What the . . . :huh:

Fauci Supporting Same Medicine He SLAMMED A Few Months Back

Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted on Tuesday that an antibody treatment previously advocated by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can decrease the danger of COVID-19 hospitalization or death by 70% to 85%.

The director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showcased three different monoclonal antibodies during a White House press briefing that when inserted into a person focus the head protein of COVID-19. Fauci said that the methods could reduce infection symptoms and avert hospitalization.
Products from companies Eli Lilly, Regeneron, and GSK/Vir were supported by Fauci as valid antibody treatments. All three have received emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration, meaning that adults and kids ages 12 and up are available to get the antibodies.

If taken early after testing positive, a character is far less likely to be hospitalized from the disease, Fauci said.

"So, the bottom line is: This is a very effective intervention for COVID-19," Fauci said. "It is underutilized, and we strongly recommend that we utilize this to its fullest."

"We have made remarkable progress on vaccinations in just seven months, with more than 200 million Americans now with at least their first shot and 171 million Americans fully vaccinated," Jeff Zients, the Head of Biden's COVID-19 team said at the beginning of the press briefing.

"But we can’t and we won’t let up. We’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and the way to end this pandemic is more vaccinations. More vaccinations — that’s exactly what we’re getting done.

"Nationwide, we’ve gotten a total of 6 million shots in arms in the last seven days. That’s the highest seven-day total in over a month and a half."

Has the leopard changed his spots?
Jeff Zients, the Head of Biden's COVID-19 team:
"We’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and the way to end this pandemic is more vaccinations"

Has the leopard changed his spots?
The unvaccinated are being blamed for causing a pandemic. Leopard retains its spots. Nothing has changed. Regeneron, if I'm not mistaken, is a bad idea, hurts more than helps, as was reported in this forum.

‘Pfizer+’ Monthly Booster Subscription Program Announced


Following the popular trend of providing consumers constant access to products or services they think they need, Pfizer has announced a subscription service that will provide monthly COVID-19 vaccines to all members, called Pfizer+.

Pfizer+ offers the following additional benefits:
  • Monthly vaccine booster
  • Access to some of Pfizer’s other popular drugs
  • Gold badge for social media virtue signals
  • Video library of the mainstream media shaming unvaccinated individuals
Pfizer+ will also launch with a Super Premium Plus tier for the consumer who just can’t get enough of giant pharmaceutical companies with shady pasts. Benefits include:
  • An autographed photo of Dr. Fauci
  • A mobile app that alerts you when an unvaccinated person is nearby
  • Monthly shipment of masks
Monthly fees for the service will be $5.99 per month, and Pfizer has partnered with the IRS to extract the monthly fee from all taxpayers for the foreseeable future.

On launch day, the pharmaceutical giant announced Pfizer+ subscriptions had generated enough profits to pay for the billions of dollars in criminal and civil lawsuits stemming from decades of false advertising, data manipulation, bribing foreign government officials, and lying to doctors.

Source: The Babylon Bee

What the . . . :huh:

Fauci Supporting Same Medicine He SLAMMED A Few Months Back

Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted on Tuesday that an antibody treatment previously advocated by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can decrease the danger of COVID-19 hospitalization or death by 70% to 85%.

The director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showcased three different monoclonal antibodies during a White House press briefing that when inserted into a person focus the head protein of COVID-19. Fauci said that the methods could reduce infection symptoms and avert hospitalization.
Products from companies Eli Lilly, Regeneron, and GSK/Vir were supported by Fauci as valid antibody treatments. All three have received emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration, meaning that adults and kids ages 12 and up are available to get the antibodies.

If taken early after testing positive, a character is far less likely to be hospitalized from the disease, Fauci said.

"So, the bottom line is: This is a very effective intervention for COVID-19," Fauci said. "It is underutilized, and we strongly recommend that we utilize this to its fullest."

"We have made remarkable progress on vaccinations in just seven months, with more than 200 million Americans now with at least their first shot and 171 million Americans fully vaccinated," Jeff Zients, the Head of Biden's COVID-19 team said at the beginning of the press briefing.

"But we can’t and we won’t let up. We’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and the way to end this pandemic is more vaccinations. More vaccinations — that’s exactly what we’re getting done.

"Nationwide, we’ve gotten a total of 6 million shots in arms in the last seven days. That’s the highest seven-day total in over a month and a half."

Has the leopard changed his spots?

What I don’t understand is, if this (artificial!!) monoclonal antibody treatment all of the sudden is so hiphop officially endorsed - it should automatically make all mandated vaccinations illegal and shatter the emergency authorization. (Since the latter is based on the claim that “there is no other treatment for Covid-19”)

i am also highly skeptical over the true nature of artificial monoclonal antibody treatments. Not knowing what entities like Eli Lilly, Regeneron, and GSK/Vir are up to. (All known for promises, scandals and misery) Maybe they think they found a way to cover the skeptical unvaccinated with a new, more alluring bite… getting them into the spiders web.

Why were natural monoclonal antibody treatments rejected as a treatment form ?

And Fauci is all of the sudden embracing the artificial version… How quaint. Who needs the word of a millionfold serial massmurderer ?
It was Remdesivir, I remembered (search gives it correctly here):

And now, as Trump’s doctors administer Regeneron’s experimental antibody cocktail in conjunction with Remdesivir, an anti-viral drug that has proven to reduce recovery time for some COVID-19 patients, the doctor who initially touted hydroxychloroquine’s benefits, Dr. Stella Immanuel, took to Twitter to chastise Trump’s medical team. “Whoever told the president to stop taking HCQ should be punched in the face,” she tweeted.
Has the leopard changed his spots?
The unvaccinated are being blamed for causing a pandemic. Leopard retains its spots. Nothing has changed. Regeneron, if I'm not mistaken, is a bad idea, hurts more than helps, as was reported in this forum.
Do you mean Regeneron or Remdesivir?
It was Remdesivir, I remembered (search gives it correctly here):
Ok - I was getting quite confused although I don't understand > natural monoclonal antibodies vs artificial, Regeneron and GlaxoSmithKline that are EUA? Where would one obtain natural monoclonal antibodies without getting a Covid-19 infection? Dr. Peter McCullough has endorsed these EUA treatments as an alternative to the deadly mRNA vaxxes.
Chamber of Deputies in Argentina: https://www.hcdn.gob.ar/proyectos/resultados-buscador.html


Initiated in: Deputies File Number: 3566-D-2021 (add this numbers and letter in the search field)

Published in: Parliamentary Procedure No. 120 Date: 08/24/2021



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It was Remdesivir, I remembered (search gives it correctly here):


In conjunction with Remdesivir ????

THAT experimental drug which the first wave in the US lead for many to kidney failure after 3-5 days ??? You got to be kidding me…

Gilead’s Remdesivir treatment that Fauci mandated to be used in the US between March-October 2020 - by every doctor and hospital - while forbidding any other treatment to be used for Covid-19 back then… Which lead to 500.000 Americans death filed under “Covid-19”… so Fauci got the numbers in order to scare the rest of the world.

So, Remdesivir is holding a new comeback in companionship with an artificial clonal antibody treatment. No wonder he is so eager to recommend it. What could possiibly go wrong…

I hope there is a tree reserved for that man.
Do you mean Regeneron or Remdesivir?

Ok - I was getting quite confused although I don't understand > natural monoclonal antibodies vs artificial, Regeneron and GlaxoSmithKline that are EUA? Where would one obtain natural monoclonal antibodies without getting a Covid-19 infection? Dr. Peter McCullough has endorsed these EUA treatments as an alternative to the deadly mRNA vaxxes.

Natural Monoclonal Antibodies you get from the blood serum from earlier, real infected Covid patients which have recovered. The Italian doctor who recently, out of the blue committed “suicide” worked on it successfully and a treatment costs 80 € while GlaxoKlineSmith’s costs 2000 €.
Strange times times when I'm reading this post and it took about 2/3 the way through to realize it wasn't really. You got me @JEEP lol. :shock::-(

It might not be so farfetched from reality after all in the near future, given that there has already been talk about “monthly booster shots for the most vulnerable”. At least here in the Swedish mainstream media several weeks ago.

So much rubbish… it hurts.

But in reality, they are “only” preparing for the third shots here. Well, same like in many other EU countries - only with the difference that in Sweden you are not forced to take them… yet.
Strange times times when I'm reading this post and it took about 2/3 the way through to realize it wasn't really
It might not be so farfetched from reality after all in the near future
That, my friends, is the beauty of biting satire - and the Babylon Bee does it better than anybody! I started to put the 'wink' at the top before the headline, but decided to let it read as I read it - you finally realize it's a put on!

Natural Monoclonal Antibodies you get from the blood serum from earlier, real infected Covid patients which have recovered. The Italian doctor who recently, out of the blue committed “suicide” worked on it successfully and a treatment costs 80 € while GlaxoKlineSmith’s costs 2000 €.
Sounds the same as Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy (IVIG):
  • Immunoglobulin therapy is the use of a mixture of antibodies (normal human immunoglobulin or NHIG) to treat a number of health conditions.
  • IVIG is used to treat various autoimmune, infectious, and idiopathic diseases.
  • The total cost of IVIG therapy ranges from $5000 to $10,000, depending on the patient's weight and number of infusions per course. Additional costs may include a hospital stay if home infusion is not covered.
  • Human immunoglobulin is made from human blood plasma. It contains antibodies against many viruses.

What are monoclonal antibodies?​

Monoclonal antibodies are proteins made in a lab. These proteins, when administered, can join a person’s natural immune system as a potent ally to fight the COVID virus.
Sooo - maybe it makes sense to use proteins made in a lab against a "virus" that was also made in a lab! :halo:
Is there some kind of connection that many vocal hardcore advocates of the lockdowns and the jab are dying like flies after taking the vaccine? Or am I exaggerating here? 2 BBC journalists already died this month after taking it.
Don't know if Charlie Watts was vaxxed but he died this week. A Rolling Stone finally died and many thought they made a deal with the devil at the crossroads long ago which is the reason they were still rocking as grannies.
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