Covid Vaccine Injuries Compilation. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT!

Devastating stories in the video. :-(

I noticed an account about a man, who had been "released by his oncologist as being cancer free", but died 13 days after the first vaccine, from the regrowth of the cancer. The snippet is at 4:49 mark, I'll quote the facebook post of her wife (Judy Zappola) below:

I am sure my post will be pulled or I will be lambasted by people on this site but my husband was post op 6 years from stomach cancer. He was released by his oncologist as being cancer free. Ten days after receiving his first vaccine he started showing signs of ascites. They eventually found a few cancer cells when they removed 1 1/2 liters of fluid from his abdomen cavity. He was to start Keytruda on the 10th of June, put on hospice on the 12th and passed away on the 13th. I found out from oncology nurses that other oncologists will not recommend their patients receive the vaccine. His doctor did say he was shocked how fast the cancer took over his body and he feels that the vaccine destroyed his immune system and the cancer cells spread uncontrollably. I also know of two other people that this happened to.

Similar cases were mentioned by Gaby in this post:

First case, metastatic melanoma in the brain in a patient who was considered cured of an excised right arm melanoma. Second case, a Grade IV glioblastoma (brain tumor) in a patient with a history of breast cancer (considered cured).

If you have had cancer, it certainly looks like it's NOT wise to have yourself vaccinated!

Maybe cancer patients could gather studies and cases about this topic, present or tell about them to the "vaccinators", and say that they are worried about the risk of the cancer coming back, and use it as a reason to decline the vaccination...?
You'd have to play it in "strategic" way, but it definitely is worth a try!
Valuable lessons are being learned in the Aussi Land Insane Asylum on how to manage people with colds who are a danger to the "Vax Cast". The "Blue Lane" people fear not, as they do not mingle with the others.

"They got him"

Anyone who sneezes or coughs should be immediately reported to their local Health Agents. The same goes for those who sleep without a N95 mask and super seal paste around the edges.
Your mama shines in my mind like the ‘shield-maiden’ Lagertha (from the series ‘Vikings’) whom from my observations, was portrayed as a woman with strong, simple values, who always spoke her truth and never bent to the will of others; she certainly didn’t suffer fools but was also compassionate and protective of those who deserved support.
Your post made me smile forest_light, thank you so much for your endearing and uplifting words. I had to look up Lagertha (haven't seen Vikings, will definitely watch it now ;-D) and indeed my mother kind of looked like that when she was younger! White blonde long hair and blue eyes (regularly wearing a red beret), a proud descendent of the Frisians, who according to a researcher seem to be linked to the Viking world. Throughout her life she stood up for those who couldn't and in the process touched the lives of many in very positive ways, simply by being true to her nature. I am very grateful she is my mother! She now tries to read as much information as possible (mainly Laura's books) on the nature of our reality and she stuck Viktor Frankl's quotes like “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way” on her fridge as a daily source of inspiration. We may not see each other for a long time to come (we live in different countries) and we consciously suffer because of that, drawing strength from knowing we made our choice for Light, after all it's the soul that counts!
Perhaps parents might have been fooled by this, but from day one I knew this would be a killer for kid's development, Long Distance Learning.
The only place where I think it is useful (in my case) was to get advanced training as a working professional (university level). School teaching this way might work for a very small minority, but the rest will be losers, as this study shows. Soon it will be 2 yrs. of this craziness and going on .....

The fruits of this will be very bitter, which is what the Davos Crowd want.

"I've never seen this intensity of anger," Trudeau says after rally cancelled due to safety​

Looks like the romance books are tuning Trudeau's synthetic emotional center to such an extent that he is now able to express all the damage he has dealt to Canadians without shedding a tear.
A thing to bare in mid around the whole FDA scam is that they have had to work around redefining what the definition of a vaccine is. The experimental mrna tech is factually a gene therapy and to get this through FDA approval is way, way more complex and demanding as for example the manufacture would have to prove there are no shedding issues (which is a previously well documented phenomena with this tech and acknowledged in FDA protocols - and why none have been legalized before - because the cant prove this, quite the opposite).

That's why the following changes took place between Jan 2021 and Aug 2021 to Websters dictionary definition of a vaccine and which couldn't be more obvious and telling... a crime against meaning / language taking place in real time... with terrible real time consequences for people...






Covid-19. Situation of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in Argentina-SE32/2021.

Source: National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) and Standardized Federal Vaccination Registry (NoMiVac).

Of the total of 1433 cases with genomic sequencing and a history of vaccination for SARS-CoV-2, 144 deaths were recorded in SNVS 2.0, 16 cases in non-immunized persons, 94 in immunized persons and 34 cases with a complete vaccination schedule.

Table 1: Absolute distribution of priority and non-priority variants in deceased cases according to immunization status. (see attached image)


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"I've never seen this intensity of anger," Trudeau says after rally cancelled due to safety​

Looks like the romance books are tuning Trudeau's synthetic emotional center to such an extent that he is now able to express all the damage he has dealt to Canadians without shedding a tear.
I don't believe this guy for a second or for that matter any other Western so called leader on his level. He knows damned well what he is doing. Surprise can not be something that he is experiencing unless he lives on the Moon. After more than 1 1/2 years of this Con-19, the Canadians are slowly seeing that there is no Ebola like induced illness in their Reality. Slowly information from non-MSM are getting to them.

I bet the current attack on their kids to get the clot-shot has resulted in a huge wake-up call for them that things are not right. Lets see what The Machine does during the election because they will be pulling all the stops to keep him in.
There's an article which is actually being strongly exchanged in the french community, it's in english. It's from Dr RobetO. Young and it's about a detailed investigation of the components of the vaccines, it seems to be an huge work that was released.

Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D says they isolated SARS-CoV-2 without problem in animals. He explains it using the very basics of isolation: Koch's Postulates still prevalent today.
Koch's postulates are a set of observations and experimental requirements proposed by Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch in the late 1800s, intended to prove that a particular organism causes a particular infectious disease by ISOLATION.
So why did many people start with this non-isolation nonsense? I remember Dr. Peter McCullough, a generalist and not a lab expert telling Stew Peters (On his question if Cov-19 was not isolated how they detect Delta) that they detect the virus variants via sequencing. As if isolation was moot. Then there was the fakenews "virus doesn't exist"-trap as well earlier. Prof. McCairn is a lab expert!

He shows clear, high-res electron-microscope photos in his video.
At 00:16:11 in this video he explains their routine process remarking:
- Anyone says we can't do it, is blowing smoke up your arse!
So, WTH is up? He shows fresh white papers coming out soon, that may have not been published yet. It was a great idea from him to upload his videos on Nazi YT.. If anything gets censored, then all the videos can be found on his site, he claims. But now I think, he uploaded to YT first, to predictably have the videos censored, then he counted on people to rush to his site and see the truly myriad of donation options there, how people can pay him to get the really instructive and fun videos. Clever.. :)

Just thinking with a technical-male mindset: if he says they can isolate coronaviruses without a problem, then I think, it logically and physically and factively follows, that they can isolate any "variant" as well.. then just sequence it to find out which favorite "variant" it should be called! With any probable chance, like DNA tests for parenthood.
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