For the fines, besides creating panic, I can't help wondering if it isn't a way for government to salvage the loss of revenue engendered by the closure of almost everything. They need to make money somehow.

I do not think so, because these fines do not seem to be a great deterrent. In France we have automatic speed cameras which have been in operation for 15 years now and although the fines are generally 90€ if you just exceed the speed limit, this is not enough to make up for all the economic losses to come. One might think that this is to limit breakage but it seems to be more of a deterrent. We can also add that France is on the edge of the bankrupt, the fall seems inevitable.
If anything, I think everyone should be wary of what all those criminal minds out there will start doing when the general 'community awareness' that normally keeps people in check is dropped because the streets are empty.

And more generally still, something else to consider is that there's a reason why so many people, men especially, are devoted sports spectators. If they're not channeling their aggression or religiosity or whatever into supporting their sports team, then all that 'energy' has to go somewhere...
If one looks to Russia in 1990s, it was a dangerous time and there was an increased mortality among men.
Speaking of which, a work college told me that he had tried for decades to get his hands on tickets for a football world-cup or europe—cup and now had finally succeeded in it and has fixed plans to go there in June to the football stadium in England to watch it. Then he said angrily, quote, „if those idiots will cancel the europe cup, I tell you right now, I’ll run amok!“. In the meantime there is already talk about canceling the europe cup, so his worst fears could very well come true.
From having followed the 2014 Maidan events and later in the voluntary battalions we know that soccer fan(antic)s played an important role. While some of this aggression may be a result of psychopaths unexpectedly coming out of the wood works, it may also be a result of a genuine feeling that something is wrong. To counter this one possibility might include more controls:
There was also in Session 29 December 2018
(Joe) Putin ate my lunch! Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is part of that to try and make a generation of weak men?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that with a view to some kind of post 4D transition scenario or something like that, or is it more of a takeover on 3D?

A: More a reflection of desired relationship between 4D STS and humanity.

Q: (L) So in other words, they want to get into doing anal probes. [laughter]

A: Not far off! Dominance over the normal male.
For the fines, besides creating panic, I can't help wondering if it isn't a way for government to salvage the loss of revenue engendered by the closure of almost everything. They need to make money somehow.

Yup. They don't ever intend to pay out national debt because it's more profitable to leave the principle, pay the interest, but diversify and increase income streams. But tanking the economy also means that they will secure more assets, securities or collateral so that they can borrow more.

One of the things I thought about the article mentioning the airlines going bankrupt is that they'll probably be bought out by a monopolising power, remove all competition. Once that's done airfares will increase and greater control on travel will be implemented. That could pretty much be applied to any particular business or industry that suffers during the economic collapse.
I find it interesting that Dutch people aren't allowed to be down-to-earth about this thing (one of our national traits, or so they say). So, now if people question the status quo they are called ill-mannered and arrogant by the MSM. Anything to stoke shame, guilt, panic and fear and advocate self-isolation and working at home (which is of course better for the environment :whistle:).

I went shopping today and they also practise 'social distancing' in supermarkets now, I also had to put my money on the counter instead of giving it to the cashier. The cashier was actually pretty brilliant in trying to cheer up a lady being next in line and who was depressed about the whole thing. She then changed her tune a bit.:-)

So, maybe this is what we can do as well. Cheering up the people we are dealing with on a day to day basis when they seem to be down in the dumps?
Here, in Toulouse and its surroundings, the sweet madness virus is of course well established.
Irrational behaviour catches and spreads as surely and quickly as a cold. Like every Monday, I go out to do some shopping. In every store, the tension is palpable. There is something in the air that gives the impression that a spark would be enough to make things degenerate. In my usual routine, I go to the organic stores I know, usually 4 or 5. The shopping carts are full and people line up to the middle of the shelves. I turn my heels immediately, every time. At the last place, taking my pain in patience with my salad, turkey leg and endives, the cashier, at the checkout, thanked me for doing my shopping normally... People, although their shopping carts are full, don't look happy at all. They are rushing each other, as if they are not going to have time to pay for their groceries to get home quickly.

In another store, tape strips are glued to the floor, and the cashier is annoyed to have to repeat that each person has his or her assigned tape strip and that it should not be exceeded. In the lines, there are also those wearing masks and gloves.You can recognize them even before you've laid eyes on them: they're the ones who speak loudly, saying that "everyone's going to have to do it anyway," and throwing a reproving and somewhat aggressive look at you.

But not everything is black. I'm a rotisseur and I work on the sidewalk selling chickens to take away. This weekend I was surprised to see that not everyone is fooled for talking to them. Many feel that there is something absurd and artificial about this media circus. tout ceci And many also realize that aberrant behaviour is even easier to catch than the coronavirus that is supposed to kill us all. It's good to see that too.

I've noticed that the youngest are the most vulnerable, unfortunately. My 20-year-old daughter who lives in the Basque Country called me yesterday to tell me that she wasn't feeling well and that she was going to the hospital to see if she is infected. My niece asks me if she should join her father who is panicked and tells her to leave Toulouse to come and join him.A friend's boy asks his mother to go and stock up on provisions, for fear of missing out.
With the lack of hindsight inherent in their youth, we can see how easy prey they are. And even though they may be awake and aware of certain things "when all is well", good ideas and noble intentions evaporate with the social and/or family pressure that increases in intensity. What a sadness.
Things are certainly evolving quickly here in the states.

The governor of RI asked people to cancel all "non essential" appointments at today's press conference and she listed haircuts and massage as examples, so we've been getting lots of calls from our clients and we are planning to close down our clinic for at least the rest of this week.

We've heard second hand from two different colleagues to expect increasing social controls including military curfews.

On the other hand I went to the grocery store this morning and they had everything on my list and it wasn't that crazy. The cashier I'm friends with told me that it was a madhouse yesterday (Sunday) and they expected to be cleaned out again today.
Well I just talked to my Dad ( In Canada )who is nearly 90, but in decent health and completely active, Family members had been concerned about him, warning him to self isolate etc. so I asked him what he thought. He said this was reminding him more and more of Nazi Germany, and a complete over reaction by the govt. and people. He got supplies in but otherwise, he planned to continue with all his normal activities while he is still allowed to, with the addition of washing his hands a lot. I told him about Vitamin C etc. He feels at his age he could die at anytime anyway, so why worry. So not everyone is panicking.
Just got back from the dentist where I freely admitted that I had developed somewhat of a running nose this morning.
The lady seemed to be scared stiff and told me to return a couple of days later.
She was afraid that the authorities might be closing down her business if somebody found out she was treating me in that state.

But I had a joyful experience of empathy sometime later when the lady cashier at the gas station reacted to my inquiry for their ultra-thin one-way gloves by endowing me a set of a hundred gloves.
I'd love to buy them actually. It was a French "Access" station and they are called "Gants Pegbordable"...
US to Begin Clinical Trial of Possible Coronavirus Vaccine on Monday Amid Ongoing Pandemic

I'm so glad the Big Pharma CEOs and their cohorts will now have their second luxury bunkers - you know just in case the unwashed masses go crazy and the Bilderbergers will have to evacuate to their spare luxury bunkers -, billion dollar yachts and other obscenely expensive luxury items! Just forcing countries to stick their killer concoction, sorry.. Savior Vaccine into everybody will ensure their dominance as the Elite in the future.
Well, I went searching for a bit I remembered from the Cs and nearly the whole session seemed to be relevant, so here is the large clip from 3 Aug 1996:

Q: (L) This is kind of an off-the-wall question that just popped into my head. Did we ever ask anything about Hale- Bopp?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp going to turn planet Earth into a super- conductor?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp the herald of the transition into 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp going to do anything other than pass by with a nice night-time show?

A: No.

Q: (T) Is all the brouhaha over Hale-Bopp a smoke screen?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what is it then?

A: Hale-Bopp: Flopp!

Q: (T) Oh! The Kahoutek of the nineties! (J) The cosmic OJ Simpson trial! Something to keep us busy...

A: Since you have broached the subject: are you familiar with the "twin sun" theory?

Q: (L) No. What is it? (T) Referring to our sun and the possibility of Jupiter being a sun in the making?

A: No.

Q: (T) Okay, what is the twin sun theory?

A: Theory that the sun is really a double star.

Q: (L) Well, if it is a double star, how come we don't see the other one? Where is the other one and why don't we see it? (T) I don't think I have ever heard of that, have you? (F) It seems vaguely familiar for some reason. (L) Is this factual, correct?

A: Wait a moment...

Q: (T) They are bringing in their twin sun expert... (L) No doubt! {planchette spins numerous times.}

A: Now, where were we?

Q: (L) We were talking about the twin sun phenomenon...

A: Theory.

Q: (T) Which is that sol is one part of a twin system?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this theory correct?

A: Not yet, you are "jumping the gun."

Q: (T) Okay. You brought this up. You indicated that, yes, our sun is one part of a dual system...

A: Yes...

Q: (T) ...and that there is another star, another sun here...

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Can we see it? (T) Can we see it at this point in time?

A: Can you?

Q: (L) No. Not that I am aware of. Is the reason we cannot see it because it is always on the other side of the sun from us? That it orbits in such a way that we can never see it?

A: Orbits, yes, assuming it is there, however, we did not confirm that, now did we?

Q: (L) No, you didn't, but you DID bring it up! (T) Let's go back to the beginning. Okay, you brought up the twin sun theory and then indicated that our sun is one of two suns in this solar system...

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) The sun that we designate as sol is one member...

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) Is Sol two stars combined?

A: No. What is "dark" matter, and what are dark stars?

Q: (L) Are dark stars something like black holes?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they... (T) I think it would be a star that has collapsed upon itself and the gravitational field of the star no longer allows light to escape.

A: No.

Q: (T) Okay, that is a black hole.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Dark matter, that I have read about, is what the astronomical community calls all the loose stuff floating around out in the cosmos that must exist because of the equations, but they can't see it.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Would dark stars be part of this?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So there is dark matter and dark stars?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The dark matter they cannot see because it is dark.

A: Yes. How about "Brown stars?"

Q: (T) Okay, Brown stars I have heard of. There is yellow, red, blue, green... Okay, our star burns as a yellow star because of the matter it is composed of - hydrogen, etc.

A: Close.

Q: (T) Other stars burn different colors in the visible spectrum because of the make-up of the star...

A: Yes, but not "brown" ones.

Q: (T) Brown ones are not brown because of the make-up...

A: Okay, you have white, red, yellow, and blue...

Q: (L) Do those colors represent temperature?

A: Partially, but that is not the point!

Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp a brown star?

A: No.

Q: (T) No. Hale-Bopp has nothing to do with this discussion. Hale-Bopp is just another flop. Okay, Brown stars. The colors we see are part temperature and part material... (L) How about the spectral shift which determines direction?

A: Yes, but that is not the point!

Q: (L) What is the point of a brown star? Black body...

A: No, silly! Try the most obviously apparent.

Q: (L) Well, is it one that just hasn't started cooking yet?

A: Opposite.

Q: (L) Okay, it has burned so long it is about to run out of gas?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) It is running out of matter that gives it color?

A: Why did we put "brown" in quotes?

Q: (L) Because a brown star is assumed to be one that is burning out, but is the opposite?

A: No.

Q: (L) Because... I don't know.

A: How easy is it to see brown against a black background?

Q: (T) Not easy at all! That is why they can't see the dark matter...

A: That is why scientists dubbed it "brown."

Q: (L) How does brown star connect to twin sun theory?

A: Guess!

Q: (T) Okay. Let's talk about this. For some reason we have to work through this to maintain free will. (L) Is this star small enough that it is orbiting with the planets?

A: No, we are leading you to something, if you will be patient.

Q: (L) Okay, lead on... we want to know about this. (T) They just asked if we understood what a brown star was.

A: Do you?

Q: (L) What is the significance of the brown star?

A: Dark star.

Q: (L) It is a dark star... okay...

A: If it is there.

Q: (L) Well, will you put me out of my misery and tell me? (T) Wait, a dark star is dark because it doesn't give off light. It is still a star, and acts like a star...

A: Yes. And if it has an elliptical orbit... would it, maybe, like, "come and go?"

Q: (T) What science, astronomy, has described as double stars, are two stars that are close together with some sort of interactive orbit. But that is not necessarily the only way two stars can exist.

A: Close. As you perceive from your vantage point. But how would you like to embark on a bicycle trip between them?

Q: (L) So the ones that we are aware of and see can be so far apart that there can be a lot between... (T) So our astronomers have not recognized this possibility?

A: Yes they have.

Q: (T) They know, but don't talk about it. So, we may have, in this theory, a dark star orbiting...

A: And what would happen if you did?

Q: (L) Well...

A: And it, like, comes and goes?

Q: (T) Like every 3600 years?

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) And maybe this dark star also has some planets orbiting it?

A: Ok, change of direction: Oort cloud and comet cluster and sun twin occasionally passing through the former like a bowling ball through pins.

Q: (L) How does the dark star passing through the Oort cloud relate to the comet cluster?

A: Cause and effect.

Q: (L) So, the comet cluster is caused by the dark star smashing through the Oort cloud? (T) Well, not necessarily smashing, but passing close enough for its gravity to change things... (L) But they said "like a bowling ball through pins." (T) The gravity of that star would cause the comets to be flung in all directions. (J) Is the earth like a pin? A bowling pin? (L) No, that's the Oort Cloud.

A: Explain what the Oort Cloud is, Laura.

Q: (L) Does everybody know what the Oort Cloud is? (J) I don't. {explanation of Oort cloud.} Okay, so we are looking at something...

A: Now, think of how your Biblical prophecies speak of a very terrifying period, followed by an apparent renewal of normalcy, followed by the "End."

Q: (T) We learned about a "comet cluster" very early on. Now you are going beyond that and giving us a reason as to why this comet cluster...

A: Laura, please clarify exactly what the prophecies say.

Q: (L) Well, actually, "The Noah Syndrome" is primarily prophetic exegesis with a little science thrown in to help clarify why such occurrences must be along a "natural" order. [Discussion of primary passages in "Noah."] In the prophecies it is said: "If those days were not shortened, would no flesh be saved. But, for the elects' sake, will those days be shortened." Now, can you tell me what this means?

A: Not yet.

Q: (T) Where are we? We have a dark star flinging comets like bowling pins...

A: Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amidst seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the end.

{Here's the correct excerpt from 1 Thessalonians
1Th 5:1 Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you.
2 For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 When they say, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape! 4 But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; 5 for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. }

Q: (L) Okay, elucidate, please.

A: No, you elucidate, please!

Q: (L) Okay, I would say that this "end" is the passing through the "realm border," the "wave."

A: Yes, but don't you know of the prophecies we are referencing?

Q: (L) Are you talking about the Epistle of Peter where it says the heavens will end with a thunderous crash and the earth will burn up with fire?

A: No.

Q: (L) Thank God! Are you talking about the book of Daniel where a number is given regarding the time period between the one event and the other?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay. I know where to go to find it and study it. So, we are talking about the number 6.3, as in years?

A: Yes, but that is not correct.

Q: (T) The number of years is not correct. (L) Okay, is it possible, since you have brought this up on other occasions, through technology, to either skip this event by creating a means of travel to the next realm, or to create a parallel universe...

A: No.

Q: (L) Well one thing we can establish...

A: What would happen if the brown star that is the sun's twin were to get close enough to be illuminated by the sun?

Q: (T) Well, if it were close enough to be illuminated, the obvious result is that it would be SEEN. People would panic...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Governments would fall...

A: And terror and chaos. And when it departs again?

Q: (L) Everything will seem to be fine! But, they won't realize that the Oort cloud has been hit! Oh, sugar!

A: And then what?

Q: (L) It is not the Oort cloud or the comets that is going to cause all this terror and carrying on, it is going to be the seeing of the illuminated brown star, which will go away, and then no one will see what is coming! And this IS talked about in both the Bible and Nostradamus - but it was incomprehensible before! Okay, how long will it take the comets to get from the Oort cloud to here?

A: Let us just say that the cluster travels much faster than the usual cometary itinerary.

Q: (T) And this is because they are traveling in the wake of a large sun sized gravity well...

A: And we have spoken of the comet cluster before, and we have told you that this time, it rides the Wave.

Q: (L) Is the wave the energy from this brown star?

A: No.

Q: (L) The Wave is the Wave. (T) So, the dark star is going to come through the Oort cloud, and it doesn't have to get too close. Any star that gets that close is TOO close. Its gravity will propel these comets in our direction. And, on top of that, they are being propelled by the Wave from behind, so they are being both pulled and pushed.

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they being "kicked" and then they get on the wave that is already on the move?

A: Yes. This time. You have had the comet cluster before in antiquity, but the wave was last here aeons ago.

Q: (L) Is this wave a gravity wave?

A: Interrelated.

Q: (L) Okay, now... (T) Well, the wave is a form of energy. (L) Yes, they once told us that it was "hyper-kinetic sensate."

A: Realm border, this is your quantum factor, Laura, so plug it into "Noah" accordingly, and check out the results.
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