Good 2m+ clip found on a french telegram channel - it contains french text translation but the original english is kept. A compilation of "promises" for the one who get jabbed.

This kind of clip can eventually be useful for people on the fence who still have hard to position - it can be viewed directly in browser without Telegram :

I like the small "chip tune" on behind, well chosen ! 🤣
Imagine what these psychos are going to say in 2023: "Ladies and gentlemen, new data shows that Covid vaccines are now by far the best contraception method ever invented." :rolleyes:
Did anyone else hear about the International Day of Happiness?
Soon to be every day! The United Nations New World Order web site declares that the elite are taking back their planet, and we'll all be Happytalists very soon. Have fun decoding the content here:

The United Nations New World Order Project is a global initiative to advance the values, principles, and articles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Resolutions 64/13, 65/309, 66/281, and the outcomes of the First High Level Meeting on Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining A New Economic Paradigm held on April 2, 2012 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, NY, USA.

What I'm getting from Dr. Ardis is that the virus is real, but it's derived from snake venom which it seems likely Dr. Bing Liu would have revealed from his studies. It definitely seems designed for depopulation whereas the Cs indicated the aim was to make people more compliant. Well, it would seem compliance was achieved by extreme fear of Covid. Flu supposedly disappeared, replaced by PCR positive cases and treatment with snake venom equivalent Remdesivir and the mRNA vaxxes. And Google has plenty of results for remdesivir cobra venom as of now. Part 3 of the Dr. Ardis interview is supposed to be released today according to Mike Adams' April 12 Situation Update.

I couldn't help but notice that Ohio and Wisconsin appear to have the largest number of water testing sites as shown by Dr. Ardis in Part 1:
View attachment 57751

I vaguely remember that wastewater was tested maybe in Ireland that showed the virus was present well before the supposed outbreak in December 2019? And the Cs did say the virus was out a couple of years before the official declaration. But if municipal water is being used in a targeted way to spread the virus/venom, it would seem whole populations of an area would all be affected including children. But maybe it was only necessary to target one area - NYC as Mike Adams suggests. Once that produced the desired fear factor, the rest of the control measures kicked in that resulted in the two years of Covid hysteria nationally and beyond.

Ok - I was counting the Ardis/Peters vid as Part 1, but that's incorrect. The first two parts are with Mike Adams and are available in this article - I haven't viewed that Part 1 yet:

GCM links the Cobra

*Breaking!!* Gcm RETURNS w/ the Penultimate (MOAB) Future Past BOMBSHELL The KOBE KODE SIMULATION!
“PREDICTED" by GCM... 2018!?!??



and though NIN months LATE
this TIMELY little thread

How and WHY NOW?

because in order to MOVE FORWARD out of this chaos, you need to UNDERSTAND where it ALL BEGAN BACK WORDS by those who BETRAYED US.

So the KEY to this PRE SENT known as C-NINeteen

Do you like what you’ve seen or all you could LOSE?


How about the ONE I’ve been talking about LONG BEFORE this anomalous (Q)uestion appeared…

a FUTURES-PAST one of course, how very wierd!

sound familiar?

FUTURE *PROVES* PAST? in 2020 hindsight?

except the interesting thing is, it wasn’t that LETTER who gave the INSIGHT!


Is/was there an actual (set of) FORECASTs/"prediction(s)" issued by GCM 2 YEARS AGO from the EXACT MONTH (beginning in JANUARY 2018) which specifically mentioned and warned KOBE BRYANT was in GRAVE DANGER as the target of a MASSIVE NWO Mega RITUAL SACRIFICE which would involve a tragic (nationwide) AIR DISASTER PLANe(demic) CRASH???

As STRANGE as this all might sound…
Sometimes FACT *is* stranger than FICTION
(especially if there’s TIME-stamped "FORECASTs” some might call a PREDICTION!)

IF true,
the existence of such a “forecast” imho, would be one of the most EPIC if not most important "predictions" on record when you understand the deeper implications of KOBE being directly connected to the CORONA”VIRUS" and FACT (as far as I'm aware), ”Gcm" is/was the ONLY SOURCE on the PLANET who posted the only (REAL) WARNING specifically referencing the DEATH of a MEGA SPORTS ICON (aka KOBE BRYANT) and how this multi-LEYered “EVENT” would involve an "AIR" DISASTER CRASH!

What (kind of) IMPLICATIONS (aside from what should be obvious)?

Well,, there's a very important "story" hidden in PLANe SIGHT that makes it so unique and not just about his FLIGHT --but rather what it VALIDATES or PROVES in context of a MAJOR Gcm “discovery” from 2013 & 2014 as it relates to our "current" TIME(LINE) MATRIX and a TECHNOLOGY being used by a CERNtain global SATANIC military industrial (OCCULT) complex linked to NASA with a QUANTUM computer that’s been MANIPULATING IT!

In other worLds... What if I told you there's compelling (and very damning) new evidence of a TESLA-based TIME techKNOWLEDGEy that enables it's USERs to ALTER & essentially MANIPULATE TIME, or for lack of a better term...


Do I have everyone's attention now?

Because if true (or even theoretically possible), such a revelation might explain quite A LOT about what's been "going on" for at least the past 9 YEARS beginning around say…


not to mention why it seems EVERYONE has gone BAT SH#T CRAZY!

almost as if someone or “something” has TAMPERED with our “TIMELINE” or for lack of a better term, “MERGED” an ARTIFICIAL ONE!

(Which doesn’t include the chaos, censorship, torture or harrassment ”targeted individuals” might be subject to who possess such sensitive knowledge that could literally EXPOSE the LEVEL these FALLINg ANGELS playing with CERNtain 60mm DemonicWAVE Haarps, OPERATE ON!)


you mean like all those crazy conspiracy theorists who’ve been warning about a SATANIC group of PSYCHOPATHS & PE DO PHILES running our WORLD plotting to EXTERMINATE HUMANITY?

not too many laughing now eh?

to which I SAY… by the end of this thread, you might not know WHAT TO SAY ;-0

With that said then, let me first say GOOD TO BE BACK in this TIMESTREAM (again) though unfortunately under somewhat (on-going) solemn circumstances for which I offer my "belated" condolences to KOBE's FAMILY on the heels of his approaching NUMBERs in the 11th MONTH (or true NINth MONTH aka NOVEM) linked to the GREAT SOLAR SUN "PROBE" & WITCH HUNTer which LAUNCHED a VIRAL MASSk casualty PAYLOAD that officially began on JANUARY 26th —a DATE historians will likely regard as one of the most TRAGIC (sports/hollywood) ICONic DEATHS on record further validating what will also be one of thee BIGGEST, most important "discoveries” of all "TIME" literally!

WHY am I posting this thread 9 months after the event and over 1 year MIA? the (usual) SHORT answer...
to Harmonic TIMEline CYCLE SEASONS!

speaking of.. for those wondering about the current “status” of the CYCLE of NINs "forecasts" over the past YEAR which I'll be posting details of soon as well as the NOVEMBER 2020 GRID…

it's a provable FACT that:

1. ALL MAJOR BITCOIN/Crypto & STOCK MARKET rallys/spikes or Flash CRASHES (including the HISTORIC S&P/Nasdaq/DOW CRASH that started everything on 2/24/2020)…

2. ALL the biggest most powerful EARTHQUAKES this year

3. Every MAJOR F.alse F.lag Mass Casualty Event, (ICONic) TRAGEDIES, WildFIRES, (Space) WEATHER Events HURRICANES or (AIR) DISASTERS…

and 4... ALL KEY DATES connected to the CORONAVIRUS "P(L)ANdEmic" have continued to coincide with these double-NIN CYCLES maintaining a 96 to 99% level of accuracy!

But back to the main focus of this thread beginning with the 1st BIG EVENT of "2020" which essentially, officially or almost literally, INJECTED and LAUNCHED a PROBE on a multi-LEYered (NASA linked) "MISSION" in the form of a massive OCCULT Mega RITUAL connected to the PERFECT ICON whose NAME for all intents and purposes, embodied the true nature of their quantum SIMULATION warGAME against humanity featuring a ROyAl King KOBra adversary some might call the KoRONOS of COVID-19!

This story begins in JANUARY of 2018 when I posted a particular thread here warning about a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE and how it would be connected to the Tragic death of a certain world famous ICON.

What kind of story or RITUAL you ask?

a MULTI-LEYered Feathered SERPENT ONE, of course

need I remind everyone of Kobe's main symbol, sign or NICKNAME?


YEP, he KNEW the court & LEVEL he was playing on was full of SNAKES

Did I mention this event also:
1. coincided w/a (double) NIN-Cycle (& certain MARKET "Time" CYCLE)?
2. directly "connects" to the CORONA "Virus" (and a NASA “MISSION”)?
3. involves a "pretext" (theme) "foreshadowed by a MAJOR l(Mega) EARTHQUAKE and several OTHER WORLD Famous ICON tragedies about to occur soon?
or that #4. something EVERYONE needs to understand...

Definitely WASN'T an ACCIDENT!

In fact, aside from all the (conspiratorial/occult-linked) "COVERAGE" many may have heard or seen throughout the (alternative/social) MEDIA frenzy since the morning of January 26th, I submit the REAL TRUTH or TWIST to this story I'm about to REVEAL, is not only far more BIZARRE than anyone might have imagined, but goes far DEEPER down a Quantum RABBIT HOLE than most will probably be able to handle.

Regardless, I think it makes perfect sense this HISTORIC ("tipping point") EVENT rightly takes precedent as the STARTING POINT for Gcm's "return" because it's fundamentally linked (ALLmost literally) to a CERNtain AI (Q)uantum (tunneling) "COMPUTER" and a Schumann TIME (line) "SHIFT" which the CORONA "Virus" emerged FROM; or should I say MERGED WITH like a TROJAN TIME GLITCH in THEir control MATRIX.

iow, is it possible this so-called "VIRUS" they "injected" into our TIMELINE to manipulate and essentially DESTROY it for their NWO agenda, was actually a TROJAN VIRUS or TIME GLITCH created by their AI which would end up INFECTING, BACKFIRING and DESTROYING THEir OWNwo CONTROL MATRIX?


and seems we’re about to find out WHICH TIMELINE we’re ON in the next 24 to 48 hours or IS IT WEEKS?

will it be the RED one or BLUE one?


but I choose the RED PILL since the other one is HELL

either way I SEE a GREAT RED WAVE coming and SEISMIC EVENT that might not just be POLITICAL in nature if you get my drift.

however more about that LATER.

In the meantime, getting back to the RUB...
WHAT IF I TOLD YOU beginning "back" in (January) 2018 on 1/31 (approx 2 YEARS and 72 hours from the exact date KOBE’s helicopter crashed), not only did Gcm "issue” MULTIPLE WARNINGS about that event, but gave the most important DETAILS of all…

1. the NAME of this ICON aka KOBE

2. the TYPE of EVENT involved aka an AIR disaster
(KEY word being "AIr" which you'll see I repeatedly EMPHASIZED due to several other BIG connections associated as it relates to NIKE)

3. a connection to a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE

and 4, the DATE of this Tragedy to occur approx 72 hours of JANUARY 31st!

WHAT DATES are linked to KOBES death in 2020?

JANUARY 26th/27th!


however, the BIGGER question that’s gonna BAKE EVERYONES NOODLE…

HOW did or COULD I have known in JANUARY 2018, that KOBE would die in an AIR RELATED DISASTER at the END of JANUARY?

once you ask that question, you begin to see the deeper implications of something even more incredible I’ve been hinting aout when you understand the context of the GCM TIME THEORY as it relates to the QUANTUM connection between 2018 and 2020!


in other words..

WHAT IF 2018 wasn’t really 2018 and 2020 isn’t really 2020?


let that sink in

because IF all those connections are valid, then there's one other even more significant or PROFOUND dynamic I submit such specific FOREKNOWLEDGE could essentially and hypothetically offer or PROVE
(especially if the "forecaster" aka gcm, wasn't "involved")...


KNOWLEDGE that in CERNtain cases, could be VERY USEFUL in helping to EXPOSE the perpetrators and potentially CHANGE the FUTURE of one's TIMELINE through principles of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT OBSERVATION EFFECT to PROTECT other ICONS (for starters) from being "targeted" by these psychopaths in their "Feathered Serpent" RITUALS.

In fact, as you'll see soon, there's already been at least 2 other WORLD FAMOUS MEGA-ICON's also on this particular (AIR Disaster/Accident/Crash) "LIST" I also warned about whose TIMELINE I submit *was* In fact CHANGED as a result since "they" BOTH SURVIVED!

the NEXT BIG QUESTION most are probably asking now is

Glad you asked because what's even more interesting about the ORIGINAL THREAD I posted here in JANUARY (and again in FEBRUARY) "2018" as you'll see in context of a CERNtain (set of) "EVENT(s)" that occurred that month which led to my becoming AWARE KOBE Bryant was one of the primary Icon's being TARGETED, is I specifically made a direct (ALLEGORICAL) or somewhat "coded" reference to "KObE" because of several ("QUANTUM TUNNELING Time-Shift) EVENTS that occurred within 2 weeks of each other and not just in 2018 or 2019, but in particular PAST YEARS Quantumly ENTANGLED that I’ll be getting into soon.

WHAT EVENT(s) am I talking about?
and (how) DID I KNOW? or should I say...
HOW, WHAT or WHEN DID I KNOW about the connection to "KObE (Bryant)?

Well, fortunately THE THREAD(s) containing/explaining all the DETAILS and PROOF, is/are still ARCHIVED for everyone to see TODAY which as I said THEN would in TIME make MUCH MORE SENSE in "HIND" SIGHT between the (Time)LINES in context of a CERNtain set of MASSIVE STAR-QUAKE ANNIVERSARY RITUALs in the month of JANUARY connected to the GREAT 2018 (BLACK) SWAN Quake, recent/past PUERTO RICO quakes, 2011 HAITI quake, 1994 NORTHRIDGE quake, the 1995 HANSHIN quake and the GREAT 2018 KOde iAk AIasKA (TIME) QUAKE!

anyone know what I’m talking about?


Without further ado then, BELOW are the key excerpts/take-aways from the 1st one posted on JANUARY 31st 2018 @7:08am PST —threads I think most will find extremely interesting & very enlightening, if not effing MIND-BLOWING since it's important CONTEXT that further *proves* WHO I was referring to back on JANUARY "2018"!

"'ll begin to understand why I'm issuing this warning for multiple gLoBALL FALSE-FLAG EVENTS about to occur shortly which may involve a MAJOR 7.2 to 8.5 SEISmic event, a MAJOR AIr to ESeA CrASH, and the tragic dEAth of a WORLD FAMOUS GOLD in REd RoyAl ICOn"

"...WHAT EVENT am I referring to that's connected to....or should I say ENTANGLED WITH a MAJOR NEW EPIC GCM DISCOVERY of GLOBAL significance I made back in NOVEMber having to do with a CERNtain QUANTUM chAIn of 8.8LOCKS I was able to open with the set of KEYS to the UNIVERSE I' borrowed from NIKOLA?. :}"

it came out of nowhere like a thief in the Knight,
their monster of KOdE AK Al asKA,,,
-of course I was right!"

"...but if you've been following this page for a while or were paying attention to the last set of forecasts I posted, you'd probably have a little idea as to WHAT BIG EVENT just HAPPENED YESTERDAY which began on 1/28, and why it's so important or such a BIG deal, if not HISTORIC due to the profound implications it has in context of a FINAL CONFIRMATION about this new MONUMENTAL discovery I made that will take the work i''ve been doing to new QUANTUM LEVELS once I officially begin implementing everything I've been quietly working on behind the scenes of which will also finally answer all the other big questions many have asked....including the one about why Gcm suddenly "stopped" making and putting out videos in January of 2014."

and here's all the key excerpts/take-aways from the 2nd one posted FEBRUARY 4th 2018 @3:24am PST
(keeping in mind the TIME or NUMBER 3:24 aka 324 because it's directly connected to KOBE BRYANT and the DATE when you subtract 9 days! and... the DUAL Multi-LEYered CONNECTION in context of a MAJOR MARKET CRASH in JAN/FEB 2018 that's connected to the MASSIVE MARKET CRASH on 2/24/2020 which just happened to be WHAT?


"...WHAT ABOUT the *KODIAK* Quake?"

"...because I have a special little STORY...connected to the ALASKA QUAKE that happened to me PERSONALLY right before which I guarantee will BLOW everyone's MIND here as much as it did MINE!"

"...In other words, there's going to be at least 2 but no more than 3 MAJOR DROPS this month; except ONE of these "drops" or CRASHES, is not as connected to the CRYPTO MARKET as it might be to ANOTHER MARKet about to CrASH the STREET of the WOLF's WALL soon which as I hinted 2 months ago, no longer LIES with the LAmb."

"...Wait, did I just warn about the BIG ONE connected to another HISTORIC CrASH linked to the STOCK MARket THIS YEAR... or MONTH?...

TO BE or NOT to B...

Swiftly by the aiR of KO B harmonically & GLo BULLy, just BE AiRly


With that said, below are the preliminary Gcm CYCLE of NIN Forecast Windows connected to... a headline "AiR" Disaster, and likely the tragic death of 1 of 3 to 6 WORLD FAMOUS ICONS in GRAVE DANGER this year being targeted by the NWO psychopaths) context of the GOLDen ICON RoyAI about to DI Y; or will it be the EAGLE's LUNAR lander of DayELphi tROY?

(Q-a non WHO? ;@ lol)

So folks, do you reeeeally THINK it's all just a crazy little synchronicity or coincidence I referenced a CRASH and the term "aiR" or "SPELLED" the KODIAK "Quake"...


(more PROOF I KNEW one of THEir TARGETs and that the EVENT would involve a CRASH connected to the "aiR"!)

and how about the reference to GOLD?

what main (ROYALty) COLOR is/was connected to KOBE?


the color of his JERSEY with the LAKERS

DID I MENTION (if you don't already SEE IT)
the OTHER reasons or (mind-blowing "anniversary" RITUAL) connection going on as it relates to the QUAKE in KODIAK:


and notice anything interesting in context of the quake's YEAR and "distance" from Kodiak?
M 7.9 - 280km SE of Kodiak, Alaska
2018-01-23 09:31:40 (UTC)
56.004°N 149.166°W
14.1 km depth


what were 2 BIG Kobe NUMBERs?

8-2 (4)

did you know the "original" magnitude was 8.2?

or that 1/28 (the day after kobe's helicopter crash)
was the date of another HISTORIC AIR DISASTER "Anniversary" Ritual?


how about the DEPTH


HOW OLD was KOBE this year?


what else did I reference?

the terms EAGLE and LUNAR (linked to the MOON)

take a wild guess where KOBE was BORN?

PhilaDELPHia in the EAGLEs

that's STRANGE... because I recall another set of (mind blowing) "predictions" which prophetically also NAILED the dates 2 other famous ICONS died in JANUARY 2016 (one of which was connected to an EAGLE of philadelphia)....


or how about the Great HANSHIN MegaQUAKE of JANUARY 17, 1995
Great Hanshin earthquake - Wikipedia

how is that directly connected and to KOBE and another SEISMIC EVENT I was alluding to?

well, it just so happens that there’s another NAME of the HANSHIN QUAKE related to the LOCATION…

The Great ”KOBE Quake



Does anyone understand the MAGNITUDE now or IMPLICATIONS of what I'm REVEALING right; not to mention what I revealed BACK "THEN" in "2018"?

but these are just few examples of WHY I've been saying connections like these within CERNtain events (especially those of this MAGNITUDE) go far beyond the capability of ENGINEERING what HUMANS (alone) can "do".

do you really think HUMANS can WEAVE all these connections together with such PERFECTION?

a REVELATION brought to you by GCM which all the GEMATRIA "Gurus" and "Q-rus" need to understand or get up to speed on because GEMATRIA is CHILDS PLAY as to the TRUE NATURE of the SOURCE from which the NUMBERS originate which are NOT HUMANS.

gives new meaning to the phrase

As for those who might argue or say BFD Gcm, 2018 WAS 2 YEARS AGO cuz it "happened" in JANUARY of "2020"...

well, like I already discussed… MY RESPONSE is somewhat simple (but MULTI-fold) since the answer is also another reason why I say this (gcm) time theory "discovery" is so important in context of "something" I said in "2018" and have continued to say for YEARS in most of these CYCLE of NIN "forecasts" I "put out"...

...anyone here remember WHAT I always say?

"Except it's NOT"

as in...
it isn't and wasn't!
or rather...

WHO said we're in 2020?

or that 2018 was 2018?

a profound question that opens up another can of wormHOLES now doesn’ it?

in fact, I've actually answered a big part of that question I'll be getting more into soon in context of BITCOIN!

but essentially WHAT IF I TOLD YOU... Not only is BITCOIN directly connected to the GCM TIME THEORY,

it can almost literally PROVE IT?

what am I talking about?

well, how many realize one of the biggest, most MIND BLOWING TOPICs going VIRAL throughout the CRYPTO COMMUNITY on a global level (beginning in 2018 when many began to NOTICE it), is the UNEXPLAINABLE PHENOMENON/enigma that the "current" BITCOIN MARKET CYCLE (from 2018, 2019 & 2020), seemed and seems to be almost literally "MIRRORING", following or REPEATING the 2013/2014 MARKET CYCLE FRACTAL?!?!!!


except there's ONLY ONE SOURCE and THEORY that best EXPLAINS IT...


why is that so interesting?

well, WHEN did I say I first discovered the Gcm TT (and began developing it)?

2013 & 2014


SOMETHING BIG HAPPENED between 2013 & 2014 folks
that's also connected to a CERtaiN TIME-MANIPULATION TechKNOWLEDGEy designed to give a CERNtain GROUP the ability to "go back" so to speak) and CHANGE HISTORY favorable to their AGENDA or almost literally BUY THEM MORE TIME!

Which makes perfect sense when you understand what the NWO FEARS most that threatens their entire FINANCIAL SYSTEM


the BLACK HOLE that will DEVOURS it all

so back to the question....

is it 2020? OR "another" year?

anyone remember what "happened" (or rather, what most thought DIDN'T) back in DECEMBER before 2013 began?

The GREAT MAYAN CALENDAR of 2012 when TIME as we know it, ENDED and I submit CHANGED our REALITY forever.

But that’s yet another story for another TIME and another thread because there’s 2 FINAL important PARTS to this thread about KOBE’S death I still need to discuss, especially as it relates to those I call CO-PROGRAMMERS of the SIMULATION at NASA!

before we jump down that rabbit hole…

For those who still aren’t convinced even with the CODED FB THREADS that clearly referenced KO BE…

Those PALE in comparison when you realize there’s another set of ARCHIVED PUBLIC POSTS that are NOT CODED and can irrefutably PROVE GCM did IN FACT CLEARLY warn multiple times in 2018 and 2019 KOBE BRYANT was about to die in a TRAGIC AIR DISASTER.

WHAT POSTS am I refering to?

well, I direct your attention if you haven’t seen it, to the IMAGES BELOW for this thread.

notice anything?


so the question skeptics now have to ask themelves…

because if they are and haven’t been edited in any way, you have no choice but to get off your fence and concede any doubts GCM is the REAL DEAL that’s HACKED their entire MATRIX.


as many have pointed out, COVID or COVe is in fact the literal phonetic equivalent in various linguistic contexts as in KOBE or KOVID 19

the B is essentially pronounced V

the LINK is beyond CLEAR and shows (dare I say) the diabolical GENIUS of the SOURCE PROGRAMMING the SIMULATION.

the question is WHICH SIDE are they ON? ;0

and that brings me to the END of PART 1

The FINAL PART and BIG CONNECTIONS NASA has to KOBE BRYANTS DEATH (other than the clues I've left in the IMAGES BELOW and MAIN PAGE image of the sun above) PROVING THEY KNEW and were directly involved in PLANNING IT is coming up in PART 2 continued below or in another thread later this week as I get back on track with this very important post that believe it or not is still only HALF FINISHED!

in the meanTIME standby for this months CYCLE OF NIN FORECAST as the GREAT RED WAVE washes away the last remnants of the SWAMP

Another from Mark Crisper Miller (previously mentioned back in 2016 - (grain of salt) long before this pandemic business with hints along the way of population decline):

Scully and Mulder nailed it in 2016

A year before Dr. Fauci predicted the "pandemic" under Trump, "The X-Files" foretold its use to cull the human race, and crush America

"11%" and taking into account the value of each Pfizer dose, which is approximately 19 dollars rounded down to a lower value... if we add the money of the remaining 89% that is also useless, that of the protocols, payments to staff and infrastructure, we have a money waster bomb that leaves the 40 billion sent to Ukraine as a joke.

Data Shows More Than 82 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Have Been Wasted in U.S.

More than 82 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been wasted in the U.S. since December 2020, according to the latest data.

Per a report from NBC News on Monday citing data from the CDC, 82.1 million doses—or a little more than 11 percent of the doses distributed by the government—were “discarded” between December 2020 and the middle of last month. CVS alone is reported to have discarded nearly 11.8 million twos, while Walmart is said to have wasted around 10 million twos. Walgreens, another widely used vaccine provider, discarded an estimated 8.3 million doses.

While a number of reasons are pointed to in the report, which also notes that these numbers are on par predictions from the World Health Organization, health authorities argue the confirmed wasting of tens of millions of doses is a sign of how—in many ways— to achieve widespread vaccination in response to efforts the global pandemic have often failed short.

To be absolutely clear, the vaccines are indeed safe and effective. If you're still lacking in the doses and/or boosters department, hit this site to remedy that.

Data Shows More Than 82 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Have Been Wasted in U.S.
From Vitality Magazine an article saying damage to the vagus nerve is at the root of long Covid. The article is promoting a treatment for the vagus nerve with a link to the technology of stimulation. The article doesn't go into detail on vagus nerve function but I've copied one of a few trials that looks at this subject.

There have been a few scientific articles on the function of the vagus nerve and how it works and how it might be significant in long Covid. This is interesting info to me anyways on activity of the vagus nerve in light of EE practice! So it appears that EE addresses some of the following conditions. As well as EE I've saved an article from a therapist who says simply exhaling slowly in a hum or chanting is good for vagus nerve function, something one can do safely during other activities. I'm doing that now while typing this out to see how possible it is to do it as a background to other activities. (seems possible to do background humming and type at same time, thought process maybe a tiny bit impaired, could improve with practice.) Googled vagus nerve and so many, many things pop up as assisting the vagus nerve.

Study points to vagus nerve dysfunction as a central pathophysiological feature of long COVID

-New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues.

-The authors propose that SARS-CoV-2-mediated vagus nerve dysfunction (VND) could explain some long COVID symptoms, including dysphonia (persistent voice problems), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dizziness, tachycardia (abnormally high heart rate), orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure) and diarrhea.

-The most frequent VND-related symptoms were: diarrhea (73%), tachycardia (59%), dizziness, dysphagia and dysphonia (45% each), and orthostatic hypotension (14%). Almost all (19 subjects, 86%) had at least 3 VND-related symptoms. The median prior duration of symptoms was 14 months. Six of 22 patients (27%) displayed alteration of the vagus nerve in the neck shown by ultrasound - including both thickening of the nerve and increased 'echogenicity' which indicates mild inflammatory reactive changes.

-A thoracic ultrasound showed flattened 'diaphragmatic curves' in 10 out of 22 (46%) subjects (which translates a decrease in diaphragmatic mobility during breathing, or more simply abnormal breathing). A total of 10 of 16 (63%) assessed individuals showed reduced maximum inspiration pressures, showing weakness of breathing muscles.

-New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues. New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues.

-A Voice Handicap Index 30 test (a standard way to measure voice function) was abnormal in 8/17 (47%) cases, with 7 of these 8 cases (88%) suffering dysphonia.
Another from Mark Crisper Miller (previously mentioned back in 2016 - (grain of salt) long before this pandemic business with hints along the way of population decline):

Wow I remember watching the X-Files reboot. Of course in 2016 it was a different time, and it didn't age well! I wonder if the writers, or actors who are delivering those lines, think that all those things are just bad things with no connection between them, and in no way a conspiracy, just a coincidence?
Wow I remember watching the X-Files reboot. Of course in 2016 it was a different time, and it didn't age well! I wonder if the writers, or actors who are delivering those lines, think that all those things are just bad things with no connection between them, and in no way a conspiracy, just a coincidence?
3D STS "masterminds" are mere "pawns" used by 4D STS. The amount of mind programming going on is ludicrous. If 4D STS can make humans insert a back door into a vaccine, you bet they can make an actor repeat "Wake up. You live in a matrix. Aliens are very real." two hundred times without ever expanding the actor's consciousness!
(L) They may have intended one thing, but it's actually being used in another way by 4D critters. Maybe they were induced to construct the vaccine the way they did for these other reasons without necessarily knowing the full implications of what they were doing.

(Pierre) Like a back door.

A: Yes
Q: Is it true that being in the presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the mind and makes it almost impossible to think ones' way out of the situation?

A: It is the draining of energy that befuddles the mind.

Q: Where does this energy drain to?

A: 4th density STS.

Q: They drain our energy from us and 4th density STS harvests it from them?

A: "They" do nothing!!!! 4th density STS does it all through them!
Tweet says:
“We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate and that it’s a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that.”

- Bill Gates

There has been a popular saying circulating around the tech world for quite some time. It goes like this:
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?
A: Greenbaum victim.
Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.
(L) So he has been set up to play his role, but he's really just a throw-away pawn?
A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.
Q: (L) So he's out there like being a lightning rod, attracting all the hatred and all the opprobrium...
(Joe) And he genuinely believes that he's doing a good thing for the planet because he's deluded.
(L) And when the new boss comes in, he'll be tossed aside.
A: Yes
While we wait for the new "boss" to come in, we know what to do... 😉
GCM links the Cobra

*Breaking!!* Gcm RETURNS w/ the Penultimate (MOAB) Future Past BOMBSHELL The KOBE KODE SIMULATION!
“PREDICTED" by GCM... 2018!?!??



and though NIN months LATE
this TIMELY little thread

How and WHY NOW?

because in order to MOVE FORWARD out of this chaos, you need to UNDERSTAND where it ALL BEGAN BACK WORDS by those who BETRAYED US.

So the KEY to this PRE SENT known as C-NINeteen

Do you like what you’ve seen or all you could LOSE?


How about the ONE I’ve been talking about LONG BEFORE this anomalous (Q)uestion appeared…

a FUTURES-PAST one of course, how very wierd!

sound familiar?

FUTURE *PROVES* PAST? in 2020 hindsight?

except the interesting thing is, it wasn’t that LETTER who gave the INSIGHT!


Is/was there an actual (set of) FORECASTs/"prediction(s)" issued by GCM 2 YEARS AGO from the EXACT MONTH (beginning in JANUARY 2018) which specifically mentioned and warned KOBE BRYANT was in GRAVE DANGER as the target of a MASSIVE NWO Mega RITUAL SACRIFICE which would involve a tragic (nationwide) AIR DISASTER PLANe(demic) CRASH???

As STRANGE as this all might sound…
Sometimes FACT *is* stranger than FICTION
(especially if there’s TIME-stamped "FORECASTs” some might call a PREDICTION!)

IF true,
the existence of such a “forecast” imho, would be one of the most EPIC if not most important "predictions" on record when you understand the deeper implications of KOBE being directly connected to the CORONA”VIRUS" and FACT (as far as I'm aware), ”Gcm" is/was the ONLY SOURCE on the PLANET who posted the only (REAL) WARNING specifically referencing the DEATH of a MEGA SPORTS ICON (aka KOBE BRYANT) and how this multi-LEYered “EVENT” would involve an "AIR" DISASTER CRASH!

What (kind of) IMPLICATIONS (aside from what should be obvious)?

Well,, there's a very important "story" hidden in PLANe SIGHT that makes it so unique and not just about his FLIGHT --but rather what it VALIDATES or PROVES in context of a MAJOR Gcm “discovery” from 2013 & 2014 as it relates to our "current" TIME(LINE) MATRIX and a TECHNOLOGY being used by a CERNtain global SATANIC military industrial (OCCULT) complex linked to NASA with a QUANTUM computer that’s been MANIPULATING IT!

In other worLds... What if I told you there's compelling (and very damning) new evidence of a TESLA-based TIME techKNOWLEDGEy that enables it's USERs to ALTER & essentially MANIPULATE TIME, or for lack of a better term...


Do I have everyone's attention now?

Because if true (or even theoretically possible), such a revelation might explain quite A LOT about what's been "going on" for at least the past 9 YEARS beginning around say…


not to mention why it seems EVERYONE has gone BAT SH#T CRAZY!

almost as if someone or “something” has TAMPERED with our “TIMELINE” or for lack of a better term, “MERGED” an ARTIFICIAL ONE!

(Which doesn’t include the chaos, censorship, torture or harrassment ”targeted individuals” might be subject to who possess such sensitive knowledge that could literally EXPOSE the LEVEL these FALLINg ANGELS playing with CERNtain 60mm DemonicWAVE Haarps, OPERATE ON!)


you mean like all those crazy conspiracy theorists who’ve been warning about a SATANIC group of PSYCHOPATHS & PE DO PHILES running our WORLD plotting to EXTERMINATE HUMANITY?

not too many laughing now eh?

to which I SAY… by the end of this thread, you might not know WHAT TO SAY ;-0

With that said then, let me first say GOOD TO BE BACK in this TIMESTREAM (again) though unfortunately under somewhat (on-going) solemn circumstances for which I offer my "belated" condolences to KOBE's FAMILY on the heels of his approaching NUMBERs in the 11th MONTH (or true NINth MONTH aka NOVEM) linked to the GREAT SOLAR SUN "PROBE" & WITCH HUNTer which LAUNCHED a VIRAL MASSk casualty PAYLOAD that officially began on JANUARY 26th —a DATE historians will likely regard as one of the most TRAGIC (sports/hollywood) ICONic DEATHS on record further validating what will also be one of thee BIGGEST, most important "discoveries” of all "TIME" literally!

WHY am I posting this thread 9 months after the event and over 1 year MIA? the (usual) SHORT answer...
to Harmonic TIMEline CYCLE SEASONS!

speaking of.. for those wondering about the current “status” of the CYCLE of NINs "forecasts" over the past YEAR which I'll be posting details of soon as well as the NOVEMBER 2020 GRID…

it's a provable FACT that:

1. ALL MAJOR BITCOIN/Crypto & STOCK MARKET rallys/spikes or Flash CRASHES (including the HISTORIC S&P/Nasdaq/DOW CRASH that started everything on 2/24/2020)…

2. ALL the biggest most powerful EARTHQUAKES this year

3. Every MAJOR F.alse F.lag Mass Casualty Event, (ICONic) TRAGEDIES, WildFIRES, (Space) WEATHER Events HURRICANES or (AIR) DISASTERS…

and 4... ALL KEY DATES connected to the CORONAVIRUS "P(L)ANdEmic" have continued to coincide with these double-NIN CYCLES maintaining a 96 to 99% level of accuracy!

But back to the main focus of this thread beginning with the 1st BIG EVENT of "2020" which essentially, officially or almost literally, INJECTED and LAUNCHED a PROBE on a multi-LEYered (NASA linked) "MISSION" in the form of a massive OCCULT Mega RITUAL connected to the PERFECT ICON whose NAME for all intents and purposes, embodied the true nature of their quantum SIMULATION warGAME against humanity featuring a ROyAl King KOBra adversary some might call the KoRONOS of COVID-19!

This story begins in JANUARY of 2018 when I posted a particular thread here warning about a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE and how it would be connected to the Tragic death of a certain world famous ICON.

What kind of story or RITUAL you ask?

a MULTI-LEYered Feathered SERPENT ONE, of course

need I remind everyone of Kobe's main symbol, sign or NICKNAME?


YEP, he KNEW the court & LEVEL he was playing on was full of SNAKES

Did I mention this event also:
1. coincided w/a (double) NIN-Cycle (& certain MARKET "Time" CYCLE)?
2. directly "connects" to the CORONA "Virus" (and a NASA “MISSION”)?
3. involves a "pretext" (theme) "foreshadowed by a MAJOR l(Mega) EARTHQUAKE and several OTHER WORLD Famous ICON tragedies about to occur soon?
or that #4. something EVERYONE needs to understand...

Definitely WASN'T an ACCIDENT!

In fact, aside from all the (conspiratorial/occult-linked) "COVERAGE" many may have heard or seen throughout the (alternative/social) MEDIA frenzy since the morning of January 26th, I submit the REAL TRUTH or TWIST to this story I'm about to REVEAL, is not only far more BIZARRE than anyone might have imagined, but goes far DEEPER down a Quantum RABBIT HOLE than most will probably be able to handle.

Regardless, I think it makes perfect sense this HISTORIC ("tipping point") EVENT rightly takes precedent as the STARTING POINT for Gcm's "return" because it's fundamentally linked (ALLmost literally) to a CERNtain AI (Q)uantum (tunneling) "COMPUTER" and a Schumann TIME (line) "SHIFT" which the CORONA "Virus" emerged FROM; or should I say MERGED WITH like a TROJAN TIME GLITCH in THEir control MATRIX.

iow, is it possible this so-called "VIRUS" they "injected" into our TIMELINE to manipulate and essentially DESTROY it for their NWO agenda, was actually a TROJAN VIRUS or TIME GLITCH created by their AI which would end up INFECTING, BACKFIRING and DESTROYING THEir OWNwo CONTROL MATRIX?


and seems we’re about to find out WHICH TIMELINE we’re ON in the next 24 to 48 hours or IS IT WEEKS?

will it be the RED one or BLUE one?


but I choose the RED PILL since the other one is HELL

either way I SEE a GREAT RED WAVE coming and SEISMIC EVENT that might not just be POLITICAL in nature if you get my drift.

however more about that LATER.

In the meantime, getting back to the RUB...
WHAT IF I TOLD YOU beginning "back" in (January) 2018 on 1/31 (approx 2 YEARS and 72 hours from the exact date KOBE’s helicopter crashed), not only did Gcm "issue” MULTIPLE WARNINGS about that event, but gave the most important DETAILS of all…

1. the NAME of this ICON aka KOBE

2. the TYPE of EVENT involved aka an AIR disaster
(KEY word being "AIr" which you'll see I repeatedly EMPHASIZED due to several other BIG connections associated as it relates to NIKE)

3. a connection to a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE

and 4, the DATE of this Tragedy to occur approx 72 hours of JANUARY 31st!

WHAT DATES are linked to KOBES death in 2020?

JANUARY 26th/27th!


however, the BIGGER question that’s gonna BAKE EVERYONES NOODLE…

HOW did or COULD I have known in JANUARY 2018, that KOBE would die in an AIR RELATED DISASTER at the END of JANUARY?

once you ask that question, you begin to see the deeper implications of something even more incredible I’ve been hinting aout when you understand the context of the GCM TIME THEORY as it relates to the QUANTUM connection between 2018 and 2020!


in other words..

WHAT IF 2018 wasn’t really 2018 and 2020 isn’t really 2020?


let that sink in

because IF all those connections are valid, then there's one other even more significant or PROFOUND dynamic I submit such specific FOREKNOWLEDGE could essentially and hypothetically offer or PROVE
(especially if the "forecaster" aka gcm, wasn't "involved")...


KNOWLEDGE that in CERNtain cases, could be VERY USEFUL in helping to EXPOSE the perpetrators and potentially CHANGE the FUTURE of one's TIMELINE through principles of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT OBSERVATION EFFECT to PROTECT other ICONS (for starters) from being "targeted" by these psychopaths in their "Feathered Serpent" RITUALS.

In fact, as you'll see soon, there's already been at least 2 other WORLD FAMOUS MEGA-ICON's also on this particular (AIR Disaster/Accident/Crash) "LIST" I also warned about whose TIMELINE I submit *was* In fact CHANGED as a result since "they" BOTH SURVIVED!

the NEXT BIG QUESTION most are probably asking now is

Glad you asked because what's even more interesting about the ORIGINAL THREAD I posted here in JANUARY (and again in FEBRUARY) "2018" as you'll see in context of a CERNtain (set of) "EVENT(s)" that occurred that month which led to my becoming AWARE KOBE Bryant was one of the primary Icon's being TARGETED, is I specifically made a direct (ALLEGORICAL) or somewhat "coded" reference to "KObE" because of several ("QUANTUM TUNNELING Time-Shift) EVENTS that occurred within 2 weeks of each other and not just in 2018 or 2019, but in particular PAST YEARS Quantumly ENTANGLED that I’ll be getting into soon.

WHAT EVENT(s) am I talking about?
and (how) DID I KNOW? or should I say...
HOW, WHAT or WHEN DID I KNOW about the connection to "KObE (Bryant)?

Well, fortunately THE THREAD(s) containing/explaining all the DETAILS and PROOF, is/are still ARCHIVED for everyone to see TODAY which as I said THEN would in TIME make MUCH MORE SENSE in "HIND" SIGHT between the (Time)LINES in context of a CERNtain set of MASSIVE STAR-QUAKE ANNIVERSARY RITUALs in the month of JANUARY connected to the GREAT 2018 (BLACK) SWAN Quake, recent/past PUERTO RICO quakes, 2011 HAITI quake, 1994 NORTHRIDGE quake, the 1995 HANSHIN quake and the GREAT 2018 KOde iAk AIasKA (TIME) QUAKE!

anyone know what I’m talking about?


Without further ado then, BELOW are the key excerpts/take-aways from the 1st one posted on JANUARY 31st 2018 @7:08am PST —threads I think most will find extremely interesting & very enlightening, if not effing MIND-BLOWING since it's important CONTEXT that further *proves* WHO I was referring to back on JANUARY "2018"!

"'ll begin to understand why I'm issuing this warning for multiple gLoBALL FALSE-FLAG EVENTS about to occur shortly which may involve a MAJOR 7.2 to 8.5 SEISmic event, a MAJOR AIr to ESeA CrASH, and the tragic dEAth of a WORLD FAMOUS GOLD in REd RoyAl ICOn"

"...WHAT EVENT am I referring to that's connected to....or should I say ENTANGLED WITH a MAJOR NEW EPIC GCM DISCOVERY of GLOBAL significance I made back in NOVEMber having to do with a CERNtain QUANTUM chAIn of 8.8LOCKS I was able to open with the set of KEYS to the UNIVERSE I' borrowed from NIKOLA?. :}"

it came out of nowhere like a thief in the Knight,
their monster of KOdE AK Al asKA,,,
-of course I was right!"

"...but if you've been following this page for a while or were paying attention to the last set of forecasts I posted, you'd probably have a little idea as to WHAT BIG EVENT just HAPPENED YESTERDAY which began on 1/28, and why it's so important or such a BIG deal, if not HISTORIC due to the profound implications it has in context of a FINAL CONFIRMATION about this new MONUMENTAL discovery I made that will take the work i''ve been doing to new QUANTUM LEVELS once I officially begin implementing everything I've been quietly working on behind the scenes of which will also finally answer all the other big questions many have asked....including the one about why Gcm suddenly "stopped" making and putting out videos in January of 2014."

and here's all the key excerpts/take-aways from the 2nd one posted FEBRUARY 4th 2018 @3:24am PST
(keeping in mind the TIME or NUMBER 3:24 aka 324 because it's directly connected to KOBE BRYANT and the DATE when you subtract 9 days! and... the DUAL Multi-LEYered CONNECTION in context of a MAJOR MARKET CRASH in JAN/FEB 2018 that's connected to the MASSIVE MARKET CRASH on 2/24/2020 which just happened to be WHAT?


"...WHAT ABOUT the *KODIAK* Quake?"

"...because I have a special little STORY...connected to the ALASKA QUAKE that happened to me PERSONALLY right before which I guarantee will BLOW everyone's MIND here as much as it did MINE!"

"...In other words, there's going to be at least 2 but no more than 3 MAJOR DROPS this month; except ONE of these "drops" or CRASHES, is not as connected to the CRYPTO MARKET as it might be to ANOTHER MARKet about to CrASH the STREET of the WOLF's WALL soon which as I hinted 2 months ago, no longer LIES with the LAmb."

"...Wait, did I just warn about the BIG ONE connected to another HISTORIC CrASH linked to the STOCK MARket THIS YEAR... or MONTH?...

TO BE or NOT to B...

Swiftly by the aiR of KO B harmonically & GLo BULLy, just BE AiRly


With that said, below are the preliminary Gcm CYCLE of NIN Forecast Windows connected to... a headline "AiR" Disaster, and likely the tragic death of 1 of 3 to 6 WORLD FAMOUS ICONS in GRAVE DANGER this year being targeted by the NWO psychopaths) context of the GOLDen ICON RoyAI about to DI Y; or will it be the EAGLE's LUNAR lander of DayELphi tROY?

(Q-a non WHO? ;@ lol)

So folks, do you reeeeally THINK it's all just a crazy little synchronicity or coincidence I referenced a CRASH and the term "aiR" or "SPELLED" the KODIAK "Quake"...


(more PROOF I KNEW one of THEir TARGETs and that the EVENT would involve a CRASH connected to the "aiR"!)

and how about the reference to GOLD?

what main (ROYALty) COLOR is/was connected to KOBE?


the color of his JERSEY with the LAKERS

DID I MENTION (if you don't already SEE IT)
the OTHER reasons or (mind-blowing "anniversary" RITUAL) connection going on as it relates to the QUAKE in KODIAK:


and notice anything interesting in context of the quake's YEAR and "distance" from Kodiak?
M 7.9 - 280km SE of Kodiak, Alaska
2018-01-23 09:31:40 (UTC)
56.004°N 149.166°W
14.1 km depth


what were 2 BIG Kobe NUMBERs?

8-2 (4)

did you know the "original" magnitude was 8.2?

or that 1/28 (the day after kobe's helicopter crash)
was the date of another HISTORIC AIR DISASTER "Anniversary" Ritual?


how about the DEPTH


HOW OLD was KOBE this year?


what else did I reference?

the terms EAGLE and LUNAR (linked to the MOON)

take a wild guess where KOBE was BORN?

PhilaDELPHia in the EAGLEs

that's STRANGE... because I recall another set of (mind blowing) "predictions" which prophetically also NAILED the dates 2 other famous ICONS died in JANUARY 2016 (one of which was connected to an EAGLE of philadelphia)....


or how about the Great HANSHIN MegaQUAKE of JANUARY 17, 1995
Great Hanshin earthquake - Wikipedia

how is that directly connected and to KOBE and another SEISMIC EVENT I was alluding to?

well, it just so happens that there’s another NAME of the HANSHIN QUAKE related to the LOCATION…

The Great ”KOBE Quake



Does anyone understand the MAGNITUDE now or IMPLICATIONS of what I'm REVEALING right; not to mention what I revealed BACK "THEN" in "2018"?

but these are just few examples of WHY I've been saying connections like these within CERNtain events (especially those of this MAGNITUDE) go far beyond the capability of ENGINEERING what HUMANS (alone) can "do".

do you really think HUMANS can WEAVE all these connections together with such PERFECTION?

a REVELATION brought to you by GCM which all the GEMATRIA "Gurus" and "Q-rus" need to understand or get up to speed on because GEMATRIA is CHILDS PLAY as to the TRUE NATURE of the SOURCE from which the NUMBERS originate which are NOT HUMANS.

gives new meaning to the phrase

As for those who might argue or say BFD Gcm, 2018 WAS 2 YEARS AGO cuz it "happened" in JANUARY of "2020"...

well, like I already discussed… MY RESPONSE is somewhat simple (but MULTI-fold) since the answer is also another reason why I say this (gcm) time theory "discovery" is so important in context of "something" I said in "2018" and have continued to say for YEARS in most of these CYCLE of NIN "forecasts" I "put out"...

...anyone here remember WHAT I always say?

"Except it's NOT"

as in...
it isn't and wasn't!
or rather...

WHO said we're in 2020?

or that 2018 was 2018?

a profound question that opens up another can of wormHOLES now doesn’ it?

in fact, I've actually answered a big part of that question I'll be getting more into soon in context of BITCOIN!

but essentially WHAT IF I TOLD YOU... Not only is BITCOIN directly connected to the GCM TIME THEORY,

it can almost literally PROVE IT?

what am I talking about?

well, how many realize one of the biggest, most MIND BLOWING TOPICs going VIRAL throughout the CRYPTO COMMUNITY on a global level (beginning in 2018 when many began to NOTICE it), is the UNEXPLAINABLE PHENOMENON/enigma that the "current" BITCOIN MARKET CYCLE (from 2018, 2019 & 2020), seemed and seems to be almost literally "MIRRORING", following or REPEATING the 2013/2014 MARKET CYCLE FRACTAL?!?!!!


except there's ONLY ONE SOURCE and THEORY that best EXPLAINS IT...


why is that so interesting?

well, WHEN did I say I first discovered the Gcm TT (and began developing it)?

2013 & 2014


SOMETHING BIG HAPPENED between 2013 & 2014 folks
that's also connected to a CERtaiN TIME-MANIPULATION TechKNOWLEDGEy designed to give a CERNtain GROUP the ability to "go back" so to speak) and CHANGE HISTORY favorable to their AGENDA or almost literally BUY THEM MORE TIME!

Which makes perfect sense when you understand what the NWO FEARS most that threatens their entire FINANCIAL SYSTEM


the BLACK HOLE that will DEVOURS it all

so back to the question....

is it 2020? OR "another" year?

anyone remember what "happened" (or rather, what most thought DIDN'T) back in DECEMBER before 2013 began?

The GREAT MAYAN CALENDAR of 2012 when TIME as we know it, ENDED and I submit CHANGED our REALITY forever.

But that’s yet another story for another TIME and another thread because there’s 2 FINAL important PARTS to this thread about KOBE’S death I still need to discuss, especially as it relates to those I call CO-PROGRAMMERS of the SIMULATION at NASA!

before we jump down that rabbit hole…

For those who still aren’t convinced even with the CODED FB THREADS that clearly referenced KO BE…

Those PALE in comparison when you realize there’s another set of ARCHIVED PUBLIC POSTS that are NOT CODED and can irrefutably PROVE GCM did IN FACT CLEARLY warn multiple times in 2018 and 2019 KOBE BRYANT was about to die in a TRAGIC AIR DISASTER.

WHAT POSTS am I refering to?

well, I direct your attention if you haven’t seen it, to the IMAGES BELOW for this thread.

notice anything?


so the question skeptics now have to ask themelves…

because if they are and haven’t been edited in any way, you have no choice but to get off your fence and concede any doubts GCM is the REAL DEAL that’s HACKED their entire MATRIX.


as many have pointed out, COVID or COVe is in fact the literal phonetic equivalent in various linguistic contexts as in KOBE or KOVID 19

the B is essentially pronounced V

the LINK is beyond CLEAR and shows (dare I say) the diabolical GENIUS of the SOURCE PROGRAMMING the SIMULATION.

the question is WHICH SIDE are they ON? ;0

and that brings me to the END of PART 1

The FINAL PART and BIG CONNECTIONS NASA has to KOBE BRYANTS DEATH (other than the clues I've left in the IMAGES BELOW and MAIN PAGE image of the sun above) PROVING THEY KNEW and were directly involved in PLANNING IT is coming up in PART 2 continued below or in another thread later this week as I get back on track with this very important post that believe it or not is still only HALF FINISHED!

in the meanTIME standby for this months CYCLE OF NIN FORECAST as the GREAT RED WAVE washes away the last remnants of the SWAMP

Have you read The Wave?
From Vitality Magazine an article saying damage to the vagus nerve is at the root of long Covid. The article is promoting a treatment for the vagus nerve with a link to the technology of stimulation. The article doesn't go into detail on vagus nerve function but I've copied one of a few trials that looks at this subject.

There have been a few scientific articles on the function of the vagus nerve and how it works and how it might be significant in long Covid. This is interesting info to me anyways on activity of the vagus nerve in light of EE practice! So it appears that EE addresses some of the following conditions. As well as EE I've saved an article from a therapist who says simply exhaling slowly in a hum or chanting is good for vagus nerve function, something one can do safely during other activities. I'm doing that now while typing this out to see how possible it is to do it as a background to other activities. (seems possible to do background humming and type at same time, thought process maybe a tiny bit impaired, could improve with practice.) Googled vagus nerve and so many, many things pop up as assisting the vagus nerve.

Study points to vagus nerve dysfunction as a central pathophysiological feature of long COVID

-New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues.

-The authors propose that SARS-CoV-2-mediated vagus nerve dysfunction (VND) could explain some long COVID symptoms, including dysphonia (persistent voice problems), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dizziness, tachycardia (abnormally high heart rate), orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure) and diarrhea.

-The most frequent VND-related symptoms were: diarrhea (73%), tachycardia (59%), dizziness, dysphagia and dysphonia (45% each), and orthostatic hypotension (14%). Almost all (19 subjects, 86%) had at least 3 VND-related symptoms. The median prior duration of symptoms was 14 months. Six of 22 patients (27%) displayed alteration of the vagus nerve in the neck shown by ultrasound - including both thickening of the nerve and increased 'echogenicity' which indicates mild inflammatory reactive changes.

-A thoracic ultrasound showed flattened 'diaphragmatic curves' in 10 out of 22 (46%) subjects (which translates a decrease in diaphragmatic mobility during breathing, or more simply abnormal breathing). A total of 10 of 16 (63%) assessed individuals showed reduced maximum inspiration pressures, showing weakness of breathing muscles.

-New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues. New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) suggests that many of the symptoms connected to post-COVID syndrome (PCC, also known as long COVID) could be linked to the effect of the virus on the vagus nerve – one of the most important multi-functional nerves in the body. The study is by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, and colleagues.

-A Voice Handicap Index 30 test (a standard way to measure voice function) was abnormal in 8/17 (47%) cases, with 7 of these 8 cases (88%) suffering dysphonia.

Also at the root of long covid is a 'queer feminist wellness collective merging the personal and the political', according to this article below.

Following the dubious origins of the condition, there is speculation that 'long covid' was and is a matter of the ideological relabeling of other debilitating conditions in order to fit the narrative. In other words, different illnesses were recruited in order to ramp up the fear of Sars-CoV-2, and as such, establish in the public mind that vaccines are the saviour. This kinda lie has a familiar structure by now - best example is how vaccine effects were said to be covid effects.

But all that said, improving vagal tone probably helps with the symptoms caused by 'queer feminist wellness collectives' too. Especially when there's some Knowledge-based networking involved!

Edit: spelling
9 June 2022 at 18.00
• Central European Summer time

- 2022-06-09 at 15.30.20.png

So, tonight, 9 June 2022 at 18:00 • the closing arguments are being held at the Grand Jury, The Court of Public Opinion.

And note; I will later put in the links for german vs english videos (assuming that the lifestream link above perhaps isn't the same english link later filed under in the video archive (but I don't know). Anyway.

Speaking about the previous session, Day 7 • "Psychology & Propaganda" (19 May 2022) - which I finally had time to listen to - and must say; it was a detailed, powerful and very interesting session to listen to.

With the now well known Prof. Dr Mattias Desmet, then Prof Mark Crispin Miller and at last, Prof. Dr Ulrike Kämmerer



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