What the . . .
The director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showcased three different monoclonal antibodies during a White House press briefing that when inserted into a person focus the head protein of COVID-19. Fauci said that the methods could reduce infection symptoms and avert hospitalization.
Products from companies Eli Lilly, Regeneron, and GSK/Vir were supported by Fauci as valid antibody treatments. All three have received emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration, meaning that adults and kids ages 12 and up are available to get the antibodies.
If taken early after testing positive, a character is far less likely to be hospitalized from the disease, Fauci said.
"So, the bottom line is: This is a very effective intervention for COVID-19," Fauci said. "It is underutilized, and we strongly recommend that we utilize this to its fullest."
"We have made remarkable progress on vaccinations in just seven months, with more than 200 million Americans now with at least their first shot and 171 million Americans fully vaccinated," Jeff Zients, the Head of Biden's COVID-19 team said at the beginning of the press briefing.
"But we can’t and we won’t let up. We’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and the way to end this pandemic is more vaccinations. More vaccinations — that’s exactly what we’re getting done.
"Nationwide, we’ve gotten a total of 6 million shots in arms in the last seven days. That’s the highest seven-day total in over a month and a half."
Has the leopard changed his spots?
Fauci Supporting Same Medicine He SLAMMED A Few Months Back
Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted on Tuesday that an antibody treatment previously advocated by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can decrease the danger of COVID-19 hospitalization or death by 70% to 85%.The director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showcased three different monoclonal antibodies during a White House press briefing that when inserted into a person focus the head protein of COVID-19. Fauci said that the methods could reduce infection symptoms and avert hospitalization.
Products from companies Eli Lilly, Regeneron, and GSK/Vir were supported by Fauci as valid antibody treatments. All three have received emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration, meaning that adults and kids ages 12 and up are available to get the antibodies.
If taken early after testing positive, a character is far less likely to be hospitalized from the disease, Fauci said.
"So, the bottom line is: This is a very effective intervention for COVID-19," Fauci said. "It is underutilized, and we strongly recommend that we utilize this to its fullest."
"We have made remarkable progress on vaccinations in just seven months, with more than 200 million Americans now with at least their first shot and 171 million Americans fully vaccinated," Jeff Zients, the Head of Biden's COVID-19 team said at the beginning of the press briefing.
"But we can’t and we won’t let up. We’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and the way to end this pandemic is more vaccinations. More vaccinations — that’s exactly what we’re getting done.
"Nationwide, we’ve gotten a total of 6 million shots in arms in the last seven days. That’s the highest seven-day total in over a month and a half."
Has the leopard changed his spots?