@Pluchi, I do hope all will be well with your father.. I will include him in my prayers.

BREAKING: Clif High just reported some very strange phenomenon. It seems they are using some kind of directed energy -- not necessarily 5G -- but some kind of mind control mechanism on people to get them to want to take the jab. Listen to this brief Clif High video...it's happened to him several times, and a number of psychics emailed him and told him they are having similar experiences. If you are aware of your own inner dialogue, however, it would strike you as foreign, this "just get the jab" suggestion... there seems to be a hint of anticipation, as if you are being made to think you will feel great, that you will be relieved if you just get it over with.

I remember it coming up in the C material, the idea that you can ground your mattress coils to help evade certain types of frequencies. Does anyone remember that? How does one go about that, with so many coils in one mattress? Does each coil have to be grounded?

Is there anything else we can do to put up some interference?

Hello, @Heather
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
@Ysus you said you lost your taste / smell, is there a routine you employed to get it back or did it just come back by itself? Did @Aeneas lose his as well?

Just a quick update on my covid situation - so the major update is I lost my taste / smell. Here are the things that I can taste otherwise can't taste anything else pretty much - can taste salt, apples!!! and the tonic in tonic water. Got some high quality tonic water for the quinine as @hlat said.

My symptoms are greatly improved but not gone. For one my heart is still working waaaay to hard and oxygen isn't 100%. From the oxymeter, my resting heart rate is around 80bpm - after any light exertion it jumps to around 100. My oxygen saturation is around 93 - 95 but holding steady there. For contrast, my partner's resting heart rate is around 60 and her oxygen saturation is a solid 100% - she's got the certified immune system having had covid before, like I think it's safe to say your chances of getting covid again is next to zero if you had it before. By the way she had it October 2020 so like 9 to 10 months and the immunity is still holding strong despite the 6 month limit the people at the rail company told that poor girl @Aeneas.

Other thing to mention is the UK is lighting up like a Xmas tree in terms of positive symptomatic covid. It seems to be ripping right through and getting anyone who hadn't got it before despite whether they got jabbed or not. Over the past week we know a few people who've got it and that were jabbed. If Boris knows what he's doing he'll just let it rip right through as that's the only way to build herd immunity. He's going to have to be sly about it because we have a lot of cry babies over here who would demand some lockdowns and the like if he came out and said we're going for the herd immunity approach.
An update - so the last test I've done is now negative. My oxygen saturation is slowly creeping up and my resting heart rate is now around 65 - 70 bpm as opposed to the 80s. I'm back at work 2 days too.

Still feeling rough around the edges and also my hydration is still weird. I'm always getting up dehydrated - is this normal? The other thing is I'm not yet quite comfortable with how I'm feeling within my body. Things are a bit strange and weird, also noticing some stomach disturbances. So whilst covid appears to be passing 🤞still need to regain my balance and reach a place of equilibrium.

I've noticed I'm tasting a bit more and also can smell a bit more but still quite limited.

The other thing is I'm having quite "tense" dreams and also dreaming about food a lot! The other night I was in a French restaurant staring at some melted cheese 😳. Also still getting up in night sweats but over the last couple of nights it's towards the morning - clearly the body still detoxing?

I brought in 2 additional supplements which I've been taking for a number of days: Iodine & Selenium.
Biden/FDA/MSM, all lied to the American public to push the jab immediately. Their fraud scenario is tanking and they know it. They are desperate and those folks that haven't sourced alt news sites might never understand the truth of the matter. I can still remember the naivete of those who joined the services, it was pervasive back in my day although now I'm unsure if it's even a thing. Wish l was a bit more detached about all this, yup need to work on that. I was sorta banking on an upcoming event that would have monkey wrenched what were experiencing at the moment.

Mandatory vaccination of the U.S. military will begin ‘immediately,’ the defense secretary says.

The Afghanistan psyop seems to be just some noisy sweat-bee nuisance to Biden, who seems laser-focused on getting shots out to the military before the whole covid turd pie blows up in his face. The same goes for all the other meat-bots under the control of the globalists and their controllers.

It's easy to imagine the worst when we see what's going on. It's almost like the universe is putting us in a position where we each have to, at least imagine facing the full brunt of global STS forces as one puny individual. My guess is that lots of people are feeling this. What will the soldiers do? Where will the split be?

Will there be enough truckers in Australia who are willing to put their personal security on the line for themselves and others? If so, will it work?

The near future looks grim, but I wonder what happens when 15 or 20% of a company's workforce is terminated or quits, and most of the rest comes down with all kinds of stuff in the coming flu season, or simply drops dead. Truckers, electricians, mechanics - all those people who make the system run have a whole lot of potential power. Why ever take the jab to save a job when the probability of a complete system crash is so high? The new system, (The Great Reset) and the old system are headed for mutual destruction. Then there's the coming ice age to think about and whatever else.

Perhaps Lau-Tzu has something to say about all this, they had tyranny back in circa 450 BC too.

Chapter 74

People do not fear death
How can they be threatened with death?
If people are made to constantly fear death
Then those who act unlawfully
I can capture and kill them
Who would dare?
There exists a master executioner that kills
If we substitute for the master executioner to kill
It is like substituting for the great carpenter to cut
Those who substitute for the great carpenter to cut
It is rare that they do not hurt their own hands

Chapter 75

The people’s hunger
Is due to the excess of their ruler’s taxation
So they starve
The people’s difficulty in being governed
Is due to the meddling of their ruler
So they are difficult to govern
The people’s disregard for death
Is due to the glut in their ruler’s pursuit of life
So they disregard death
Therefore those who do not strive for living
Are better than those who value living

And there's the old adage from the bible about what would a man profit if he gained the whole world but lost his own soul.
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
Please accept my sincere condolences - such a sad and painful experience and under such wretched restrictions. FWIW, you might have felt even worst had you encouraged the vaccine. In difficult situations such as this, it's easy to feel guilt and remorse that one could have done more or not done whatever. It's all part of grief and the intense sense of loss of a dear loved one. Loving prayers for you and your family as you endure the shock and the pain in the passing of a wonderful father and husband. 🙏 🌹
Please accept my sincere condolences - such a sad and painful experience and under such wretched restrictions. FWIW, you might have felt even worst had you encouraged the vaccine. In difficult situations such as this, it's easy to feel guilt and remorse that one could have done more or not done whatever. It's all part of grief and the intense sense of loss of a dear loved one. Loving prayers for you and your family as you endure the shock and the pain in the passing of a wonderful father and husband. 🙏 🌹
I appreciate your beautiful words very much. This is so difficult for all of us.

Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab

Samples from early Wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus, an American scientist has found.

Henipah was one of the two types of viruses sent to China by Chinese-born scientists from a Canadian laboratory at the centre of a controversy over the firing of the scientists and collaboration with Chinese military researchers. It is not clear whether the virus found in the Chinese samples is related to the samples sent by the Canadian lab, which were shipped in late March 2019.

The finding was confirmed for The Epoch Times by another qualified scientist.

The evidence was first found by Dr. Steven Quay, a Seattle-based physician-scientist and former faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine, who looked at early COVID-19 samples uploaded by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) shortly after China informed the World Health Organization about the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
Hello, @Heather
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
I am very, very sorry for your loss. That you could not be with him is cruel. You and your family are in my prayers. I send you a big hug. :hug2: Don't worry so much about what could have been if... you'll never know if it would have been different with the vaccination. :hug2:
Hello, @Heather
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
Oh... so sorry to hear this. It is a deep deep pain to lose one's parent. It's so easy for us to feel guilty too, in many different ways. Maybe if you remember that the vaccine could even have hastened his death. Also... I think it's important to remind ourselves about the "intent" behind these shots. Your father was at least given a reasonable chance to survive it sounds like, which is what good medicine does. To administer something where you know the intent behind it is truly lethal, and in that evil... important to remember that. Your father did not have that introduced into his system. He was helped without that deception involved.

Be gentle with yourself.. especially now. It will be some time before you feel less raw about all this.

Take care, @Pulchi. And take care of your health, especially right now. 🌹
3 dead, 1 in coma - vaxxed Australian kids:

[Video] Dead and Sick Australian Kids after the mass vaxxx

Last week in Sydney Australia, police and nurses herded 24,000 school children into a football stadium and gave them the death-shot. Parents were NOT ALLOWED to be there.

Now we are finding out that some children have already died, and thousands are sick or vaccine injured.

The mainstream media is reporting NOTHING about this!
Saw a report that the mother was waiting for 2 hours in her car before being informed her child had been taken away to hospital in a coma!
More on the bogus FDA vax approval:

EXCLUSIVE: COVID vaccine-injured whistleblowers speak out Thursday, August 26

This week’s FDA “approval” of the first COVID shot was done without convening an Advisory Committee, without public comment, and without reporting to the public on safety data from the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

In response to this failure by our federal government, the Arizona-based Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is announcing on Thursday, August 26, that it has convened a Citizens Vaccine Safety Review Board, chaired by Dr. Peter McCullough, the Foundation’s Chief Medical Advisor, and Dr. Paul Alexander, the Foundation’s Director of Evidence-based Medicine, both of whom are clinical epidemiologists and international experts, with extensive FA Drug Safety Monitoring experience. The Citizens Vaccine Safety Review Board will analyze US and international data on vaccine deaths, medical complications, and injuries, and then report these findings directly to the public.

The Fake News that FDA Approved the Vaccines is Made Clear in the Letter

The FDA did not approve the vaccines but extended the Emergency Use of the vaccines. They are also trying very hard to have agencies force employers to compel everyone to vaccinate but at the same time leaving themselves as an escape clause who they can return to claiming they never approved the vaccines beyond emergency use.

This is getting really questionable as to why they are forcing vaccines that clearly do not work and CANNOT work for as long as COVID exists in animals, it will constantly evolve and mutate just like the seasonal flu that sometimes comes from Birds or even Swine. The real question is WHY are we being lied to for what is the real purpose of the vaccines? They obviously do not care about the Great Unwashed, they prefer to thin the herd.
Every effort should be made by everyone of us to inform as many people as possible that the available Pfizer "vaccine" HAS NOT been FDA approved - merely EUA extension!

I emailed family/friends that I hope will listen - I still don't know if son/wife have vaxxed - they recently vacationed in Hawaii, so ???
Intelligent is out to lunch! Someone should send Howie Beigelman, director of the Ohio Jewish Communities, the vid of Dr. Zelenko and the Rabbis! That he can't grasp the similarities to the Holocaust- which no other people are officially allowed to have experienced - is beyond rational thought! They should be bowled over by the parallels!

WATCH Dr. Zelenko’s EXPLOSIVE VACCINE TESTIMONY to The Israeli Rabbinical Court

This is the bravest and possibly most significant testimony you will see - simply because this great man of medicine speaking to that culture and that panel refuses to pull a single logical punch. And of course being a revered Jewish doctor, how could he possibly be a conspiracy theorist. As he says he receives daily death threats and I believe him. May the cosmic mind watch over him.

So my question to you is, if I can reduce the death rate (in the most vulnerable) of 7.5% to less than 0.5%, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn't work and has tremendous and horrific side-effects?

I will do a mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get COVID and not get treated, the death rate globally would be less than 0.5%. Now I'm not advocating for that... that's a lot of people ... that's 35 million people who would die. However, if we3 follow the advice of some of the quote-unquote "global leaders" lets say - like Bill Gates said last year '7 billion people need to be vaccinated', the death rate would be over 2 billion people.

(Long pause)

So wake up! This is World War III. This is a level of malevolence and maleficence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity.

(Long pause)

I'm against child sacrifice. I'm against (incomprehensible Jewish term). And I really believe God is testing every human being. ... are you going to run to vaccines provided by sociopaths who want to be deities? There's nothing new under the sun. These people think they are God. And your going to bow down to them...?

For those interested, Dr Z has produced a vitamin support called 'Z-Stack' which you can order here (its not cheap but nor should it be - I've six packs and will soon order more).

Per daily 2 tablets:

Zinc: 30mg
Quercetin: 500mg
Vit C: 800mg
Vit D3: 125mg
Hello, @Heather
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
Pluchi. All our hearts go out to you and your family. Its been an awful time for you and so much suffering - we feel your pain. Please do not blame yourself - you did everything you could. Do not allow that thought about 'would the vaccine have helped' take a hold of your mind - each case is of course unique, but I would say to you - you did the right thing, the evidence is now clear, it would have made no difference and indeed - considering the advanced state of your father's ill health - would most likely have made matters worse in the sense of the stress to him involved and its possible negative impact on his last days. I would suggest he knew his time was come, he chose to depart on his own terms, and you showed your love and care to the letter - and he would be proud of you. It is no time for anything but grieving and a true outpouring of loss, but we are here for you and when and if you need, please do keep us informed. 💞
Condolances, Pluchi.. Blaming for not vaccinating has always been the hook to pull on. You know better.

Latest figures from UK, vaxx are failing massively

People are having a laugh about the new Indian vaxx ZyCov-D reminding of the holocaust and 6uild 6back 6etter
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