There they go again with the Covidian scaremongering, I can't even believe it. I guess this time the outcome will be different (or maybe it's just wishful thinking 😡).

Spanish President Pedro Sanchez cancels his attendance at the G20 summit because of a positive on COVID.
Press announces that nursing homes and hospitals may re-impose the use of facemasks.
Climate change is on pause, technical stop. Maybe they are just testing people's reaction in the meantime to cover up inflation, high prices and other surprises to come.
Not a surprise to notice, one again, that the "Big Boys" tend to be "Covid-positive" - and make the headlines for it - just when it becomes advantageous for the elites' Agenda. They are puppets in many ways.
Tous les jours des études montrent les dommages colossaux des "vaccins" covid. Les médias n'en parlent pas. Les corrompus eux, veulent encore vacciner...
Une nouvelle étude de l'hôpital universitaire de la Charité de Berlin a étudié quelles déficiences neurologiques peuvent survenir à la suite d'une vaccination covid. Entre octobre 2021 et juillet 2022, les scientifiques ont examiné cinquante patients qui avaient développé des troubles neurologiques à la suite d’une vaccination covid...
Every day studies show the colossal damage of covid "vaccines". The media don't talk about it. The corrupt still want to vaccinate...A new study from the Charité University Hospital in Berlin has investigated what neurological impairments can occur following a covid vaccination. Between October 2021 and July 2022, scientists examined fifty patients who had developed neurological disorders following a covid vaccination...
Excellent interview with Dr. McCullough embedded in this page:

He states unequivocally that the virus is real and cites the proof and his interaction with those who insist it is not. His reasoned explanations and thoughts concerning what happened and the latest developments regarding masking and the new variants are worth the listen plus the vax aspects of the entire situation [1:01:53 including some site promo] -

Excellent interview with Dr. McCullough embedded in this page:

Another embedded interview at the same link is a Mike Adams one with naturopath/researcher Wil Spencer - a fascinating and informative 50 min. that addresses vax shedding, turbo cancers - the bioweapon aspects and similarities to Morgellons - Lyme likely airborne - uses hair sample and a picture for scans that can identify between the different vaxxes and for 250,000 different things with their tech and discovery from 1924!

Another embedded interview at the same link is a Mike Adams one with naturopath/researcher Wil Spencer - a fascinating and informative 50 min. that addresses vax shedding, turbo cancers - the bioweapon aspects and similarities to Morgellons - Lyme likely airborne - uses hair sample and a picture for scans that can identify between the different vaxxes and for 250,000 different things with their tech and discovery from 1924!

Hey Jeep, I just had a listen to this interview that was imbedded in your earlier post.

Just a heads up:
Dr Wil Spencer (a naturopath) and Mike Adams - who was interviewing him in that link - both use Chlorine Dioxide / swear by it.

Wil sells a lot of products through his website : No doubt he has some good products on his website but people looking at his site need to be aware of the Chlorine Dioxide issue. It is the same product Jim Humble promotes as MMS (Master/Miracle Mineral Solution) which has been spoken about in the session below:

Session: 25 April 2010
Q: (L) Okay, I canceled our trip to Amsterdam today. Was that the optimal reaction to the revelation that they are going to suddenly have this Jim Humble there who's clearly in my opinion a snake oil salesman?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. My take on the whole thing was that his presence first of all was offensive. But what carried even more weight with me was the fact that they didn't want to invite Richard Dolan, and we let them know that he was interested in being there also. They said there were no time slots, so they basically refused to invite him. Then at the last minute, they put this Jim Humble in there. For me, it was the clearest statement that they had an agenda.

(Ark) Of course, they had an agenda to trap you.

(L) Was that it? Was there some kind of agenda?

A: Maybe not entirely conscious on their part, but, yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) An agenda that the Nexus organizers didn't know about, but that Humble's handlers imposed.

(L) Or somebody.

(Rabelais) Who are Jim Humble's handlers?

This sort of thing works through several levels of deniability. Therefore, few so called cointelpro agents realize that they have made a pact with the "devil".

(Perceval) Was their motivation for inviting him financial?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) They figured they could sell a lot of his stuff.

(Ailén) It still sounds fishy because of this creation of his religion. Where'd he get that idea from?

A: Remember why you discontinued your subscription to the magazine?

Q: (L) Yeah, because it had become nothing but what I would consider to be cointelpro. It was like the whole character of it changed. I cancelled my subscription back when we lived in Florida, and that was eight or nine years ago. And I wasn't interested in anything they were doing since. So you asked something about the religion thing?

(Ailén) Yeah, where did that idea come from?

A: Humble is "handled" at a different level. You could say that he is more in the league with Vincent Bridges and his ilk.

(L) Well, you said that Vinnie was like a "hot popper", and pathological. Does that apply to Jim Humble?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, that means that he is some type of psychopath?

A: Yes.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

A: None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

A: Simple destruction and induced illness ultimately.

Q: (Ark) Is there any danger that if we publish this, we will have a multi-million dollar lawsuit from Humble?

A: Who is he going to sue? Sixth density?

Q: [laughter] (Perceval) Can we publish something of an exposé?

(L) Yeah. Just collect stuff already published.

(Burma Jones) So how about these other connections with Humble being a Bishop in this church that seems connected to this other church that David Ferry was a Bishop in? Is any of that stuff even...?

A: They are all fellows under the covers.

Q: (Burma Jones) Strange bedfellows. I think there's a second meaning to that, because that other church has been implicated in homosexual pedophilia.

(L) The Apostolic Church?

(Burma Jones) The original Roman Catholic Church was, so probably the Spiritist Church was...

(L) So is there any truth to their claims of this Apostolic Succession?

A: Well, now that you ask, how can there be when there is no truth to the "Jesus story" as promulgated. In other words, it is all made up though at different periods in the past.

Q: (L) Was Jim Humble sent in because of his creation of this church and because of his snake oil artistry because I was going to be there and it was a deliberate attempt to smear me and what we're trying to do by association?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) Was there any physical danger to us?

A: Well, there hangs a tale/tail!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Remember our warning about traveling to, and sleeping in, strange places?

Q: (L) Yeah. So there could even have been some physical danger?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And basically the invitation to Jim Humble kind of flushed out the whole situation and exposed their hand more than anything else.

A: Yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) I think I missed something... Why the "tale/tail"? What was the "tail" reference made?

(Perceval) The tail of a hyperdimensional beastie?

(Burma Jones) Or comet?

A: A thread to be pulled like a tail.

Q: (L) In other words, they were making a funny.

I found this old post online from Dr Wil Spencer (2011) - Wil refers to Jim Humble's formula by a different name here.
It is clear he has been using this product a long time and recommending it to clients for many years.
I am glad to be here to share with you all how I use Jim Humble's formula which you all call MMS. I have changed the name of Jim's formula to Advanced Oxygen Therapy (AOT), which I feel is a more descriptive name, and have my manufacturing company produce it, Environotics Unlimited,
Well that sounds pretty dodgy! He has taken 'Jim's product', changed its name (because it has had such a bad reputation?) and was having it manufactured himself and promoting it under a different name?? Interesting. Perhaps he had some kind of financial arrangement with Jim.

Dr Wil Spencer may have some other products on his website that are helpful in terms of detoxing from vaccines (he is very anti vax) and he seems to be compassionate to people around this subject. Personally I would be concerned about buying anything from someone who has any kind of energetic connection to Jim Humble/Chlorine Dioxide, particularly given the above discussion with the C's, so this post is just a reminder about the MMS issue : buyer beware. :cool2:

For anyone new to the forum, who may be unaware of MMS, Gabi posted an article on SOTT regarding this subject:

MMS: Miracle Mineral Solution or Trojan Horse? Your Body and DNA Decide

Every one that I know that are also against the injection are taking MMS. I stopped to try to tell them that it is a dangerous product. They really believe it is good and are like covidians concerning MMS. Same stubbornness and also they refuse to read about MMS and how dangerous it is.
Activist Post lists a Film “COVID Unmasked: 2020 and Beyond” — airing in 4 parts, 9/11-14. I skimmed much of the first video, entitled "The Problem," and it was good overview/summary/reminder of the sequence of events and some of lies, hypocrisy and 'statistics.'
The link to the movie on Activist Post takes you to Children's Health Defense.
Part 1: The Problem — Monday 9/11
Part 2: COVID, INC. — Tuesday 9/12
Part 3: The Big Picture — Wednesday 9/13
Part 4: The Solution — Thursday 9/14
Dr Wil Spencer (a naturopath) and Mike Adams - who was interviewing him in that link - both use Chlorine Dioxide / swear by it.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

(Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

Simple destruction and induced illness ultimately.

Yes, Mike Adams promotes/uses Chlorine Dioxide and absolutely swears by it. Baffling really if it's so detrimental - why hasn't that become evident? I suppose the "induced illness ultimately" means it takes a long time to manifest and maybe other causes are being blamed rather than the chlorine dioxide. It would seem that he and the other people he interviews have the best intentions to promote health and to generally help people as we face the worst crisis of our time. Knowledge protects so keep in mind all the info one takes in and use good judgement as to what is beneficial and what is not. Also, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
interview at the same link is a Mike Adams one with naturopath/researcher Wil Spencer
What may explain the use of chlorine dioxide is the significant collapse of trust in the established medical industrial complex - that certainly came out emphatically in the interview as instances of what amounted to medical murder were recounted. I know I have no faith in conventional medicine anymore and dread ever having to see a regular doctor or the inside of a hospital ever again. This destruction of trust has facilitated and accelerated access to "alternative" treatments as people are desperate to achieve the healing that traditional medicine is not only not providing, but is itself contributing to i.e. better health through damaging/expensive pharmaceuticals and vaccines! Certainly, the Covid death agenda has opened a lot of eyes to this reality.
Hey Jeep, I just had a listen to this interview that was imbedded in your earlier post.

Just a heads up:
Dr Wil Spencer (a naturopath) and Mike Adams - who was interviewing him in that link - both use Chlorine Dioxide / swear by it.

Wil sells a lot of products through his website : No doubt he has some good products on his website but people looking at his site need to be aware of the Chlorine Dioxide issue. It is the same product Jim Humble promotes as MMS (Master/Miracle Mineral Solution) which has been spoken about in the session below:

Session: 25 April 2010

I found this old post online from Dr Wil Spencer (2011) - Wil refers to Jim Humble's formula by a different name here.
It is clear he has been using this product a long time and recommending it to clients for many years.

Well that sounds pretty dodgy! He has taken 'Jim's product', changed its name (because it has had such a bad reputation?) and was having it manufactured himself and promoting it under a different name?? Interesting. Perhaps he had some kind of financial arrangement with Jim.

Dr Wil Spencer may have some other products on his website that are helpful in terms of detoxing from vaccines (he is very anti vax) and he seems to be compassionate to people around this subject. Personally I would be concerned about buying anything from someone who has any kind of energetic connection to Jim Humble/Chlorine Dioxide, particularly given the above discussion with the C's, so this post is just a reminder about the MMS issue : buyer beware. :cool2:

For anyone new to the forum, who may be unaware of MMS, Gabi posted an article on SOTT regarding this subject:

MMS: Miracle Mineral Solution or Trojan Horse? Your Body and DNA Decide

that's interesting recall it being shilled hard years ago on youtube, i once had a "sensate experience" where opening a soda can felt like opening a bleach bottle sent me nauseous instantly REALLY strong sensation
Unfortunately, chlorine dioxide in particular is very popular among people who use alternative medicine, especially after the plandemic. At times, I have tried to warn them about it, albeit very cautiously, as many are too convinced of its goodness.
many are too convinced of its goodness
And Mike Adams' continuous promotion is certainly adding to those numbers. However, I have to weigh in on Gabby's article @forest_light reminded us of (thank you btw) along with what the Cs said about MMS. Specifically, the comments and those who claimed positive results from its use where nothing else had helped particularly for a chronic condition (assuming these are legitimate testimonials) as well as striking improvement of autistic kids. What really caught my attention was the very last comment:

First that MMS does not need to be activated in order to be consume. The stomach has the potential to produce the Chlorine Dioxide by itself just use a Carbohydrate water like Sugar water and the drops of Sodium Chlorite and you will be able to produce the same result. Second the CDS solution was equivalent to .66 drops of MMS so the assumption of 3 drops was completely wrong. After find those error I expose the truth and was Kick out of the forum because I was against Jim Humbles Believe. I continue my research and continue using Sodium Chlorite solution without activation and was able to cure myself from the virus that the doctor said was incurable. After been free of the virus for a year I ask the same doctor that said is impossible to write a order for a test named RNA PCR that is able to trace the DNA of the virus and report the presence in your body. It came out Negative. Let me explain to you that read my story, It will be impossible to Sodium Chlorite to be successful if I was not aware of the different ways Virus behave so I use a systemic Parasite killer to help me get rid of the host that protect the virus from the action of Chlorine Dioxide. So I kill the parasite that protect the virus and exposed to the Chlorine Dioxide and was eliminated. It been 17 month already and still waiting response from my doctor after see the result from the lab.
After my kick out of the forum I decide to open a place where people can discussed openly the benefit of the use of this substance without activation also presented to the Autism community that was using the old method and was rejected by the American group the Spanish group accepted and started using the new method. Right now we have 290 kid in south America using the method and the result has been very impressive more effective than the acidified method of Jim Humble. Has not been 10 month of use and have 6 kid already out of diagnose with ATEC less than 10. And have 118 kid that was originally over 90 in ATEC that now is less than 50. From that group 39 are in the low level of ATEC less than 30.

Well interesting, but no way to verify those claims or if using Sodium Chlorite solution without activation is a critical difference - it's still a chemical used for bleaching. But what stood out was this:
if I was not aware of the different ways Virus behave so I use a systemic Parasite killer to help me get rid of the host that protect the virus

This brought to mind recent information concerning ivermectin's use to kill parasites that might also take out cancer (which reminds of the debate if cancer is a fungus/virus) in conjunction with fenbendazole:

And funny that Wil Spencer told how he has been using ivermectin/fenben since he was a kid due to growing up on a farm - the animals and everyone else got treated initially and continually - a maintenance preventative. In the interview, he states making and using chlorine dioxide for 20 years and through his and others research, it became an integral component of the Jab Rescue Kit to deal with the bioweapon aspects of the vax including the shedding and turbo cancer and even more that he didn't go into detail. There is a firm belief that chlorine dioxide is an essential in dealing with what's being encountered as a result of the covid vax agenda. It's hard to say it's completely wrong in the face of the attack that's playing out against humanity and the apparent life and death situations happening right now for the people seeking help.

For me, though, I would pass on chlorine dioxide, but that's my choice.
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