As important as these vaccines are, however, their protective efficacy wanes over time, necessitating booster doses. Vaccination has also been unable to prevent “breakthrough” infections, allowing subsequent transmission to other people even when the vaccine prevents severe and fatal disease.

Fauic's article published in NEJM linked below! :mad:

Fauic's article published in NEJM linked below! :mad:

Anyone who has an ounce of reason should realize that if there has been no testing of giving "boosters" how can one go along with giving them to millions of people ? Testing takes years and not weeks or days.
The answer is simple, "These psychopaths are just doing experiments on people who do not understand the danger. The danger is REAL as the Long Term Effect Studies for the regular vaccines are not finished !!!"

Greetings from the other side of the Andes. You may already be familiar with these Telegram groups which frequently share information between each other:

Médicos por la Verdad Argentina

Medicos por la Verdad Chile
Medicos por la Verdad Chile
Good to know there is such a channel. Subscribed to see if there is really a substantial movement. My limited experience with doctors in Chile are with university doctors, and these are completly corrupt. At the beginning of the corona circus, I met with two university doctors and I wasn't wearing the mask. They removed their masks and said "so you know". They later expained tha corona was good for business. When i speak with people i say "merdicos" instread of "medicos".
Good to know there is such a channel. Subscribed to see if there is really a substantial movement..
The turning point may be near as January 1 is when many 18 years and older will lose their Pase de Movilidad due to not receiving a booster shot. Probably February 1, they will extend it to 12 years and older and also begin the 2nd booster shot campaign. Totally insane.
This is propaganda of the Peruvian government.

In the video, the girl introduces her boyfriend to the family. The first thing the family asks is if the boy is vaccinated.

He answers that these vaccines modify the DNA and can cause mutations. The angry mother-in-law tells him to disappear. And the boy vanishes into thin air.

Here, in my opinion, the message is quite clear. Either you get vaccinated or you disappear. (you die). Day by day psychopathy becomes more and more present.
I've been joking for a while that during the deadly pandemic, the world's population plummeted from 7.7 to 7.8 billion.
Some people were discussing this topic back in 2009

Here is the whole article

These members, along with Gates, have given away more than£45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programmes in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home.
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Great interview with a real expert.

Besides that opinion McCullough gave of 'the bigger picture' reason for all this, he insists that you cannot 'get Covid twice'; he explained that Trump was RIGHT about 'gargling bleach'; says that he testified before US Congress that 'Covid-19 deaths' ('with' or 'from', whichever) would've been 85% fewer if his protocol for prevention and early treatment had been followed; he estimates that just 500 out of the million or so doctors in the USA are actively treating Covid-19 rather than practicing as vaxx distribution machines; and he states that neti pots/spray bottles containing diluted lugol's iodine or hydrogen peroxide are proven methods for 'knocking out respiratory viruses' like SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal passage.
This is how the revolution starts. People understanding how we have been thrown to the wolves.

Dr. Peter McCullough with the legendary Joe Rogan on health & C19
Dr. Peter McCullough with the legendary Joe Rogan on health .mp4_snapshot_00.06.39.233.jpg
Important to see the faces and hear the voices of Joe Rogan and Dr. Peter McCullough together. Very intense visual experience. Historical interview - you'll remember this forever - listing the War Crimes of Deep Pharma, all the CEOs complicit in mass murder there. This can be used as an Introduction Of Evidence for the Nuremberg Trials v2.0 as well, which must be held everywhere before The People's Courts, much like Citizen's Arrests were encouraged. This time however I hope it'll become much more serious, like crowds chasing down naked emperors.
There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs,[..] including..
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
  • You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
In 2002 my mom got a hemorrhagic stroke / rupture in her genetically weak super-thin brain blood-vessels causing instant extreme pain, then after a misdiagnosis by the substitute doctor it quickly turned into debilitating weakness, - because medical help was too late -, then extreme fewer, then after surgery paralysis on her entire right side: face, arm, legs, etc.. Doctors explanations were extensive.

When there is a lesion in a human brain, its either from blunt trauma damage (surface) or bleeding deep inside the brain. Bleeding causes tiny clots forming everywhere, these can shut down entire brain sections, this means large tissue areas die, because they have no more oxygen. Mass of dead brain cells are a scar or a lesion: this cell group was originally responsible for your walking, swallowing, speech, vision, movement of your arms, higher thinking functions. The brain clears dead cells out by turning them into liquid to be taken out of the brain to the trash and excreted. So these dead brain cells around "Clot Stricken Areas" get completely destroyed and taken away from the brain.
So this is why:
  • You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
Because the "lesions" will be missing brain cells en masse.
Already in Hungary the news is full with not admitted Vaccine side effect sicknesses, which are introduced by the media as some kind of new fashion. Police traffic cameras show clear thinking disabilities developing: drivers simply ignoring red lights and drive straight through them. Basic traffic rules - obligation to give way, right-hand rule in the newly built roundabout in my city, - ignored. I think just like highly increased frequency of ambulance sirens nowadays ferrying away the vaxxed dying, now all kinds of thinking errors are becoming everyday phenomenon. Media is already trying to normalize these new sicknesses that were not there before the plandemic.
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