I can attest to feeling the same yesterday. Also recently started having more instances of ear ringing. Usually I barely ever get it, and now it is much more often, but for several seconds only.
I forgot to mention this in my previous post about ear ringing. On moments( like now while I am writing this ) it is very intense. And it is always the left ear. I always have it, but the intensity rapidly increased maybe 2-3 weeks ago and it is still that way.
It's very interesting to observe where various 'influencers' stand on this so-called pandemic. It turns out that many 'anti-govt' or 'alt-media' skeptics are actually authoritarian followers.

They'll rant about 'China's fault' or the 'Leftist media' because it gives the appearance of being 'against the authorities', but that's just ideological cover because they essentially believe the pandemic is real because CorpGov told them it was.

The latest mind virus victim I've noticed is Paul Joseph Watson (although, in fairness, he believed in this HARD from the beginning).

Because of his 'hip' use of 21st century slang and quick-fire sarcarm and snark, it's at first difficult to tell from his recent 'Idiots react to Coronavirus' video which side he's on, but he emphatically states at 11:21:

At which points his video cuts away to Trump saying, "It will go away, just stay calm." Apparently, this was PJW's way of suggesting that Trump too is - or was - 'idiotic about Coronavirus' for not taking this seriously enough.

PJW also thinks people who complain about - or worry about others' stress from - having to stay at home for weeks on end are being snowflakes, betraying a profound lack of understanding and compassion on his part for the (in aggregate) tectonic levels of stress the global lockdown is causing, and reinforcing his apparent overall message that 'it's just something you have to do; shut up and get on with it'. In fact, he concludes, verbatim:

The racism reference is over whether or not it's 'racist' to call this 'the Chinese virus', which is total misdirection of course given that it's by now clear that SARS-Cov-2 has been circling the globe since way before the Wuhan cluster formed.

Anyway, here's his rant:

Meanwhile, as noted earlier in this thread, his mentor, Alex Jones, is doing his part in this 'Anti-Globalist Anglo-American Atlantic Alliance' dyad, ranting from his studio in Texas about "3 million dead by July!"

What's the name of their outfit? Oh yeah, 'Prison Planet'. Well, these pied pipers are apparently doing their bit to keep people in it.

Yeah, I've noticed the same with many 'alternative' voices, both domestic and abroad. That's actually one thing that's good about this – these types really show their true colors and ignorance now. These people are 'experts' in their small sector of awareness, but this event shows how they haven't got the big picture, the broad awareness of left-and-right. Some of them might also think that this is finally the 'endgame', and now they don't have to pretend anymore. The sane voices are even more scarce than before!
I haven't quite finished reading this thread, but here are some weird things I have

Gaby, I sent your brilliant article, "First Do No Harm..", to a very vocal of authoritarian followers group on Whatsapp. If that doesn't at least get them thinking, I don't know what else will. I said I didn't know what to think of the article, but maybe it was worth considering? No word from them yet, so at least it shut them up for a bit. I'm not holding my breath, however... Anyway, I love to hear your calm, factual, gentle but oh-so-powerful voice in the face of insanity. It cheers me up no end!
Guess what? They think the author of the above piece highly questionable and flying in the face of what " they say" are the facts.

Here, in Bavaria, going out is becoming more and more unpleasant. Now you have to queue in front of a store before you are let in by a security guard.

My daughter was stopped and questioned by police whilst driving ,about where she was heading, had she taken drugs or alcohol?, then they searched her car to ensure she had a first aid box, a protective vest, etc.,
She said they had a friendly and pleasant manner ( smiley fascism,anyone?) She didn't have the first aid or jacket, but was let off without a fine, she thought they were jolly nice about the whole thing. Yeah, right.

The above scenario has been put into practice for a number of years now, minus being interrogated about your destination.

I am not hearing anybody questioning any of this, the only difference is some seem relaxed, more and seem terrified, especially old people.

I personally only see the odd police car cruising now and then. There seems to be no need for them.

Does anyone else in Germany experience that people here seem a lot more obedient than elsewhere? For example, before crossing over the road, the pedestrian traffic light, even when there is no car in sight, the light must be green before they start walking to the other side.

I would be grateful, if someone in this country could respond.
My thoughts too, there are two red flags for me, both Trump and Putin suddenly shifting from a laissez-faire approach to shutting down their populations, so as to be in line with the majority of other major powers. It is almost as if they have been given some information from 'above' about something that is going to happen, something out of their control. To my mind it it is not just people seeing through the lies about COVID-19, resultant food shortages, etc., and rioting. It is something much bigger that will affect everyone.

Also, I find it interesting that 'experts' are talking about the importance of 'flattening the curve', spreading out the incidences of COVID-12, so that the hospitals can cope, over a longer period by quaranteeing people, by keeping them isolated. But more importantly, it allows governments to keep extending the self-quarantine periods, the 'lock-downs'.

Then, there is the question: what do they want all these 'empty' hospitals for in the future? Then there is the movement of 'specialists' to underground bunkers, or command centres, in the USA.

Pause for thought. :huh:
We probably need to make the assumption that they're all in this together (US, China, Russia), with multiple agendas and possible scenarios. Let's look at history and see if this ever happened before:Paris (1919), Tehran (1943), Bretton Woods (1944), Yalta (1945), Malta (1945), Malta (1989), etc. Let's think what happened after each of these events: Empires collapsed and their assets were divided by the victors, economies collapsed and new monetary paradigms were instituted, etc. Why would this time be different?
Today was a very interesting day. I had an appointment with my doctor and we had agreed that she would let me know when the antibody test was used. Now, since Sunday I had the confirmation that testing is in a laboratory, I called the laboratory on Monday. This morning I showed my doctor the letter what the regulations for the tests look like. At first she looked at me in complete disbelief, then she said: There is still no antibody test - it is only being developed. Is it a medical laboratory at all? I informed her that it is a normal medical laboratory and that I asked the same questions there. How can you test something even though the test does not exist?
Then she asked how I know this and I said: My stomach told me that it already exists. She got very angry and said that she would have her entire workforce tested immediately. She immediately phoned the laboratory here in Saarland. The answer came: No, there is no test yet. My doctor said: Here is a patient who has a practice and wants to do this test for the safety of staff and patients, and it is in another laboratory. And if they don't take the test, I immediately change the laboratory with all my patients.
And then the hammer came. The doctor from the laboratory said: If you wait another 14 days, we will also test.
That can not be true. The tests are already in the laboratories and could be carried out. But then it would probably be determined that too many are immune and that would be an absurdity since yesterday we extended the curfew until April 20th.
I have now ordered 8 test packages in this laboratory, which is only possible because I have a practice myself. The doctor ordered for the entire practice. And I bet with her that we would have an immune rate of 70%.
But I'm really angry. Why do they lie so brazenly to us even though you can read everything today
Yeah, I've noticed the same with many 'alternative' voices, both domestic and abroad. That's actually one thing that's good about this – these types really show their true colors and ignorance now. These people are 'experts' in their small sector of awareness, but this event shows how they haven't got the big picture, the broad awareness of left-and-right. Some of them might also think that this is finally the 'endgame', and now they don't have to pretend anymore. The sane voices are even more scarce than before!

I think the issue with any self-thinking, self-educated, alt-left, alt-right, libertarians, etc -- is we know a pandemic such as this is in the universe of possibilies, it's biologically possible and has been warned about for decades. It could be real. But we also know we are seeing the hysteria and twisted-facts of the media and government. A strange cascade of surrendered rights and opportunism from the PTB. Of course the PTB/NWO planned for such a pandemic, biology, ecology, globalism make it highly likely. There is not either/or. Its not fake or real, it's a complicated twisted mixture of a power-grab that's been waiting for the crisis. And whether or not this is a real crisis. Either way, the opening gambits are laid bare.
Ahh Putin. Like a breath of fresh air sometimes!

Putin has decided that instead of borrowing to bail out banks and big corporations, he's going to tax the rich.

Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus

Vladimir Putin has decided how Russia is going to pay for the corona-virus.

He’s going to tax the rich.

It’s a remedy that most Americans would support if they were given the choice, but they weren’t asked. Instead, Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus package for which the American taxpayer will be held entirely responsible. Even worse, the new legislation contains a $500 billion allocation (another corporate giveaway) that the Federal Reserve will use as a capital base for borrowing $4.5 trillion. That massive sum of money will be used to buy toxic bonds in the corporate bond market. Just as Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) were used to fleece millions of investors out of their hard-earned savings in the run-up to the 2008 Financial Crisis, so too, “toxic” corporate bonds were the weapon of choice that was used to pilfer trillions of dollars from investors in the run-up to today’s crisis. (Same scam, different instrument) The virus was merely the proximate cause that tipped the sector into meltdown. The problem had been festering for years and everyone in the financial community (Including the Fed, the BIS and the IMF) knew that it was only a matter of time before the market would blow sky-high. Which it did.

What every American needs to know is that our crooked bought-and-paid-for Congress just passed a bill that transfers the credit risk for $4.5 trillion of corporate sludge onto the National Debt. A bailout of this magnitude could impact the nation’s credit rating (Fitch has already issued a warning), send interest rates to the moon, dampen economic activity for years to come, and pave the way for a long and painful slump. The much ballyhooed $1,200 checks for unemployed workers are merely a tactical diversion that’s being used to conceal the giant ripoff that is taking place right under our noses.

In contrast, Putin has settled on a more rational and compassionate plan. He’s going to launch a relief program that actually focuses on the people who need it the most. Then, he’s going to cover the costs by taxing the people who are most capable of shouldering the burden. His intention is not to “soak the rich” or to redistribute wealth. He simply wants to find the most equitable way to share the costs for this completely unexpected crisis. In short, Putin was presented with two very bad options:

1– Let the Russian people huddle in their homes (“shelter in place”) until the food runs out and the bills pile up to the ceiling.

2–Or tap into a temporary source of revenue that will help the country get through the hard times.

He wisely chose the latter option not because he’s a fiery leftist who hates the “free market”, but because he realizes that in a time of national crisis, the people who are more able to pay, should pay. It’s a question of fairness.

And who are the people who will benefit from Putin’s plan? Well, he named them in a speech he delivered to the nation just last week. Here’s a clip:

“We also need to take additional steps, primarily to ensure the social protection of our people, their incomes and jobs, as well as support for small and medium-sized businesses, which employ millions of people….

First, all social protection benefits that our citizens are entitled to, should be renewed automatically over the next six months… if a family is entitled to subsidized housing and utility payments, they will not need to regularly confirm their per capita income to continue receiving this state support…all payments to war veterans and home-front workers timed to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, 75,000 and 50,000 rubles, respectively, should be made before the May holidays…

Second, it is essential to support families with children……..Third, we need to support those on sick leave and people who have lost their jobs.” (Putin’s Address to the Nation)

See? No big payouts to failing corporations, no welfare checks for Wall Street, and no tax breaks for fatcat bankers and their crooked friends. Just money for the people who desperately need it: Families with children, veterans, home-front workers, the sick, the unemployed, and the homeless. Simple and fair.

The strategy is aimed at everyone who is impacted by the virus, not just the people who filed taxes last year like the Trump Plan, but anyone who needs public assistance. At the same time, financial support will be provided for small and medium-sized businesses, incomes will be protected, jobs will be guaranteed. and mortgage payments will be suspended. It’s not a perfect plan, but it’s fairly comprehensive and targets the people that are most vulnerable. It also underscores the primary responsibility of government during times of crisis, that is, to ensure the health, safety and security of its people. That is Job 1.

The Putin plan also provides support for medical personnel, doctors, nurses, emergency staff, hospital employees, health care workers and first-responders. Here’s Putin:

“We have mobilized all the capabilities and resources for deploying a system of timely prevention and treatment. I would like to specially address doctors, paramedics, nurses, staff at hospitals, outpatient clinics, rural paramedic centers, ambulance services, and researchers: you are at the forefront of dealing with this situation. My heartfelt gratitude to you for your dedicated efforts.”

Will Putin and his advisors make mistakes in containing the virus and ending the contagion as swiftly as possible?

Probably, but it certainly looks like they’ve got their priorities right. Putin seems to understand that the health and welfare of the Russian people has to be put before the stock market, finance capital or the voracious corporate kingpins. In contrast, Trump wants to put more people at risk of infection by sending them back to work after Easter. That’s just not the way responsible leaders behave, not if they really care about the health of their people. Here’s more from Putin:

“There are two more measures I would like to suggest. First, all interest and dividend income that flows from Russia and is transferred abroad into offshore jurisdictions must be taxed properly….I suggest that those expatriating their income as dividends to foreign accounts should pay a 15 percent tax on these dividends….

Second, many countries levy income tax on interest earned by individuals from their bank deposits and investments in securities, while Russia does not tax this income at all. I propose that people with over 1 million rubles in bank deposits and debt securities pay a 13 percent tax on this income…. I propose using the budget revenue from these two measures to fund initiatives to support families with children and help people who are unemployed or on sick leave.”

What does it mean?

It means that Putin is closing tax havens and tax loopholes so he can get the money he needs to pay for the epidemic. It means he’s taking on the wealthiest and most powerful people in Russia so he can provide relief for the people who are stuck in their homes trying to survive. It means he’s risking his own political future in order to do the right thing. Here’s Putin:

“People of Russia, we need the state, society and the people to work together.. We have to be mindful that we bear personal responsibility for our close ones, for those who live near us, and who need our help and support….It is our sense of solidarity that underpins the resilience of our society, as well as an unwavering commitment to mutual assistance and the effectiveness of the response we come up with to overcome the challenge we are facing.”

Shared sacrifice, solidarity and brotherly love. That’s what he’s talking about, isn’t it? The threads that bind a disparate group of people into a sovereign nation.

In America, we make the working poor pay for the excesses of the crooked rich, while in Russia, the wealthy are asked to make sacrifices for the sake of the country. Which approach do you think is better?

I have just finished Professor Raoult's latest book "Epidemics, real danger and false alarms". Compared to our current discussion thread and the acuity of the remarks it contains, we learn nothing.

The book remains however interesting because Raoult makes a history of the panics instrumentalized by the media (but obviously not scientifically justified) that have been in the news these last 20 years: anthrax, chikungunya, Ebola, SARS, H5N1, H1N1, coronaviruses (whose history begins in 1965), Zika. This makes it an almost ideal book to offer to those who feel that government reactions are grotesque without having the "immediate material" to get a clearer view of the picture and understand that we are being manipulated.

It also gives some simple measures that can be put in place to prevent precisely the phenomena of media hysteria and political manipulation: transparency and accessibility of data.

In this way, it always recommends to (therefore, in case of epidemic problem) :

- analyze the age groups of people affected by a problem.
- Carefully study the geographical areas where problems are reported.
- Closely monitor all purchases made by people in pharmacies: any unusual increases in drug use are very good warning signs of a future problem.
- count the dead on a weekly basis

With a strategy like this," he says, "you can deal rationally with almost anything.

We also learn that in France, "the terrified Administration has seized upon the fear of hemorrhagic fever viruses to accumulate regulations. Thus, as I said earlier, we no longer have the right to have DNA or RNA from these viruses considered extremely dangerous. This means that we can no longer test for..."

Raoult doesn't mince his words about politicians and organizations like the WHO, so it's understandable that they're feared by politicians, pontificating doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. In this sense, he reminds us a lot, in his way of writing, of J.P. Petit.

A small book (100 pages) to be circulated around you so that people themselves understand, through their reflections, that reality is not what we are portrayed.

I used Deepl, so, i am sorry for the somewhat "exotic" translations of my writings.
Just wanted to note here that yesterday was a totally weird day with several people here in the house feeling extremely dizzy and fairly frequently; headaches, extreme tiredness, anxiety. We talked about it only after it was realized that it wasn't just one person feeling this way. Either there was some strong "beaming" going on yesterday, or the planet frequency is doing weird things.

Today, all is fine. I'm able to work efficiently, and so is Ark.

It struck me awhile ago that this thread is pretty much a manifestation of all of us "sitting back and watching the show." Here we are, discussing it furiously just as though we were at some kind of party, having drinks and snacks. And so many good points being raised!
It's funny you should mention that because yesterday I felt like I had to lie down for most of the day. Almost like I was being glued to the floor with extreme fatigue. I felt like I was very heavy. I've been getting headaches most of the week as well which isn't normal, Today I feel fine, which is nice.
So clearly Powers That Be in Russia understand that it is a circus, and that this circus should be maintained to a degree, and for certain purposes. And also because there is still much uncertainty, until they get enough objective and unbiased data regarding the virus. At least that my take on the situation at the moment. Will see how it goes.

As you said @Keit, it is a circus and as someone said it is not the Coronavirus but the Coronacircus.
On French television, they advised citizens to put bleach on the packaging of all food after returning from shopping to remove all traces of the virus. My brother sent me a video of my mother with her bucket and gloves doing exactly that. It was the last straw, I cried when I saw this vidéo of my mother stooping to that level of stupidity that the television told her to do, it really broke my heart to think that my mother was just a robot.
Just wanted to note here that yesterday was a totally weird day with several people here in the house feeling extremely dizzy and fairly frequently; headaches, extreme tiredness, anxiety. We talked about it only after it was realized that it wasn't just one person feeling this way. Either there was some strong "beaming" going on yesterday, or the planet frequency is doing weird things.

Today, all is fine. I'm able to work efficiently, and so is Ark.

It struck me awhile ago that this thread is pretty much a manifestation of all of us "sitting back and watching the show." Here we are, discussing it furiously just as though we were at some kind of party, having drinks and snacks. And so many good points being raised!

Wow same feeling for us yesterday and in fact it started during the night when I woke up because I was very hot. I had sweat running down my face, on my head, on a large part of my body in the form of droplets. It lasted for an hour or so. It was the first time I'd ever experienced that.

This morning all is fine.
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