Start the sodium bicarbonate protocol and start drinking a few ounces of Elderberry juice/extract every few hours or so.

I sure hope everyone has good Sodium Bicarbonate and some form of Elderberry.
Just started on the sodium bicarbonate and elderberry been delivered today.
Load up on vit c, take some elderberry juice daily, keep the carbs LOW. Sauna blanket if you have one.
Been on the vit c every hour but haven't felt like eating at present. Feel like I've improved since this morning. Really wish I had a sauna blanket. Thanks for the advice.
This is interesting. Perhaps the Coronavirus is not very dangerous, but if this theory is true, the next one might be.


Thanks Persej. Chandra Wickramasinghe, being the leading lifetime exponent of the Panspermia model of life distribution, knows full well the obvious historical precedent and pattern. The cynical might say he's making a pitch for funding but the piece is full of simple (if for some, horrifying) implications that are entirely logical. Sadly I suspect this will get zero traction because its association with the grand solar minimum opens up and unwanted can of worms that just can't be talked about in public. If the people who are now losing their minds were to realize this is but the start of many years of increasingly regular and dangerous outbreaks, I think they would crack open on the spot.

Going forward I just don't see how the ptb can keep the lid on this by any other means but further and more desperate attempts at perpetual control measures. A viral spiral, the one feeding the other - incoming information from the universe vs entropy towards that information (very interested to see a physicist recently describing entropy in a black hole as being defined as 'hiding information') to an inevitable breakdown or lock down... or some variant on both themes. When the first noticeable piece of space rock hits somewhere - and it is coming as part of this pattern - all current bets are off. I still wonder if there is something out there that is known that is coming our way very, very soon... feels like it... still, with the number of variables in play no one on earth has a handle on how this will play out... but its going to be a 'rocky' ride that's for sure...
The insanity continues. Like I said, they reduced the public transport in my city, but people continued to use it because they still have to go somewhere, so that obviously created problems. But now our PM blames the people who didn't stay at home, and she said that in order to solve that problem she will stop the public transport completely!

She is also angry at older people for going out of their homes, so she will forbid them (older than 65) to go out completely with a penalty of about 1300 euros!
And the Winner of the race is... Denmark !
The powers of the emergency law are unprecedented in Denmark

Late Thursday night, the spread of coronavirus caused a piece of Danish political history. As a result of the sharp increase in the number of coronas infected, a unanimous Parliament passed an emergency law.

The law gives authorities a number of unprecedented powers to curb the spread of infection.

Among the initiatives is a legal home for the Minister of Health to be able to initiate forced examinations, forced treatment and quarantine if coronavirus infection is suspected.

Furthermore, vaccination can be given through coercion. However, there is currently no vaccine for the new virus.

Part of the provisions will take effect next week. The law initially runs for a year.

The situation is unprecedented in Danish political and legal history, says Jens Elo Rytter, law professor at the University of Copenhagen.

These are basic elements of the rule of law that one pills at, he believes.

- It is immediately the most violent since World War II. There have been strong interventions in various terrorist packages, including after the terrorist attack in 2001 (September 11, ed.). But this goes further.

Michael Bang Petersen, professor of political science at Aarhus University, deals with how contagion affects our behavior.

The law pills at the very core of our democracy, he says.

Google translation. Source: Jyllands-Posten

This is interesting. Perhaps the Coronavirus is not very dangerous, but if this theory is true, the next one might be.

Very interesting.
However, not necessarily all the elements that come from outside the planet, and their effects, have to be bad.
It comes to my mind the possibility that, perhaps, the Cs concept of 'help is on the way' may also somehow come through this way, and the unexpected may happen.
Maybe all this coronavirus theater is to avoid something, to cover up or avoid with some kind of widespread vaccine, or the simple resonance with fear, the possibility of unwanted mutations by PTB as a result of the influence of outside forces? Perhaps I digress too much, but it's all very, very strange.
On another note, I myself am puzzled and perplexed about myself. I have been quite ill these past years, and with a very depressive and negative mentality. I have been in a constant process of healing for a couple of years now, to the point that today I feel a kind of inner euphoria, confidence, optimism and faith that I must trust the universe, which if I rationalize it is somewhat incomprehensible. It is as if I am feeling that the sun is already starting to rise in the horizon behind the clouds that are still above.

Also, on a very weird note:
the day before yesterday (before the decreed confinement) I went for a walk in the nearby mountain. The atmosphere was a bit strange, and when I saw a part of the mountain I thought there was a fire because a strange mist was over the slope. But it was no such thing, nor was it a foggy cloud, I don't know what that effect was. An acquaintance drove by and I started talking to him. As I was doing this, through my peripheral vision I was seeing 'hazy' waves in the atmosphere. I focused on them to see what it was, but they disappeared (I thought it was an illusion of sight). But when I looked back at him and what he was telling me, the ripple effect of the atmosphere on my side view came back.
However, the feeling inside me was not one of fear of something bad, but rather the opposite, I came home with an unusual and incomprehensible optimism (while everyone was doing nothing but talking about the coronavirus in a negative light)
In an atmosphere of virus hysteria, take everyone who gets a seasonal flu and rush them into hospital in ANY country. See how fast they run out of beds.

Joe is bang on and in the u.k beds as they are in most country's are at a premium and are those that do die in hospital are they being tested to find out if they've died from Corona Virus ? I'm sure that in most cases they are not as the hospital's simply don't have the facility's to check and most are dying from pre existing conditions or Nora virus or other flu related conditions and are just added to the numbers.
Local Power city has has been cleared out of freezers and printers, laptops and cables, business owners buying them up to work from home. Girl in my partners job felt unwell was sent home waited an hour and half at home, someone turned up all suited up took a swap turned out negative, another employee who feels unwell is waiting for results, should hear today what the results are her job is now closing until the end of the month. From today testing will be ramped up, so cases will go up, by the end of the week we will be in lock down, 7000 pubs shut until the end of the month 50,000 out of work. Time to get the surf board out..

Someone mentioned hypnosis, was thinking this last night, talking to a work colleague nice chap from the Philippines, he was taking over from my shift, didn't take long for him to talk about the corona flu, very concerned he was, well without going into to much detail by the end of 15 min chat were I mentioned how the measure that are and will be brought in of which he wants, will have a bigger impact on elderly dieing, hospitals prioratiseing corona cases above all else will cripple the health system even more than it already is, the economy will suffer big time, jobs will be lost, also mentioned the annual flu statistics and how this thing is blown way our of proportion, when we finished our chat he was smiling the fear fell from his face, he took a mask out of his pocket, I was going to wear this tonight he said, not a good idea you might scare the clients, we work with 8 priests who are not overly concerned with this thing, they stay in there rooms mostly or go down stairs to the chapel or the tea room and can look after themselves in regards to dressing, personal hygiene, except for one who needs some assistance, we just prompt meds and are there if anything happens, like falls etc, had a good chat with one last night about faith and death, there faith it seems will get them through this. Anyway, he was laughing about the mask and thanked me, he hasn't looked at it this way and said Im making some very good points, he was happy when we departed, So, I think that the spell he was under was broke, for now anyway. I completely understand were he is coming from he thinks this thing is real and will kill many people, he is not hearing alternative rational views, just the fear porn from media.
Nearly every health system known is always on the verge of being out of hospital beds. So now, they've manipulated things to make it appear that it is all because of the Corona Virus when that simply isn't true.

Even if the healthcare systems of most countries have been manipulated and downsized, now that we are facing a situation where this shortage can potentially lead to millions of excess deaths - there doesn't seem to be an alternative to containment measures of some sort.

The current measures here in Spain (and the ones in Italy) seem overblown and hamfisted though. Limiting the self-quarantine to the most affected - the elderly and people with serious conditions - would make sense. Along with family and government support for these people, eg. food deliveries and other assistance.
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Regarding the theory voiced by @Niall and others that there are already many millions infected, here is another hard data point that seems to disprove that. There are two studies on the prevalence of true asymptomatic cases which do not develop symptoms at any point:
  • The first study is about the Diamond Princess cruiseship where out of 3700 passengers about 3000 were tested. Their calculation gives the number of true asymptomatic cases at between 15% to 40%.
  • The second study tested all 565 Japanese evacuated from Wuhan, which gave the number of asymptomatic cases at 33% (but there were only 12 infections among those and 5 stayed completely asymptomatic).
This data suggests that there may be up to maybe 50% of completely asymptomatic coronavirus infections. This only doubles the true number of infections and does not take it into "many millions".

However, if we take the mortality rate of 0.6% from the South Korean 200.000 tests and take 50% off it, this gives us a lower bound of 0.3% mortality rate for this virus. Which is indeed only 3 times worse than the regular flu.
A friend of mine who is policeman just told me the french army's deployed to police stations. Any unjustified exit will be punishable by a fine of €275.

An internal letter from the head of the clinic of the necker hospital Pr Phillippe Ravaud in internal medicine indicates that paris will be in absolute confinement tomorrow night.

Edit : On the french TV " Cnews " : a doctor said with a funeral face and in a deep voice that there would be between 30 k and 500 k of people who will die (what the hell to say that !)
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And then there is this ...

Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations

New measures “most extreme since the Second World War.”

Denmark has passed an emergency law that allows for the government to force people to take a vaccine for coronavirus.

The emergency law gives authorities sweeping powers to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in force until March 2021.

Citizens who refuse to be tested for the coronavirus will face fines and potential prison time, and will be prevented from entering shops, grocery stores, public institutions and hospitals while also being restricted from using public transport.

“As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus,” reports the Local.

Copenhagen University law professor Jens Elo Rytter said the new measures were “certainly the most extreme since the Second World War.”

The initial draft of the law was even more draconian, and would have allowed police to enter private homes without a warrant if there was a suspicion of a coronavirus infection.

However, this measure was dropped after opposition from other parties in the Parliament.

Denmark currently has 875 recorded coronavirus cases and has registered 2 deaths.
The insanity continues. Like I said, they reduced the public transport in my city, but people continued to use it because they still have to go somewhere, so that obviously created problems. But now our PM blames the people who didn't stay at home, and she said that in order to solve that problem she will stop the public transport completely!

Yeah, I see this insanity happening everywhere. In Greece, where everyone is supposed to be self-quarantining, a lot of people went to the beach over the weekend as it was warm and sunny, and now the government announced that they are closing down the beaches!

I don't even know how this will prevent people from going because they can't actually "close the beaches" despite what Olympian palaces the rulers think they are inhabiting. And if they were cabable of thinking or they actually cared about the well being of the civilians, they would be supporting that people get some fresh air and sun, and enjoy what is avaible to enjoy in life. It's just unjustifiable madness at this point.

I was thinking about the "separating the wheat from the chaff" phrase yesterday. There was an article about a kiosk-bar in the second largest city in Greece that stayed opened and people started lining up to get coctails and beer as they were taking a stroll around the neighborhood. It's an outdoors place, by the harbor, people wouldn't be confined or even have to be very close to each other. But apparently, some freaked-out brainwashed people saw what was going on from their balconies and they called the police to have it shut down!

These latter people reminded me of the citizens back in 3rd Raich Germany, who would "inform" on their families and their neighbors due to their being so fear-stricken and/or authoritarian followers. I see it on social media, where I have friends from all over the world, and some of them are posting about how "everyone should follow the rules imposed for the protection of us all". If you don't follow the rules, or god forbid, you don't take this epidemic with the deathly seriousness it deserves, you are the evilest person for these types. So this made-up crisis is like a catalyst that shows peoples' true colors, like the threshing that is applied to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Because there are also, of course, the videos of people singing together from their balconies, the hilarious memes people come up with... :love:It is a VERY interesting time to live in, indeed!

And did you notice? Due to all these restrictions, I hear that CO2 emissions have been reducing around the world. At least Greta can have back her childhood now :evil:
A friend of mine who is policeman just told me the french army's deployed to police stations. Any unjustified exit will be punishable by a fine of €275.

An internal letter from the head of the clinic of the necker hospital Pr Phillippe Ravaud in internal medicine indicates that paris will be in absolute confinement tomorrow night.

For the fines, besides creating panic, I can't help wondering if it isn't a way for government to salvage the loss of revenue engendered by the closure of almost everything. They need to make money somehow.
I went for a walk in the nearby mountain. The atmosphere was a bit strange, and when I saw a part of the mountain I thought there was a fire because a strange mist was over the slope. But it was no such thing, nor was it a foggy cloud, I don't know what that effect was. An acquaintance drove by and I started talking to him. As I was doing this, through my peripheral vision I was seeing 'hazy' waves in the atmosphere. I focused on them to see what it was, but they disappeared (I thought it was an illusion of sight). But when I looked back at him and what he was telling me, the ripple effect of the atmosphere on my side view came back.
However, the feeling inside me was not one of fear of something bad, but rather the opposite, I came home with an unusual and incomprehensible optimism (while everyone was doing nothing but talking about the coronavirus in a negative light)

Got the same sensation some years ago (4 or 5 years ago). I got the sensation there was a modification of the timeline :shock:

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