Now the Mu variant is being rolled out. From the looks of things at present the most draconian actions are in Australia.
Are they trying to tell us something?


This week the World Health Organization named a new "variant of interest" of the coronavirus, called the Mu variant. It was first found in Colombia in January 2021, and has been found in about 39 countries so far.

Mu has changes, called mutations, which mean it might be able to evade some of the protection we get from COVID vaccines.


Today in BC Bonnie Henry the BC Health Officer is scheduled to give an update (new health care rules and diktats) I suspect, she will elaborate the details of the Vaccine Passport, and how it will affect the unvaxxed.

British Columbia has a population of around 5 and a half million people.

This from the local TV station where I live, dated September 2nd.

VICTORIA — It has been a tragic day on the COVID-19 front within Interior Health.
In its daily update, the provincial health ministry is reporting six more deaths from the virus — all of them in IH. The overall death toll from COVID-19 in B.C. is now 1,824.
There were 801 new cases reported in B.C. Thursday (Sept. 2), including 237 in the Interior.
B.C. now has 5,931 active cases of COVID-19, with Interior Health at 2,112 — a decrease from Wednesday.
One-hundred-ninety-nine people are in hospital in B.C., including 116 in intensive care.
There are 20 active COVID-19 outbreaks in B.C., including a newly-declared outbreak at Hillside Village in Salmon Arm.
Meantime on Thursday, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced new restrictions for Northern Health due to rapidly-increasing COVID-19 cases in the region.
Henry also announced the province will unveil all of the details of the proof-of-vaccination program next Tuesday (Sept. 7).

I believe there are 21 residential/assisted living facilities now on lock down.

Given the population of BC, I would call those numbers insignificant, so now we have a mask mandate, and impending vaccine passport rollout, BC is one of the most draconian provinces, when it comes to the so called pandemic response.

This CTV news report from July, where both the health minister and Bonnie Henry, stated that "there will be consequences" for those not willing to received the jab. But in the same sentence, the health minister stated "this is not mandatory in BC" Talk about threats and double speak.

Also this video describing the booster rollout for seniors in care and the immune compromised, they will receive the annual flu shot along with a booster. I dread to think what the consequences will be for families., innocently thinking their loved ones, will have another level of protection. This is evil.

Bonnie Henry gives the general public IMO the impression of soft spoken, trusting caring individual, in other words a benevolent grandmother, but her history from this Wikki entry, reveals her involvement in the WHO, Polio vaccine rollout in Pakistan and involvement with other pandemics and planning. She was also a Naval Officer.

On another note, my healthcare friend, has filed a WCB claim for a long standing injury resulting in her inability to continue in her position, her physician supports this claim. Hopefully this will be successful, she will receive a partial salary reimbursement and her benefits will continue, if all goes well she could be placed on permanent disability and receive a pension, of I think around 80% of her current salary.

She also informed me that a care worker, at her place of employment had passed away, she is confident, she had received both jabs.

I have heard, through the grapevine, not confirmed, that any healthcare employee that refuses the jab, could be placed on LOA for and indeterminate time with loss of pay and benefits. They will not fire staff, because they would have to pay severance, per union contract. Some employees have worked for 20 years or more. So that would be a significant severance.

And, again on another note, I received a note from my credit card company (wish I didn't have it but, that is the way it is). There will be changes starting October 8th, if 2 payments are missed, or the minimum payment is not paid by the due date 2 times in a 12 month period rates will increase to the default of 19.8% at the beginning of the next billing period.

I found the October date interesting, makes me think this is a warning of a 4th lock down. And a despicable coercive method of forcing people to get the jab. With a fourth lock down, strongly hinted at, how this will impact those that are refusing the jab. Many people are still suffering from the previous lock down financially using credit cards to stay afloat. Another lock down, will devastate them IMO. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I remember the words of Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix. "There will be consequences"

Thanks for taking the time to read.
I highly recommed listening to this recent Delingpod episode with Catherine Austin Fitts. I've heard Fitts in many interviews but in this one she goes into some 'deep' stuff that I hadn't heard her mention before, and that echoes things that the C's have told us. For instance, she talks about the secret budget (trillions of dollars) funding the secret and separate elite society, the secret science and technology that is beyond anything we could imagine that includes e.g. technology to induce earthquakes, weather changes, mind control, heart attacks from a distance (heard that one before?).

And what stood out to me the most was when she talked about how she absolutely believes that 'interdimensional forces' exist and that they manipulate us, and also that whenever a lie is created it creates an entity that sucks the life energy of anyone who believes in that lie.

Oh, and another fascinating thing she mentioned was that the US economy would collapse totally if the trillions of dollars that are 'laundered' in illegal activities by the CIA and others would be erased. In other words, if someone had the opportunity to 'push the red button' that would stop the criminal activities they wouldn't/couldn't do it because that would bring everyone and everything down. And, according to her, that's why any American president has absolutely no other choice than to allow these things to happen – if the president would try to bring justice and stop the criminals the price would be too high.

There is more, but that's what I remember from the top of my head.

With video:

Just audio:
Interesting interview but I do have to voice some frustrations. I think CAF is amazing but I always get the impression she's holding information back or deliberately refusing to go into detail to really educate her listeners. E.g. when she mentions she believes inter dimensional beings exist, she doesn't say why or how she got to that position. When she talks about this push for control via the digital control system, she doesn't really say why Mr Global is really doing this beyond to protect secrets (which we don't know about) and how Mr Global envisions people accepting overt slavery long-term given in history people have always resisted to one degree or another. Also where is this other parallel civilization and how can they so effectively keep star_trek technology a secret. We hear many interesting and tantalising things from her but I always get the impression she's not providing enough other than headline points. Also her personal history and journey appears somewhat translucent. Maybe all these additional details would be in her website which I have to admit I haven't explored.

In any case, the above isn't aimed as a criticism as I do think she provides useful information.
I highly recommed listening to this recent Delingpod episode with Catherine Austin Fitts.
And what stood out to me the most was when she talked about how she absolutely believes that 'interdimensional forces' exist and that they manipulate us, and also that whenever a lie is created it creates an entity that sucks the life energy of anyone who believes in that lie.
When you tell a lie, it creates an elemental being. who feeds on that lie and becomes a constituency for that lie.
Fear is the enemy. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, but not yet seen. Faith is the cement to build the world you wanna live in.
As an investment banker she says, you get the world you invest in, so stop paying for globalism.
If an AI system is put in place to rule humanity, it would be very convenient for a demon to use that system to its advantage.
For now use cash, if only on fridays, and stop the vaxx passports to slow down the consolidation of the power of the globalists.

Argentina: a bill to make the vaccine against Covid-19 compulsory is moving forward. Non-compliance could lead to fines, legal impediments and compulsory application.


The treatment in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies of the project to make vaccination against Covid-19 compulsory for all the inhabitants of the national territory is advancing. By registering within the framework of the Vaccine Law 27.491, approved in 2018, the same may even be applied "compulsorily" if so required by the authorities, a fine gradable between ten (10) and one hundred (100) minimum, vital and mobile salaries, or be an impediment to perform essential procedures, such as renewals of ID cards, Passport or Driver's License.

The first article of the bill submitted on August 24, 2021 by National Deputy Jose Luis Martiarena (Frente de Todos, Jujuy) states: "Incorporate into the NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE CONTROL OF IMMUNOPREVENTABLE DISEASES, free of charge and compulsory, as from the publication of the present, the vaccination against COVID-19 for the inhabitants of the Argentine Republic according to the priorities and programs set by the Authority of Application of Law 27491".

It also states in its second article: "The immunization with the vaccines against COVID-19 duly approved by the competent agencies shall be included in the NATIONAL VACCINATION SCHEDULE".

As if this were not enough, it also provides for "house-to-house vaccination": "The National Executive Power, through the National Ministry of Health and all the necessary agencies, will immediately promote an intense house-to-house vaccination campaign throughout the national territory in coordination with CABA, the Provinces and Municipalities" (art. 4).

In its justification, it states that those who do not want to be vaccinated "put at risk" the rest of the vaccinated population (sic): "There are minority groups of people who decide not to be vaccinated having the supplies and vaccine against COVID-19 available, which is clearly outside the principle of public interest established by Law 27.491 and puts at risk the rest of the population".

He also states that the vaccination campaign should be assumed by the State as if it were a "war": "Infectiologists agree in using terms such as "war" against COVID-19, this affection of the population places on the State the obligation to direct and establish a permanent planning or organization against the COVID-19 virus, for which the country will be taken as an epidemiological unit and all means within the reach of governments should be used. A real war does not have Saturdays and Sundays in which vaccination or efforts to combat the virus cease".

By referencing in Law 27.491, the "Vaccine Law" approved in December 2018, and introduced in the National Vaccination Calendar will be of mandatory application for all inhabitants -adults and children-, "beyond their particular interests". In case of refusal to be inoculated, Law 27.491 provides for actions "ranging from notification to compulsory vaccination" (Art. 14). It provides for the creation of a registry in which those who do not accept to be vaccinated or to vaccinate their children will be included, as a black list.

Within the aforementioned legal framework, effective compliance will be controlled in the procedures for renewing driving licenses, passports and ID cards and will be binding (non-compliance will prevent the procedure) in the cases of the occupational examination and the processing of family allowances (AUH). If the National Vaccination Calendar (CNV) is not complied with, the jurisdictional health authority will take action to notify the person and then move towards compulsory vaccination, by means of a court ruling, something that has already been happening even with the previous law and even with a ruling of the Supreme Court of the Nation that stated that "article 3.1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which orders the interest of the child to prevail over any other consideration. This rule has the effect of conceptually separating that interest of the child as a subject of law from the interests of other individual or collective subjects, and even that of the parents themselves, however legitimate they may be (CSJN decisions 328:2870. 330.642 and 331:941)".

It is worth remembering that the 2018 law replaced law 22.909, in force since 1983 (when the mandatory vaccines were 6), was voted unanimously in both chambers, with the agreement of the ruling party and the opposition and was sponsored by the Huesped Foundation, the Argentine Society of Vaccinology and Epidemiology (SAVE), the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Unicef.

The business for the laboratories is round, since they get a captive client who will have to buy their production in a compulsory way by law. Congressman Pablo Yedlin himself, one of the main lobbyists in the promotion in 2018 of the sanction of the Vaccine Law (together with the current Minister of Health and former member of Fundación Huésped, Carla Vizzoti) calculated at that time that the new law would imply to the State some U$S 400 million extra dollars. "This law guarantees that vaccines are free for all Argentines, with or without social security. It establishes that it is the Nation, through the Ministry of Health, who buys the vaccines and must distribute in the jurisdictions, not only the vaccines, but also the syringes, disposables and discarding devices", he had stated.

It is enough then to calculate how much the compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 will add to the coffers of the laboratories. The Argentine National State has been paying for each dose: U$S 21 dollars in the case of the North American Moderna (Pfizer has a similar price), U$S 20 dollars for the Chinese Sinopharm, U$S 9.95 dollars for the Russian Sputnik, U$S 4 dollars for the British AstraZeneca. Assuming an average of US$ 12.5 per dose, and a population group of 40 million people (excluding children under 8 years of age, although it is clear that in a short time they will be added), for two doses per year, we would be talking about US$ 1000 million dollars; if there were three doses per year, it would be US$ 1500 million for the new vaccine incorporated to the calendar.

With the background of what happened in 2018, added to the current gigantic lobby, it is to be expected that this project will also end up being voted and approved unanimously.

Bill 3566-D-2021 Attached.


Meanwhile back at the ranch - amping up the FearPorn™ - priming the public for more child illness/vax the under 12s:

Front Page
Weist said. “I think the only reason I didn’t freak out more was because neither one of them had a fever.”

Weist’s kids are just two of the thousands of young Ohioans catching the coronavirus during the latest surge in infections. In fact, more Ohioans under the age of 18 were diagnosed with the virus the week of Aug. 22 than at any other time in the pandemic, according to the Ohio Department of Health.
At least 7,127 Ohio children tested positive for COVID-19 the last full week of August, accounting for 24.4% of all cases in the state. As of Thursday, the 4,819 cases reported the week of Aug. 29 made up nearly 30% of all cases reported in Ohio, according to the state.

The previous peak of infections among kids was the week of Nov. 29, when 5,934 children tested positive, making up just 8.4% of cases at the time, state data shows.

Nationally, new case of pediatric COVID- 19 reached their second-highest point ever the week of Aug. 22, with nearly 204,000 cases reported, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Almost 4.8 million COVID infections in kids have been reported since the pandemic began, the Academy of Pediatrics reported.
Aaannnd if that doesn't do the trick, from the front page of the Metro section:

you’ve seen one flu season,” said Dr. Josh Schaffzin, director of infection prevention and control at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

“It will be a challenge if it’s a severe season, no question. But no matter what, there will be a flu season, and we should prepare as we always have for that.”

Last winter, influenza flat-lined in the Cincinnati region and the nation as people took the stepped-up precautions against the new coronavirus, and tamped down flu.
In Ohio, only 122 people were hospitalized for flu between September 2020 and May. The previous season, flu put 11,065 Ohioans in hospitals.

About 125 children on average die from flu every year in the United States. Last year, the nation counted one pediatric death.

Contributing to the ebb of flu last year were the 193.8 million vaccinations given, an 11% increase over 2019-20, and a 28% increase over 2010-11, the most recent year in which flu was a pandemic.
Everyone 6 months and older needs a flu shot, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But getting people to get flu shots has always been a challenge.

In 2019-20, the most recent year of CDC data, only 51.8% of the U.S. population took the flu vaccination, an increase of 2.6% over the previous year.

CVS pharmacies delivered more than twice the usual number of flu shots in 2020-21, and with Walgreen started delivering inoculations for this season in mid-August.
“We are concerned that as many of our patients as possible get vaccinated for flu,” said Jennifer Rudell, Cincinnati district leader for CVS Health and a pharmacist.

She said a customer can get a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccination at the same time.

Rudell and other experts said flu shots are especially critical now, as mask restrictions have eased since a year ago, even as the more infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus hospitalizes almost as many people as during the winter spike.
One possible indicator is ahead of schedule at Cincinnati Children’s. Respiratory syncytial virus is a common cold-like infection in children, and Schaffzin said the hospital is seeing an RSV caseload that would usually turn up in December.

“It’s making us very busy on top of being busy at baseline,” he said.

Dr. Stephen Feagins, medical director of Hamilton County Public Health and chief clinical officer for Bon Secours Mercy Health-Cincinnati, said the early tide of RSV could be a directional signal for flu.
He noted research from France this summer about a phenomenon called “immunity debt.”

The paper published this month in the journal Infectious Diseases Now suggests that when children are not exposed to a pathogen because of pandemic restrictions, immunity wanes since it has nothing to fight. When restrictions lift, and the pathogen returns, the immunity debt gets paid with more people getting sicker, sooner. [No sh*t, Sherlock!]

“Mathematical models suggest that respiratory syncytial virus and possibly influenza epidemics may be more intense in the coming years,” the paper says.
“The typical age for a child to develop respiratory syncytial virus is 17 months,” Feagins said, “and what we’re seeing now is that they’re getting it about 6 months because the mothers during pregnancy weren’t exposed to RSV and so did not provide the antibodies to their babies.”

Schaffzin said he finds the “immunity debt” concept plausible, but still a theory, and verification will only come after flu season or even several seasons.

“We’ll know what we know when we know it. The prevention message has not changed at all. Respiratory viruses you can prevent with good hand hygiene then masking on top of that,” he said.
The pandemic made a believer out of Schaffzin in the value of face masks.

“Before COVID, I was skeptical of the efficacy of masking. At the time, the data were not convincing,” he said.

“And I was wrong. I was totally wrong.”

“The data have changed my mind,” he said, “and have shown us there is something to this low-cost straightforward intervention that we need to consider.”
"You are getting sleepy ... very sleepy . . . 😵"

Seems appropriate:

Why did so many doctors become Nazis?

Aannd, if all that isn't bad enough:

Judge says Ohio hospital cannot be forced to use ivermectin to treat Covid, reversing earlier decision

A judge ruled Monday that an Ohio hospital cannot be forced to give a patient ivermectin for Covid-19, reversing an earlier decision that ordered it to administer a parasite medication that has not been approved to treat the disease.

In an 11-page decision, Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Michael Oster Jr. wrote that there “was no doubt that the medical and scientific communities do not support the use of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19.”

Well, that last line says it all. 😒

Fully vaccinated people have a 885% higher chance of death due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to official data​

“This data, which again has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 885.7% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

Now that definitely isn’t what the Covid-19 vaccines said they would do on the tin.”
Fully vaccinated people have a 885% higher chance of death due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to official data
I had to share this gourmet treat, a delicious piece of propaganda, cooked in 5 stars Michelin restaurant called Croatian MSM.

The situation in Brazil is exactly as the article describes, unfortunately. Thanks to the unrelenting propaganda disguised as science broadcasted non-stop by every MSM outlet since the beginning of the plandemic and its blind acceptance by the majority of the brazilian population, it's common to hear that the Pfizer vaccine is more safe than Astrazeneca, or more effective that the chinese one, as I wrote in another post. We have here some Telegram groups in which people tell others which vaccine is being given and where, so people can go and get their Pfizer miracle. They often say that they need this in order to travel to the EU or to the States. Really absurd, all this.
When you tell a lie, it creates an elemental being. who feeds on that lie and becomes a constituency for that lie.
Fear is the enemy. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, but not yet seen. Faith is the cement to build the world you wanna live in.
As an investment banker she says, you get the world you invest in, so stop paying for globalism.
If an AI system is put in place to rule humanity, it would be very convenient for a demon to use that system to its advantage.
For now use cash, if only on fridays, and stop the vaxx passports to slow down the consolidation of the power of the globalists.
Thanks for the more exact description of what she said. Another thing she made about demons/interdimensional forces was also interesting: various integrated digital technologies create an easier interface for these forces to manipulate people. Demonic possession takes a lot of time and effort (by the demon) but with this new tech it becomes so much easier!

It would be very interesting to have CAF interviewed on SOTT radio.
"However, due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the situation in Afghanistan, Merkel decided to let him stay in Beijing".
Another new moment here is the negative campaign against ivermectin,
Here's a recent US mag doing the same.

Ivermectin, the Crate Challenge, and the Danger of Runaway Memes
September 2, 2021
Two dangerous trends have played out on the Internet over the past week. In one, a group of people were self-medicating with a form of the drug ivermectin—which is commonly used for deworming horses—in a misguided attempt to treat COVID-19.

They traded tips about where to buy it, including at livestock stores, and then, after ingesting it, compared terrible side-effects in Facebook threads. In another corner, people were stacking plastic milk crates in tall pyramids and climbing them step-by-step, often tumbling many feet to the ground halfway through. The latter was an intentional stunt performed to capture dramatic video for TikTok, whereas the former was a wholly serious quest for medical treatment. But the two phenomena have more in common than they seem to: both gained traction as memes—in the sense of content that becomes popular over the Internet, generating its own momentum—and both have been suppressed in the same digital spaces that they thrived in.

The milk-crate stunt might provide an instructive model in miniature for what is happening with the veterinary drug.

The “Milk Crate Challenge” bounced around online as early as a 2011 YouTube video, according to the Web site Know Your Meme. But it began taking off in mid-August, when two Facebook users posted videos of people undertaking the challenge, one of them broadcast live.

From there, it travelled to Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, establishing a #cratechallenge hashtag. It’s a perfect meme, an absurd Internet-mandated activity in the mold of the 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge and the 2018 Tide Pod Challenge. (Consuming Tide Pods was also dangerous, of course; the C.D.C. issued warnings as early as 2012, and there were rumors of stores locking the product up.) The likelihood of a daredevil falling from atop the milk crates lends drama and suspense, but the best videos are of those who complete successful climbs, such as a Houston woman named Keri Bowie, who performed the stunt while wearing heels. After seeing videos of the challenge, “I was, like, why not, you know, take it up another notch?” she said in a radio interview. “It wasn’t that bad at all.”

A man climbs a tower of milk crates as someone else films him.

The #cratechallenge videos spread too widely and too quickly.Photograph by Gem Hale

Most weren’t so skilled. The challenge caused a few documented cases of broken or fractured bones in Atlanta. Videos showed people crashing headfirst amid an avalanche of crates. A tweet from Conan O’Brien joking about waiting for F.D.A. approval of the challenge drew a response from the actual F.D.A.: “We can’t recommend you try that.” One orthopedic surgeon warned of “ACL and meniscus tears, as well as life-threatening conditions like spinal cord injuries.” As early as August 27th, TikTok began blocking search results for the #cratechallenge and similar hashtags, in an attempt to discourage people from injuring themselves trying it—a particularly acute problem at the moment, given the occupation of emergency rooms by COVID-19 patients.

“TikTok prohibits content that promotes or glorifies dangerous acts,” a spokesperson for the company said. The videos were spreading too widely and too quickly. Memes thrive on imitation, and this one was inspiring too many imitators likely to land on the ground, and then in the hospital. So steps, like TikTok’s, were taken to slow it down.

Memes become omnipresent for a variety of reasons. They might be fodder for entertaining video footage. They might provide a tool for people to express themselves, or cater to deep-seated hopes or anxieties. Ivermectin, which is used for some human applications as well as horse deworming, answered the desire for a COVID miracle cure in the face of the United States’ recent surge in infections caused by the Delta variant. The drug has been the subject of medical studies for its supposed efficacy in treating COVID-19, but there is little rigorous data on the subject, and one recent study found that it does not alleviate mild coronavirus symptoms. Still, over the past few months it has been publicized by figures such as Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and the Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson. Joe Rogan, who hosted the ivermectin advocate Bret Weinstein on his podcast in June, announced on Wednesday that he had tested positive for COVID-19, and claimed that he had been treated with a number of medications, including the dewormer. (YouTube has deleted some of Weinstein’s content promoting the drug.) The ivermectin phenomenon is a successor to Donald Trump’s obsessive touting of hydroxychloroquine, but the newly popular drug is even more dangerous because it can be self-administered without prescriptions. Indeed, some users have taken highly concentrated versions made specifically for animals. On August 26th, the C.D.C. released a health advisory warning of “severe illness” caused by ivermectin overdoses, including vomiting, diarrhea, and hallucination. Rather than accepting a free vaccine with minimal documented risk of side effects, people are buying a way to poison themselves—one man cited in the C.D.C. bulletin landed in the hospital for nine days.

Fuelled by viral misinformation, the mania has been countered through memetic channels in turn. On TikTok, hashtags like #ivermectin4covid and #ivermectinworks were becoming popular and netting millions of views. The platform recently blocked those, as it did with #cratechallenge hashtags, and removed related content, which included video demos like ivermectin advocates squirting the medication into orange juice for easier digestion. Facebook has removed content about buying or selling the drug, and Reddit has impeded access by making some pro-ivermectin forums hidden unless users log in. The drug’s use hit enough of a fever pitch that the F.D.A. issued a warning via tweet, on August 21st, cannily crafted in the Internet’s own language of friendly irony: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” (The line got more than a hundred thousand likes.)

It’s common sense by now that social media allows us to exist in bubbles of perception. If you see many people doing something online, clogging up your social-media feeds with videos and messages, it’s easy to assume that the behavior is happening everywhere—and is therefore O.K. to do. What the Milk Crate Challenge and ivermectin have in common is that they are hazardous undertakings given more credence by their online ubiquity. In a slower, more cautious digital-media environment, perhaps the F.D.A.’s own warnings would supersede viral videos or misinformation on these platforms. But, when platforms are made up mostly of user-generated content and that content is served to viewers as quickly and as often as possible in order to drive engagement and advertising sales, content moderation is always playing a Sisyphean game of catch-up. As with the pandemic itself, problems are only identified and confronted after they have already spread.

The Milk Crate Challenge can perhaps be excused as the latest in a long line of silly activity prompts. Taking ivermectin is not a stunt. It’s a desperate move influenced by political ideology and medical profiteering. Yet it follows the same pathways as the memes that amuse us, because those pathways have no way of differentiating between a joke and a life-or-death medical debate. That all content spreads across the Internet with the same momentum, regardless of its consequences, is an increasingly dire problem. To prevent the likes of ivermectin mania, the challenge of fixing it will have to be confronted.

Dan cover's Rolling Stones retraction of it's attempted smear campaign of Ivermectin.


Damage control:


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