This app enables the public to look up their batch code and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code. Only for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), and based on US data in VAERS to date.
Thank you @lilies for elaborating. Let's see how bad it gets. If there indeed is an uptick in that kind of driving incidents, one would have to be more careful with driving, including not assuming the other drivers see us, not assuming they know how to drive, not assuming they have a drivers license worth its name.Because the "lesions" will be missing brain cells en masse.
Already in Hungary the news is full with not admitted Vaccine side effect sicknesses, which are introduced by the media as some kind of new fashion. Police traffic cameras show clear thinking disabilities developing: drivers simply ignoring red lights and drive straight through them. Basic traffic rules - obligation to give way, right-hand rule in the newly built roundabout in my city, - ignored. I think just like highly increased frequency of ambulance sirens nowadays ferrying away the vaxxed dying, now all kinds of thinking errors are becoming everyday phenomenon. Media is already trying to normalize these new sicknesses that were not there before the plandemic.
To me it sounds like a kind of that saying when someone slaps you turn another cheek so it seems the person will continue slaping then, or that saying if you think there is a free lunch you are a lunch. Someone is knifing you but do not worry be peacful. Some people are way out of touch from reality.That video is getting really serious at videotime 16:00. What I was saying for a long time, the first I heard "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance". Yeah, as if the predator animal psychopaths on the throne would understand any of that. The French Revolutionists understood, how much worth "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance" has, because its so STO, Love, Kindness. Yeah. Try to explain human emotions to the Government Psychopaths.
Problem is The People have been viewing this world with the Orange Colored Glasses of Kindness & Love & Light that view of things led humanity straight where we are. But that lesson is being learned fast now.
As I predicted on Sott that there is a global Paradigm Shift in journalism incoming regards "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance", the articles journalists so much loved to write, because it was / felt so good to show to the readers a moral example. Almost Angelic Example in Politics, to be kind and benevolent..
Because it is a dream to imagine as Catherine Austin Fitts suggested - and as many of us said here straight away: "If we would stop banking at the major globalist banks tomorrow, - SNAP! - there would be a major change in the world next week." That's a totally amazing idea, also a full wishful thinking. And "wishful thinking always gets you". until this happens: -- then your personal world suddenly receives a Raw Adjustment Shock -- and you begin to align with Primary Reality.
Check out videotime 16:50:
Indonesian Military Received COVID Jabs and they jabbed the soldiers: they started collapsing en masse. Their brothers-in-arms are desperately trying to revive them ON VIDEO.
If you have the firefox browser, just download SlimBrowser
and watch all Bitchute videos with that, since the Nazi Firefox developers appear to have blocked Bitchute on Firefox.
I watched this earlier today on South China Post’s YT channel. The guy’s sorta smug disregard for the ethics of such an invention is nauseating.The Swedish company, Epicenter, has introduced an implanted chip that can verify vaccination status.
Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of PCR tests are being done on people with nothing but mild cold symptoms as we speak, and in these nasal swabs lies the incipient “Omicron wave”.
That is why Sajid Javid is going on TV saying he expects cases of Omicron to “dramatically increase” in the run-up to Christmas, because they are going to make it happen.
Then they’ll probably have the Prime Minister announce new restrictions…just after Parliament adjourns for the Christmas break, so they can’t be reviewed or voted on.
It’s the same old trick, again and again and again. Hopefully, people will stop falling for it soon.
Pfizer & Moderna Vials Become 'Alive': Self-Moving Organisms When Thawed To Body Temp
Stew Peters Show - December 17,
Looks like bad news US courts no longer blocking OSHA vaccine mandate.
6th Circuit Dissolves 5th Circuit Stay in OSHA Mandate Case
Breaking: 6th Circuit Dissolves 5th Circuit Stay in OSHA Mandate Case
Judge Stranch's majority opinion is here. It begins: The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across America, leading to the loss of over 800,000 lives,