021
Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
  • Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body
  • The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spiky bits sticking out”
  • Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting
  • The long-term outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries
Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, wrote to Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. provincial health officer, in April 2021 with serious concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. One of his patients died after the shot, and six others had adverse effects. While their small town had no cases of COVID-19, Hoffe said the vaccine was causing serious damage and he believed “this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19.”1

Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. He was also told by government health authorities that he could not say anything negative about the COVID-19 vaccine,2 but the issues Hoffe was seeing compelled him to speak out anyway.

Blood Clot Formation With mRNA Vaccines ‘Inevitable’

Hoffe created the video above to explain how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can affect your body at the cellular level.3 In each dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine are 40 trillion mRNA — or messenger RNA — molecules.

Each mRNA “package” is designed to be absorbed into your cell, but only 25% stay in your arm at the site of the injection. The other 75%, Hoffe says, are collected by your lymphatic system and fed into your circulation. The cells where mRNA is absorbed are those around your blood vessels — the capillary network, which are the tiniest blood vessels in your body.

When the mRNA is absorbed into your vascular endothelium — the inner lining of your capillaries — the “packages” open and genes are released. Each gene can produce many COVID-19 spike proteins, and your body gets to work manufacturing these spike proteins, numbering in the trillions.

Your body recognizes the spike protein as foreign, so it begins to manufacture antibodies to protect you against COVID-19, or so the theory goes. But there’s a problem. In a coronavirus, the spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule, Hoffe says, but when you get the vaccine, “it’s not in a virus, it’s in your cells.” The spike protein, in turn, can lead to the development of blood clots:4

“So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium, which means that these cells, which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, now have these little spiky bits sticking out.

So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form, because your blood platelets circulate around in your vessels and the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that damage when it starts bleeding. So when a platelet comes through a capillary and suddenly hits all these covid spikes that are jutting into the inside vessel … blood clots will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.”

62% of Recently Vaccinated Patients Have Evidence of Clotting

Hoffe spoke with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired professor, microbiologist and infectious disease and immunology specialist who, along with several other doctors and scientists, formed Doctors for COVID Ethics. Bhakdi has also warned that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets.5

The subsequent activation of the platelets can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), i.e., a pathological overstimulation of your coagulation system that can result in abnormal, and life threatening, blood clotting, as well as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and hemorrhaging.

While some of the blood clots you may have heard about associated with the COVID-19 vaccines are the large variety that show up on MRIs and CT scans, Hoffe states that the variety he’s referring to are microscopic and scattered throughout the capillary network, so they won’t show up on any scan.

The only way to find out if this predictable mechanism of clotting is happening is with a test called D-dimer. D-dimer is a protein fragment produced by the body when a blood clot dissolves. It’s typically undetectable or present only at very low levels, buts its level may significantly rise when the body is forming and breaking down blood clots.6

According to Bhakdi, “Now a number of German doctors have been measuring the D-dimers in the blood of patients before vaccination and days after vaccinations and with respect to the symptoms they have just found out that triggering of clot formation is a very common event with all vaccines.”7

Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients within four to seven days of them receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and found that 62% have evidence of clotting.8 While he’s still trying to accumulate more information, he said:9

“It means that these blood clots are not rare. The majority of people are getting blood clots and they have no idea that they even have them. The most alarming thing about this is that there are some parts of your body, like your heart and your brain and your spinal cord and your lungs, which cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels, they are permanently damaged.”

‘The Worst Is Yet to Come’

As Bhakdi explained, post-vaccination it’s possible to end up with so many blood clots throughout your vascular system that your coagulation system is exhausted, resulting in bleeding (hemorrhaging).10 Hoffe now has patients who get out of breath much more easily than they used to because “they’ve clogged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs.” This is only the first problem, as it can lead to more significant, permanent damage. Hoffe noted:11

“The terrifying thing about this is not just that these people are short of breath and can’t do what they used to be able to do. Once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart is now pumping against a much greater resistance to try to get the blood through your lungs.”

The end result can be pulmonary artery hypertension, which is basically high blood pressure in your lungs, because the blood can’t get through due to the many vessels that are blocked. “People with this usually die of right-sided heart failure within three years,” Hoffe said. “So the huge concern about this mechanism of injury is that these shots are causing permanent damage and the worst is yet to come.”12

As he noted, while some tissues, like your liver and kidneys, can regenerate, others, like your heart, cannot. An increased risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, has already been seen among young males who receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.13 “They have permanently damaged hearts,” Hoffe explained, adding:14

“It doesn’t matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to do because heart muscle doesn’t regenerate. The long-term outlook is very grim, and with each successive shot, it will add more damage. The damage is cumulative because you’re progressively getting more damaged capillaries.”

Because of the risk of the formation of blood clots in your vessels, Bhakdi went so far as to say that giving the COVID-19 vaccine to children is a crime: “Do not give it to children because they have absolutely no possibility to defend themselves; if you give it to your child you are committing a crime.”15

Spike Protein Damages Human Cells

The key causative agent causing damage from COVID-19 vaccines appears to be the spike protein. Scientists from the University of California San Diego created a pseudo virus, or cell surrounded by the spike proteins that did not contain a virus.16

Using an animal model, the researchers administered the pseudo virus into the lungs and found the virus was not necessary to create damage. Instead, the spike protein was enough to cause inflammation, damage to vascular endothelial cells and inhibited mitochondrial function.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,17 has also spoken out about the dangers of the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.

In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, Malone said, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”18 Bhakdi also described this as “a disastrous situation” paving the way for clotting:19

“This is a disastrous situation, because the spike protein itself is now sitting on the surface of the cells, facing the bloodstream. It is known that these spike proteins, the moment they touch platelets, they active them [the platelets], and that sets the whole clotting system going.

The second thing that should happen, according to theory, is that the waste products of this protein that are produced in the cell, are put in front of the ‘door’ of the cell … and is presented to the immune system.

The immune system, especially the lymphocytes, recognize these and will attack the cells, because they don’t want them to make viruses or viral parts. And the viral parts are now being made in locations where viral parts would never, ever reach [naturally], like the vessel wall in your brain …

If that ‘tapestry’ of the wall [i.e., the lining of the blood vessel] is then destroyed, then that is the signal for the clotting system to [activate], and create a blood clot. And this happens with all of these vaccines because the gene [the instruction to make spike protein] is being introduced to the vessel wall.”

Physicians Forbidden From Countering Narrative

Equally as disturbing as the potential harm caused by experimental mRNA vaccines is the censorship going along with it, such that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario, issued a statement21 prohibiting physicians from making comments or providing advice that goes against the official narrative — basically anything “anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown.”22

The statement was released, according to CPSO, because physicians, in isolated incidents, have been spreading blatant misinformation via social media, which is undermining “public health measures meant to protect all of us.” But if a physician is unable to speak freely, the independent relationship between doctor and patient ceases to exist, and so does the doctor’s ability to act in the best interest of the patient.

Hoffe certainly experienced this but is still speaking out, putting his patients first and trying to get the word out that, he believes the COVID-19 vaccination program should be stopped until the causes of the many injuries and deaths are understood.23 The tragic question is, how many others with similar concerns have been intimidated into remaining silent?

Sources and References

Other countries are being pushed hard as well but why is it coming down so heavy on Australia?
#1 - as @Keyhole put in his post, the population had their guns taken away:


For years, secretly and behind closed doors, the United Nations has been gearing up for gun confiscation in the event of an economic collapse or disaster by hiring “disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration” officers who will be trained to seize guns from the civilian population. Not only that, but laws are being shoved through Congress that specifically restrict certain firearms, armor, ammo and the like. The Obama administration made it clear that their agenda was to disarm American patriots, just like Hitler, Stalin, Pot, and Mao did. We are headed for disaster:

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”– Adolf Hitler

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” ― Adolf Hitler

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”– Mao Tse Tung

In 1911 in Turkey guns were restricted and a result one and a half million Armenians were unable to defend themselves and were ethnically cleaned by the government.

In 1964 to 1981 Guatemala established gun control and 100,000 were killed.

In 1970 Uganda established gun control and from 1970-1979 300,000 Christians were killed by the dictatorial government.

In 1994 Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people and being unable to defend themselves one million were executed.

And Australians are being "shot" - permanently debilitated/sterilized if they survive initial death within two weeks of being vaxxed.

#2 - Australia is an island continent as well as a country - no other countries connected by land - perfectly isolated.

#3 - They have a track record of oppressing/exterminating their own people - the Aborigines:
Despite attempts by many Australians and even politicians to gloss over the brutal colonisation of Australia, there is no denying the brutal treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia that continues to take place today.
"In November 1828 the Governor introduced martial law against Aboriginal people in the settled districts, effectively giving the military the power to shoot on sight any Aborigine found there."

Random shootings and massacres of men, women and children were common.

She has identified more than 170 massacres of Aboriginal people in eastern Australia and six recorded massacres of colonists between 1794 and 1872.

"Sometimes Aboriginal waterholes were poisoned, or Aboriginal people given flour, sugar or damper mixed with arsenic.
Many Australians may not realise it, but Aboriginal people were segregated from other non-Aboriginal people until the 1960s — just over 50 years ago.

Theatres and hospitals had sections roped off for Aboriginal people, they were often refused drinks in hotels, and schools could refuse to educate their children.

It wasn't until the referendum on May 27, 1967 that Aboriginal people were recognised as Australian citizens with full voting rights and included in the Census.
There is a criminal silence around Australia's treatment of its indigenous people.

We are duped all the time. White Australia sets up organizations and structures that offer the pretense of helping us, but it’s a pretense, no more. If we oppose it, it’s a crime. Simply belonging is a crime. Suicides are everywhere. [She gave me details of the suffering in her own family.] They’re out to kill our values, to break down our traditional life until there’s nothing there anymore.
Above are excerpts from duckduckgo search:

History repeats and what worked then can and does work now - except now on steroids and happening on a global scale!

The UN's new tactic, on full display at this conference, is to ignore federal and state governments and go straight to the roots of American society. Think globally - act locally.
Looks like you've found one of the mechanisms that 'ignore federal and state governments and go straight to the roots'.
I found this out in a big way when I opposed the smartmeter rollout in my city. You gotta love the 3 minute rule for addressing either city councils or school boards! At least the meetings are recorded and televised on public channel - but how many watch or actually comprehend the threat? I also dug into the city's website and found definite connections beyond the city to Agenda 21 type material along with information that could not be accessed by the public. But a complacent and duped public happily goes along with technical "progress" and its supposed "earth saving" benefits. That my city and the citizens celebrate the continuing fluoridation of the drinking water speaks volumes.
If the virus actually existed, things would have turned out differently. A real virus is just an obstacle to enslaving the world.
This has been discussed over and over for months. Yes, it is highly likely the RT-PCR test was designed on a cocktail of coronaviruses and not only false positives on the basis of over-cycling, but also on the basis of detecting non Covid-19 coronaviruses.

But none of this means it doesn't exist. I tend to believe the genetic sequencing that was done early on, even in the first month they had about 30 well-isolated genetic sequences. The work the indian researchers did early last year - about HIV inclusions in the spike's genome - was already based on this.

And then there are the electron microscope pictures. Are these not real?
I was just about to watch the video. Unfortunately it is blocked for me (see screenshot). Because of Holocaust denial? Serious? 🤔
It loads for me with my VPN in my default location (US East). I tried Canada/Toronto, also not blocked. Are you sure you have the right video?

Edit: Also, I wasn't logged in when I tried. It just logged in to leave a like, the video still works...
- How do they detect the Delta strain in people?
They sequence it!

This is worth to read:
Dr. Peter McCullough answered this question at videotime 12:48 in a recent Stew Peters show couple days ago:

Stew Peters:
- "How do you classify somebody as having Delta? There is no tests for it! How are the symptoms different? This so-called virus has mutated hundreds of times. How can you have a variant of something that has never been isolated other than on a computer and in a lab.. The virus itself called Covid-19 has never been isolated, its never been located! I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but we don't have proof of it! How is there a variant, a labeled variant and how they are detecting it?"

Dr. Peter McCullough:

- "They detect it by sequencing and I'm .. again .. not an expert, Stew, in terms of lab methodology, but I can tell you, that I think the sequencing data is pretty solid! That there are always, there always have been an array of variants, so as we moved through last year, the United States always had a dozen or more variants. So Delta was there and so was Eta and Lambda. All of them were there.

{So the ugly little liars lied about it! They lied that this and that variant GOT into the country through this and that Fantasy Route!}

The alpha and beta, they were all there, but they were in lower frequencies and they respond to whats called Non Lethal Pressures. And one of the biggest Non Lethal Pressure that was introduced into the population were the vaccines! And the vaccines were all keyed towards the original wild type spike protein, what we call the Wuhan Spike Protein. They came out of the lab in Wuhan, China. Spread to Milan and New York. Those initial waves, by the way, had much higher mortality rates. You know, we have mortality rates now with Delta that is just a tiny fraction of what they were initially. If you look at those mortality curves. {WTH??! And the psychos are closing down countries because of this??!}

Thankfully, now.. a big impact on that is early treatment. Those who get early treatment can really knock down the risk of death and hospitalization. But we know this from sequencing! And all of these papers, Stew, they are very well done! They do sequencing, they can identify.. the entire genome of the virus is known.
So its assumed, if you can see the entire genome, in fact, the virus is there!

And wonderful work has been done by the way on stool specimens. One of the best ways to identify the entire sequence. The virus actually gets into the stool! The Chinese have been using anal swabs for quite some time. But you are right! When we talk about Israel now, Israel has a well over 80% of the population vaccinated. From the Israeli Health Ministry and I want it, the fact checkers to really fact check this data, in fact re-publish it, so everyone can see it again! The Israeli Health Ministry has reported, through the month of July, 15,634 cases: 86% [of them] fully vaccinated! So anybody listening to your show can interpret this. 86% of the Covid-19 cases, of adults aged 20 and over are fully vaccinated!"
It loads for me with my VPN in my default location (US East). I tried Canada/Toronto, also not blocked. Are you sure you have the right video?

Edit: Also, I wasn't logged in when I tried. It just logged in to leave a like, the video still works...
I'm in Germany and I get the notice as well

Contains Holocaust Denial​

Contains Incitement to Hatred​

I watched the video before (possibly on odysee) and I have no idea how they came up with those labels.
The video posted by @Michael B-C above still works.
I was just about to watch the video. Unfortunately it is blocked for me (see screenshot). Because of Holocaust denial? Serious? 🤔
Maybe because someone in the comment section used the word "Jew" in a not-so-respectful way?

It works for me as well.

United Gnosis said:
And then there are the electron microscope pictures. Are these not real?

I'm not sure I've seen an electron microscope image that wasn't actually computer generated, Gnosis.
This just in:
An eyebrow-raising piece of crucial info in one of the latest Dr. Tenpenny interview from 18 Aug: (videotime 12:05)
- "Now if you have Covid, and you have a positive antibody response to SARS-Cov-2, and you proceed to get an injection.. It is actually known, that people who had coronavirus infection and recovered and then decide to get the shot, are going to have somewhere in between a two and four times increased risk of serious side effects, including possibly even death. "
Maybe because someone in the comment section used the word "Jew" in a not-so-respectful way?

It works for me as well.

I'm not sure I've seen an electron microscope image that wasn't actually computer generated, Gnosis.
In which way do these look 'computer generated' any more than regular electron microscopy?

I mean, you can even make out the individual spikes and their relative conformation angles...

coronavirus microscope

electron micrograph sars-cov-2
sars-cov-2 purified photograph
In which way do these look 'computer generated' any more than regular electron microscopy?

I mean, you can even make out the individual spikes and their relative conformation angles...

coronavirus microscope

electron micrograph sars-cov-2
sars-cov-2 purified photograph

What confuses me is this:

The Vero E6 cells are kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey. How does that translate to human cells ? (I know they claim it is similar - supposedly in terms of virus, being close to the human cell environment ?) But claiming it, or having a consensus about that, doesn't make it necessarily a truth that can be applied to the human cell environment, and transfer of virus. I need to be skeptical here...

Why green monkey cells ? It is about real humans cell environments, possible infections, possible transmission, evidence of virus... etc And how do I know, how those green monkey cells have been tampered with through chemicals and medications, in order to provoke conditions, which may or may not be equivalent to the intricate whereabouts and reactions within human cells in real life ?
From Global Research:

Researchers Find 1,000 Different Proteins in AstraZeneca’s COVID Vaccine Linked to Deadly Blood Clots

A German scientist has discovered why the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) are causing some recipients to develop deadly blood clots.

According to Prof. Andreas Greinacher, a blood expert from the University of Greifswald, the two viral vector vaccines contain genetically modified (GMO) cold viruses that, upon injection, trigger an autoimmune response.

Stray proteins, Greinacher says, along with a preservative used specifically in the AstraZeneca jab known as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), are directly responsible for causing the blood clots, he says.

Greinacher and his team identified more than 1,000 human-derived cell proteins in the injections that they believe are getting into people’s bloodstreams and clamping onto a blood component known as platelet factor 4, or PF4, where they form complexes that activate the production of antibodies.

This then generates an inflammatory response throughout the body, as the immune system is tricked into believing that it has been infected with bacteria. The immune system then overreacts and goes nuts, essentially, causing deadly bleeding and clotting.

Greinacher compares the way the injections trigger this otherwise dormant immune response to “awakening a sleeping dragon.” And all for a virus with a 99.9-plus percent survival rate.

Continue reading . . .

Edit: Just noticed this article is dated May 18, 2021
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