Wow. This video has a very inferno/hellish vibe. And this is just the 3D manifestation.
Imagine the spiritual energies colliding!
The end is near...

I think it looks like it is certainly heating up and getting very intense. Maybe instead of "pitchforks" today's weapon of choice is the baton.

Recently it was talked about in the following session:

Session 9 May 2020:
Q: (Ark) I have a question. I have a certain vision and I would like to know if this is my wishful thinking, or a good thing that I have envisioned. My vision is the following: As a response to pollution and industrialization and so on, we have this emergence of the "Green Parties". Now, my vision is that there will be very soon the beginning of a social movement like Green Peace but AGAINST all these lies. This will explode. People will go into parties fighting against these lies, okay? And it will lead even to social unrest and I see it not in the distant future. Now, is it my wishful thinking, or something like this is going to happen?

A: Expect it.

Q: (L) So in other words, it's like Łobaczewski said: psychopaths always think that they can impose their distorted way of thinking on normal human beings, and it may work under tactics of terror for a period of time. But eventually the terror will wear off, and the anger will replace it. It's going to be basically the villagers with the pitchforks and firebrands.

(Pierre) The trigger of the Yellow Vest movement was a "green" measure. So we already have a taste of that.

(Joe) In terms of populations' reactions to this, it seems to be kinda split. You have a lot of the authoritarian follower types who say to wear your mask and they call the police on people they see walking outside twice a day. And then there are quite a number of other people who maybe normally would be "authoritarian follower" types who seem to be calling BS on this situation because it's SO blatant. So, I was just wondering if a majority of people can actually see through the lies?

A: Not yet. Wait for it!

Q: (Andromeda) Any minute...

(L) So in others words, they really do have to suffer more before they wake up?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And there has to be a lot more death before they wake up?

A: Yes
Nice break down of data on Omicron from the CDC. As we know very well now, more data makes no difference. They just double down on the lies.

Get your booster ASAP.
To be on the safe side, just before Christmas get an additional one so that sitting around the Christmas tree will be less stressful.
Amazing ability to adjust to all circumstances.

NHS Chief Executive Amanda Pritchard said: “The biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health service history is entering its most complex phase and is continuing at speed in the run-up to Christmas.

“On the anniversary of the first vaccine in the world, the latest update from the NHS means an additional seven million people aged 40 and over will be able to book in for their life-saving booster and will be invited two months on from their second dose, a month in advance of becoming eligible.

“NHS staff continue to work flat out to protect their communities and are now once again working to expand the programme at scale.

“There is a lot we do not know about the Omicron variant but experts believe that even if existing vaccines are less effective they will give protection.

“So I would urge anyone eligible to come forward as soon as possible, and to keep checking for appointments in their area”.
2021-12-12 18.12.19.jpg
Population of Queensland is 5.2 million. 3,036,084 total doses equals 1,518,042 fully vaxxed. That means that only 29% of Qld is fully vaxxed and not the 81% that is claimed if the figures given are correct. Even if the current 1.7 million kids under 12 yo are removed from the equation, that is only 43% of the elligible population fully vaccinated, not adjusted for those who were granted exemptions. Total doses might also include those that have gone back for the third dose.

In any case, it's hard to see how they can claim 81% fully vaxxed.
The following might have already been posted here, but I want to share some further info about it, so it's quoted here:

Over a dozen people have been forcibly taken to government isolation centers in Germany, while hundreds are being held in similar centers in Australia as Western countries continue to use mandatory COVID quarantine centers all in the name putting an end to COVID-19.

Germany has started including prisons as quarantine centers and Australia has taken a similar measure by using isolated camps under 24-hour surveillance for the same.

A recent survey by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag shows that at least 15 people in 10 major German cities have been transferred to quarantine centers since the beginning of the year.

Welt am Sonntag reports that 15 people were violating the COVID-19 requirements for house isolation, 11 in Munich, two in Stuttgart and one in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt.

The full number is likely to be higher because officials in Berlin and Leipzig have not submitted any figures to the paper.

Some of the quarantine facilities were located within prisons, according to Welt. "Most of the federal states have closed areas in hospitals or prisons for quarantine breakers," the outlet noted.

"In Eisenhüttenstadt, Brandenburg, refusals were last housed in a former deportation detention center, in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, in a Solingen clinic."

Germany has long allowed compulsory quarantine for people suspected of having infectious diseases who refuse to adhere to further isolation measures.


The German Infection Protection Act of 2000 explicitly allows "placement in a locked hospital" or "locked facility" for this purpose. The law states that "The fundamental right to freedom of the person can be restricted in this respect".

According to the Welt, because hundreds of thousands of Germans are subject to domestic quarantine orders at any point, city officials usually "check" residents for "if there is a specific suspicion."

In Stuttgart, officials rely on "special tipsters," which included "neighbors, acquaintances and relatives."

"A city spokesman emphasized that contact with alleged quarantine breakers took place immediately."

The newspaper found that ten major German cities have submitted more than 250 fines for violating the quarantine. The fines ranged from 250 to 1,000 euros, but they could go up to 25,000 euros.

Well, information came out, by a German journalist, Aya Velasquez, who had recently been interviewed by Boris Reitschuster, currently one of the most renowned investigative /alternative journalist in Germany. She said she had been informed of another strategy paper by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, a paper regarding the Covid measures.

According to her, the paper came into existence in March 2020, on the very beginning of this "pandemic", and it already talked about making quarantining people at home an absolute exemption - meaning, they are to be concentrated in quarantine camps, making this a norm in the future. Here's the translation of the article on

Are camps coming for those who have tested positive? China as a model for Germany?

Incredible paper from the Ministry of the Interior

An internal strategy paper of the Corona Task Force from the Ministry of the Interior envisages, among other things, the establishment of quarantine camps for those who test positive ("isolation centres"). Domestic quarantine, according to the 2020 paper, should be the exception. Many points from the document have already been implemented in Germany. It envisages an orientation towards the methods of the communist dictatorship in China in the fight against Corona. A whistleblower at the ministry leaked the paper to journalist and anthropologist Aya Velasquez. The major media largely ignore the revelation. In 2020, society was apparently not yet ready for the far-reaching, frightening plans in the paper, Velasquez believes. Today, it could be different - society has been softened by the constant stoking of fear and panic. There are already quarantine camps in Australia. Velasquez fears that Germany will slide into Chinese conditions with digital surveillance. Watch my interview with the anthropologist about the Interior Ministry paper here. You can find more links below.


Translated with (free version)
It's heavy stuff for a country with a respective history. According to the first piece, some people who broke quarantine orders by health authorities, have already been getting a taste. Many people here in the country might not even be aware of this; if they are, they are sharing some of the stuff in alternative networks, or they deny it, or even applaud to it. It's not surprising, unfortunately, as the current policies have brought forward the moral abyss in many.
The following might have already been posted here, but I want to share some further info about it, so it's quoted here:

Well, information came out, by a German journalist, Aya Velasquez, who had recently been interviewed by Boris Reitschuster, currently one of the most renowned investigative /alternative journalist in Germany. She said she had been informed of another strategy paper by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, a paper regarding the Covid measures.

According to her, the paper came into existence in March 2020, on the very beginning of this "pandemic", and it already talked about making quarantining people at home an absolute exemption - meaning, they are to be concentrated in quarantine camps, making this a norm in the future. Here's the translation of the article on

It's heavy stuff for a country with a respective history. According to the first piece, some people who broke quarantine orders by health authorities, have already been getting a taste. Many people here in the country might not even be aware of this; if they are, they are sharing some of the stuff in alternative networks, or they deny it, or even applaud to it. It's not surprising, unfortunately, as the current policies have brought forward the moral abyss in many.

From the article posted on SOTT

According to the Welt, because hundreds of thousands of Germans are subject to domestic quarantine orders at any point, city officials usually "check" residents for "if there is a specific suspicion."

In Stuttgart, officials rely on "special tipsters," which included "neighbors, acquaintances and relatives."

Indeed. It's said to see in a country where the following sentence has been going around since the terror of the 3rd Reich and the 2nd World War: "Never again!" It reminds me of a quote that is ascribed to a German official figure (Henryk Broder), saying: "If you wondered how things back then could happen (stigmatizing, persecuting and killing of the Jews), it is because back then people were the same as you are today."
During the Newsreal show today I was reminded of the psychological concept of "learned helplessness" and how it fits into understanding why we observe some people becoming fairly placid about these measures and don't react to them. They seem to some of us to be unreachable and/or lost the spark of life.
From wiki:
Learned helplessness is behavior exhibited by a subject after enduring repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. It was initially thought to be caused from the subject's acceptance of their powerlessness: discontinuing attempts to escape or avoid the aversive stimulus, even when such alternatives are unambiguously presented. Upon exhibiting such behavior, the subject was said to have acquired learned helplessness.

In humans, learned helplessness is related to the concept of self-efficacy; the individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from such real or perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.[4]
And we are hearing of psychiatric institutions filling up with depressed and mentally ill people which is only projected to get worse.


Abnormal and cognitive psychologists have found a strong correlation between depression-like symptoms and learned helplessness in laboratory animals.[24]

Young adults and middle-aged parents with a pessimistic explanatory style often suffer from depression.[25] They tend to be poor at problem-solving and cognitive restructuring, and also tend to demonstrate poor job satisfaction and interpersonal relationships in the workplace.[22][26] Those with a pessimistic style also tend to have weakened immune systems, having not only increased vulnerability to minor ailments (e.g., cold, fever) and major illness (e.g., heart attack, cancers), but also poorer recovery from health problems.[27]
They mention a number of social situations where this can have an impact. The first one jumped to mind as it details emotionally abusive relationships, which is how the government's behaviour towards its citizens often has been categorized as. And rightly so. Here is what it says:
  • In emotionally abusive relationships, the victim often develops learned helplessness. This occurs when the victim confronts or tries to leave the abuser only to have the abuser dismiss or trivialize the victim's feelings, pretend to care but not change, or impede the victim from leaving. Unfortunately, as the situation continues and the abuse gets worse, the victim will begin to give up and show signs of this learned helplessness.[28]

Another item on that list is also interesting in connection with the current situation:
  • Aging individuals may respond with helplessness to the deaths of friends and family members, the loss of jobs and income, and the development of age-related health problems. This may cause them to neglect their medical care, financial affairs, and other important needs.[32]

I think learned helplessness can explain quite a bit of the passive responses people have towards their governments and the tyranny being imposed daily. They feel helpless and think they have no power to change it. It is mentioned in the article how those with a pessimistic disposition are more likely to fall into the trap of learned helplessness.

One would also be a little naive to think that our rulers are not well aware of this and actively using it to quell dissent. That is part of the reason why they bluff and mess with people's brains, gaslighting them, confusing them, until the people give up. This should be seen together with what has been learned and mentioned before about Marginal Inhibition. The two are both part of the toolkit for social control and repression, I think and thousands of government and intel psychologists the world over are without doubt busy applying their tools while monitoring and refining their skills in this worldwide experiment. Despite that, they will most likely fail as the creative principle is so much more powerful, yet before then, it is hard not to see a lot of pain and suffering.
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