I am shocked, saddened, angry.... I am ashamed to come from this country. I have always wondered how it could have happened back then.... now I know, unfortunately.... i am really speechless... 😔
Please do not take it personally, it is not your fault. Many Germans, including scientists, journalists, doctors, and lawyers have stood up to the nonsense including the man in the clip, and thus did his part. The people who stand up in Germany stand up for all of us, just as what happens elsewhere influences the situation in Germany. At the same time, these events help some people to make a stand themselves, seek knowledge and discover that the reality was greater than they had imagined. Germany also is not the only country where old memories have surfaced, the same I could say of where I am. I don't understand the mechanisms, but it does seem that the mere disappearance of the memory of past events from the minds of a people does not exclude that a historian or observer recognizes similar trends in the pattern of events that plays out much later. Is it similar to how a long forgotten trauma of a child can influence choices and actions of the adult?

Talking about German scientists, here is one book that come out in German in May 2021:
Corona unmasked: Neue Daten, Zahlen, Hintergründe: Neue Zahlen, Daten, Hintergründe
It now has close to 1000 reviews and with a score of 4.7. What is great is the clear language and arguments used by the authors in this just over 200 pages long book. I have only read a quarter, but it is enlightening and enjoyable. Here is the blurb in translation.
One topic still dominates our lives: Corona. This book looks back and deals with new topics.

Hardly any other topic shaped the last year as much as the coronavirus and the infectious disease COVID-19 that it triggered. A situation that has been classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. In addition, contradicting opinions, theories and politically controlled information circulate. Different views on the dangers posed by the pandemic lead to deep disputes and confusion among people.

Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karina Reiss clarify with this book the issues - with current data, facts and backgrounds.
Although the book is written with Germany as a case, there have been similar trends in other countries.
Yesteeday on one of our early morning news shows we had the South African doctor telling us the Omicron variant has had mild symptoms, then for the rest of the show professional's pushing the fear porn on us. :headbash:
Good that they even showed her, but what do they tell us about what alert and aware South African doctors observed last year during the spring? There is a group of health professionals that work together to help their patients:
The above group has an FB page, where one finds this conversation that Dr. Kathrada, had with a journalist, at the end of November.
The interview/talk is about half an hour. Dr. Kathrada did her own, no nonsense, practical thinking and networked with others.
They are blatant now and feel they can do what they want but they are making glaring mistakes that starts to unmask them. I feel the awakening to what they're up to is a gradual process.
I feel the same way. This video of Arden in NZ shows that they are literally enjoying fooling people.

The twitter account of the above persson has some very good "catches".

This next twitter feed correctly observes, they have been signalling what is planned for the future a long time ago. The trouble is that most people are too busy with "Life" to be able to monitor this as well as be able to read between the lines of what they say.

A reference from the above article, 👆
NSSM200 was reworked and adopted as official United States policy through NSDM 314 by President Gerald Ford on November 26, 1975.[1] It was initially classified for over a decade but was obtained by researchers in the early 1990s. The memorandum and subsequent policies developed from the report were observed as a way the United States could use human population control to limit the political power of undeveloped nations, ensure the easy extraction of foreign natural resources, prevent young anti-establishment individuals from being born and to protect American businesses abroad from interference from nations seeking to support their growing populations.
First time I hear about this on !!!!
Please do not take it personally, it is not your fault. Many Germans, including scientists, journalists, doctors, and lawyers have stood up to the nonsense including the man in the clip, and thus did his part. The people who stand up in Germany stand up for all of us, just as what happens elsewhere influences the situation in Germany. At the same time, these events help some people to make a stand themselves, seek knowledge and discover that the reality was greater than they had imagined. Germany also is not the only country where old memories have surfaced, the same I could say of where I am. I don't understand the mechanisms, but it does seem that the mere disappearance of the memory of past events from the minds of a people does not exclude that a historian or observer recognizes similar trends in the pattern of events that plays out much later. Is it similar to how a long forgotten trauma of a child can influence choices and actions of the adult?

Talking about German scientists, here is one book that come out in German in May 2021:
Corona unmasked: Neue Daten, Zahlen, Hintergründe: Neue Zahlen, Daten, Hintergründe
View attachment 52501
It now has close to 1000 reviews and with a score of 4.7. What is great is the clear language and arguments used by the authors in this just over 200 pages long book. I have only read a quarter, but it is enlightening and enjoyable. Here is the blurb in translation.

Although the book is written with Germany as a case, there have been similar trends in other countries.
Nice article. The doctors, scientists etc.. Are risking their lives for us to bring to us the real dangers of the covid "vaccine" which has not been approved by any government as far as I know. They deserve respect as they are informing us about this covid fabrication.

One thing is certain, after omicron there will be another variant, and another booster shot.
Update from Chile.

I am one of the 60,000 persons (a little over 10%) in my Region (like a state in the US) with no jabs who have already lost some freedom of movement due to the implementation of Chile's Mobility Pass many months ago. Things were looking quite grim but now I see a little more hope because the government health authority is pushing their narrative too rapidly and too far which should increase the number who are against or questioning what is happening. On December 1, those 45 or older who did not have a booster shot lost the validity of their Mobility Pass. And on January 1, those 18 year or older will lose theirs if no booster shot before then. And this just in time for summer vacation. This country which as a whole has a two or one jab regime compliance of 90% will soon wake up to find that what they were sold — get the jab and everything will go back to normal — was a lie and that they never signed up for endless jabs in exchange for rights via a Mobility Pass. At least I hope that is what enfolds. So keep holding out if you can… There is a presidential election this Sunday and if the candidate I will vote for wins, he supposedly promises the at the jab will remain voluntary. We shall see...
Dr. Peter McCullough to Joe Rogan recently:

"There was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment, in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalisation and death. It seemed to be completely organised ... in order to create acceptance for, and then promote, mass vaccination."

What in the... from NIH's own site?

5. Conclusion​

There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19.

Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.

Is this a piss take? I'm losing track of what's conspiracy and what isn't...
Since vaxx mandates are not working. They're just going to start taxing employees? Is the "new normal"?

Kroger Co. will eliminate paid emergency leave for unvaccinated employees who contract COVID-19 and require some unvaccinated employees on the company's health care plan to pay a $50 monthly surcharge, the company said Tuesday.
Here's another of my projects. Sorry for the size (but the file is small)...
Also attaching a version with 2 columns. Not sure which one is better. (Or worse.)

There's also a video with a similar theme but about deaths:
Maybe it was already shared here.

Anyway, it seems most countries have had their largest 'waves' of whatever's going on after they had 'vaccinated' at least half their population.
The whole thing is becoming rather amusing.



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