Early in August, when German health minister Jens Spahn announced his intention to keep the unvaccinated part of the German population (around 35%) from grocery shopping without taking a costly COVID test, even hinting at demanding a full vaccination for shoppers (starting in October) it must have been intended as a 'shock and awe' move to increase vaccinations.
Jens Spahn, Federal Minister For Health
Little did he know that instead of spooking the unvaxxed into compliance and submission he actually provoked a wave of passive resistance and stubbornness.
First, the number of vaccinations is still going downhill.
Then people concerned started networking and reaching out to their neighbors.
As an example, within weeks the Telegram channel
Einkaufen ohne Impfung (Shopping without vaccination) attracted 28,000 members. Moderators were encouraging people to create local subgroups, twenty of them have been established in Berlin only for the 1,600 members there.
Browsing the Berlin subchannel
Berlin, einkaufen für Gesunde (Shopping for the healthy) I found dozens of links and addresses of organic farm stores situated in rural Germany (there are 1,800 of them in the country).
Not unexpectedly, most of them are into fruits and vegetables.
My personal preference lies with companies like
Schröder's or
Brodowin which are offering canned organic traditional German dishes cooked in fatty gravy.
There are other similar groups of this kind coming to the fore lately. There's one group that I have been instrumental in setting up that is receiving four to five new members per week.
I'm amazed how well informed these people are who have been ditching the mainstream media for quite some time. I couldn't believe my ears when people were warning each other of nasal swabs and face masks containing graphene oxide. Sitting next to an alternative health practitioner we were suddenly discussing ordering ivermectin and HCQ! I'm absolutely sure that it wasn't I who brought up the subject...
Incidentally we had an elderly M.D. at the table who is into homeopathy and astrology and it turned out that she had brought a number of her own patients with her. I understand that she might be willing to prescribe HCQ and possibly ivermectin so that we don't have to buy in bulk from China.
These new venues have improved my psychological situation enormously.
I went from being mainly among awfully nice and 'completely immunized' but anxious people to meeting awfully nice but 'unprotected' individuals who might actually be prepared to shake hands with you.
There is a relieving sense of a return to normalcy about it.