If you have had cancer, it certainly looks like it's NOT wise to have yourself vaccinated!

Maybe cancer patients could gather studies and cases about this topic, present or tell about them to the "vaccinators", and say that they are worried about the risk of the cancer coming back, and use it as a reason to decline the vaccination...?
You'd have to play it in "strategic" way, but it definitely is worth a try!

In addition to my previous post: I recently read about this excellent strategy, that could help avoiding the clot shots (apologies if it has been posted earlier).

The push magically stops - or at east significantly lessens - when the party doing the push is asked to take full responsibility. My approach is: I understand the vaccine is safe for most but I want a written guarantee that it’s safe for me personally. In case of issues I expect full reimbursement for loss of income and compensation for decline in my wellbeing. And so far no one was able to reassure me in writing I will be perfectly fine after the jab.

Of course this could work generally, but if you have had cancer (or are currently having treatments), you could use the above template and ”play the cancer card”, stating that you would want a written guarantee, that the cancer will not come back (and you will not have other health related problems either). It is unlikely that your employer, for example, would guarantee anything like that, and the pressure on you would stop or at least lessen.

If you happened to have had covid previously and then have the shot, the risk of side effects could be 2-4 times higher (if I remember correctly). You could play that card as well, especially if you have proof positive of it, e.g. PCR test results.
Starting in 2001 I was convinced that the BBC was a British Propaganda Machine and not an independent news organization. Since that time, anything that they present as News, I treat as a potentially poisoned meal.

Here is some poison they are broadcasting,

This is second-order gaslighting - already knowing that they're indroctrinating the first layer or fear and risk misrepresentation, they're laying a pre-emptive and disruptive campaign to get the kids to fight for their own gaslighters.

It's psychological torture and child abuse. So of course they keep stroking their feelings of righteousness.
Something very strange has happened yesterday inside the italian MSM propaganda machine.

During a TV show translated on the mediaset TV network, one of the biggest privately held italian networks, owned by Berlusconi, an italian Billionaire and politician that I'd say knows very well the italian political games between various factions that are serving eagerly and enthusiastically the PTB, himself being a kind of an insider of the italian little elite STS club.

So, during this TV show the journalist Mario Giordano has broken the silence by speaking up against the madness that is happening in Italy in the last 18 months. This is something unheard of especially on a big national italian TV network since the msm propaganda mouthpieces had been parroting the PTB's BS since the beginning of this whole sh*t show.

By looking at who is this Mario Giordano guy I've discovered that he covered the role as the Director of Berlusconi's Mediaset network for some time after which he has been appointed as the Director of the Strategies and Development of Information department. I mean this guy is not a simple journalist, if he had the guts to speak up against the tyrannical measures that are being enforced by the italian government on a national tv network to me it means that he has been given the green light from the high floors of the Mediaset network to do that. I mean you can't speak your mind on networks like these without risking to have your ars kicked out from there in a blink of an eye. Will see in the next couple weeks how he will do on his show.

Below there is a small excerpt about the subjects he touched during the TV show:

In the opening episode of the new season of "Out of the Choir," Giordano tackled all the taboo subjects of the covid issue. He openly criticized the climate of terror that has been established against all those who do not align themselves with the unified narrative. He has denounced, in this regard, the unpronounceable insults against the no-vax by Burioni, Lucarelli, Scanzi, Cazzola, etc.. He made Luc Montagnier speak without filters, demonstrating that he is anything but a "dumbass" (as depicted by some italian virologists and doctors).
He invited Dr. Mangiagalli, promoter of alternative cures, to the program. He dedicated a touching chapter to the story of De Donno, showing the clip in which De Donno, in the Senate, denounced how they had blatantly snatched his own development of the treatment against covid with hyperimmunized plasma (to make it end into nothingness, as we all know). He gave voice - finally! - people who have suffered serious adverse reactions from the vaccine, and allowed them to tell on television their terrifying odyssey when, once affected by these adverse reactions, are found in front of the wall of official medicine that ignores and does not know how to treat them. Giordano also called out AIFA (the italian drug agency):
a) for rejecting an offer of free monoclonals in October of last year and

b) for not complying with the TAR order to make public the minutes of the meeting that decided to reject those free treatments.

Anyone who watched last night's episode must have understood that AIFA is not at all an independent body working exclusively for the safety and health of the citizen, but is rather an ambiguous and impenetrable entity, bearer of who knows what interests on the part of Big Pharma. A single television episode is a drop in the ocean, but even the most impetuous torrents are always born with a small, often invisible trickle. We will see now if the other conductors will have the courage to follow the path indicated by Mario Giordano.
Since you have deleted my previous comment, I will expose it again.
The symptoms of covid-19 are the same as those of the ARS acute radiation syndrome, on the other hand they are injecting us with graphene oxide as stated by Dr. Young in his paper, also chemtrails contain graphene oxide to place it in the atmosphere, with this they achieve increase the frequency of the telephone antennas from Mhz to Trhz, which is already ionizing radiation and therefore carcinogenic, imagine what graphene oxide does in cells when it amplifies this radiation, not counting of course that the virus has not been isolated, they simply took RNA from a virus in 30 patients and the rest were completed with a computer program, of all this there is evidence and paper that prove it, if you want to delete this answer again, I will hang it again. Let's see if we wake up now.
I recently came across some fake news from Mexico which claimed that vaccine passports were coming into effect.

The first one was circulating in social media with official looking logos and imagery to make it look like it came from the government (in Spanish):

¿Certificado de vacunación en plazas? Salud desmiente esta "fake news"

The fake news stated: "The Health Secretariat announces that the citizen protection law is coming to effect on November 2, 2021 in all states and that people without a proof of vaccination will be denied entrance to shopping centers and government institutions. Therefore, unvaccinated people are urged to go to the nearest vaccination center".

The Health Secretariat stated that this message was fake news.

The second one was a news story which stated that a vaccine certificate would be required in the state of Quintana Roo (which includes the tourist destinations of Cancun and Playa del Carmen) to enter shopping centers, restaurants, bars and hotels, starting July 21 (in Spanish):

Quintana Roo pedirá certificado de vacunación anticovid para entrar a establecimientos

I have a cousin who lives in Playa del Carmen and I asked her if any of this is happening. She never heard about such restrictions either being planned or put in place. She asked in a couple of hotels and restaurants and also talked to some people who live in Tulum and Cancun and this is clearly fake news.

I hope this is just a silly tactic to trick people into getting vaccinated.
I don't know if this has been posted previously, It's a video posted on Bitchute of Rocco Galati at a press conference given about a week ago discussing the case in the BC Supreme court and much more, this not only pertains to BC residents, but what the world is facing at this time with the so called vaccine passports. I am posting my thoughts and dialogyue or Rocco Galati, which are IMO points of interest.

This is against the Rights and Freedoms laid down in the Charter. Yesterday the BC Health officer stated, there would be no exemptions for the passport, period. It would be effective until December 31st 2021, and at that time it will come under review. My words.

Back to review the information in the video presented by Rocco Galati, and the numbers and statistics he conveys, which appear to be in conflict with what we are hearing and reading in the media. Given the fact he is a lawyer, speaking the truth, the statistics given carry weight IMO. I doubt he would sacrifice his credibility for lies. My thoughts.

First off he mentions prior to what he calls vaccine hesitancy in Canada for conventional vaccines was around 10%, this includes annual flu vaccines.

Rocco Galati According to Doug Ford (Ontario Premier) 70% of Ontario adults have received the vaxx, 30% of Ontario adults have not taken the first dose. Canada Health stated in the 18-30 year olds 67% haven't taken the first dose.

Rocco Galati In the states only 52% of all Americans have taken 2 doses. 42% of US marines have categorically stated we are not taking any COVID jabs.

Rocco Galati In other countries like Ghana only 2.5% of the country has been vaxxed, by choice. And if one takes a global rate, because in the developing world Pakistan only 1% have been vaxxed. Now the government there are taking away peoples cell phones as a coercive measure to vaxx

He made another interesting comment (this is anecdotal, could be true) he states he was looking at something the other day where only 10% of the world population has taken 2 doses.

Rocco Galati Lies about stats don't fly, but what flies is the number of doses bought and the number of doses administered.

Rocco Galati. There is no going back to normal, there is more depravity, more oppression

Rocco Galati. Trudeau has announced, months ago the acquisition of enough "Booster vaccines" going into 2025. The vaccine passports say that they will expire in 90 days. (here it makes me think about the 12/31/2021 date which will be reviewed in BC). Then you have to get another shot to review it. Seems to me that in Western countries or in another way, Europe and the 5 eye countries. this will be the diktat thanks to Mr. Global, my thoughts

These are just his opening comments, I suggest one watches the whole presentation., it is an hour long with questions fielded from the media. I am reminded of the phrase, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when one practices to deceive" not a truer phrase has ever been voiced at this time in world history

Even the Dalai-Lhama suggested to take "the jab".

If you start looking into the connections between the Dalai Lama and the CIA, or think for a sec about the fact that 'religious leadership' is one of the oldest bastions of human manipulation - that comes as no surprise.

On a side note - Gurdjieff has a pretty sarcastic critique of Buddhism - he writes about an ancient temple where pupils train all their lives to become monks. These monks obtain the esteemed privilege of being locked in an iron cage for the rest of their lives. They live in these cages in order to 'meditate', 'consciously suffer', and 'resist temptation'. The cages are understood to be essential in the battle against their baser nature. This is called 'spirituality'. And the pupils have the task of bringing them food, and removing their excrement. This is called an 'esoteric school'.

Just this times there are no allies coming to liberate, it is almost whole world gone nazi and we are all on our own.

"Help is on the way."
Sad and infuriating. So many people being caught in The Game. All what is happening is a Game between two players, people on one side and an unknown or invisible player. It would be very easy to stop this whole nightmare if only everyone would recognize it for what it is.
What is the invisible player? I think The Player is a composite of very wealthy but not so intelligent people (some old some young) that have amassed in part or in sum great amounts of operational resources, and because they lack cohesion as a group they use computer based scenarios given by an AI system to simulate The Game. Mike Pompeo's remark of being an 'Exercise' together with the Cs repeated 'enjoy the show' come to mind. If The Player wants to change the System on a Global scale, the Player can only do that from outside the System. So the Player creates a Game and a perception system (via media) and then watches and manipulates The Game by constantly bringing in new elements to make the people (the other player) either react as predicted (masks, vaccines, lockdowns, denial of outpatient treatments) or annihilate resistance. The Game is actually for the people. The easiest to stop everything would be a massive EM pulse. because The Game is based and driven by connectivity and intel. But there is no chance for that to happen.

If you mean that there is no chance of a massive EM pulse wiping out the grid, I'd have to strongly disagree to that. Earth's magnetic shield is weakening just in time for another happy-campfire season of solar flares and CMEs.

I would agree with you, though, if you meant that there is no chance of stopping 'The Cosmic School', or the learning function of the cosmos. I understand 'The Game' as you're describing it above as the current 'lesson plan' of 3D Earth. This lesson plan has a some difficult test subjects, like Covid-19, The Great Reset, Transhumanism, etc. These lessons show up in really personal ways - like families breaking apart due to vaccine arguments, hearts and minds utterly crushed by lockdowns, and many people inflicted with debilitating illnesses, or watching their loved ones die from either one bioweapon or the other.

'The Game' then, is our current global 'bad day at the Universal School'. But as the C's have said, there will be a balancing (not a stopping). That seems a pretty innocuous word - balancing. But sitting back and visualizing what's slated to happen to balance all this whacked-out chaos has left me pretty shaken these days. In particular because all of the whacked-out chaos is no longer just an idea - the agenda is realizing itself before my eyes, in people I know and love, in my living situation and work prospects. So I'm feeling that. Keeping calm and aware, but really feeling it. In the past I would've 'joined the Movement to Stop this' in the streets by now, or tried to convince my loved ones otherwise, but that preachy activist dude thankfully doesn't live in me anymore.

If there is an EM pulse - then a grid failure - which knocks out their worldwide digital control grid of vaccine passports, 5G, CBDCs, etc... there will still be lessons. Just very, very different lessons. So 'The School' will go on, with a different 'Game' - different test subjects, different building, different teams, different reality.

I think I'm comforted (but honestly, there is also a part of me that's horrified) by the notion that no matter what happens, all there is is lessons. In whatever density, whatever incarnation, whatever form. I still don't fully comprehend what that means. The implications are kinda infinite, aren't they?

For now, it seems to me that not knowing is the starting point of true Faith. But it doesn't stop there - not knowing isn't an excuse to shrug and wander down to Pleasure Island. It's the start of a path, a neural pathway, the ability to question - the quest. I remember reading all this in The Wave, but only now am I understanding it.

So - I really appreciate the Faith being expressed by y'all, with all this awesome Knowledge gathering going on. Like a bunch of cheerful honeybees buzzing around at the end of the world!
another one:

Working with collaborators in the United States, Nahmias demonstrated that the coronavirus prevents the burning of fat in lung cells, resulting in large amounts of fat accumulating inside lung cells – a condition the virus needs to reproduce. Fenofibrate, he hoped, would reverse that effect, and eliminate virus replication.

August 9 2021 - Fenofibrate decreased Covid-19 infection by up to 70% at concentrations that are safe and attainable with its standard clinical dose, the University of Birmingham noted.
A warning might be in place regarding Chlorine Dioxide as being the miracle cure. It is what Jim Humble named MMS and Gaby exposed that in an article 11years ago.
Another variant of MMS is Maltesian Mineral Solution consisting of NaClO2+HCl-Activator sold by Aquarius pro Life allegedly for mobile drinking water preparation. First time, I heard about it after Covid was in the spring of 2020 and promoted as a way to make hydroxychloroquine, which however has a way more complicated structure:
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