The hired help muzzled and jabbed whilst the 'glitterati' swan around unrestricted has become an all to common sight, and reflects just how oblivious, uncaring, and detached these 'stars' are from reality.
They can't hold any of these ceremonies if the hired help refuse to be vaccinated. It has to reach a certain percentage... and then the whole thing just stops and society won't function. Which is ironic, because society has been in lockdown for the past 2 years. They have to keep lying and manipulating to get this done.

Of course, it would be so much quicker if people took the names of all those in elected seats of power who support vaccine mandates and just voted them out. Problem solved, and it would be their turn to see how the rest of the world gets treated when you're not in power.
Grand Jury
The Court of Public Opinion
Day 3
- THE PCR-TEST" (5 hours)
I've not seen the whole proceeding, but what Dr. Sona Pekova is saying (starting at about 1h 30min mark) is pretty interesting in the context of material researched here on the forum. The fact, that "the waves" were distinct, and had a very different pathogen (as she was able to observe that using next-generation sequencing) might mean that there was some manipulation outside of normal evolution. I'm wondering what was the source of the mutations (if artificial)? Omicron seems to be a good candidate for The Good Guys™ work: it infects everyone, is benign, and gives possible long-lasting immunity to other strains.
I think this means that the police will arrest everybody they deem necessary. But how many prison cells does Canada have? And what if somebody dies at the hand of the authorities. What if people actually decide to fight back.

This is an interesting development. It might support the assumption that the whole protest was originally started to be a staged insurrection to provoke a power grab. Not everything went as expected, because you cannot interact with the system without feedback. And the feedback was enormous anticipation of people all over the world. What got me thinking is that Anonymous revealed itself as a PsyOp, supporting the Canadian government:
They are engaging more resources, wondering how this will affect our interconnected world.
A little update from Norway.

As of Saturday, we were back to "normal". No distancing, no masks, and no testing of asymptomatic people. The quarantine for four days if you have a positive PCR test is also voluntary.

I still see almost 50% of people in the stores wear a mask as if they need some time to break with their conditioning.

One would think that there would be some great relief in the population, but so far I cant see it. To me, it seems like most feel like this is only temporary and that a new situation will arise to give our globalist leaders just a new excuse to implement some new restrictions. We will see.

On the other hand, I finally got Covid about a week ago(not vaxxed). I did use some Ivermectin, Zinc, Vit C and D, but it was still a strange disease to experience. The loss of energy was more than I expected, but I'm glad I had it.

I still have a feeling of "quiet before the storm".

Stay strong my friends and take good care :)
Well, I search to see if it was true, and it's not. Thanks to you have access to the book, and there is no such things in it. See by yourself

Too bad for them. What a war of information, disinformation!
I'll have to watch that segment but if the committee really listened to this testimony with a straight face, they're 'had'. I mean, that the term 'Covid-19' would appear in that book from 1989 seems utterly ridiculous. I'm not saying it's impossible but hard proof is needed. I don't know who this James Bush is but there's always the possibility of him (and others) being a planted informant by 'them' who will 'tar baby' Fuellmich's whole project.

While I admire Fuellmich's stamina and engagement, it appears to me that he's trying to take a too big slice of the cake – I mean, instead of Covid his team is now trying to 'sue' the whole organized underground super-elite that's been ruling for centuries! Yes, of course they are at the root of the problem, but still....what are the chances of succeeding? Which ties into the other problem of his committee, as I see it: as they interview all these experts on 'hidden history', who mostly are, indeed, excellent researchers (e.g. Ehret, Tomson) they get to know things that they've never heard of – and as they are 'newbies' to this kind of information, I'm afraid they are lacking crucial discermnet and, thus, easily fooled (I don't mean by Ehret or Tomson).

For example, I'm thinking of my knowledge and awareness around the time I was awakening: I practically knew nothing, thought that 'everything was a concpiracy' and couldn't properly dicern misleading information from truthful information.

Having said that, I hope that Fuellmich's and his teams hard work (these peeps do interviews without brakes for 5–6 hours!) will lead to something good.
I listened to Mr. Fuellmich's interview today with a Polish voiceover.
I noticed how he talks about not being religious but realizing the spiritual side of our reality.
He says that he talked to an Aborigine who told him that he was protected by forces that support him.
I wish with all my heart that he was.

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