France suspends internet sales of paracetamol as stocks dwindle
Even worse than this, China laid on heavy new restrictions last year and among them, at one point, was removing ordinary cold & flu medicines from pharmacies, effectively forcing people to see doctors to get them. The pre-text was similar - dwindling stocks due to hoarding - but that was, of course, caused by the restrictions. These are also among the restrictions abruptly lifted in the wake of the Urumqi fire, national protests, and international pressures. And this caused, guess what, panic-buying and hoarding. The public is very confused there with measures coming and going so quickly. The gov't claims millions of new cases, seemingly as a "told you so" for being pressured to ease restrictions. What's next?
As I posted here
According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the injury that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin sustained is known as commotio cordis (a phenomenon in which a sudden blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage).
The time delay from the hit until he collapsed is expected in commotio cordis.
Peter believes that the ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation could have been set up by the vaccine if he took it.
Hamlin was shocked back to rhythm. He now has anoxic encephalopathy. He’s in critical condition at the hospital.
You can what happened in this clip:


Hamlin’s injury was not caused by the vaccine, but if he was vaccinated, it may have contributed to the severity of his injury.

It is entirely possible that the jab would have damaged his heart, making further injury possible. It is also true that you do not need a dramatic blow to the chest, just enough to affect the heart muscle at a critical moment, to cause commotio cordis.
I agree with Jeff Childers that it was not commotio cordis for NFL player Damar Hamlin.
Damar Hamlin is still in the hospital, still unconscious, and the wary officials involved in his case have shut up. Yesterday, we learned a few things. First, Hamlin coded again at the hospital. Next, it’s now pretty well-established that Hamlin was jabbed, since his team publicly boasted about being “100% vaccinated.” We also learned Hamlin was given nine minutes of CPR on the field — including defibrillation. The last thing we heard was that the unfortunate NFL player has now been attached to ECMO.

According to Wikipedia, ECMO is used to give “prolonged cardiac and respiratory support to persons whose heart and lungs are unable to provide an adequate amount of gas exchange or perfusion to sustain life.” The machine works via a blood tube inserted into the heart, which draws blood out, artificially oxygenates the blood, and then pumps it back in with a second tube. This technique is often used when ventilation alone cannot sustain blood oxygenation levels.

Hamlin’s fight for life is one of the most captivating stories in America just now. This morning, both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times featured multiple cover stories about Hamlin, the NFL’s medical policies, and the indefinite suspension of the game. Social media is bursting with hot takes, opinions, commentary, speculation, and burning conflict.

Since there’s no other substantive news about Hamlin, I’m going to try to round up the best comments and add something new to the discussion.

? First, one of the hottest debates is over whether it is morally proper to speculate on the cause of Hamlin’s injury while he is clinging to life. The best argument against talking about this case right now is that it’s all hot takes, nobody knows anything for sure, and — presumably — we’ll have more and better information soon, so all the current speculation can do is make his relatives feel even worse.

That’s a decent argument, and it would carry a lot more weight if the least moral people in the media weren’t the ones making that argument. But beyond that, Hamlin’s injury sits squarely on the epicenter of the most significant, emotional, and life-changing experience the entire country has ever endured in their lifetimes, over a three-year period.

You can’t expect us NOT to talk about it.

Three more points. The event itself was public, not private; it happened on live television before thirteen million viewers. Also, many people suspect a crime has been committed, which considerably changes the calculus. Finally, Hamlin’s condition could potentially inform a lot of other jabbed people, who are highly interested and cannot reasonably be expected to wait, quietly and patiently, for official answers.

So the better argument, in my view, is that it IS moral and necessary to discuss the situation, until and unless better information is provided. And it’s happening anyway. I would advise Hamlin’s family to stay off social media during this difficult time.

? Next up is the debate about the mechanism of Hamlin’s injury. Without even examining Hamlin, establishment experts have already concluded that it is most likely that Hamlin died from a blunt-force injury called “commotio cordis,” an ultra-rare event that happens when a focused impact hits the chest wall at exactly the right angle and at just the right time in the heart’s rhythmic cycle to stop the heart.

In 100 years of NFL play, no one has ever died on the field from commotio cordis. That’s how rare it is. Here are two explainers pre-dating the current debate:

Twitter avatar for @medictests
Commotio Cordis is sudden ventricular fibrillation triggered by a blunt, nonpenetrating blow to the chest without damage to the ribs or sternum!
1:05 AM ? Aug 16, 2022
Twitter avatar for @Medical_MD1
??? | MED??
Commotio Cordis ? It’s a phenomenon where an unexpected blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage. In other words, ventricular fibrillation caused by blunt trauma to the heart?
7:25 PM ? May 2, 2021
I find this theory laughable. The same experts pushing the commotio cordis hypothesis are the same ones who dismissed myocarditis deaths as “ultra-rare” and were the first ones to bark “no evidence!” at any jab-injury hypothesis.

Dr. Peter McCullough — a top CARDIAC SPECIALIST — initially considered the possibility, but after he examined the film, ruled out commotio cordis. The injury is always caused by a small hard trauma, such as from a baseball, a hockey puck, or a fist. It is almost always seen in young people or folks without protective padding. And when it does happen, it immediately stops the heart.

But here, Hamlin was tackled from the side, not the front. No small blunt force is in evidence; the argument would be it was a shoulder, but that is not seen in the film. Most significantly, before Hamlin collapsed, he stood up and took several steps, which would have been nearly impossible for someone with a stopped heart to do. Finally, the commotio cordis hypothesis cannot explain why Hamlin’s heart was not quickly restarted by CPR or defibrillation, or why he remains in a coma.

What the pro-jab experts WANT to say, but can’t, is that the NFL medical team messed up Hamlin’s resuscitation and further injured him somehow. That would massively defame the medical team, which is one reason why the so-called ‘experts’ don’t want to have the debate right now.

Do you see the sad irony? The same experts who leaned into “ultra rare” to dismiss jab injuries are now embracing a true “ultra-rare” theory to explain away the more likely possibility. ‘Hypocrites’ is too mild a word.

Using a lawyer’s analysis, I’ve concluded vaccines are literally much more likely to have been the cause of injury, for several reasons. First, even criminal Pfizer, deep-state Moderna, and the captured FDA were all reluctantly forced to concede that myocarditis — heart inflammation and damage — is a KNOWN SIDE EFFECT of the jabs. It is THE most commonly-known side effect, in fact.

Second, who does jab-induced myocarditis most often affect? Why, young men just like Damar Hamlin. Study after study after study confirms this. Young men like Hamlin are MOST at risk of that injury. Very recently, Florida completed its own study, with findings consistent with all the other ones.

Finally, regular readers are already aware of the recent worldwide epidemic of athletes dropping during play JUST LIKE Hamlin did. You’ve seen the videos. In the majority of those other cases, no trauma was involved. I’m not saying it proves something. But the other identical-seeming cases should give doctors a HINT. Maybe it’s a clue of some kind. You never know.

So, on the one hand you have this ultra-rare type of injury that’s never happened before in 100 years of NFL play, which doesn’t fit well with the facts, and requires special pleading to explain inconvenient facts like how Hamlin stood up after the hit, was hard to revive, why he re-coded at the hospital, why he was unable to breathe on his own, or how his chest pads didn’t sufficiently diffuse any trauma ruling out the type of focused strike needed to stop his heart.

On the other hand, you have the MOST COMMON jab injury in the MOST COMMON age cohort in a fully and recently-jabbed individual. At this point, any doctor who prefers commotio cordis to an adrenaline-triggered jab injury is a doctor that can’t do math and has no business diagnosing anybody.

In my opinion.
I agree with Jeff Childers that it was not commotio cordis for NFL player Damar Hamlin.
I agree also, the case I saw after a guy being kicked in the chest by a horse (cpr was applied by a couple of work mates and then the paramedics shocked him) , well he was back at work within the month, he had to take itv easy but he was most definitely recovering quickly.
Interesting story about a bunch of fake doctors accounts that were made on Twitter to push the Covid Agenda. Unfortunately the article doesn’t get down to who actually made the accounts, though it’s definitely professional. One of the examples of our computers overtaking us.

:scared: The programming is complete!

Joe Rogan did a clip about this tweet, and it turns out it’s false. The Twitter account exists, but it’s easy enough to fake a screen capture and most likely that’s what someone did to create noise. I tried going to look for the original on Twitter but by that time the account was private.
They are getting desperated, "how people dare to question our narrative, we need to pull out our famous terrorism TM card for the Nth time. Usually works"

WHO: Anti-Vaccine Activism Is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism
The World Health Organization shared a video on Twitter promoting the claim that anti-vaccine activism is deadlier than global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and gun violence.
Yes, really.

The video quoted Baylor College of Medicine’s Dr. Peter Hotez, who stated, “We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”

Hotez went on to assert that 200,000 Americans died from COVID because they refused to get the vaccine, a claim that isn’t backed up by any source.

“And now the anti-vaccine activism is expanding across the world, even into low and middle income countries,” added Hotez.
Once again with providing any source for his dubious claims, Hotez asserted that “anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation or cyber attacks.”

The doctor went on to complain about how anti-vaccine skepticism had now become a “political movement” linked to “far-right extremism” in both the United States and Germany.

Hotez ominously called for “political solutions to address this.”
Unsurprisingly, respondents to the tweet completely savaged the WHO for sharing the video, with one pointing to stats that suggest, “Doctors and “medicine” kill more people than car accidents and guns.”
“The biggest anti-science dissemination has come from the @who when you tried to shut the world down over a mild virus with a 99.97% survival rate and for which even the most dire mortality rate was fraudulently reported (ie ‘positive test’). You only have yourselves to blame,” remarked another.
“You are an absolute menace to society, Peter. Not just wrong in medicine. A menace to civilized society,” commented lawyer Viva Frei, posting screenshots of how Hotez has continually called for the masking and vaccination of children
Despite his vehement enthusiasm for face coverings and vaccines, which he claimed stopped transmission of COVID, Hotez himself caught COVID in May last year and, of course, responded by thanking the vaccine.
Even worse than this, China laid on heavy new restrictions last year and among them, at one point, was removing ordinary cold & flu medicines from pharmacies, effectively forcing people to see doctors to get them. The pre-text was similar - dwindling stocks due to hoarding - but that was, of course, caused by the restrictions. These are also among the restrictions abruptly lifted in the wake of the Urumqi fire, national protests, and international pressures. And this caused, guess what, panic-buying and hoarding. The public is very confused there with measures coming and going so quickly. The gov't claims millions of new cases, seemingly as a "told you so" for being pressured to ease restrictions. What's next?

There's a shortage of adult cold & flu medications here in Canada as well -
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