Found this historical gem on YouTube. Posting it here.

Basically looks like one of the colonial powers trying to convince some African tribe that DDT was safe but the Tribes chief and I presume a decent group within the so called tribe were sceptical. The English chap as part of his demonstration of safety proceeds to eat the DDT

Will people in future be watching such videos about the covid jab?
This was today's headline in the Toronto Star. I double-checked to make sure it wasn't faked or doctored and it's real. :curse:
Yes, apparently this is called 'othering'. From this recent Sott article:

A phenomenon called "othering" is used in both the violence dynamics world and in brainwashing. Othering is when a person determines that another person is unworthy, threatening, or all-around inadequate and hardly even the same species.

Othering is a process whereby a group of people is made to seem fundamentally different, even to the point of making that group seem less than human. This process can trigger instinctive emotional reactions towards members of that group. In many instances, othering has been used to degrade, isolate, and render possible a group's discrimination, abuse, or persecution. (source)

Just a few examples contained in the article showing that blaming the uninjected has become popular:

Don Lemon of CNN believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or work. Does this mean he believes that they should starve to death?

CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner says that unvaccinated people shouldn't go to bars and restaurants. A doctor pondered the ethics of whether he could refuse to see unvaccinated patients in The New York Times.

Sanctimonious pundit Piers Morgan of England tweeted that people who don't get the vaccine should be denied medical care.

Pam Keith, an attorney from Florida suggests that the unvaccinated be denied access to any federal benefits...including things they've paid into their entire working lives like Social Security.

My brave and extremely fit mother of 77 yo in the Netherlands (she took the Red Pill when this whole thing started 18 months ago), refuses the injections and covid tests as long as she is able to. She cannot set foot in the village GP practice as doc only wants injected and by the grace of god, someone with a negative PCR test, but such a person must be in and out at warp speed. Hers is a very small village and she is registered as a refuser. My mum has lost practically all of her friends because she will not be injected. She bravely stands alone. But interestingly, she told me yesterday that she has come to the point where she does not miss these friendships. People have showed their colors and even though she respects their free will, she would not want to be friends with people who condemn her for having a different opinion. I notice the same within my circle, all beliebers, and they are getting more and more drawn into the pseudo reality. They are even defending leading politicians who say "do as i say and not as i do"! I notice i do not have feelings of warm and loving friendship towards them anymore. They remind me of that case which Laura described in The Wave, chapters 57, 58 or thereabouts, about that psycho politician in a US state, who was excused by and still got the support of the people even though there was clear cut evidence that he was a conartist!

The article @loreta brought up (thank you!) sheds so much light on this process.

Another article that, for me, is a perl:

Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism

Relevant passages from the article (which was also on Sott) indicate that previously normal people will become 'infected' by psychopathy with far reaching consequences in the mental health arena for them :

Most concerningly, psychopathic ideologies reliably generate (temporary but) functional psychopathy in otherwise normal people who, by means of these manipulations, become sufficiently convicted fellow travelers with and sympathizers to the ideology. Quite literally, aside from the direct effects of demoralization and the destabilization caused by the growing drift of their beliefs away from reality and toward unreality (pseudo-reality), a psychopathic ideology makes its sympathizers believe and act in psychopathic ways themselves, at least in a functional sense. These are the demands and costs of upholding the paralogic (so as not to be a "fool" in pseudo-reality) and paramorality (so as not to be the wrong kind of person in pseudo-reality), and slowly these victims of the ideology become the monsters they were too weak to fight. As noted previously, virtues like tolerance and empathy are intentionally perverted until they begin to bifurcate so that they carry a political valence (paramorality good, morality bad) that increasingly favors the pseudo-real ideology and becomes legitimately psychopathic as the effect strengthens.

Eventually, a normal person subjected to these circumstances ceases to be normal. This occurs when they "awaken" to a "full consciousness" in the pseudo-reality. At that point, they will have reached a place where, from their perspective, pseudo-reality is reality and reality is the pseudo-reality. That is, they will be psychopathic themselves, in thrall to the paralogic of the pseudo-real delusion and with bifurcated and narrowed ethics and moral virtues under its paramoral system. Presumably, in the majority of such previously normal people, this effect is temporary and contingent upon participation in the cult, though it is likely that some of the relevant psychological damage will be long-lasting, if not permanent. Nevertheless, in the short term, the result of this dynamic is a growing body of functionally and legitimately psychopathic people accruing more and more power for themselves, which they use (in psychopathic ways) to enforce their ideological pseudo-reality on everyone, most notably everyone else.

But this is what one can do against it, each and every day:

Strength of will and character will suffice. Simply refusing to participate in the pseudo-reality, utilize its paralogic, or bow to its paramorality — and to live one's life as though it is utterly irrelevant to yours — is a powerful act of defiance against an ideological pseudo-reality. It requires nothing more of a person than a convicted statement that says, "This does not apply to me because it is not me" (or, "not even real"), a refusal to make decisions based in socially constructed fear and intimidation, and a willingness to live one's life on the most normal terms possible. This is a powerful and peaceful act of defiance that many other normal people (those outside the pseudo-reality) will recognize for strength, and while it may cost you in the short term and in some ways, it will reap rewards in the long term and in others, at least up until the point that the paramoral totalitarian trap is fully sprung on a sufficiently broken and demoralized society. Just keep your head up and refuse to live your life on someone else's (psychopathic) terms, and you will do much against such budding regimes.

Some of the requisite courage to resist can be found by remembering that the pseudo-reality is not real, its paralogic is not logical, and its paramorality is not moral. That is, it's not you; it's them. Some more backbone can be dredged up by realizing that once the pseudo-real begins displacing the real for even a few percent of the population, the question is no longer whether things will go bad but how bad they will go before the bubble bursts. Reality will always win, and calamity comes in proportion to the size of the lie between us and it, so it is better to act sooner than later. Still more heart resides in grasping that it gets worse right up until a real resistance mounts, and then, after a rocky transition, it starts getting better. The time to act is therefore now.

I’m so grateful to live in a place where many people are awake and paying attention, and joyfully creating ways to flip ‘authorities’ The Bird.
Good for you forest_light! I guess we all are where we are to learn the lessons we need to learn while enjoying the show as much as we are able to :cool2: .
But this is what one can do against it, each and every day:
Strength of will and character will suffice. Simply refusing to participate in the pseudo-reality, utilize its paralogic, or bow to its paramorality — and to live one's life as though it is utterly irrelevant to yours — is a powerful act of defiance against an ideological pseudo-reality.

When Ghandi was prevented from gathering salt, he went and gathered anyway. many people followed him.

Interesting. I have just trawled through all the Vaccine related documentation put out by the NZ Department of Health. It all refers to Cominarty rather than just to the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine. Not sure whether somebody has been through to update everything or whether it was always there. Seems strange, though
Interesting too, when you go through the "Risk management plan" you can read parts like that:

Table 36. Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
Evidence source:
There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory
Population in need of further characterisation:
Safety data will be collected in individuals with autoimmune or chronic inflammatory diseases, including
those who may be on immunosuppressants in the active surveillance studies.
Table 37. Interaction with other vaccines
Evidence source:
There are no data on interaction of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines at this time.
Population in need of further characterisation:
All reports describing interactions of COVID-19 vaccine with other vaccines per national recommendations
in individuals will be collected and analysed as per routine PV activities. Interactions with commonly used
non-COVID-19 vaccines, such as influenza vaccine, are proposed to be studied in a future clinical study.
Conclusion :

Pfizer - Summary of Safety Concerns.jpg

Any industrial products in the health domain with such flaws would not pass an audit and the company would be sue if the product arrive on the market.
An update - so the last test I've done is now negative. My oxygen saturation is slowly creeping up and my resting heart rate is now around 65 - 70 bpm as opposed to the 80s. I'm back at work 2 days too.

Still feeling rough around the edges and also my hydration is still weird. I'm always getting up dehydrated - is this normal? The other thing is I'm not yet quite comfortable with how I'm feeling within my body. Things are a bit strange and weird, also noticing some stomach disturbances. So whilst covid appears to be passing 🤞still need to regain my balance and reach a place of equilibrium.

I've noticed I'm tasting a bit more and also can smell a bit more but still quite limited.

The other thing is I'm having quite "tense" dreams and also dreaming about food a lot! The other night I was in a French restaurant staring at some melted cheese 😳. Also still getting up in night sweats but over the last couple of nights it's towards the morning - clearly the body still detoxing?

I brought in 2 additional supplements which I've been taking for a number of days: Iodine & Selenium.
I thought I'd write a few lines to the people who haven't yet got covid just to let them know what to expect if they do indeed end up experiencing somewhat robust symptoms from it.

Having "felt" covid in my body and my cells, I can for sure say that regardless of your beliefs of whether you think it's real or not, isolated or not, when you do get it and you experience symptoms you'll definitely know you have covid. Not a cold, not flu but covid. It's rather intense but not necessarily scary. You'll be put through your paces but for the vast majority your body will be able to handle being put through its paces especially if you've been fortifying your immune system with the supplements mentioned throughout this thread. I would say to make your ride of it easier, if you can get Ivermectin ahead of time then you'll probably end up bypassing majority of the symptoms. Not sure if HCQ is still considered as one that could offer adequate and robust protection- if yes, I suppose that would be a good one to have. It might be easier for people to get it if they live in certain countries.

In any case, assuming you don't or can't get ivermectin or HCQ, the supplements will still be crucial but they may not necessarily stop the symptoms though they will no doubt be useful in helping your body overcome the symptoms and virus from your system.

Since the big worry with Covid is around lungs, I'd say it may be worth just getting an oxymeter. This will help you monitor your oxygen levels. For me personally my lungs weren't really affected by covid but there was still some residual impacts as my oxygen saturation dropped to mid-90s but not any lower because lady fate doesn't appear to have it for me... yet - no doubt one day she'll change her tune on this as she does with every single mortal. The other thing to mention is your heart rate may be a bit high whilst you battle the infection. It should start to improve once the infection starts to go away. The last thing to mention is your taste / Smell may go bye bye but I don't think this happens to everyone. The length they go for I think is individual specific.

If you've had "symptomatic" covid but haven't been re-exposed to the virus since, I think you'll be protected when / if you do get re-exposed. I say this as my partner had covid last year and did not get it again despite me being infectious as hell when I was in the throes of the infection. A word of caution I think goes to those who may have had asymptomatic covid. According to GVB, asymptomatic covid may not confer as robust an immune response as symptomatic covid so can't say whether you'd still get one symptomatically. Just be careful.

In any case, assuming you fall within the experience of the vast majority, you'll feel rather rough for a week, the 2nd week you'll improve greatly before you finally are negative. You may still feel rough around the edges for a while after that as your body takes time to heal and replenish depleted resources from the "war" as it were. If you have Ivermectin or HCQ then you'll probably be in and out of the whole thing within days. Remain positive, eat well - helps if you have someone to take care of you whilst you recover and you'll need to rest well too. A couple of days in bed whilst your body does it's thing won't harm you.

Hopefully that's useful info for people who haven't yet experienced this thing.

Ps, the above experience is from the unjabbed perspective. Jabbed may have a different experience with additional factors coming into play e.g. ADE or the impact of the jab on their immune system.
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Just a few examples contained in the article showing that blaming the uninjected has become popular:
At 01:29 in a recent Stew Peters show an interesting fact is revealed, but first a quote:
Don Lemon of CNN believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or work. Does this mean he believes that they should starve to death?
Jab Approved or NO? Farmers PAID to Burn Crops, Feds Plan to Hunt and Jail Citizens and MORE!
In the above show Peters makes an interesting side note:
The CEO at Pfizer - Albert "Israel is our Test Lab" Bourla - is not vaccinated. .. .. Food for thought!
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Is this a logical fallacy?

If the vial is spoiled, just jab the other arm (with the same spoiled juice or not?). If you just jabbed one spoiled dose in one arm, do you wait 17 days to jab another spoiled dose in the other arm?

Who does the manufacturer hire to take calls like this on the hotline? Do they have bigger and better better posters that tell people what to do?

From:Storage and handling-
Dose administered after improper storage and handling (e.g., temperature excursion, more than allowed time after first vial puncture), and
Dose administered past the expiration/ beyond-use date
interim recommendation-
Contact the manufacturer for guidance. If the manufacturer provides information supporting that the dose should be repeated, the repeated dose may be given immediately (no minimum interval) in the opposite arm.
then just below:
Second dose administered fewer than 17 days (Pfizer-BioNTech) or fewer than 24 days (Moderna) after the first dose (i.e., administered earlier than the 4-day grace period)
interim recommendation
Do not repeat dose.
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