This just got posted on ZeroHedge. Since when did doctors decide that removing someone from a transplant list because they won't take a Covid shot is more important than actually, you know, saving their lives? I thought their primary directive was to "do no harm". This is the exact opposite of that:

And I am seeing something with this, the forced vaccinations, the enforced masking dictates, lockdowns to the point of refusing people food etc. even when the real "science" is out there for anyone with a brain to see that none of it works and that the vaccines are in fact killing people - the anger is increasing exponentially, everywhere. And the psychopaths just keep prodding us with even more evil acts. And the alt-news is exposing this, even sensationalizing it and some public figures like Rand Paul are telling people to "stand up to this tyranny".

This is intentional. I believe this division has been purposefully caused for a reason. I think the elites WANT a violent response to all of this, a world revolution - one that on the surface seems justified, but which they will lead from behind. As they have done before, during each and every period when there's been a change in who hosts the world's reserve currency, which happens every 70-100 years. They want to install a one world currency, but to get people to buy in they have to have the trust of the majority of the people to accept it. They can do that by having leaders that the bankers actually control front run the revolution against the Covid scam, thus making them seem like saviors.

They did this before, when the dollar was accepted as the new world's reserve currency at Bretton Woods in 1944. At that time the allied leaders were seen as benevolent, trustworthy and fighting to end a menace that threatened all of humanity. As time has shown, some of those leaders were anything but angels (e.g. Stalin, Churchill, FDR etc.).

The thing about this that gives me pause though, is that unless people do stand up to this evil, it could result in the deaths of billions. And it looks as if eventually each and every single one of us is going to come face to face with this evil in some way. Our decisions this time will be very personal. But standing up to stop them with violence just puts us on the same level as them. They must know this, and this is how they keep people trapped to recycle in 3D. But to sit here and allow this evil to continue seems morally's a conundrum, isn't it?

My own personal choice is to not join any movement that promotes violence as the answer, and I won't act in that manner unless it is directed at me or children who are defenseless. I'm a middle-aged scientist, I'm not a warrior. But sitting here and seeing this deep division and noticing it is coming down to joining one side or the other to survive...that may be the actual trap we need to be aware of. It makes me recall some thing Joe once said about "not choosing sides". Oh how hard that is proving to be...

(BTW just saw hlat posted the same article.)
This makes sense, and I think there are absolutely moves to control the world via currency.

However, I also think the vaccine push is its own thing with its own goals, and that the frenetic pace of rollout may have to do with a desperate desire to meet some sort of rapidly approaching deadline. -To get people locked down biologically/neurologically before it's "Too Late".

Some of the elites, apparently, were for many decades advising a slower and smoother transition period to make the Brave New World manifest more imperceptibly, with less friction. If this current host of medical edicts had been spread over, say, three generations instead of trying to jam it all into one, then we'd be seeing a lot less popular push back. -Like if they only focused on normalizing masks for 20 years, and then hit us with lockdowns...

It makes me wonder if the Wave is on the cusp of sending the population into some kind of very noticeable awareness combustion point. -Perhaps the vaxx tyranny is a manifestation of exactly that!
If the virus actually existed, things would have turned out differently. A real virus is just an obstacle to enslaving the world.

Can you share a bit more about this? Are these your opinions, or grounded in study and observation? What you've posted contradicts what the C's have said, and also most of the information I've read about this whole crazy corona show, collected in this gigantic thread for instance, from myriad different sources, angles, and professions.

So I'm curious - what is the evidence have you found that the virus does not exist? How would things have turned out differently? And how would it be an obstacle to enslaving the world?
I apologize in advance for this off topic rant here:
In the mid 80s I was having a conversation in Chicago with another oddball professional school classmate about all these little cracks in society I was beginning to notice, how I felt like we might be marching toward a Sodom and Gomorrah situation. He'd just returned from a summer visiting Australia and NZ. He told me he thought it was a lot more like USA in the 1950s there (socially and economically), and that maybe I'd be happier in a place like that. But also that our profession was crap in those places relative to USA. I kept it all in the back of my mind and sought out movies from there, talked to people from there when I had the chance to do so, etc. I noticed that some things were very popular there like ballroom dance and traditional portraiture that are still kind of niche here. Anyway, down under kind of resonated with me, albeit in a cherry picked way. Sure glad I never acted on going there. Never seriously considered it beyond the daydream phase.
Ditto Minneapolis! Mary Tyler Moore imprinted on me as what to become as a woman. I was going to make it on my own! That was the last show we were regularly watching before our TV broke, which might have been the best thing that ever happened to me (going a long time w/o TV).
I was scheduled for board exams in Minnesota when I got a very good offer in NC, so never went there. Always wondered what I missed until the recent Floyd riots.
What have I learned? Location does matter, but nowhere is perfect. Anything can happen, anywhere, anytime. The kingdom of heaven is in our hearts and minds, rather than on a piece of real estate. Best to stay open minded, debt-free and very nimble so as to be able to act quickly if need be.
My heart goes out to the people in Australia, NZ, Canada and so many other places as the noose tightens. I only hope the vaccinated begin to see through all this nonsense soon.


In Germany, the fourth wave has began.

DW - RKI sieht Beginn der vierten Pandemie-Welle
Spiegel - In Deutschland hat die vierte Pandemiewelle begonnen
Zeit - Robert Koch-Institut sieht Beginn der vierten Welle
ZDF - RKI: Vierte Welle hat begonnen

RKI (Robert-Koch Institut) says so, then every media outlet repeats - so it must be true. :whistle:

But Delta is not just a new variant; oh no!
It affects mostly JOUNG people!
But, do ne despair - German Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has approved and recommended Corona vaccinations for all children and adolescents from the age of twelve - as I´ve reported here 4 days ago!
Just in time, huh!

An Australian politician told parents that 24,000 children would be ushered into a stadium to receive the experimental COVID-19 shot without their presence.
I was so angry when I´ve read this.

Just a few days back, I told my kid in the same lines as Konstantin did - no one is allowed to vaccinate you without our permission; if you think they might or you suspect something, simply take your phone (or better jet, have it always in your pocket) and get out of there - leave the school.
He looked at me in shock that I´m telling him to leave the school; I repeated: yes - if you think that someone will vaccinate you when you say no - leave the school, call us and don´t worry we´ll come and pick you up, just go away from school as far as you can.

I do hope it will never come to that, but the Cs said it will get worse before it´s all over...
Hmmm, just wondering about the possibilty of an event that could make this sorta of angst seem so yesterday. My frequency sure could use a good ole kick start.


Hmmm, just wondering about the possibilty of an event that could make this sorta of angst seem so yesterday. My frequency sure could use a good ole kick start.


I was just about to watch the video. Unfortunately it is blocked for me (see screenshot). Because of Holocaust denial? Serious? 🤔


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This short news article is quite revealing about the situation here in Ireland.

There has been open warfare between the arts and culture sector and the government of late as it becomes clear it's one rule for pubs/restaurants another for places of entertainment, where further loosening of restrictions have not materialized - and yet again the same happened yesterday despite a huge PR push to get this obvious contraction in policy to move.

No further easing of restrictions until end of September

There will be no major easing of the remaining Covid-19 restrictions until the end of September, to allow students in schools and colleges to return to classrooms.

The Government is drafting a new plan for fully reopening the country, which will be published at the end of the month.

However, the vast majority of existing coronavirus restrictions are expected to stay in place until at least the end of September.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin wants to see the successful return of schools and colleges in the coming weeks before making any significant changes to social distancing rules. Confirmations and communions will be permitted next month, but it is unlikely that indoor live entertainment will be given the green light to resume.

Instead, a roadmap for the entertainment sector is likely to be published and a series of pilots for indoor arts events in venues and theatres will be held. A plan for reopening nightclubs is also being drafted, and this may include trial events.

The new plan is unlikely to see current restrictions on indoor or outdoor dining lifted in the short term.

This news comes as Arts and Culture Minister Catherine Martin will not be at a high-level Cabinet sub-committee meeting despite her request to attend.

What can we take from this? Maybe:

1. A game is being played to get through the summer to the 'sanctuary' of the autumn and another round of outbreaks of seasonal respiratory diseases / scariants that can once again get the COVID red arrow going north.
2. The huge rush to push the jab on school aged children is looking like a way to get a serious kick off of problems among the young and in schools as the round of sniffles and bugs kicks in along with jab based scariants among young people who have not previously been carriers/vulnerable.
3. Despite the headline (all they expect you to read) it clearly suggests that the end of September is there is actually no intention to loosen come October - quite the opposite. As they say they will wait to see if return to school is 'successful'... hmm!
4. The continual use of 'plans' and 'pilots' is a way of softening the blow, seeming to care/have it in hand, whilst constantly delaying the main deal.
5. Most importantly, not allowing a Minister to attend 'High-level Cabinet Sub-committee' meetings on the subject speaks volumes - and the fact that it aired in a MSM outlet telling. Top down instructions not to be aired with 'junior' enforcers. Shows how it is all working to the Rhodesian principle of circles within circles and a need to know basis.
I have been looking through some recent footage from Australia. I am frankly gobsmacked and amazed at how FAST the country has fallen to full-blown totalitarianism. The videos below are really quite scary! It sure looks like Australia is being used as a testing-ground for what might be implemented in other Western nations in the months/years to come.
There are a few who speak out but it does seem the majority are quite happy to be locked down as long as they can feel safe. It's pretty heartbreaking to watch and it makes one feel absolutely useless. The Cs once said something to the effect that those who believe lies open themselves up to be conquered. The majority appear to be living in a different reality. A reality where the cities they live in are ravaged by the plague and the Gov is doing everything they can to help them.

I've been waiting for people to get angry but I don't think it's going to happen, at least not in Australia. The powers that be must be delighted with the results!
I recently considered using Telegram to chat and discover new people, and as i'm single, I was thinking about the well-known sites of dating and wondered what I would write to present myself. What you wrote is similar to what I had in mind, bringing the GMO funny argument (but well serious). I think that this division in the people, in the context of dating, will increase a lot in the coming months, I wouldn't be surprise to see some "Non-vaccinated Telegram channels for dating" appearing in the future ... I mention Telegram as it's the most used one at this moment (by the resistance / re-information), but this should spread to all other platforms.

Let's create a "C's community single people dating channel" ! I was wondering one thing after having read the 4 first book of the C's transcriptions from 1994 to 1997, and the question of "soulmate" between Laura and Ark, and this lead me to a wondering, maybe a question that could be asked to the C's : are there a lot of soulmates pairs among us, among the C's community ? (who haven't yet met so...)
That's a great idea Dredger! You make it- I will join :)
One other thing to mention (not BC specifically) in a slightly different and yet related way to this, are the actions been taken in some places to replace covid business plans, with what is called the new Communicable Disease Plan (or similar language) for business:

The WHO laid out a template back in 2006 'Communicable disease surveillance and response systems - A guide to planning' with much of what can be seen today (i.e. focused on regulatory framework and strategic response), although given the time it was early-days framed around "EPIDEMIC AND PANDEMIC ALERT AND RESPONSE".

More recently, from EHA Daily Advisor, one sees "Could a Workplace Infectious Disease Standard Be on the Horizon?"

Herein (regarding OSHA), they are suggesting these things are covered in what is called a General Duty Clause, which is what they have used in some places for Covid to force draconian restrictions:

In some places, workplace legislation around this subject uses General Duty Clauses (Canada is similar, possibly the EU). So when Covid first entered the picture, what many did was not write specified legislation (which can take years to enact), they knitted Covid Health law into General Duty Clauses for workplaces, backstopped by Public Health orders (whatever that looks like where you live) and held it up as a measure for employers with all the implications as are known. Thus, they are using General Duty clauses as a catch all for 'whatever we say it means' in the most absurd legal stitching. And that is what they are doing right now, in some locations with Communicable Disease plans that look exactly like Covid Plans (with employers told to support vaccinations - obviously some are making it mandatory with their respective governments, like France, the guiding green light; more to follow).

Now there are some good occupational lawyers that could (and should) argue against the use of GD clauses, because if they are allowed to continue to abuse them, then why would there be a need to write any specific occupational laws when a GD clause covers it. Specific laws are based on Standards (CSA, ISO and many others) and proofs are needed to support them, and employer, unions and worker must agree to them. It seems to be at this point that the ptb want to shy away from specific laws (although Biden is pushing - see below) that again, might likely take years to enact. Don't know, will have to see.

Here is Biden working to 'Revive OSHA’s Stalled Infectious Disease Rulemaking (1),' bypassing the GD clause, although it could be used and would be used if he (or whoever is behind him) is successful:

General Duty clause (GD) are suppose to be a hierarchy to backstop specific issues when employers run afoul of regulatory laws to strengthen a case e.g. an employer may have a tower crane failure, bridge demolition or construction problem, lead paint or asbestos exposure - a thousand things to measure as hazards that result in serious outcomes. Regulatory laws are not supposed to be arbitrarily drawn up by governments alone, they are usually done through extensive processes of consultation, as said, between employers, unions and workers based on occupational historical evidence of serious injury and death (not PCR tested cases that inflate numbers). With communicable diseases, federal, provincial, and state Health system generally operate separately from occupational law, so in roping the latter in, business is controlled as is the public that interacts, while employers hold the burden and pay the costs for this type of redirected health system forced upon them (i.e. governments don't pay, employers pay). Thus, GD clauses were never designed to be used as they are now - you can read just a few of the arguments from the link above to get a sense.

Biden's actions, if successful, might make GD clauses moot as they will have their specific regulatory law for workplaces - and employers will pay, workers will pay and the public will always pay - society pays. Meanwhile, the vaccine makers and their supporters are raking in billions from global taxpayers, billions in stock transactions, while being completely immune to their product failures having been sheltered from legal suit (not news here).

Anyway, all this looks to the trajectory of where things seem headed; control all employers through occupational policy and law (use politicians, media, legal council and social media to help achieve), thus better to control the public and shift costs. This has been since day one (IMO).

A footnote here might be that some 'big' multinational employers have known this and have early on taken the knee (in all things requested of them) and said yes we can, and we will lead by example. These players are also the ones being rewarded, while the backbone of society, small and moderate sized business (and their workers and families), takes the full brunt of it. Pick a country and it is the same.

Nice digging here. I'm reminded that this kind of 'soft implementation' was predicted by Rosa Koire with regards to UN Agenda 21.

She identifies the main push behind Agenda 21 as being Sustainable Development - AGW and Climate Change. So when SARS-CoV-2 escaped into the military games, perhaps the PTB have had to switch to a different narrative, with the primary 'Fear Driver' being focused more on personal health and viral safety, rather than fear for global health and ecological safety. But the implementation regime remains the same:

From June 1 through 5, 2005, the city of San Francisco was the site of an international conference called "World Environment Day." But the agenda of this conference was much bigger than just another hippy dance in the park. This meeting of the global elite had a specific target and an agenda with teeth. The goal was the full implementation of the UN's Agenda 21 policy called Sustainable Development, a ruling principle for top-down control of every aspect of our lives - from food, to health care, to community development, and beyond. This time, the target audience is our nation's mayors. The UN's new tactic, on full display at this conference, is to ignore federal and state governments and go straight to the roots of American society. Think globally - act locally.

Looks like you've found one of the mechanisms that 'ignore federal and state governments and go straight to the roots'.

You can also see this 'soft implementation' happening at the local level in the school board meetings across the US. For instance:

I don't think we've seen the last of AGW, CC, and Sustainable Development, though. Corbett has a good article on this:

Yes, in case you missed the memo, the steps are already being taken to sweep the fear porn excesses of the scamdemic era under the rug, with the mockingbird MSM dinosaurs dutifully reporting that “Covid Counting Enters New Era” and that states are “scaling back” their COVID-19 reporting.

Of course this is not the end of the biosecurity paradigm. The “new scariants” of the invisible bogeyman will be around for a while yet and, as Mr. Scamdemic himself, Bill Gates, announced before he was so unceremoniously thrown under the bus by his globalist pals, Pandemic II is just around the corner. No, the biosecurity paradigm will be with us for a good while yet, I’m afraid.

But having said that, there is another hobgoblin that will soon eclipse the deadly COVID monster in the imagination of the populace. One that’s been around for decades, waiting for its chance to terrify the public into a Great Reset as we plunge into the New World Order. And that monster is . . .

. . . carbon dioxide.

BOO! Are you scared yet?

Yes, the good old anthropogenic climate change fairy tale is set to make a comeback with a vengeance in the 2020s. As I warned last September, The Pandemic is a Test Run for the systems of control that will scare the public into complying with all sorts of draconian limitations on their activities in the name of saving the earth from climate change.

I briefly skimmed the WHO paper 'Health and Sustainable Development', written in 2002. There's nothing particularly new in it. Pro-vaccine, anti-tobacco, and all the usual feel-good liberal-progressive doublespeak. But it was important for me to read (1) to remember that this all has been planned for a long time, and (2) that the current 'health battle' is nested within a larger war.

Recent international meetings have reinforced the importance of health, environment and development issues on the international development agenda. For the first time, meetings of the G8, the United Nations Security Council, the World Economic Forum, the OECD, as well as follow-up to major international conferences have explicitly addressed health issues requiring attention as development or security issues. Health has, in effect, become recognized as a central concern in development – both as a resource for, and as an indicator of, sustainable development.

What was said in the interview with C. Austin-Fitts and Del Bigtree recently is that the health tyranny is just one bar of the larger 'sustainable' cage. It seemed to me like Del had pretty sad eyes during their conversation. I can understand that. This is so big in scope that it can be hard to actually see. And even when you can see somewhat of the bigger picture, it's hard to hold in the brain all the details, let along the various macro-forces converging. Who or what is converging, when they are converging, where, why, how. It's especially "fun" when you try to add 4D into the mix.

Ay carumba. What a show. I'm getting better at the 'sit back and relax' part. There's still room for improvement on the 'enjoy' part, though.
I don't know if this is important, but I just found out that there is a big difference in dosage between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Pfizer: 30mcg/0.3mL
Moderna: 100mcg/0.5mL

It seems that there is a connection.

There might be a 2.5 times higher incidence of myocarditis in those who get the Moderna vaccine compared with Pfizer's vaccine, the Post quoted a source as saying.

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