Small update:

Today I finally was able to turn in my exemption paperwork. We were also told that anyone not fully vaccinated was not allowed in the employee cafeteria. Instead we got our lunch in a to-go container, and got instructions to eat at the "social distancing café". It was a storage room, with individual tables (tables were literally work benches) with a compressor running in a corner. It felt like Jim crow segregation 2.0 🥲
Small update:

Today I finally was able to turn in my exemption paperwork. We were also told that anyone not fully vaccinated was not allowed in the employee cafeteria. Instead we got our lunch in a to-go container, and got instructions to eat at the "social distancing café". It was a storage room, with individual tables (tables were literally work benches) with a compressor running in a corner. It felt like Jim crow segregation 2.0 🥲
My God! So is it religious exemption?

Stay strong @Fallen_735 and please keep sharing your story as it progresses!
I made a quick scan through the doc to see their reason for excluding 12-15 years old. They tried to explain below their reason for excluding this age group.

PEDIATRIC REQUIREMENTS Under the Pediatric Research Equity Act (PREA) (21 U.S.C. 355c), all applications for new active ingredients, new indications, new dosage forms, new dosing regimens, or new routes of administration are required to contain an assessment of the safety and effectiveness of the product for the claimed indication in pediatric patients unless this requirement is waived, deferred, or inapplicable. We are deferring submission of your pediatric studies for ages younger than 16 years for this application because this product is ready for approval for use in individuals 16 years of age and older, and the pediatric studies for younger ages have not been completed.

I am presently so hurt to see their experiments now include teenagers who are dependent on their parents or guardian for consenting to be shot. They are defenseless to these evil tyrants. My country is presently forcing the parents and kids to take the shot in order to restart face to face classes in September. They are telling the nation that only children who are vaxxed will be allowed to return to school.

I am told they are doing a mixing of the vaccine by inserting some other mixture in the vial before using the syringes to inject the kids. I am not sure if anyone knows or have heard about this method of vaccination. It appears they are trying to reduce the side effect on the kids. This seems clearly to be a new type of trial taking place without parents full consent. Not sure what will take place now for the vaccination of 12-15 yrs old base on the FDA non-approval. Most of my people are fast asleep they have no about this experiment thanks to evil and dirty media operating here in Jamaica.

Jamaica has maybe the most churches per square mile in the world. The Jamaica Council of Churches have gone fully in bed with the government and their vaccination drive. Some denominations have allowed their churches to be used vaccination centers...So then i can see clearly now we are entering the days of Noah.
Instead we got our lunch in a to-go container, and got instructions to eat at the "social distancing café". It was a storage room, with individual tables (tables were literally work benches) with a compressor running in a corner. It felt like Jim crow segregation 2.0
Well, at least you will meet and know those that have a clue in your "cafe"... You might make some good contacts, have some good discussions, and maybe even strategize together, etc. Reminds me of the students in Political Ponerology who discovered each other after the educator was replaced with someone to indoctrinate the students and then the students spent time away from school to socialize in order to make it through. Looks like your work is doing the finding each other for you. Might as well try to make lemonade out of lemons and use the situation to your advantage, if possible, fwiw.
Go West, young man, GO WEST!

Montana only state to ban vaccine requirements for employees

While many large companies across the U.S. have announced that COVID-19 vaccines will be required for their employees to return to work in-person, there is one state where such requirements are banned: Montana.

Under a new law passed by the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature earlier this year, requiring vaccines as a condition for employment is deemed “discrimination” and a violation of the state’s human rights laws.

Montana is the only state in the U.S. with a law like this for private employers, said Hemi Tewarson, executive director of the National Academy for State Health Policy.
And it begins:

Biden’s Military Takes A Page From Nazi Germany — Now FORCING Troops To Wear Red Arm Bands If They Are Unvaccinated

Military personnel at a base in the south are now being segregated and forced to wear red armbands to signal that they have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

According to multiple military sources, a Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, has implemented red armbands for unvaccinated troops and green armbands for vaccinated troops.

Blue bracelets are also worn by National Guard members to indicate that they have been vaccinated.

Troops “in the box” at Fort Polk who do not desire to comply with armbands due to concerns that it unduly coerces them to be vaccinated prior to FDA approval and a top-level military order are left with little recourse at this time. They are subject to discipline under the UCMJ if they refuse to obey direct orders.

Mine was blue

“What do the green arm/wrist bands signify?” Blood asked.

“[T] hey identify COVID vaccination status which allow our OCTs to have the ability to conduct any needed contact tracing quickly, providing a safer environment for the training rotation and the people who work to support it,” the JRTC Operations Group admin. replied.

While the military orders at a single base under a post commander may not seem to constitute an imminent social crisis, it may be a harbinger of things to come for the entire U.S. military and the American public at large. Thus, it is unsurprising to see some in the military compare the vaccine segregation to socially divisive practices seen in Germany prior to the Second World War.

A response to a post regarding JRTC and Fort Polk shows that the reaction from a section of troops has been heated.

From Global Research:

Report: ‘The Vaccines Are Neither Safe nor Effective’

In a report on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness released yesterday, Dr. Geoff Mitchell MD, JD determined the shots “neither safe nor effective,” and concluded “the best data tells us that the COVID-19 vaccines are failing.”

According to that data, says Dr. Mitchell,

“Countries with active vaccination programs have more COVID deaths than those who do not.” Moreover, “Countries with a higher percentage of their population vaccinated have more COVID deaths,” and “COVID deaths have increased with vaccination after vaccination programs were implemented.”

“The culmination of sixteen months of Africa study is that HCQ and IVM are both about 70% effective in reducing death,” he noted, “but Artemisinin and atovaquone-proguanil are (inadvertently) 95% effective in reducing COVID death. Artemisinin is reportedly intentionally used in four countries to treat COVID. The most well-known of artemisinin-treating country is Madagascar which has a 954 COVID deaths, a rate of 35 dpm. This is 2% of the U.S. rate.”

Dr. Mitchell wrote:

“Among the 104 countries which offer no demonstrable COVID vaccination programs, on 08/16/21, their COVID fatality rates averaged an unexpectedly lower 690 deaths per million.”

However, “Among the 82 countries which offer vaccination programs, on 08/16/21, their COVID fatality rates averaged 828 deaths per million which is counterintuitively higher than the COVID fatality rate for unvaccinated countries.

“In the 82 countries which offer vaccination programs, not only was the average COVID fatality rate greater than in unvaccinated countries, but the number of deaths increased as the number or percentage of residents vaccinated increased.”
My God! So is it religious exemption?

Stay strong @Fallen_735 and please keep sharing your story as it progresses!
Thanks for the encouraging words! Yup, I'm going for a religious exemption...I'm torn. Part of me has this deep sadness. Knowing what these well meaning, hard working people (my coworkers and some of them are close friends) are going to go trough in the future because of the the vaccine.
The other part of me is excited in a weird way because I got a front seat to the show (or perhaps I'm part of the show and I don't know it). I'm starting to think that I'm loosing my marbles😆😆😆
Hopefully I'm not seating too close.
I'll keep everyone updated. They will make a decision by next week (on my exemption request).
Well, at least you will meet and know those that have a clue in your "cafe"... You might make some good contacts, have some good discussions, and maybe even strategize together, etc. Reminds me of the students in Political Ponerology who discovered each other after the educator was replaced with someone to indoctrinate the students and then the students spent time away from school to socialize in order to make it through. Looks like your work is doing the finding each other for you. Might as well try to make lemonade out of lemons and use the situation to your advantage, if possible, fwiw.
So far I think only one other person and I are applying for an exemption. Everyone else has one dose of the jab already but is missing the second one.
I remain hopeful that I find more of us, so we can group together like you mentioned.
Jon Rappoport's response to FDA vax approval:

Breaking: FDA to give full approval to COVID vaccines; no public hearing; no transparency; no open review of vaccine data Aug23

Soaring: European Union Reports 1.9 Million Vaccine Injuries, 20,595 Deaths

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause in Reaction to Candidate Larry Elder's Covid-19 Promise to Californians

Larry Elder says he will repeal all California vaccine and mask mandates if elected governor. Crowd goes wild.

Early in August, when German health minister Jens Spahn announced his intention to keep the unvaccinated part of the German population (around 35%) from grocery shopping without taking a costly COVID test, even hinting at demanding a full vaccination for shoppers (starting in October) it must have been intended as a 'shock and awe' move to increase vaccinations.


Jens Spahn, Federal Minister For Health

Little did he know that instead of spooking the unvaxxed into compliance and submission he actually provoked a wave of passive resistance and stubbornness.

First, the number of vaccinations is still going downhill.
Then people concerned started networking and reaching out to their neighbors.

As an example, within weeks the Telegram channel Einkaufen ohne Impfung (Shopping without vaccination) attracted 28,000 members. Moderators were encouraging people to create local subgroups, twenty of them have been established in Berlin only for the 1,600 members there.

Browsing the Berlin subchannel Berlin, einkaufen für Gesunde (Shopping for the healthy) I found dozens of links and addresses of organic farm stores situated in rural Germany (there are 1,800 of them in the country).
Not unexpectedly, most of them are into fruits and vegetables.

My personal preference lies with companies like Schröder's or Brodowin which are offering canned organic traditional German dishes cooked in fatty gravy. 👩‍🍳

There are other similar groups of this kind coming to the fore lately. There's one group that I have been instrumental in setting up that is receiving four to five new members per week.

I'm amazed how well informed these people are who have been ditching the mainstream media for quite some time. I couldn't believe my ears when people were warning each other of nasal swabs and face masks containing graphene oxide. Sitting next to an alternative health practitioner we were suddenly discussing ordering ivermectin and HCQ! I'm absolutely sure that it wasn't I who brought up the subject...

Incidentally we had an elderly M.D. at the table who is into homeopathy and astrology and it turned out that she had brought a number of her own patients with her. I understand that she might be willing to prescribe HCQ and possibly ivermectin so that we don't have to buy in bulk from China.

These new venues have improved my psychological situation enormously.

I went from being mainly among awfully nice and 'completely immunized' but anxious people to meeting awfully nice but 'unprotected' individuals who might actually be prepared to shake hands with you.

There is a relieving sense of a return to normalcy about it. 🥲
Among the recent Peter Stew shows - all are good - this one I found the most intriguing. Its as if like a military whistle-blower came out on camera (a Trump contractor this time) and released a couple info-bits. As usual we get hammered with the 'China-Wuhan'-bias and the "The Communists are coming!", but other than that, this show is like the Consortium-revelations in the of Georgia Le Carre books reading project. I can highly recommend it!
Stew Peters Show: Former Trump HHS Expert on VAXX - Why Trump Pushes Jab?
Dr. Paul E. Alexander was Trump Administration HHS Expert, World Health Organization and Pan American Health Organization peer-reviewed publisher of early treatment COVID treatment and joins Stew to discuss the push for the jab, including Trump’s position that everyone “should get the vaccine”.
A prayer?
My dad is very sick with Covid. He is unvaccinated, has been taking Vit. C, D, zinc religiously for about a year. He is in the hospital with pneumonia and low oxygen levels in his blood. Jose Avila is his name, please keep him in your prayers. All he needs is prayers to get him back to health. The doctor is following the Covid protocol.
Thank you so very much!
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