Health Ranger, Mike Adams talking about symbolism dreams he had last night on his podcast.
The dream was the epic battle with satanic gray creature…. And he thinks that soon we going to have bright future!

9:25 Powerful Dream
17:07 The Consciousness Grenade

I Just hope that his prophetic dream manifest in near future.
From my experience all the dreams, when I remembered truly came true too. And my son believe me, because some of my dreams are related to him.

Aussies think a directed energy weapon was used against them​

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We need to do everything in our power to ensure these weapons are banned and all governments deploying them are exposed for human rights violations.

People pointing this stuff out decades ago were labeled crazy and told to do something more constructive with their time than talk about things that can't exist. Or the best one "they'd never use it for nefarious means."

That's when people should have been doing something about it.
Good luck stopping it now...

Turbulent_Stable_2805 days ago
Yes. I agree. That's definitely a human rights issue. You would think that Amnesty International, at least the one years ago, would take that issue up..

As it seems they used microwave weapon against people:





Australian Police Confessed They Used Direct Energy Weapon Against The Peaceful Protestors!
Haven't been able to find an English-language version yet:
Here is the whole analysis in English that quotes Die Welt and Schoefbeck with links to all documents.
There is a bunch of articles with this report today :-)

And so on....

Romania's most famous football team, Steaua Bucharest, announce a ban on VACCINATED players, because their madcap owner says that athletes 'lose strength' - and claims those that are jabbed die in hospitals

The owner of Romanian side Steaua Bucharest has sensationally announced the club will ban all players vaccinated against Covid-19 from playing for them.

Mr Gigi Becali - a Romanian businessman and politician - said he is not allowing vaccinated players to play anymore because they are 'powerless'.

Becali went on to claim that people who are vaccinated against the virus die in hospitals, as opposed to those who have refused the jabs.

He also claimed players at Romanian rivals CFR Cluj and Rapid Bucuresti were struggling as a result of taking the vaccine, singling out 36-year-old winger Ciprian Deac.

'You're going to laugh, but I might be right. Those vaccinated lose their strength. That's something scientific,' he said according to Romanian journalist Emanuel Rosu.

'Haven't you seen it at CFR? With Rapid, the players seemed to be fainting. They slept on the ground. All vaccinated people lose their strength!

'I also see mine, the vaccinated ones. It doesn't affect some, but it does affect those who are older. Haven't you seen [Ciprian] Deac? There is no more storm.'

Gigi Becali has sensationally announced Steaua Bucharest will ban all players vaccinated against Covid-19 from playing for them
As if we needed another reason to hate masks!
Yeah, there is just so much evidence all over the place that these things are so damaging yet people still don't know and don't think. I went out walking with my Portuguese elderly neighbour on Monday and she wore a mask. I asked her if she felt comfortable and she replied that no, but they say it's for my and your safety. I calmly told her what happens when you wear such a mask whereafter she tore it off and asked: "But why are they pushing people to wear them?" O Gosh... In the meantime, while they have relaxed many rules here in Portugal and as tourists are flooding the southern parts, all children in the schools are still forced to wear these horrible things the whole day! There is much opposition from parents though and, like acting by the grace of God, her grandness the Health Minister, today said this measure may well be dropped as the great leadership plots a 'new orientation in coping with the virus'. My heart really really breaks for these kids.
A new vaccine has been approved in Canada: Medicago

For more info about it, see here: Covifenz | Medicago

in french : COVID-19: le vaccin produit à base de plantes de Medicago sur la ligne de départ | CScience IA

However I have no idea if it less worst that the other ones.
Vaccine mandates for police amd defence force unlawful—New Zealand High Court ruling just out. The article on line in the New Zealand Herald continues on to say this may have repercussions due mandates in other sectors. Let’s see what happens as New Zealand needs to play catch up with the rest of the world.
A High Court challenge questioning the legality of Covid-19 vaccination mandates for Police and Defence Force employees has been upheld, with the court determining that the government mandate is an unjustified incursion on the Bill of Rights.

In a decision released today, Justice Francis Cooke determined that ordering frontline police officers and Defence staff to be vaccinated or face losing their job was not a "reasonably justified" breach of the Bill of Rights.

The lawyer for the police and Defence staff at the centre of the claim is now calling for the suspended workers to return to their jobs immediately, saying many have given decades of service to their community and are still committed to their jobs.

The challenge, put forward by a group of Defence force and police employees, questioned the legality of making an order under the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act to require vaccination for frontline employees.
Is there a link for that?


Since you asked Laura, I put an answer here, it into the Corona thread instead of the Ukraine Civil war thread, where the question originated. I don't have the link to the Daily article, but instead:

I recall that French geneticist Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude wrote something about it recently. Albeit she didn't refer to "3trillion" in her tweet about what's the chance to find the by Moderna 3 (!) years ago patented, same genetic snippet like in the virus' spike protein. Instead she referred to it (in english) as 1 in 1 billion.

And here is the study that was referred to (i think)

She writes in her twitter:

La probabilité que cette séquence de 19 lettres résulte du hasard #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG?
Moins d'1 chance sur 1 milliard car cette séquence n'existe dans un AUCUN autre coronavirus!
Une séquence optimisée pour être lue chez l'homme (analogie de la clé)
Satisfaction intellectuelle!


The probability that this 19 letter sequence is the result of chance #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG?
Less than 1 in 1 billion because this sequence does not exist in ANY other coronavirus!
A sequence optimised to be read in humans (key analogy)

Intellectual satisfaction!

IMAGE 2022-02-25 18:30:39.jpg
A little correction

I wrote a little wrong and meant: The referred genetic code sequence from the virus, also happened to have been patented by Moderna as early as 2016, e.g. 3+ years before the Plandemic emerged.
I recall that French geneticist Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude wrote something about it recently. Albeit she didn't refer to "3trillion" in her tweet about what's the chance to find the by Moderna 3 (!) years ago patented, 3 years BEFORE the plandemic emerged, e.g same genetic snippet like in the virus' spike protein. Instead she referred to it (in english) as 1 in 1 billion.
All kinds of masks coming off these days, both literal and symbolic;

It seems the Covid saga is getting relegated to the bottom of the news cycle now with Ukraine being the primary story of the day. It's like the media/government/health authorities are lifting the carpet and sweeping all the dirt under it, "Nothing to see here anymore folks!!"🧹🧹🧹
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