Yesterday I went to the hospital with my son (in France), I don't have a health pass. I did an antigenic test to which I added a document that is circulating among anti-vaxers and I managed to pass the control. This document states that testing oneself is not against the law by virtue of medical secrecy and can override the decrees of 1 June and 7 August 2021. I showed my negative test to the security guard who told me that he could not contest the validity of my procedure. For all French people I enclose this document
It must exist on the internet.
Document pour les Français. :-)


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KAKISTOCRACY: (word of the day)

The physcopaths gotta do what they do, they most likely will never relent until we muster.

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

Friday seems extremely full of interesting info.

Researchers Ready Lab-Grown Covid-19 Delta Variant for Human Trials​

U.K. company is growing the highly contagious variant under tight lab controls for use in challenge studies​

I'm sure they know what they are doing !!!! Winky wink wink :phaser:
The Japanese Ministry of Health announced on Thursday that around 1.6 million doses of Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine have been taken out of use due to contamination in some vials that 'reacts to magnets,' according to a ministry official.
So it was NOT a Conspiracy Theory after all ?

Rapper who mocked lockdown protesters dies of heart attack after having the Pfizer Covid-19 injection​

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View attachment 48765

August 13

Is there some kind of connection that many vocal hardcore advocates of the lockdowns and the jab are dying like flies after taking the vaccine? Or am I exaggerating here? 2 BBC journalists already died this month after taking it.
Martenson says the FDA just approved a Pfizer CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty, but the public is not getting it. This is classic bait and switch because the public is still getting the same Pfizer jab they have been getting all along. It’s still experimental (Emergency Use Authorization or EUA), and it still gives Pfizer total immunity from liability.

Is there some kind of connection that the most vocal hardcore advocates of the lockdowns and the jab are dying like flies after taking the vaccine? Or am I exaggerating here? 2 BBC journalists already died this month after taking it.
Maybe a message from mass consciousness?
Fast disintegration awaits the unwary?
People are getting really exhausted/angry by this covid fiasco.
Hello, @Heather
I appreciate the prayers so much! My father passed away last night. The pain is deep, deep. My old man died alone in a hospital since the family was not allowed in. Horrible times we are living in. He was a wonderful father and husband. I am left thinking whether I did wrong telling him not to take the vaccine. Maybe frequencies are hitting me too. It is indeed so strange.
Pluchi my condoleances. Don't blame yourself, you loved him, and from where he is, he knows this. You will meet him again some day. I will pray for your family. Take care🙏
Intelligent is out to lunch! Someone should send Howie Beigelman, director of the Ohio Jewish Communities, the vid of Dr. Zelenko and the Rabbis! That he can't grasp the similarities to the Holocaust- which no other people are officially allowed to have experienced - is beyond rational thought! They should be bowled over by the parallels!

WATCH Dr. Zelenko’s EXPLOSIVE VACCINE TESTIMONY to The Israeli Rabbinical Court

Thank you jeep for sharing this video. This man is a Hero, I hope he will inspire courage to his fellow americans and Israelis. May the DCM protect him and his family.
It is evidently that something strange is happening and that people have been brainwashed. We are in a prison and in a lab and they are doing experiments with us. Not just the jab is an experiment on our body but our brain also and our soul are used as experiment. That's why even if acquiring knowledge can give us nightmares (to see how we are living in a nightmare) it can save us, save our soul, our spirit.

Here is an article about how they made experiments with prisoners during the Korean war. Very insightful about how now they are doing the same experiments but for everybody in the planet earth! And they are using the torture through tv and mass media.

How Brainwashing Works

Here an excellent article, but in French, about this subject. By the way, in the article you have many, many links to English articles about the subject of brainwashing.

Éteignez la télévision - La programmation neurolinguistique a été utilisée contre les populations dans de nombreux pays et le Royaume-Uni pourrait être aux commandes

To protect ourselves with knowledge is vital. Reading about totalitarianism is essential because it gives us insights about how function this reality now.

Another article that, for me, is a perl:

Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism

In French here

Thanks for the information Heather!
You're welcome, @loreta. Thanks for the links!
Is there some kind of connection that many vocal hardcore advocates of the lockdowns and the jab are dying like flies after taking the vaccine? Or am I exaggerating here? 2 BBC journalists already died this month after taking it.
Mike Adams of Natural News in today's Situation Update covers this as well as the Moderna magnetic particle contamination. Just started listening, but I believe other hot info will be covered.

Additionally on his site:

Children’s Health Defense to sue FDA over fraudulent Pfizer covid vaccine “approval”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) recent decision to "fully approve" the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" from Pfizer was "premature, arbitrary, and capricious," says Children's Health Defense (CHD), which is now filing a legal challenge against the corrupt federal agency. On August 23, the FDA decided … [Read More...]

ENDLESS SHOTS: Canada just ordered 7 doses of covid vaccines for every man, woman and child
Under the limp-wristed leadership of Justin Trudeau, Canada is on a mission to “build back better” and implement a “Great Reset” – code-names for communism and population control. This system of control and subjugation is escalating into mandatory vaccines for travel, employment, buying and selling. The Prime Minister is … [Read More...]

And . . . today's laugh injection:

Sean Penn says unvaccinated are not allowed to watch his movies… but hardly anyone is watching his movies anyway

More parents pushing back:

WATCH: Coward Connecticut Gov. Lamont Runs Away From Angry Parents Who Confront Him Over His School Mask Mandate

During a back-to-school meeting at a Connecticut elementary school, a group of angry parents protesting the student mask law addressed Governor Ned Lamont.

After being confronted by parents who were upset that he was supporting the school mask mandates, the conference was cut short, and Lamont was rushed away by security.
The protesters were allegedly part of the ‘Unmask Our Kids Connecticut’ campaign organized by the Connecticut Liberty Party, which styles itself as an “active grassroots organization… promoting the American ideals of Liberty, Freedom & Individual Rights” in the state.

On Twitter, the group denounced the roundtable as the “COVID mandate educator celebration” and noted that while they do not necessarily approve of the parents’ conduct towards the governor, “people need to stand up and speak out.”

“This ends when WE THE PEOPLE end it,”
the group said.

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